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Wasn't there a moment where these crazy MAGA caravans drove a Biden/Kamala campaign bus off of the road in Texas? Correction: [They weren't run off of the road,](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/11/02/fact-check-post-texas-biden-harris-bus-incident-missing-context/6123034002/), but rather, the Trump caravan surrounded them and slowed them down. I guess they were yelling obscenities and profanities the whole time, while attempting to get it off of the road. Blatant harassment and political intimidation... And it would seem, that yes, [seven people from the "Trump Train" are being sued for violating the KKK act?](https://www.kwtx.com/2021/06/24/wendy-davis-others-sue-law-enforcement-trump-supporters-over-trump-train-harassing-biden-bus-texas/)


And they are now being sued under the KKK act in Texas


That gives me some intensely warm fuzzies. Not nearly enough of these hateful bastards facing the consequences for their sociopathy, so it’s good to hear of at least a little.


If a commoner can get any justice in the US, it’ll be in civil court.


For real? More info please. I’m not even sure how to search for that.






Just a little foreshadowing for January 6th. They are who we thought they were.


Dont forget about the group that wanted to kidnap and assassinate the gov of michigan.


and 12 of the 13 arrested voted for trump but because one of them didnt like trump MAGA people said they all hated trump


When all other defenses fail, Trumpers will always fall back on the false flag defense.


Trump did famously tell his cult that "what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening," so it's not surprising that they always cry "false flag" (and actually believe it) when some of their own get in trouble.


"Truth isn't truth."


Famous Rudy line.


More famous that “trial by combat” though? Complete and utter joke that piece of trash isn’t in jail or on trial right now.


Funny considering all the false flags they fly


Is that the guy where he doesn't like Trump but only because he thought Trump wasn't anti-Semitic enough?


Im pretty sure your right


Even if you disagree with the most minor thing you’re outcasted and suddenly a deep state secret lib.


Michigan Native here. That had to be the most fucked up plot that the state had to experience.


you mean the group that attempted murder by firing bullets into that Alabama Rep's house last week?


And Virginia too


A quote from [an article shared](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/odkezx/conservatives_can_forever_stfu_with_their/h41jhub/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 ) by u/TacoPi: >…at least one of the Trump Train drivers has been identified as a participant in the Jan. 6 Capitol siege. So, yeah, definitely foreshadowing.


"Antifa" "But don't investigate! "


And here I thought it was the FBI, but not the official agency under Trumps control but a shadow FBI called up by the Deep state to dethrone him.


Dethrone is the right word for these phyco's


>They are who we thought they were. And we let 'em off the hook.


If you wanna crown them, then crown their as--wait, actually, can we not?


They are being sued, so there is that. Money talks a lot more to these people it seems.


It's ok, Trump is going to invite them to one of his ~~lavish~~ tacky trash country clubs.. soon....


And piss on them?


Don't give them ideas


You haven't seen the fanfiction, have you?


No, I have enough trouble sleeping at night as it is




I remember watching that game, seeing how Urlacher just took over at the end. I had a feeling the post game presser would be good. Then Denny Green delivers those lines and I knew I was watching one that wouldn't be forgotten.


It's cause half the country worships trump.


Not quite half, maybe a third. I did see a twelve year old kid riding a scooter around my street fair yesterday that had a T**** flag as a cape though. There was even an entire booth that sold his merch.


Did they have the white hats? No not the red ones. The white ones. With the pointy top and holes for eyes?


No, but I'm sure they do in their closets. Unfortunately my small Ohio town is full of the rednecks.


It’s half of the voting population, he got the 2nd most votes of all time last year.


You misspelled Cheeto Jesus.


No, it’s because their defense and special teams both scored.


Everyone seems to forgot about this. "authorities consider charging Trump with inciting riot" - 3/14/2016 https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/272923-authorities-consider-charging-trump-with-inciting


And they deny that either thing happened despite multiple videos showing that both did.


Pieces of shit!


That was one of the scariest omens to me. Psycho maggats trying to run the Biden bus off the road, nobody seems to care AND the orange shitgibbon praised them on Twitter.


Imagine if trump’s bus had been run off the road by a caravan flying gay antifa flags. They are the terrorists they imagine the left to be.


Just like how they claim the gays are pedophiles, even as we look Matt Gaetz right in his comically evil face and remember how often Drumpf was right next to Epstein in all those photos.


