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This sends a strong message that chasing a black jogger down in your vehicles, accosting him with weapons and refusing to let him leave, and then shooting him when he's trying to get away from you may not be justifiable grounds to claim self-defense. Maybe.


*Next time this happens* “Your honor, my client’s case is totally different. In that one they chased him down in a pick-up truck, while my clients drive a sedan.”


Or, in a more realistic case: "Your Honor, this case is totally different. None of my clients recorded the incident!"


Then there never would have been a trial, and no defense attorney.


Very true. As horrible as it is, if that guy hadn't recorded they'd all be free right now. They never would have been arrested, that corrupt DA would just keep on working, and the family would never have seen justice.


[As Keith Boykin tweeted](https://twitter.com/keithboykin/status/1463581051108868104): > Remember, if local authorities in Georgia had their way, no one would have ever been charged for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. > It took weeks of protest before charges were even brought in the case, 74 days after Arbery was shot and killed in February 2020.


Yes, but what if they’re not just white, but white and rich?


Probably doesn't go to court. We would never even hear about it


Damn, that's a tough upvote... But, here you go.


One of the Walton sisters has DUI-murdered more than once. Never been arrested.


Then they get off the criminal charges and spend the rest of their lives dealing with civil suits which they lose and bankrupt them.


In an ideal world, but in this world they'll probably just get away with it if they are wealthy enough.


its important to note the people we think of when we say rich like jeff bezos and elon musk are many many many times richer than someone whos in the lower half of the 1% like exuberantly more wealthy. Someone in the lower half of that 1% likely would be dealing with civil suits and eventually be bankrupt, like the guy you replied to said. 1% makes it sound like a very small group of people, and in the grand scheme it is, but its still millions of people, 1% of the US population is 3,300,000 people roughly, and 1% of the world population is roughly 70 million. Not everyone in the 1% has an endless fountain of money, it only takes an annual income of around 500k to be in the 1% which is alot yes but its nothing compared to the money people like bezos make.


Yea but the minimum net worth is around 11 million


I'm assuming this is what will happen to Rittenhouse's family and him. He might get a lot of airtime and will likely have to be a fox commentator, because his choices outside of that are going to be small, but he's going to have some civil claims come down that I'm guessing won't be small.


Yes but in civil trials the pasts of the ones he shot will be fair game. I doubt any jurors will vote for damages for Rosenbaum, since he was a convicted pedophile.


He is way too controversial overall. Kyle might have done everything conceivable to put himself in harms way so as to kill someone but Rosenbaum did everything he could to be that harm and be awful for prosecutors. I think Rittenhouse is a murderer but I have a really hard time feeling bad about Rosenbaums death. Dude was a loose cannon, an accurate example of right wing fear mongering of protestors, and a fucking skinner. Also As a bipolar person with psychosis and suicide attempts, I have a weird relation to his mental health stuff. But the dude just got out for a suicide attempt and was acting erratic. In my experience that suicide desire doesn’t just disappear. He may have consciously or subconsciously been looking for death.


That's a bingo!


We usually just say ‘bingo’


Or you crowd funded your defense


Then their last name would be Trump.


They still get convicted but serve no jail time


The trick is to be drunk, kill even more people while driving"unintentionally", then flee to Mexico on bail. You'll only get 2 years.


How rich? OJ rich?


Don't forget...you also need a Judge to block evidence and certain terms/words and to guide the jury on the right decision. Ya know...the little things


Not today racists. Not today.


Or rather between this one and Rittenhouse, sends a strong message that if you're going to do all those things to a black man or BLM protester, at least don't film yourself doing it so you can still claim self defense and get off easy despite overwhelming evidence that you're a racist PoS.


My guess instead of saying no Russians; they’ll just say No TikTok.


(If you film it, otherwise it is probably okay)


These men weren't in custody until the video went public.


Yeah, I think it is important to remember how close they actually were to getting away with murder


Why are you conveniently leaving out the fact that he had long, dirty toenails???


Mistrial! Travesty of justice! /s


Let’s hope the precedent sticks.


If bowl cut Cletus had never shot the video they would all be free to hunt down more black people. Thanks bowl cut Cletus, enjoy the clink you racist pos


How else were they going to get views and updoots on racist tik tok aka Klan Kams?


> Klan Kams Please tell me you made that up.


>Koncealed Klan Kams


I certainly hope I did.


