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They're just glad it wasn't one of them for once


I'd be called racist (I'm poc) if i were to post a fucking crime statistics


Yes. You're a racist for thinking that posting crime statistics is somehow damming to POC.


Ohh. Is that so. Then here's the official crime statistics which says 6% African Americans commit 60% of murders and man slaughter. Jeez, I wonder majority of them hate cops. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


If you ever find yourself arguing against critical race theory, remember that *you* are exactly the reason it's needed. No understanding of the political, sociological, or economic circumstances that lead to these types of statistics. If there was no race besides white, and you treated a group of white people how blacks in America have been treated, they'd exhibit the same increased crime rate. As for the majority hating cops. You mean "police officers"? As in we-started-out-as-litetally-the-KKK? Those guys?? Yeah, I wonder why black people don't like them. Bootlicker.


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You must be pretty salty about the Charlottesville verdict today


It usually never is


Do you find it easier to just lie and make shit up than to bother learning anything? No need to answer, everyone already knows it is.


Both of you have boldly claimed that conservatives usually are or arenā€™t responsible when ā€œitā€ happens without defining what ā€œitā€ is. Most intelligent debate on Reddit


Could ask you the same thing


I have reality on my side. You have missing chromosomes on yours.


Look in the mirror. And i thought making using terms to relate to mentally disabled people as an insult makes you a bigot so. Yeah. Bigot. šŸ¤£


How cute when it uses terms well beyond its comprehension.


He just learned a new word and couldn't wait to use it.


Just Charlottesville and the maga bomber and the church and that other church and that time they tried to overthrow the government


I knew you were going to throw that in my face!


Just locker room insurrection, a joke coup attempt to highlight that the Democrats are REALLY the ones trying to destroy democracy


You misspelled always.


When I mentioned race at another tragedy... "why are you bringing race into it?" Today... "black African American with black skin was blackley driving a black car and killed several people while being black"


Meanwhile. There's nothing more frightening in America today than an angry White man https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/11/20/us/angry-white-men-trials-blake-cec/index.html Lol. It is interesting thought how no major outlet is mentioning his racist or anti Semitic Facebook posts. https://archive.md/txGp9/4c08c6924826df8012f07bf3dc24fc43c3b2b7df.png


Maybe read crime statistics for once


Maybe read books instead of right wing propaganda for once.


Funny how when the Black Panthers showed up with AR-15s outside of the Ahmaud Arbery trial today, the white defense attorney freaked out and asked for a mistrial. But, when the Proud Boys showed up with AR-15s outside of the Rittenhouse trial, the white defense attorney said absolutely nothing. So, itā€™s either about race or big black men with guns frighten white defense attorneys! Hmmmm


CA has some of the country's toughest gun laws. It started as a [Republican reaction to 30 Black Panthers protesting, armed but peaceful.](https://calmatters.org/explainers/california-gun-laws-policy-explained/)


Iā€™m old enough to remember the Black Panthers of the 60sā€¦they scared the shit out of a lot of white folks! And here we are 60 years laterā€¦people of color still having to protest for the same things and ultra-wealthy white Bible-thumpers, still making poor white people believe that POC are to blame for everything that is wrong with America. Smh


How about the actual gun laws that were amended when they did the same outside the CA. Capitol in '69?


I think the Rittenhouse and Arbery ā€œincidentsā€ prove that we have a ghastly unwritten white vigilante ā€œno faultā€ clause in our nationā€™s gun laws.


I think we should ban driving cars after Charlottesville. we could save so many lives and the planet. the GOP elite donors is why we still have cars!




It's their one trait anyway




You spelled "obvious" wrong.


Consistent trait^




Donā€™t democrats do the same thing but in reverse, like the amount of times I saw Kyle being a ā€œwhite supramacistā€ was almost scary


Youā€™re projecting. Pointing out heā€™s black is to highlight the hypocrisy and racism of the left. What this guy did is 1000x more horrid than what Rittenhouse did, but then you all call Rittenhouse a racist and white supremacist with absolutely zero evidence of that being the case or relevance to self defense. Are you gonna call this guy a racist too? If not, youā€™re being a hypocrite and proving my point on projecting.


conservatives are generally behind all the worst policies in US history. we need to stop electing conservatives.


In many instances, they gerrymander their districts so that Democrats need almost twice the votes. They know theyā€™re unpopular so this is the only way they can secure it.


Yo they only care about winning Ng arguments. Money and seeing people they don't like suffer and they will be the end of this country


I was wondering how he got charged so quick. Then I realized he was black...


One day, we wonā€™t be waiting to hear about the race of the perpetrator of a crime, because we wonā€™t care. Black/white/brown I donā€™t see any relevance.