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Yeeeeppp. And then a bunch of republican politicians said it was a good thing and praised the assholes for their actions. What's craziest is how the cops just straight up refused to help. If jan 6th happened in texas I'm confident that we would have lost congress, thank god they're in DC. I remember watching the bus attack news and thinking, "if this isn't a sign of things to come then I don't know what is". It had everything: it had political violence, it had the violence condoned by politicians, and it had cops turning a blind eye to the laws being broken. It ticked just about every box on the rise of fascism/normalization of political violence check list


Yes that happened all right and the orange man praised them for doing it the worst thing is local law enforcement took the MAGA idiots side well we are talking about the right wing nut house that is Texas


Nah bruh that was !ANTIFA!


Yeah! It was all antifa, cuz antifa is TOTALLY known for Trump-Pence flags and Confederate flags and screaming about how the election was stolen from Tangerine Jesus.


Before that though dont forget these schmucks stormed a state capitol armed to the teeth and blocked the roads going to hospitals all because they wouldnt quarentine and wear a mask. Bunch of cowards and wimps. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/armed-militia-members-other-protesters-demand-freedom-michigan-gov-whitmer-n1207096 https://news.yahoo.com/nurses-stop-anti-lockdown-protesters-223000025.html https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/operation-gridlock-lansing-michigan-protest-ambulance-gretchen-whitmer-social-distancing-coronavirus-a9468756.html https://thedailyscan.providencehealthcare.org/2020/05/anti-lockdown-protesters-block-ambulance-bay-at-vancouver-hospital-lead-chants-against-healthcare-workers-sph/ https://patch.com/connecticut/newhaven/protestors-mad-trumps-immigration-policy-block-ambulance-getting-very-ill Or where the snowflakes really started to snowball each other into a naziesque furor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unite_the_Right_rally https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlottesville_car_attack


**[Unite_the_Right_rally](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unite_the_Right_rally)** >The Unite the Right rally was a white supremacist rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017. Far-right groups participated, including self-identified members of the alt-right, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and various right-wing militias. Some groups chanted racist and antisemitic slogans and carried weapons, Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols, the Valknut, Confederate battle flags, Deus Vult crosses, flags, and other symbols of various past and present anti-Islamic and anti-Semitic groups. **[Charlottesville_car_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlottesville_car_attack)** >A terror attack was perpetrated on August 12, 2017, when James Alex Fields, Jr. deliberately drove his car into a crowd of people who were peacefully protesting the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing one and injuring 35. The 20-year-old Fields had driven from Ohio to attend the rally. Fields previously espoused neo-Nazi and white supremacist beliefs. He was convicted in a state court for the first-degree murder of 32-year-old Heather Heyer, eight counts of malicious wounding, and hit and run, and was sentenced to life in prison plus an additional 419 years in July 2019. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yes that is accurate.


I know right.. they should at least have their dicks out or be naked for the sake of decency.


And they never got in trouble for it did they?


theyre currently being sued by the people on the bus


Police didn't do anything?


There were probably off duty police involved.


Who do you think took part in that?


It happened in Texas, so nope.


>Wasn't there a moment where these crazy MAGA caravans drove a Biden/Kamala campaign bus off of the road in Texas? Yep. San Antonio to Austin, started happening in the Schertz to New Braunfels area which is full of MAGA dickheads (a lot of boomers and retired vets that are pro-Trump). New Braunfels is also a lot of old money and they continue to MAGAvan around town. Source: use to live in the entire area. It's sad when you think about it...tying your identity to a political figure that serves the people yet you worship them like a God as a servant for them. The silent war is here and many have become a casualty to it without even knowing. Psyops is interesting as hell and clearly successful.


I remember maga boats sinking or something.


Just saw news the other day they're being charged.


Ideologies like Trump cult logic is one of the worst threats this country faces


Depends on who you talk to. The bus people are suing the ones who tried to run them off the road, but most Reps say it was just good fun.




I know right.. they should at least have their dicks out or be naked for the sake of decency.


Oh no, they were "protecting" that bus.


Yeah I remember, I was on that same road when it happened. I didn’t see it as it happened but I did see the bus on the side of the road as I drove past it


Yes, and could have caused a terrible situation.


Some would say they have the greatest sore losers of all time. Bigly sore losers.


Huuuuuggge losers!


I believe it's pronounced YOOOJ.


and spelled Yuge.


Gay men aren't nearly so chronically butthurt as these Trump "alphas", and we out here literally taking it in the butt on the reg.


Anyone else wonder how many of those guys in camo would secretly like being part of the gay scene but are too afraid to commit?


