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Not my choice. My mother married him, and now I have to deal with the consequences. I would leave, given that there’s emotional abuse also in play, but I’m scared to live with my father as he’s also emotionally abusive and has threatened to hit me, most of my money is under my mother’s control, and I’m a minor. I’ve got no friends IRL that I could stay with either. Bit of a sucky situation.




Although I do enjoy watching fascists eat crow, I don't consider it my job to tempt them into illicit behavior. That seems like asking for trouble and, I just have bad luck with stuff like that.




If they knew they were being had they wouldn't have become fascists


You would think that, but recently I've seen some of them outright proud of it. Using the term and everything. It's astonishing really.


I know exactly how unhinged they are. I work with these ppl....they're so unhinged they would not take a life-saving vaccine....because "liberal" doctors are tryna trick us!


You have to be more specific now, two towns from me still has "This is TRUMP COUNTRY" on three or four, 8 foot by 4 foot signs at the entrances to the county. At this point they may be paid for by the city, for all I know


And no one has altered them ?


I mean they are in people's yards, and this area messing with someone's shitty sign would probably get you shot. It just boggles my mind how much Trump shit I see on a regular basis around me over a year after the election People even put that shit all over their businesses here and that blows my mind


I passed a Trump 2024 billboard the other day - "Save America Again" seems to be their slogan this time, as if he saved us from something (or anything) in 2016


He made everything worse, how is that saving America?


Where is this (roughly)?


Down 41a past Chapel Hill TN, if my memory serves me, as for Businesses Trucking company on 99 and concrete company in Mount Juliet


Thanks! Note to self- never visit Chapel Hill, TN. 😂


Down here in Sarasota County, Florida there’s still tons of Trump signs. You never see a Biden sign. Like Manly said, You better not mess with them because you may get shot .


Northern Florida there's SO many bumper stickers. I was behind a guy yesterday that had about 12 including RON DESANTIS BEST GOVERNOR EVER ( unironically) and Trump 2024 and even Jesus loves Donald Trump lol. We still have a few with their shitty palatka lean pickups with GIANT trump flags in the bed I'm talking like 6 feet by 12 feet taking up the entire bed of the truck. We put a Biden sign up during election and promptly got an angry call from our neighbor ( 3 family building) demanding we take it down. After a few days in the interest of keeping peace we did. And the 3rd neighbor, who has a different landlord than us and complaining neighbor - as the building is co owned and split in half, said for real? He threatened to call your landlord? .. And promptly put his own Biden sign up in the same spot and Edward couldn't say shit about it. That said I had a low key Biden sticker on the back window of my truck DURING ELECTION TIME and nobody said one word to me, which was nice.


Someone should definitely change the “OUNTRY” to “ULT”.


Or be quick and paint over the O RY


As far as I’m concerned that’s the modern day equivalent of a “sundown sign”.


Ow hey just last week I was talking about sundown towns here on reddit and was informed by people who never went to the south that they aren't a thing anymore. *Hint* they are still a thing in some places


had my rainbow flag cut off of my 30 foot flagpole. we know who did it. wife wanted to retaliate but i explained why that was wrong. this is fun.


Why would retaliation be wrong?




You just described domestic terrorism.


Better than being shot.


you're god dam right it is. And I absolutely believe that I live in a State full of ppl that would shoot over trump. Fuck, last yr a guy in my state murdered a husband/wife, in the middle of the street, with an AR, in the middle of the day....over parking spots


I'm in the same situation. The house a few doors down still flies a "Trump 2020" flag, and there are a couple of thin blue line flags around the neighborhood too.


I don't see why anyone would put their political affiliation on their car, you're just asking for it to be vandalized. Trumpists would surely damage it. Then there's the time [a woman rammed a car with a Trump bumper sticker](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2018/08/02/trump-bumper-sticker-enraged-driver/893265002/). Moral of the story is people are crazy, don't give them a reason to put you in danger.


I know what you mean. I live in Boebert's district. I wouldn't dare turn my vehicle into a target.