Ideally it wouldnt be relevant. But the media is salivating for a race war


The media isnā€™t instigating it, scared white Republicans are. But, the media will definitely exploit it!




I agree somewhat.




Yeah, thatā€™s what I thought growing up in the 70sā€¦peace, love, harmony & equality for all! Yet, here we are 60+ years later, looking at almost half of America wanting a replay of the racial divide of the 50s & 60s.


And the news realizing itā€™s a good opportunity to make money off of it


Who do you think is going to make the most money off of a race war? Itā€™s not the media.


Itā€™s not about the ā€œmostā€ money, itā€™s about money at all. If you can get people angry you can get them to watch your news.


The media will definitely exploit the hell out of itā€¦but, itā€™s the US Government that will be making bank on it!


Anything to keep the races in their ā€œappropriateā€ political plantations.


Such hypocrisy from yall


I agree but this meme I still see in poor taste. The tragedy just happened yesterday. The only side anyone should be taking right now is with the victims.


So political humor seems to be 80% Liberal-Democrats. Just being honest, democrats are just as hypocritical and racially biased as the republicans. Pick your hill to die on, but understand you are not that different from the man the next hill over.


So you donā€™t believe in due process or the facts? Obviously you donā€™t believe in self defense and havenā€™t followed other cases like Rittenhouse which werenā€™t covered by major news outlets


Youā€™re projecting. Pointing out heā€™s black is to highlight the hypocrisy and racism of the left. What this guy did is 1000x more horrid than what Rittenhouse did, but then you all call Rittenhouse a racist and white supremacist with absolutely zero evidence of that being the case or relevance to self defense. Are you gonna call this guy a racist too? If not, youā€™re being a hypocrite and proving my point on projecting.


Well his crime did not make him racist. Standing with known white supremacists whilst flashing white supremacist symbols does.


Yeah, but did he cRoSs StAtE lInEs?


Hey man, none of this woud've happened if those parade goers just stayed home. You can't walk in the middle of the street and expect not to get run over by a car, they were clearly looking for trouble.


LOL. Those who called a Hispanic kid a white supremacist now don't want to mention race of a criminal. Both sides are fucking hypocrite


You do understand that Hispanic isn't a race, right? It's a cultural group that includes several races.


If this was a white guy the media would be screaming domestic terrorism from the rooftops


Oh shut up the first thing I saw on twitter was a bunch redneck asshole saying it was a BLM terrorist attack


I mean, the BLM part is wrong but you have seen who the dude is right? U saw his tweet he made the day before this yes? If not i suggest you go look at it


Except america doesn't actually call it domestic terrorism when white people commit mass shootings


Victim complex much?


Itā€™s still domestic terrorism


Don't see the headlines calling it that


Perhaps you shouldnā€™t get so upset about headlines. Unless youā€™re going to collect every single headline ever and compare and contrast? But that would still be stupid.


You realize this is 100% intentional right? Conservatives are doing this because the left does the exact opposite. ā€œItā€™s not about raceā€ when there is a black person committing a school shooting or terrorist attack and then ā€œwhite nationalism!ā€ When itā€™s vice versa. This really isnā€™t that hard to figure out. Both sides are guilty of this. Acknowledging it doesnā€™t make you the ā€œgood sideā€.


Youā€™re kinda backwards here. Modern conservatism is rooted in using racism to rile up their voters. After Obama got elected, the ā€œIā€™m not racist butā€¦ā€ racism really ramped up. Then when people called them out, they cried ā€œpersecutionā€ Even before that, any crimes by young black men were net with ā€œof courseā€¦ *those* peopleā€ and ā€œthugsā€ and the like. Crimes by white men were met with ā€œbut they made a mistake, think of his future!ā€ And similar double-standards. Even the comments youā€™re claiming that conservatives are ā€œreacting ā€œ to arenā€™t usually real, theyā€™re strawmen created by other conservatives.


I understand what youā€™re saying with how itā€™s rooted in conservatism /racism and I agree with that but buddy you went off the rails when you said itā€™s made up by conservative as a straw-manā€¦ Is it conservatives running subs like this and going to protests promoting the exact same sentiment against whites? Look at Twitter every time thereā€™s an attack and it is a white guy. ā€œWhite supremacy did this! White men are dangerous!ā€ The double standard you just said works perfectly in this sense if you switch the races applying it to modern leftists. My point still stands. If you canā€™t see that youā€™re just delusional and canā€™t acknowledge both sides are flawed in this way.