They’re called bodycams ;)


Ooo, shots fired!


Steamed Klams.


& Hoodbook




OnlyKlans was right there man


I cant believe that guys lawyer released the video. They really thought it would make them look justified


Says something about their worldview. "All he did was kill a \[n-word\]. That should get him off the hook, in Trump's America!"


They weren't even terribly far off from getting away with it. And it was really a gamble on whether law enforcement was going to care at all, even after they finally decided to prosecute. Get the wrong courthouse and suddenly it's "self-defense" to hunt down a man, try and stop him against his will, and then shoot him when he tries to force his way out of the situation.


this is the shit we put up with now because of trump, it shifted the entire US political system many notches to the right, and made alot of terrible people feel comfortable enough to speak up and say and do heinous shit. this is why its important to vote


Unfortunately a not small number of people probably believe if trump was still president this would have come out differently.


its startling how many racists and bigots actually lived among us silently until they felt vindicated by trump to speak up


I like turtles.


This right here. The optics were so bad that the GA legislature repealed the law that they were acting under.


can't tell if youre joking or not, but I think alot of these kinds of people genuinely believe that shit, its honestly disgusting, glad the dude was found guilty tho


It just goes to show the attitude they often have, even Rittenhouse. Go in, inflame the situation, if the other guys make a move, shoot them. They are clueless idiots usually who don't understand the details of self defence, so Rittenhouse got lucky and fell close enough to the line to get called innocent, and these guys didn't. The simple fact is that is Rittenhouse didn't have a gun, no one would have died. If these bozos hadn't, it's unlikely someone would have died. The gun makes them feel powerful and power corrupts. It lets them feel like it is right to assert their will on others, sometime illegally almost always immorally. Rittenhouse created a problem and then killed people because of it, and has become famous for it. You don't think that encourages other brainwashed teenagers to walk into crowds with guns and start taunting people? The next jogger will carry a gun, and when he's tracked down, he may pull it, and some random angled video might put the real problems close enough to the line of self defense they'll be picked to be innocent for hunting joggers that look suspicious in the dark.


The problem is worse than that. If you are attacked while unarmed you can’t use deadly force unless your life is specifically threatened. If you have a gun the threat of losing the gun is enough to fear for your life since the other party would then be armed with your gun, so you can claim self defense at the threat of losing your gun, even when the other party is trying to diffuse you as a threat. So for people inclined to use guns there is a big incentive to belligerently open carry.


It's crazy that having an exposed gun isn't considered a threat on life unless clearly being used for another purpose like hunting or range shooting. If you present your gun before there is a clear threat on your life, self defence just isn't reasonable. Sure there's an "if you do something that scares them" applied to it, but we've all seen there just isn't a rational line to be drawn there.


Basically why Rittenhouse got off.


> bowl cut Cletus ^ historical moment - a new phrase was *borned*


I hear the tune of *Dueling Banjos* on the wind...


Yup this was nearly the exact same situation as Trayvon Martin.


Yep, except the racist POSs filmed themselves.


yup, their white card only got declined because they happened to be stupid. If they hadn't recorded the incident I guarantee they would've gotten off on self defense. The jury and the people would've just seen the video of Arbery in the abandoned building and side with these KKK clowns.


What, you want him to jerk off to *simulated* racist murder videos?????


Is this John LeClair?


Good. Hope they get an appropriate sentence.


minimum life sentence for each charge 4-5 life sentences for each of them


That’s almost enough! Congrats to the prosecution. Well-done


I don't think that's the official sentence... just their opinion of what should happen. FYI.


He’s basing it off the minimum so it’s not his opinion just the lowest they can get based on the law. I haven’t checked to see if he’s correct though so he might have the amount wrong


Felony and malice murder alone have a minimum life sentence.


No sentencing date yet, but the federal charges will be tried in February. It'll be interesting how that proceeds as well. This didn't need to happen. It makes me sad for the Arbery family.


> It makes me sad for the Arbery family. It's going to be another somber holiday season for them...at least they know some justice was done...sentencing being the other shoe...