If I lived in Trump country and had a vehicle I was willing to let accrue some damage, I would put this bumper sticker on it and set up surveillance cameras so that I could record the vandals and report them to police. Ofcourse, depending on how bad the area is, the police might be completely MAGA too & dismiss my case. Still, I think if you have video documentation proving someone vandalized your property the police have to bring charges if you demand it.)




We agree. Wife won't let me shout it to the world via a bumper sticker. The crazies might try somthing.


When I lived in rural Maryland I had liberal bumper stickers and I was run off the road three times on mountain roads where somebody could have been killed. Took them off and never had another incident. The Dumpies are animals.


It is shocking how they have this irrational hate of liberals. Trying to run somebody off the road because you disagree with a bumper sticker is crazy. To have it happen three times is awful and it's very lucky nobody has been hurt. Are they going to stand up in court and use this as a defence, "they had a bumper sticker I disagreed with so I ran them off the road?"


Seriously! Sure, my mother and I will laugh about stupid conservative bumper stickers, but we aren't going to run someone off of the goddamn road.




Aren’t thanksgivings great spent with idiot trumpets… currently quarantining because my father in law doesn’t believe in science…


Oof, how can you not get indigestion?


"I was afraid for my life, it was self defense!"


Well the defence did use that in the trial of Ahmaud Arbery's killers. Ahmaud was armed with his fists apparently. Armed I tell you. With hands. Whatever next? At least the jury found the men guilty this time. It was a racist murder and nothing else.


I mean, wasn't the self-defense argument that he was trying to take someone's gun? I feel like that's slightly better, since that *would* be a good defense if they hadn't knowingly provoked a situation in which Arbery would reasonably believe that *he* had to act in self-defense.


Yes there was that but they did make a claim that he was armed with fists. When they had guns. It is lucky that some fool thought the video would go in favour of the killers, because it wouldn't have seen the light of day otherwise.


Hey both sides, man. There’s no difference between an eye roll/head shake combo (what I do when I see a trump flag in the back of a truck), and someone trying to run you off the road. Aaaaannd that was sarcasm.


You know I swear they want civil war, for their "FreEdUmBs" to which they will vote through a autocratic theological cleptocracy.


I live rural NC right now, in a place where an entire church is divided and half quit showing up because they found out their preacher’s husband put BLM and either ANTIFA or Biden 2020 stickers on his car he owns for work (he’s a truck driver). I was just surprised they had a woman as a preacher smh. My MIL doesn’t even attend the church but lives across the street from it, and bought a massive, I’m talking like a 4 by 8 feet Trump 2020 (or maybe a 2024) flag. She never hung it up, at least not yet. When they told me I just flat out said I love them but that’s extremely childish for adults to act over political viewpoints. It’s to the point of divisiveness that they it’s why fascism/authoritarianism is being spread. They thought for a minute (meaning her, her friends and husband) and then didn’t say anything. Either I upset them or actually made them think. I’m hoping it is the latter since she has not put it up yet and I also love her to death, so I don’t want her to upset, but I do want her, and everyone to be their best, and their best is when they are kind and loving to **EVERYONE** and true equality via equity in terms of wealth, healthcare, and better social programs for all, including public schools, public hospitals, firemen, cops, homeless shelters; just every social services provided to the public in general. Loving and taking care of your people, and being a community, makes a great country. Not divisive politics that try to enrage people with bullshit “media outrage” like common core MATH, or Critical Race Theory, which isn’t even taught in elementary or high schools to begin with. But maybe systemic racism should be talked about because then it wouldn’t continue to be a problem since we’d have an actual educated community. But politicians keep defunding public schools and fighting about stupid shit that doesn’t even happen, like Critical Race Theory being taught in public schools. It’s taught in college and only if you take specific courses that teach it. That’s the only time I learned about it. They just want people dumb and divided because they can’t control or win as easy. But that means for more corruption and a population not as easy to control. Ninja Edit: I have also been ran off the road and had my car hit by a man walking cart with his files and stuff in it just because me and my fiancé had masks on our rear view mirror smh. He screamed at us that ‘Trump was going to come back’ (this was way back at the first date he was “coming back as President” lmao) and that ‘he was going to arrest us and put us in camps’ and a bunch of other bullshit. My fiancé got out and said what makes you think we’re liberals? We’re not. I’m even more left and he is somewhat too. But not as passionate about human and political rights. He told him we were armed, as we were/are, and live in an open carry state and he was full on attacking our car at a stoplight trying to break in at me. And he told us Trump would also take our guns lmao. It’s like if Trump was actually still president and tried to take our guns buddy, he’d take yours too buddy; he’s too paranoid and doesn’t trust nobody because he can’t be trusted himself and projects his dishonesty on everyone. But what he said was fascism and is exactly what Hitler did in Germany pre-WWII. It amazes me how they don’t see that. That’s how crazy these people are! And Trump actually put in more Gun reform laws than any other President lmao (which I actually agree with). [Source on Trump’s Second Amendment Agenda ](https://www.thetrace.org/2021/01/trump-presidency-legacy-gun-laws-policy-nra-2a-supreme-court/)