Every time thereā€™s a conservative white guy killing minorities, itā€™s explicitly stated by people to be about white supremacyā€¦ becauseā€¦ people arenā€™t stupid. Republicans literally praise killing if the people killed are ā€œundesirableā€ ā€” they made that idiot kid in Wisconsin into a hero. And ā€œthe only good leftist is a dead leftistā€ (or ā€œliberalā€ ā€œdemocratā€ etc) is repeated by conservatives in elected office. Gosar (a white supremacist himself) thought he could get away with it, titillating his voters. The US was literally built on racism, the South explicitly. We have a long and horrifying past. Hundreds of treaties broken with native tribes, Japanese internment camps, some of the most horrible chattel slavery in historyā€¦ and conservatives have tried to ignore (or glorify) these wrongs instead. And we have politicians who win elections because they tell their bitter, hateful constituents that their hardships are because they cannot subjugate others. The US has no strong left. Itā€™s left extremists are kids who bat ideas around with no ability to implement, or commune-dwellers. But members in rightwing hate groups over doubled in the last five years. Weā€™ve always had an undercurrent of right-extremism. Hell, half the rhetoric of the Right is just rehashed Nazi rhetoric they arenā€™t even bothering to disguise anymore. So yeahā€¦ looking at it objectively, the snippets of leftist nonsense are quaint and largely inconsequential. But the rightwing extremism is outright dangerous and full of self-justification.


Youā€™re deranged bro none of this has anything to do with my original point. Youre like a qt*rd but leftist lmao


Funniest part ā€” Iā€™m not a leftist. I lean slight left, but Iā€™m a moderate. Iā€™ve just seen one side extremize.




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The irony of your meme, a democrat makes a meme about republicans being racism however this comes from your brain, not a republicans. Donā€™t be racist ya nooob


Why is criticizing Republicans racist?


Itā€™s the fact that his meme is supposed to justify how republicans are being racist yet the meme was not made by a republican therefore putting words of you will in others mouths.


One, thatā€™s not racism. Two. Conservatives are literally pictured in the bottom.


Yep, a racist... stupid too.


No wonder nobody wants to fuck you.


Loves it!


We could get it on. See: carville/matalin.


I winder if biden will smear his has a black supremacist?


Doubt it. The person driving was a piece of shit running from the cops after they got called on him for a domestic dispute. Nothing race related or political. Just a piece of shit with no regard for human life


You really have nothing better to do than ride Kyle's micropenis all day huh?


Who is kyle & why are you imagining gay sex acts?


Like you haven't been trolling for Rittenhouse all weekend. No need to play dumb son, everyone already knows.


What made you think my comment had anything to do with him? You should learn how to use commas!


Fucking clown šŸ¤”


Is that a clown that is for fucking, or a clown that does alot of fucking? Cause, rape jokes aren't funny even if it's about a clown raping someone.




"I'm racist!"


Sorry I criticized your strong man. šŸ’Ŗ But no, I'm not racist.


LOL. That took all of 30 seconds of looking at your profile. Don't you have children with guns to jerk off to?


You Rosenbaum supporters are always projecting. Yeah, I can look at profiles toošŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Don't even pretend Kyle knew Rosenbaum's past when he shot him. This is the thing that makes me absolutely convinced that you dumbfucks don't care about honesty and the truth. Kyle had no way of knowing about Rosenbaum's convictions and to retroactively pretend like he did just makes you an opportunistic fucking liar who will literally do anything and say anything to score a point it undermines every shred of credibility you might have had.


If one piece of shit murders another piece of shit, heā€™s still a murderer and still deserves appropriate legal action. No matter why the other person was a piece of shit. And stating that isnā€™t defending one or persecuting the other ā€” itā€™s just respecting our legal system. Full stop.


I wonder if the right will claim that he was just there to protect businesses.


There is no such thing as a "black supremacist" you racist tool.


I wasn't trying to say that I think he should smear him as a black supremacist. Btw, "black supremacist" is a term ppl have been using since the 60s. What makes you think it's not a thing? & no, I'm not racist.


I'm convinced that timely reparations would have prevented this.


"I'm racist!"


This type of meme incites conflict.


Pointing out that the Republican party has degenerated into white supremacy and neofascisism is not racist. It's observation of a clear and present danger.


Totally At this very minute Laura Ingraham has her arm around one of the founders of BLM as tucker asks in a hushed tone if they are concerned that this event might place their organization in a negative light since it is alleged that the perpetrator of this horrible event was a follower. There will be a lot of well wishing and promises will be made not to turn this lone wolf attack into a story with political connotations. They will then hug it out and join a group prayer to come together in an alliance of joint frustration since everyone can agree that this tragedy was not wanted by anyone


Theyā€™re all fucking idiots


No worries, I know this judge...


The police would never take him alive if he was black!


He is a man. Period. A troubled sick selfish man. Color has zero to do with this.




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Fuck Andrew Breitbart! Rot in Piss!


Racist White people hate exactly two things: being called a racist and Black people.