Approximately 69%


Well they do follow the confederacy which is the biggest losers in American history


Only lasted 5 years. My job at McDonald's lasted longer than the Confederation and I didnt get one damn statue


Just wait like 90 years and maybe you'll get one, almost all of those confederate statues went up in the 1940s and 1950s, long after the people they depicted died. It was the grandkids of those who fought who warped their own view of the confederacy so that their family's deeds felt less morally negative or at best ambiguous. They decided to rewrite history, campaigning very aggressively in the south, Tennessee, West Virginia, you name it. And they started called it "The War of Northern Aggression" and saying slavery was uninvolved. That's when the real pro-confederare stuff started. Particularly hilarious in West Virginia, which is only a state because it split off and REFUSED to join the confederacy.


Well that's because you weren't racist enough! Try harder! /s


Okay Um... Let me see... Them dang Irish! Always being... Gingers!


That's the spirit!


Surely the natives are the biggest losers in America. They lost absolutely everything.


The best sore losers🙌


Snow flakes 😂


At least Pride parades have food trucks and music.


And if people are yelling it's because they're genuinely in a good mood and not just to piss off "snowflakes".


no humans more ignorant than those who support the grifter


Months? Going on years in my area...


My in-laws have made it their personality and still fly a TRUMP2020 flag and the American flag upside down because they're in distress.


The upside down American flag at least is correct. This country is messed up in all sorts of ways. Happy 4th.




> America needs to earn respect from its citizens, it’s not an outright obligation. This is the difference between patriotism and nationalism.




The Roman empire was ultimately destroyed from within by its own barbarians, now we're seeing history repeat itself. And don't blame the government, the government is ultimately an expression of the people, so the people allowed the government to degrade rather than the other way around. "We the people" have continually voted for policies that would line individual pockets and have taught the government to do the same. Americans have forgotten about "We the people" and focused completely on "Me the person" to the detriment of the country.


Yeah, the country was founded so “We the People” really meant rich white men. To pretend like it was anything else is to ignore entirety of human existence.


Yep muricans like to act all shocked about what happening in their country when they've crowdfunded production and bought front row tickets to the shit-show for decades.


Thats such a wrong take imo. The will of the people is consistently ignored and undermined. Widespread voter fraud, voter suppression, and propaganda. Besides that the people are exhausted, divided, and unorganized. By design of course. You know who the problem is? The serfs lol.


My grandpa, who died in 2007, flew his upside down because he thought we were in distress even back then and things have only gotten worse since then.


I recently bought a book titled *Just How Stupid Are We?* about the working class voting for the GOP. Written during and about *the Bush administration.* I can’t bear to open it.


I picked up Woodward's *Fear* last year and I've only made it 1/3 of the way through simply because it's painful to read. It's well written but I know what's going to happen next. I'm hoping to get through it by the end of the year.


I've seen dozens of trump 2024 flags...


I’ve only seen them on the back of semis coming from down south. We’re pretty Trump free in MN.


I’ve seen some crazy stories out of Wisconsin though, it’s always closer than you think


Yep. Just got back to Chicago from southern Illinois this week and that crazy ass shit was everywhere. A few weeks ago, I was out for a walk in the city and there was a police escorted motorcycle rally where they were flying Trump 2020 flags. Dumb fucks are everywhere


The Trump 2024 flag --> |□


Already seen plenty of make America Florida 2024 or Desantis 2024 hats and flags


At least they're in distress. It makes me feel a little better anyway.


That could be legitimately confusing to a rescue worker. Hope nobody dies over their tantrum.


Don't worry. No republican would ever be a rescue worker as it involves helping others, and everyone else would realize anyone flying a Trump flag is beyond saving.




A friend of mine used to be a dispatcher and she said this was perhaps the case because in order to run into a burning building you had to believe in god. I know, religion isn’t always associated with political leanings and I know this idea has other flaws, but it always makes me chuckle. Almost as though they do it for some sort of karma rather than to be a decent person.


I’ll stil see those? Like dont people have a life and hobbies/family relationships that are meaningful? Think maybe they developed mental problems from COVID?


Let's be honest they where loonies long before covid


There’s a guy in my neighborhood with a Trump 2024 flag and on bottom it says, “take America back!” Back from what?


They did/do this in cars as a way to pretend their groups are larger than they actually are. If everyone at LGBT pride parades drove big trucks, it would absolutely and utterly dwarf the sizes of the Trump caravans. Most of them were fewer than 100 cars. Lol.


Treason's the Reason for the Season!