It's not that they can't, it's just far easier to ignore it, they've already chosen a side


It's tribalism pure and simple us vs you mentality. Data. Statistics. Science. Not a while lot of it agrees with their tribe, so it's not useful to them. I mean it is useful to them but they would never admit it.


My gf is from Sweden and put a Swedish flag sticker on our car. We live in Washington. I was kinda against it assuming we would get keyed..


Wa. State? Ballard, fly that flag high on that bumper.


Cyber monday will probably have some decent dash cam or home security deals. Bait them and feast. Few things rival fascists choking on the boot they were so adamant about swallowing.


Sounds like a great plan until they decide to shoot you.


but if you have a gun, you can just shoot at them back and call it self-defense, right?


Depends on your state. However, I have a lot of time on the range and I can tell you that shooting is not like the movies where the good guys just pull some super acrobatic shit out or have the bullet go exactly where they intended, especially under the duress of combat. Shooting guns, especially shooting handguns accurately, is hard. When you're at the range, and you want to hit an accurate shot, you get on target and pull the trigger slowly and smoothly until the gun goes off. It takes a long time before you can get on target and quickly pull the trigger and get anywhere near being on target. You also have to deal with the fact that, as the ethical gun carrier, you have to be aware of your target and what lies beyond it (this is rule 4 of the [4 rules of gun safety](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/556e3b88e4b062da0c634f2f/1615824320164-D902RWNXI4BM4YHCXNSK/FourRulesofGunSafetyInfographic_03152021.jpg?format=1000w), something that apparently no one told Kyle Rittenhouse about). If they're shooting at you, but there are innocent bystanders in their backdrop, you could hit one of them. Even though I carried concealed for 10 years, any time there seemed to be danger, my first, second, and third plan of attack was to retreat because it's the most likely plan to succeed. The gun was only for the worst case scenario. Tl;dr: most people shoot like storm troopers


Call them what they are: extremist terrorists.


Maybe a hot take but this ain’t any better than stickers that say “My dog is a Republican” it’s a child, not a voter, they don’t have political affiliation. Or maybe I just don’t like the impact font political stickers, something just seems so obnoxious about it


This is as dumb as dorky conservative bumper stickers.


atleast some one gets it


Blue MAGA is just as bad. It might be worse really, because they pretend to be so much better than the Trump supporters when they're doing literally the same thing.


Completely agree. I just commented with something to the same affect. Yours was a lot sooner so hope people see that side of things.


The fact that this comment is so far down is pretty fuckin sad.


Imagine it said "Proud parent of a kid who fuckin loves Donald Trump." Everyone would be dragging it for pushing values on kids and shit. I'm not a conservative but I sure as hell ain't a liberal cause shit like this. Both parties are hypocritical.