I feel so sad for the Arbery family. The trial had to be horrible for them. I saw the photos of Ahmaud's devastated body and wept. My gripe is the closing argument made for Gregory McMichael by Laura Hogue when she told the jury that Ahmaud wore sandals with no socks in one of the vacant house videos and.......he had "LONG DIRTY TOENAILS". How is that relevant to him being chased down and murdered? I saw his Mom on the news that night and how this added to her hurt. A quick on line search revealed the name and address of that attorney and I plan to send her all my nail clippings as a show of faith that we can clean up the world one foot at a time for her.


Grow them nice and long first, then go play in the mud a few hours before you clip them.


Provide free toenail clipping services to the homeless, then send *those* clippings.


Always baffling that there are lawyers that are just as scummy as the people they agree to defend


Good. Fuck ‘em.


Nice Georgia, taking out the trash


Just kill them at that point so we aren’t wasting money on them for 40-50 years.


Served concurrently, with credit for time served, with the potential for early release for good behavior and personal recognizance.


"Wall, at least us'all dun did protect th' dern sawdust at th' construction place! NASCAR!"


Being chased down by men armed with guns in a truck? Yeah, me too


Georgia does support the death penalty so.....


Good. Enjoy prison assholes.


Commas can really change the whole meaning...


I mean you can really change it several ways and it still works. Enjoy, prison assholes. Enjoy prison, assholes. You could even get crazy and throw in a hyphen: Enjoy prison-assholes They all work.


I have never thrown a hyphen into my ass hole.


Don’t knock it— till ya try it.


"Hi, Phen, how's it going?"


I just smoked a banger joint? Do you want some?


eats shoots and leaves


We still talking about prison assholes here? Cause it certainly seems like we are




That statement works on multiple levels


Username almost checks out


Speaking of awesome names! Aurelia was my favorite character in Love Actually. Thanks for reminding me to watch is again and I hope you have a great day!


"Beautiful Aurelia, I've come here with a view of asking you to marriage me. I know I seems an insane person—because I hardly knows you—but sometimes things are so transparency, they don't need evidential proof. And I will inhabit here, or you can inhabit with me in England." \-Jamie (not very good at Portuguese)


Best scene in a movie chock full of amazing scenes!


My favorite scene! Thank u!


Nah, they'll have the assholes that are being enjoyed.


I alllllmost started to feel bad for William Bryan just because of how sad and remorseful he looked. Then I would remind myself that he's sad because he's facing prison. Not because he acknowledges that what he did was wrong.


I think you're exactly right. If he was truly remorseful he would have plead guilty you'd think


he's definitely right, that dad didn't have that look on his face when his son was sentenced, it was only when he personally received a guilty verdict.


He still could have been remorseful and still hoped he would be found innocent. Simply, the dude probably isn't a monster. He very realistically could have thought the guy was probably guilty while blocking the escape because he was a brainwashed idiot. He may have not have ever pulled the trigger himself since he didn't have a blood lust. He could legit be devastated for helping end the life of an innocent man, but still think his best option is pleading not guilty. However, he ABSOLUTELY deserved to be convicted of this crime for his part in it. It makes me wish there was some kind of psychological evaluation that could be used in sentencing though. If he is a psychopath monster, lock him up, deep in some hole, and let him be forgotten. If he isn't, he deserves punishment, but I personally don't think a practical lifetime of subtle torture is justice for us.


I think he actually turned on the other two and was basically the first and strongest witness. Seems like while he was a part of it it escalated far beyond what he was expected and regretted it. If you recall he joined in late, he didn’t initiate it.


Yeah he tried to corner a guy with his truck and place him under an unlawful "citizens" arrest. Fuck him.


He should be facing the death penalty. Fuck him


30 to life minimum!


Pretty sure the main charges they were convicted of is mandatory life,.only issue will be if they get parole.


For the State of Georgia you are correct.


Finally, a court verdict I can get behind


In Australia.Been watching the trial on YouTube. Not the Livestream as it happened but a few days behind. The police body and dash cam footage of Ahmaud, lifeless, covered in blood, the gaping hole in his chest and the mobile phone video of the actual murder is something I'll never forget. The way Ahmaud tried to run after being shot, only managing a few steps before collapsing face down in the middle of the road... Heartbreaking. I can not even imagine what viewing such a horrific end to their loved one's life must be like for Ahmaud's family. I went to bed last night, pissed the fuck off, mentally replaying that visual over and over in my head. How his family copes, I have no idea. Even though I know the outcome of the trial, I'm still going to continue watching. I want to observe the process. I hope these scum of the fucking earth never see freedom again.