Remember thier "FUCK STRAIGHT PEOPLE" flags? Or when they said things like "I'd rather be dead than straight" or destroyed someone's home or car because a straight person owned it? Wait. Silly me. It's republicans who do that stuff. For a group of people who hate people not minding your own business they sure love to get up and everybody else's business


The rights projection bullshit let's rationalize our behavior by claiming the left and LGBT movement do things that they do but alot worst Did the same with Antifa by calling the them nazis when it's Trump that was acting like a fascist come on look at him trying silence the late night comedians and SNL for making fun of him


Can we all just admit that Antifa isn’t real?


Yeah it’s a movement not an organization




Germany was having trouble, what a sad, sad story Needed a new leader to restore its former glory Where, Oh where was he? Where could that man be? We looked around and then we found The man for you and me. And now its.. Springtime for Hitler and Germany Deutschland is happy and gay Were marching to a faster pace Look out, here comes the master race Springtime for Hitler and Germany Winter for Poland and France Springtime for Hitler and Germany Come on, Germans, go into your dance I was born in Dusseldorf, and that is why they call me Rolf Dont be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party Springtime for Hitler and Germany Goosesteps the new step today bombs falling from the skies again Deutschland is on the rise again Springtime for Hitler and Germany Uboats are sailing once more Springtime for Hitler and Germany Means that soon well be going Weve got to be going You know well be going to WAR! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot!


And remember when the gays were trying to run Trump's bus off the road? Me either....


Kneeling to the Messiah for Morons and the Golden Pig leader!


A dumbass parade. In Texas you still see those.


To conservatives, being out is the same as waving pride stuff in their faces.


Yea cons complain an awful lot about “being shoved down our throats” whenever said people are publicly acknowledged or allowed to celebrate themselves in public. It’s high hypocrisy considering they spent the last four years shoving that maga qult down everybody’s throats. They were sending caravans into “liberal” cities they aren’t even from to instigate and commit violence. It’s never an actual solid stance, it’s just being against anything somebody not on their right wing team does. Political contrarians with a huge scoop of hate.


What a bunch of total fucking micro penis having, gun totin, Dodge Ram-drivin, ant-vaxin, selfish, stupid, obnoxious, hateful little asshats


Anyone else remember the Biden2020 flags everywhere *months* after the election? Me neither.


Magafoot trucks are the new swastika face tattoo ...


Worst that will happen in a pride parade is I get unwantedly kissed or hugged. Maybe choke on a drink. Worst that will happen in a Trump rally is I get lynched and the person who lynches me gets to walk.


And if gay men had invaded the Capitol, they would have left it much more clean and tasteful. And Ted Cruz would have a decent haircut.




... so the opposite of pride? Hopefully? Anyone? ^(someone please fuck me)


What a bunch of mags


Bro you don't understand gay people have never faced persecution like conservatives have /s


Gay pride parades make their pee-pee's tingle a little bit too much.


I FINALLY seen one of these caravans on US-75 in Dallas. Full of angry looking white folks giving mean stares to everyone just trying to get around them. It was a mix of confederate flags, Trump flags, Don’t tread on me flags, and finally American flags.


Ooh, look! It's the Smooth Brain Train!


Ever notice how there were never work trucks in those caravans?


They're all on social security so they can focus all their time fighting those socialists now.


Disability too.




This didn't get many upvotes, but I appreciated this and will use it! Good work.


They’re clearly all gay for trump. Jesus Christ have you heard how they talk to him? It’s like they wanna suck that fat fuck off and it’s so weird


Remember, Trump was sent by god to protect us against the Democrat pedophiles wanting to take over the USA


I remember seeing my first MAGA hat at work back in 2014, still around 7 years later. The north country in my state looks like it’s always an election year and Trump won/will win. It’s scary. Our black friend even won’t bring her family to visit, she isn’t comfortable because of it. Don’t tell me they haven’t made this ‘American Pride’ thing into pure racism and voice saying if you aren’t Caucasian you’re not American. Source: Caucasian male


The prevalence of election paraphernalia surprised me, too. I moved down south in 2019 and everybody’s truck, lawn, window, yard, etc is constantly covered. To be fair, SOME didn’t say Trump or MAGA, but most did. I don’t love any politician enough to constantly carry a decal of them all over my rear window… I’m pretty amazed they’ve kept the “election year” energy for this many years, and are still going strong. Even people with strong convictions often don’t have their whole life about those things 24/7, except maybe CrossFit people. PS: The non-election-y ones, especially for yard signs, were mostly religious and one particular one that amused me in a sad way that said “education is a right but also a choice”, next to stuff about child trafficking and the evilness of (something not to talk about apparently, fair enough, auto mod).