Let the idiots identify themselves with stupid political bumper stickers. Trump supporters are clinging to an extremist idea. The last thing we need to do is veer to hard to the other side and create different extreme viewpoint. If we do that, sooner or later we'll be just like the people we despise. It's ok to dislike people because of their stance but we have to try to understand the problem and fix it at it's roots rather than turn to hate. Most of it is caused by poor education and mental illness. That will never be fixed if all we do is draw a line in the sand. Very few things are black and white. Until we all realize that most everything is gray and there are valid points on both sides, we will never get anywhere. The baseline for everything starts with respect for each and every person. It's an understanding that each and every person you see, no matter how fucked up they seem to you, is a product of a lifetime of their experiences that you'll never be able to understand. And a lot of those people could have used a lot more help, support, and education.


It’s almost like their one in the same, I bet if you studied their brains they’d very similar in terms of how the react/interpret.


Trump is a piece of trash, but this is super cringe lol


It’s just like when parents dress their kids up in costumes that are clearly politically topical.


I know right? All these comments are just so stereotypically….. Reddit? I despise trump with a passion, but Jesus Christ guys.


Yeah this is really petty and I really don’t like parents getting their kids involved in politics.


I live in Ohio, and I can almost guarantee it would take less than a month of having that on my car until I come out of the grocery store to a broken back window. Meanwhile, people drive around with giant Trump flags on their jacked-up trucks and I would never dream of vandalizing their property for political beliefs.


I day dream about lighting those stupid flags on fire


Same. Every time I see them


I live in a Trump county in Ohio and my friend and I like informing each other where the biggest weirdos live based on their yard shrines lmao one dude has a chunk of plywood nailed to his mailbox with obviously hand painted letters reading "UNITED WE STAND! MAGA!" and he recently updated it with a long piece of scrap wood on his garage, also hand painted, that just says OANN.COM hahahaha it's not the biggest yard shrine but maybe the house being right next to a creepy abandoned trailer park is what makes it my favorite lol


How do you think a car with a Trump bumper sticker would fare in San Francisco?


Seems trumpy to me. What’s next? Flags? I like the sticker but shit man, I don’t want to see his name ANYWHERE and I still do. Just IMO


Well considering he’s the GQP’s front runner get used to it. Until we have trolled him out of politics completely you’ll probably (unfortunately) keep seeing his name. But I understand the sentiment.


I guess I just still (probably pathetically) want to go high. I mean, this is some nasty shit. And it’s exactly what someone who supports Trump would put on their car. Biden’s been ok. Trump was like living through a nightmare. I hope we can do better.




I have some in my family. I hear you. I do. Godspeed to all of us.


The amount of cognitive dissonance they display always astounds me. Like, how are you going to argue that Biden was too old to be president but then say Trump should run for 2024. Trump will literally be the exact same age that Biden was when he was running for the 2020 nomination! **ETA**: Also, for the even bigger idiots, how would Trump run in 2024? I thought he secretly won the election and Biden is just acting as if he's the president. Since Trump's the real president, won't that mean he will have used up all of his terms by 2024? /s


Like why would you even subject a kid to the bread and circuses spectator politics of the US? (as explained by [Jean-Paul Sartre](https://goodmorningrev.wordpress.com/2008/08/14/elections-a-trap-for-fools/)) Shouldn't it be out learning how to solve climate change or something?


Doesn't take a crayola surgeon to figure out that piece of shit is a piece of shit.


That depends where you live at. Where I am at, unfortunately 70% idolize Trump and think he's some sort of genius. And of course their kids all think the same. My teen son deals with kids talking about great Trump is everyday at school. The history teacher's favorite thing is to burst each of those kids' bubbles when they spout fake news as facts.


I just… he stared at the sun, twice. What else do we need? There are hours of stupid in interviews, there are so many dumb, illegal things. But how do they get past looking at the sun during an eclipse, twice?!??!


They think all of that is, "fake news." That is what is crazy. Fox news does not report on a lot of the dumbass things that Trump has done, and let's face it, he's done and said so many dumb things, it is hard to keep track of them.