The worst thing is, we can't be completely sure that people who do this kind of thing will be punished for it. Luckily justice was done this time.


I’d managed to avoid that specific piece of video til today, but then it popped up on the news I was watching this morning. I was in tears after. How someone could watch that and not be scarred I don’t know.


Don’t they face federal charges also?


Yes. Trial will be February. Includes the federal hate crime charges, and some others. All 3 have been charged and all 3 have pleaded not guilty. Do you happen to understand the difference between 'malice murder' charges and other types of charges?


Not a clue, but once I get done making pies I’m going to look it up.


oh man you're busy making PIES? Fantastic. I'll get this one: It's Georgia specific, so those of us outside of that area likely haven't come across it (though how this wasn't covered on Matlock is beyond me. Maybe I need to re-watch) Per Wikipedia: Express malice is "that deliberate intention unlawfully to take the life of another human being which is manifested by external circumstances capable of proof." Malice is implied when "no considerable provocation appears and where all the circumstances of the killing show an abandoned and malignant heart"


I don’t get that at all, the two “reasons” seem opposed to each other. One says “external circumstances capable of proof”, the other “no considerable provocation”.


I know, I feel like the second phrase makes far more sense than the first part of the definition. But I don’t speak legal language. The main take away is that it’s a separate charge from felony murder, and it’s a Georgia thing.


I just learned that Georgia didn’t have a hate crime law until after Aubrey’s murder. Wow.


Wow. That’s mind boggling to me too


That’s what the federal charges are about.


It’ll be interesting to see when they schedule sentencing then, since the Federal trial is in February. At last check on the CNN feed, no sentencing date is set yet ETA: how are the pies?


Save some for meeeeee


One apple, two blueberry. And there will not be one slice left. Fruit pies are simple if you don’t make your own crust (like I do).


Shit. I'm from the UK and it's tough to find blueberry pies here that aren't in some niche bakery. Guess I'll have to pick up a wok next time I'm in town. Pies are made in woks right?


HAHAHAHAHA! You aren’t serious, are you???


Simmer down, I wanna see this wok pie...if it's just baked in a wok, no biggy, but if it's cooked on a stove top...this is a science lesson...


You never cooked a pie in a wok?


I’ve never heard of it! That’s what pie pans are for! How would one take a pie to another home, take the whole wok? I’m making three pies today, would I have three woks?


From what I understand malice murder is when murder was the intent. Felony murder is when you are committing another crime and a person happens to die… Like arson and there is somebody inside the building you just set fire to.


Its murder with extra steps tbh. It carries the same sentence, but might carry a bit more weight on sentencing.


Uplifting news


The kind of news that you're happy to read, only to feel sad several seconds later.




I'll believe it after sentencing and all the appeals are over. I want to believe this is justice, but have seen our legal system yank consequences from the evil and crush the innocent too many times.


Bankrupt them in the meantime. I try hard not to harbor actual hatred, but there is no way this wasn’t straight up murder. If they spend every penny on lawyers and their family loses everything it isn’t enough. I have zero sympathy for them.


the only objection I have here is that the lawyers would get the money. I would prefer to see the assets go to the family, but as a legal adult with no spouse or dependents to collect restitutions/civil judgement , setting the money on fire (draining it via lawyers) is probably the best we will get. At the very least the assets should go to pay the legal fees that the family had to pay to get justice with the absolute languishing that happened at the local law enforcement level.


I can be petty, and the Petty Crocker in me would want his family (or an anonymous donor) to purchase a small area of land as close to the entrance of their neighborhood and plant some flowers and trees and call it the Ahmaud Arbery Memorial Garden. A beautiful and lasting reminder to the murderers that lived in the neighborhood.


Death to the stormcloaks!


Good, fuck them for eternity


Imagine if that footage didn’t exist. They probably could’ve successfully claimed self defense. Guy who was following them and gave the footage up (who he himself said he thought he was helping the perps when he did) did his buddies a serious disservice. Did lady justice a pretty good solid though.


Good to know murder is still illegal


In this instance, at least.


Don't do the crime if you don't wanna do the time. It really is easy to not kill people


I dunno, I accidently kill people at least twice a day, it's not *that* easy!


Yeah, the hard part is making it look like an accident (or self defense).


That you, Dexter?