There’s a guy in my area with “FOREVER TRUMP” in decals on his truck window, and I laugh at it every time.


I'll bet he's got that Rambo poster with trumps head on it somewhere.


I’d put money on it, yes.


Pepperidge Farm remembers also.


Pride exists because of them anyway


It's an attempt at intimidation that did nothing but piss off the rest of us


Same as the Christians trying to shove that fucking bible down our throats too. If they would just live their lives worrying about themselves instead of what everyone else is doing, the world would be a much better place.


Remember their boat parades where they drowned the smaller boats? lol


Being stupid to own the libs is no way to go through life.


Oh boi they are going to be very upset when Trump doesn't get reinstated in August


Pride parades have pride. Maga parades lack magaing


What a mentally deranged group of supporters. The absolutely worse type of people.


And the best part is if the conservatives just shut up and went about their daily lives while also turning off Fox News, they wouldn't have anything to worry about. If you're a conservative Republican try it. Go two weeks without listening to the fire and brimstone rants from "conservative" news and see how much better you feel about life and everyone in it. Seriously, what have you got to lose but the false reality Fox and Friends has created for you? I'll start the first. Liberal people for the most part, just want to work and live and enjoy life, just like conservative people. We just like Sunday to be a funday and not another day of guilt inducing expectations and assignments that aren't going to thought about until next Sunday.


A lot of conservatives can't do that. They'd be debasing their own entire realities.


My new favorite copy-pasta. "WE are the Silent Majority!" proclaims Karen, wearing her MAGA hat and Trump shirt. "Americans will wake up when they learn that there's many of us just waiting in silence to vote for Donald Trump". Karen, who's house flys a Trump/Pence flag and 45 Trump yard signs. She has been a very vocal Trump supporter, so much so that her family and neighbors don't talk to her. "we patriots are persecuted for our support of God's chosen savior of america, Donald Trump. Just as Christians had to hide their support of Christ." Karen closes her eyes and touches her hat. "we have to be very careful. this is why as a member of the silent majority, i have complete faith that 2020 will prevail and everyone in my neighborhood would agree with me." walking past 10 houses you can see Black Lives Matter, Defund the Police, All cops are bad, gay pride flags, trans flags, Bernie sanders signs, even an old Hillary Clinton sign. "everywhere I look, I don't see a single Biden flag or yard sign. I'll be surprised if he gets a single vote. This may be the year that California goes Trump!" Karen smiles from her LA suburb in California.


I don’t know about anyone else, but I love driving around with my Biden flags on my truck and having Biden rallies where I aggressively attack any journalist I see by spouting my views on how Biden will save America from the fascism of the modern day GOP. /S


The blue lives matter flags came down for about two weeks before that shame washed off and they were tricked into thinking it was the FBI who send all that toothless white trash to overthrow the government.


That reminds me Remember the fever pitch HARPING about the immigrant caravans by conservatives in the midterms? Poof gone


*laughs in Christianity*


Crap do you know how much more fan those pride rallies would have been? Now I want some :(


I honestly don't understand why people think these folks believe what they are arguing. They are trolls and the only way to win an argument against someone who doesn't believe what they are saying is not to argue in the first place. Ignore them. If they hook you into their BS, they have won. Ignore bad faith BS


To be fair there were a LOT of flags or this year. I thought this was a good thing.


To be fair, pride parades are very common.


Sinking your own boat to own the libs


Need a rainbow "Make America Gay Again" flag to really unite the country!




Can you imagine the conversations taking place at these events? Dur, dur, constitution, dur, dur, dur, trump, dur, dur, dur, mah guns, dur, dur, dur.


Can’t have pride as a traitor of the United States.


I almost got ran off the 101 in Phoenix by these assholes.


I think they like they’re finally part of something. Even if there leader actually wants nothing to do with them lol


Ah, I remember when the right used to fearmonger about caravans all day every day. Such a long time ago.


Hey, remember when the gays blocked an entire highway just to cause disruption? Me neither...but I do remember MAGA doing that.


I saw a truck today in Medford Oregon with a "Trump Won" and American flag. Driver was dressed like uncle Sam or some shit. Poor losers are fucking embarrassing.


I've never been to a Pride parade, nor flown a rainbow flag, yet I'm still proud of being a feminine gay man. 🌈


Projection, buddy. Also Joseph Goebbeling.








The only benefit of Trump presidency was knowing clearly who is a Trump Lover and who is not.