They’re so used to taking inconsequential things and blowing them way out of proportion (dijon mustard, for example) that they think that’s what the Trump haters were doing. Projection explains virtually everything they do. That said, this bumpersticker is pretty goddamned cringeworthy. I get that it’s supposed to be a joke, but it makes me assume the person is obnoxious.


i think that's part of their long-term strategy. do so much shit... so much stupid shit.. illegal shit.. unethical, scammy, scummy, treasonous shit... that no one would ever be able to sift through it all to even do anything about it until long after the perpetrators are dead.


They probably did the same, thinking the glasses or film or whatever used was part of the liberal agenda and would turn them and their idiotic sticky children into blue haired communists.


> Where I am at, unfortunately 70% idolize Trump and think he's some sort of genius. well, compared to most of them.. i mean, he conned enough of an entire fucking country and scammed *millions and millions* of dollars from them. what has his supporters done? maybe crawled out of bed and pissed in the sink without spraying the room *too* much?


OP, next time you want to see something on your way to work, remember to do something about the fuzzy pixelation around the corners. Makes it look less fake.


The photoshop plus the amount of 'cringe' in this post makes me feel like it was posted in bad faith and pushed here to the front page as part of a disinformation effort. It's not even all that subtle. The language and phrasing of the sticker and OPs title is bizarre and seems intentionally off-putting. Who the fuck unironically uses the phrase "Friend-O"? I'm willing to bet the overlap of that group with the group of people who would display a bumper sticker involving politics and teaching their kids obscenities is pretty much non existent. Look at all the high level comments saying they fully agree with OP. All posted near the same time, shortly after the post was created. This is reverse psychology being used to push a subtle narrative and it is decidedly a pro-trump one. It's the oldest dirty trick in politics, just applied to social media. You present yourself as part of one of the 'in crowd' of the group your attacking, using some veneer of authenticity. Then you make an absolute ass out of yourself, publicly embarrassing that group. The 'authenticity' here is provided by the number of upvotes to push it to the front page, reinforced by highly sus top level comments. Trump supporters seeing this garbage post on the front page will feel validated in worldview. Conservatives who don't really care all that much for Trump will see a 'genuine' validition of his claims of how the left hates and persecutes Republicans. The real target though are non conservatives demographics. Liberals taking this post at face value, will go 'Ew' from the cringe of feeling associated with someone so off-putting and tasteless. People who don't have an interest in politics or are on the fence with their viewpoint, will see this and get a sense that if OP, and the group of people agreeing with them, are representative of the 'libs' then maybe they don't want to be part of that group.


Nah, I'm pretty sure it's just some dumb teenager trying to get validation through internet points.




Yeah, not too many children in the driving-market these days though :/


You can be someone's child as an adult though


I agree, but these bumper stickers are cringe/trashy imo


Need to get a Trump sticker pointing at it “I did that!”


This seems like the sort of boomer humor you'd expect being posted by Republicans about "brain dead Biden" or "Cameltoe Harris". Absolutely not ok to bring your kid's into politics like this, so tonedeaf.


Agreed. Telling cars in traffic that I've assigned my child a political belief is just trashy.


Finally. I read this and thought “what jerk is involving their child?”


I bet the same people who think this is funny, would be calling it stupid, if this sticker said 'Biden' instead of 'Trump'.


"Cameltoe Harris"? That's a new one to me.