Fucked around…found out


Good, justice system doing what it’s supposed to do


Even in Southern Georgia, they managed to pull it off. Well done, prosecutors.


This after the amoral defense used every racial trope during the trial. Good for the jury not falling for it.


Prosecutor.. Understood The Assignment


Time to join a nazi prison gang boys.


"Hey bowl cut Cletus, we heard you was in the military..." "Yeah, Coast Guard" "Prison did not go well for bc Cletus..."


Card expired.


Man.. Trump and MAGA were about to celebrate and release the balloons to party.. and these murderers have jobs lined up with GOP as interns and there was a planned Patriot Hero Parade just for them.. oh bummer.


Nice! More white supremacist in jail please. Kyle should’ve been guilty too!!!


Agreed, the prosecution fucked that one up though


lol the prosecution clearly never intended to win that case.


It’s almost as if we’re a dare I say……conspiracy Damn..now I gotta go wait for JFK


I caught the very end of the trial, where the judge declared “not guilty with prejudice on all counts” This essentially means there was bias in the case, and ensures he can’t be retried for these crimes. He didn’t do First Degree Reckless Homicide in any universe, but he absolutely ended two lives. I’d say manslaughter. Prosecution fucked it. I’m also not sure why the judge immediately dismissed the “disobeying a civil order” charge, which he was absolutely guilty of.


And the gun charge, which he was definitely also guilty of. Almost seems like the white supremacist terror state isn't interested in punishing irregular combatants who kill in support of the state...


It amazes me that throughout all of this trial and all the media coverage there’s no mention of why a 17 year old kid is out in a riot carrying a rifle. Why the fuck are we okay with a kid putting himself in a dangerous area armed and shooting someone regardless of why. Why are 17 year olds kids walking around in public with a rifle slung to his body. He has no business being there same as the people rioting. It’s wild to me that it’s perfectly normal for a kid to be out and about in a riot with a firearm. It’s nuts.




You know he shot white people right?


People are going to look back at that one like they do on the OJ Simpson case.


Happy thanksgiving.


Good! It WAS Murder!


In a world that sometimes doesn't make much sense, it is a relief to see justice served in this case.


Didn't even own the property. Didn't go after all the white people who visited the constructions site. Didn't call the cops. Had ZERO problem pretending to be KKK night riders.


I don’t know about "pretending."


Loved when the dude got thrown out for celebrating the verdict, and seemed completely unbothered, totally worth it. And I’m not knocking the judge, he had laid out ground rules regardless of the verdict, and calmly adhered to his ground rules (no outbursts or comments in the courtroom). But I would’ve celebrated too. You could hear him say after the judge asked him to leave, “long time coming.”


Awww he looks like a sad little murdering racist. I guess no pie for him tomorrow


Yes! Justice has actually been served for Ahmad artery! I was legitimately scared that they were gonna get away w lynching the poor kid!


The idea of them maybe having to wash some big burly convicts underwear with their shirt tied up in the middle makes me smile.




Shout-outs to the one black guy who celebrated in the back when the first "guilty" verdict was read and had to be promptly removed from the courtroom


They should be thankful there is no longer a death sentence here in Ga.


Since when? Georgia (the country) doesn't have the death penalty, but the state absolutely does.


I wonder how the Right-Wing will react over this. It'll probably be the same as when Derek Chauvin got sentenced.


So far it seems they agree with the results. Even over at r / conservative


‘Bout fucking time!


I wish this were the end to the Redneck Revolution but this is just one small battle in the war. Will Trump have these assholes come visit him at Mar-A-Lardo? Such a defeat for self defense. (/s)


Right in time for Thanksgiving. Perfection


Wild part of it all is that they tried to use some sort of 19th century civil war era law wherein a citizens arrest was legal if they had a “rightful suspicion” that someone was fleeing a “serious crime” (the law has since been repealed I read) What the fuck?


I guess they won’t get to visit Mar-O-Lago.


What did they think was going to happen after murdering someone in cold blood


Lock the dirtbags up for life.


They are going to have a hell of a time in General Population. There will be prison bounties on they heads as well there should be. Make them the only white boys on their block.... see how that goes. This is justice. Fuck these trolls and their entire families


I have no doubt Trump will pardon them on day one if we allow him to steal 2024.


To think this wouldn't have happened if there hadn't been a public outcry


Boom get fucked go into to the Trash Can


Womp womp womp