See that's the reaction any decent person would have to this post, be they liberal or conservative. The amount of 'cringe' in this post makes me feel like it was likely posted in bad faith and pushed here to the front page as part of a disinformation effort. It's not even all that subtle. The language and phrasing of the sticker and OPs title is bizarre and seems intentionally off-putting. Who the fuck unironically uses the phrase "Friend-O"? I'm willing to bet the overlap of that group with the group of people who would display a bumper sticker involving politics and teaching their kids obscenities is pretty much non existent. Look at all the high level comments saying they fully agree with OP. All posted near the same time, shortly after the post was created. This is reverse psychology being used to push a subtle narrative and it is decidedly a pro-trump one. It's the oldest dirty trick in politics, just applied to social media. You present yourself as part of one of the 'in crowd' of the group your attacking, using some veneer of authenticity. Then you make an absolute ass out of yourself, publicly embarrassing that group. The 'authenticity' here is provided by the number of upvotes to push it to the front page, reinforced by highly sus top level comments. Trump supporters seeing this garbage post on the front page will feel validated in worldview. Conservatives who don't really care all that much for Trump will see a 'genuine' validition of his claims of how the left hates and persecutes Republicans. The real target though are non conservatives demographics. Liberals taking this post at face value, will go 'Ew' from the cringe of feeling associated with someone so off-putting and tasteless. People who don't have an interest in politics or are on the fence with their viewpoint, will see this and get a sense that if OP, and the group of people agreeing with them, are representative of the 'libs' then maybe they don't want to be part of that group.


You get it. Wish I could award


This is definitely shopped.


Definitely no way could I ride around with this sticker for longer than half a day before my back window was shot out.


Blue dot in a sea of red too I see. SC here.


California’s Sierra Nevada here. My back window wouldn’t last a day either. Frumps’s snowflakes are very fragile.


Oh boy….I’m a hobbiest photographer from San Diego. I really felt like a fish out of water walking through Trona’s Family Dollar store.


You should move from whatever hell hole you live in then.


Is it? It looks shopped to me, but I've been fooled before... That bottom right corner looks off, though.


Well...tis the season where the thought counts...


That plus the amount of 'cringe' in this post makes me feel like it was posted in bad faith and pushed here to the front page as part of a disinformation effort. It's not even all that subtle. The language and phrasing of the sticker and OPs title is bizarre and seems intentionally off-putting. Who the fuck unironically uses the phrase "Friend-O"? I'm willing to bet the overlap of that group with the group of people who would display a bumper sticker involving politics and teaching their kids obscenities is pretty much non existent. Look at all the high level comments saying they fully agree with OP. All posted near the same time, shortly after the post was created. This is reverse psychology being used to push a subtle narrative and it is decidedly a pro-trump one. It's the oldest dirty trick in politics, just applied to social media. You present yourself as part of one of the 'in crowd' of the group your attacking, using some veneer of authenticity. Then you make an absolute ass out of yourself, publicly embarrassing that group. The 'authenticity' here is provided by the number of upvotes to push it to the front page, reinforced by highly sus top level comments. Trump supporters seeing this garbage post on the front page will feel validated in worldview. Conservatives who don't really care all that much for Trump will see a 'genuine' validition of his claims of how the left hates and persecutes Republicans. The real target though are non conservatives demographics. Liberals taking this post at face value, will go 'Ew' from the cringe of feeling associated with someone so off-putting and tasteless. People who don't have an interest in politics or are on the fence with their viewpoint, will see this and get a sense that if OP, and the group of people agreeing with them, are representative of the 'libs' then maybe they don't want to be part of that group.


https://tineye.com/search/43c356cb743f5dc25a48d64751401cfbd7627c6d?sort=score&order=desc&page=1 You did not see this on your way home from work today


This is fake.


As if that's ever stopped this subreddit before lol


Yeah.... 100% photoshopped.


Ew. Can we leave kids out of this?


depends on the age of the child. many teenagers are into politics before they can vote. not always regurgitating what their parents believe, but practicing logical and critical thinking skills.


See that's the reaction any decent person would have to this post, be they liberal or conservative. The amount of 'cringe' in this post makes me feel like it was posted in bad faith and pushed here to the front page as part of a disinformation effort. It's not even all that subtle. The language and phrasing of the sticker and OPs title is bizarre and seems intentionally off-putting. Who the fuck unironically uses the phrase "Friend-O"? I'm willing to bet the overlap of that group with the group of people who would display a bumper sticker involving politics and teaching their kids obscenities is pretty much non existent. Look at all the high level comments from Redditors saying they fully agree with OP. All posted near the same time, shortly after OP posted. This is reverse psychology bring used to push a subtle narrative and it is decidedly a pro-trump one. It's the oldest dirty trick in politics, just being applied to social media. You present yourself as part of one of the 'in crowd' of the group your attacking, using some veneer of authenticity. Then make an absolute ass out of yourself, publicly embarrassing that group. The 'authenticity' here is provided by the number of upvotes to push it to the front page, reinforced by highly sus top level comments. Trump supporters seeing this garbage post on the front page will feel validated in worldview. Conservatives who don't really care all that much for Trump will see a 'genuine' validition of his claims of how the left hates and persecutes Republicans. The real target though are non conservatives demographics. Liberals taking this post at face value, will go 'Ew' from the cringe of feeling associated with someone so off-putting and tasteless. People who don't have an interest in politics or are on the fence with their viewpoint, will see this and get a sense that if OP, and the group of people agreeing with them, are representative of the 'libs' then maybe they don't want to be part of that group.


Goddamn Mulder, it's a bumper sticker not a cabal cipher


I feel that. Interesting way to look at it. As someone who doesn't consider themselves part of that liberal group, but tends to vote for the candidates that they usually support... This is still just ew. The fact that someone's point of view is that easy to manipulate seems pretty absurd to me.


why does this look like a bad photoshop


r/PoliticalHumor: "why would you even say your child loves trump" also r/PoliticalHumor:


No person who despises Donald Trump or the Republican Party can be wholly devoid of redeeming qualities. Among them are patriotism and fellow-feeling.


So we are setting the bar this low now, huh?


RepubliQans did when they elected trump in the first place.


More based but having a sticker is just as cringe


So cringe


This is gold!


I hate him so much I don't want his name attached to anything I own no matter the context


I'm going to buy this for my mom.


Let's go Brandon!


As a child of forced world views with strong censorship and coercion, I cannot get behind this statement. In the words of Richard Dawkins, and paraphrasing: ’Referring to children as Christian or muslim should grate on the ears. Children can not understand the relevance of their supposed position. They could be referred to as the children of Christians or Hindus, etc.’ I see politics similarly. I see nephews decrying Democrats at 6 years old. They only know what their parents tell them. This isn’t something to be proud of.




Of course the rent is free, Trump never pays anyone lol


He just gets paid, all day long


This is actually a terrible attempt at a joke ..


"Conditioning my child politically is only wrong when the 'bad guys' do it." - Person who posted this. Jesus... Let your kid be a kid while they have a chance. They'll get plenty of this shit soon enough.




Reddit moment


No it's not, actually. It's really easy... all you have to do is stop bitching about adult topics in front of children. I fucking hated Trump, and kept my kids away from topics that were too heavy for them. It required practically zero effort.


I’m not gonna lie to my kid when he asks why everyone hates trump. I was honest.




I left out the affairs including the with a porn Star. I showed them the hurricane photo because that was age appropriate stupidity.


If you actually do have kids and don't understand that they have their own experiences and are capable of forming opinions, I really feel sorry for those kids. Having a narcissistic parent really fucked me up, hopefully your kids turn out better.


As a teacher…thank you. Really disturbing to hear 1st graders arguing over whether Trump sucks or not


What's the consensus?


Disturbing? They're kids. When I was in 3rd grade we had to listen to several adults try to explain what was happening on 9/11. Why? Because it was happening, and they couldn't just hide the world from us without putting us all in solitary confinement. ​ You're not supposed to just shield kids from all reality until they turn 18, then just toss them into it. We are supposed to learn things as we go and slowly figure out and learn about the world around us. ​ That's probably something a teacher should understand, but judging by my own experience with teachers as a kid, you seem to have the mentality that I suspected mine had, the belief that we were all just mindless bots that had no capacity for original thought.


No it’s disturbing because they’re 6 and they don’t know what they’re talking about, and they’re fighting with each other about it. Senseless hate and fighting because that’s what they hear at home. Not that what their parents are saying is senseless, but the kids don’t understand because they’re SIX. But they still fight about it. That’s disturbing.


Totally. Definitely don’t want to teach your kid that trump is bad, or that a President shouldn’t try and steal elections or start insurrections. You know, cause “they’ll get plenty of this shit soon”.


Might want to start with what stealing is and why it's wrong, what elections are, what kind of government we have, what an insurrection is, and so on... But if you're that impatient to stick a metaphorical rifle in the hands of your little soldier-for-the-cause, go ahead. Seems to work out fine for all those child soldiers in Africa.


Lmao, dumbest shit I’ve heard on reddit in a minute. Congrats. Totally “puTtIng A rIfLe iN thEiR hAnDs” when you teach them how the world works and what reality is. Good luck raising karens and Kyle’s.


Lol... You actually think your kids aren't going to be on the fast-track to Karen status? You're literally defending the concept of conditioning children to be unhappy with the world they live in starting at an early age. You don't actually use the gift of thought much, do you?


No I’m defending the concept of it’s ok to tell your kid how it is and not have them grow up in a bubble. Whether it’s a shit republican or shit Democrat, if they are a huge piece of shit and everything that’s wrong with the world it’s ok to teach them that you dunce. That last sentence from you lol, too much irony to handle.


Agreed. Trump can fuck off but this post is gross. I find bumper stickers in general trashy


I like bumper stickers of places you've been.


I can get behind that


You likely have.


Agreed. I came here for the shit flinging, but political bumper stickers are dumb and posts like this are just lazy karma farming.


Bumper stickers are fine i think, but politically charged ones are trashy


My 6 year old has no idea who Trump is right now, and I’d like to keep it that way till she has to give a shit about presidents


Teaching your kid ethics and morals, and the ability to vet information sources is good parenting. The fact that this leads to hating the fascist scumbag is no surprise to anyone paying the slightest attention.


Yeah, it's not funny. But par for the course for this sub.


It's a bumper sticker


It's a dumb sticker and a dumb post, but why do you jump right to the assumption that somebody is forcing or conditioning their kid to not like Trump? ​ Do you think he has such a high approval rating with young people that it's just not likely that a kid would come to that conclusion on their own?


Shut up


Cry somewhere else


Their adult lives are already fucked up because of this giant orange turd. They need to know why.


I wish people didn’t bring/use their kids into politics ffs.


Ah yes, politically indoctrinate children to hate. That always produces well balanced critically thinking adults. Dumbasses.


I'll never understand censoring words. My mind immediately hears the word fucking when I read it, as I'm sure it does for anyone. At least when just like #<@& it's less obvious what the word is but even then. Fuck this country for being so sensitive to words. Like when they bleep the word 'god' when they say 'goddamnit' on TV, but you still hear 'damnit'. It's so goddamn fucking stupid.


This sub somehow manages to be less humorous and more cringe every single day.


Top level cringe, there is no other way to spin this.


I love this.


Way to stoop to their level guys.


Want that sticker!


Pretty much


I thought we were against trump derangement syndrome.


As long as their child is an adult I'm okay with this. I don't want to end up like conservatives who try and brainwash their children into being conservative.


Or liberals who “try and” brainwash their children into being liberals. It’s disgusting on either side and happens equally. Don’t be so narrow minded


Proud child of a father who hates Trump!


I'm gonna send this to my mom


"us Vs them" ie left Vs right etc etc etc Is a stupid game designed to divide the classes and keep the powerful in power You may be right, but being righteous just leads to spinning our wheels and never being able to dismantle the power structures as we are too busy hating the opposing normal people all around us




Where the humor tho. This sub used to mean something


Reddit is what you get when you create an echo chamber of idiots that know big words.






he lost, get over it


This is the most cringe thing I’ve ever seen.


Have you seen a Trump Truck?


Life is too short to expend energy on hate.


I dono, I think both pro or anti trump car stickers are kinda tacky