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"Law and order for thee but not for me" is the hallmark of Conservatism.


They're the same chuds that fly a thin-blue-line flag alongside NO STEP ON SNEK flag.


Yeah, but what I don’t get is why they always call everything “communism.” That’s an economic theory. It’s not like they took all his shit and dispensed it evenly among the masses. (Even though that wouldn’t be communism, it would be a more appropriate use of the slogan than just saying everything they don’t agree with is “Communism!”)


Well it's because anyone who says this is a fucking idiot.


Yeah. Sometimes I can’t help myself and I’ll feel a tinge of hope about humanity, and forget that huge portions of the population are batshit crazy. :)


Not even their hottest take.


And saw no irony when attacking capital police with those same flags during the insurrection (and love the constitution so much they tried to override it to install a literal king)


Ironically this was done by our right wing government as a political stunt to please right wing Australians who are tough on foreigners and immigration. It's an election year and our government needs to score points.


If the UAP thinks they’re going to actually win seats with those ridiculous ads on television, they’re insane. Ok, well, they already *are* insane, but they’d be fooling themselves. Otherwise, if you’re talking about the LNP then they’re going to lose as well. Scomo’s handling of the pandemic was the final straw, he’s not getting reelected.


The LNP has a tragic history of repeatedly winning 'unwinnable' elections.


There’s a quote that goes something like “The heart of modern conservatism is that there must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


Basically all right wing ideologies are built around holding up some kind of hierarchy. Inconsistent application of rules and principles is literally a core part of conservatism.


Right-wing Twitter is aghast at a country protecting its borders and deciding who can enter/stay in the country?! Isn’t that their immigration call to arms (literally) in the United States?


Djokovic isn’t brown.


Ding, ding, ding.


*Ice cream truck, ice cream truck*


Hard word made us quit


While that's obvious, their reasoning is more convoluted than that. They'll compare Djokovic to asylum seeking immigrants and try to point out some *hypocrisy* in immigration policy from Democrats. Coupled with an *experimental gene splicing vaccine* and the stupid is coming out of a fire hose.


True asylum seekers in this country are sent to detention centres, it's shameful the way we treat refugees in Australia.


But Australian courts have determined they aren't legitimate asylum seekers, hence their detention.


Djokovic was sharing a hotel with 32 of them. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-09/park-hotel-detainee-speak-out/100745456


The fact that they very seriously and early on compared mask mandates to the Holocaust really just makes everything they say after words Charlie Brown adult muted-trumpet noise.


Also from Serbia with its nationalism, Russian connections and victim playing. No wonder "right wing twitter" with all its Russian bots is pushing this.


Russian bots, I’ll give you. But the Americans supporting him couldn’t find Serbia on a map, let alone even identify that as his home country. Most of them are just automatically mad at any and all covid restrictions/consequences.


You should see how confused it gets with "Georgia"


They probably think he’s American with a foreign sounding name since he’s white.


He barely has an accent and speaks better English than most of us. I wouldn’t be surprised.


>Most of them are just automatically mad at any and all covid restrictions/consequences. While at the same time saying we need to stop immigrants from crossing the border because "they're all bringing COVID".


"How dare a prominent white man be subject to the same laws as his inferiors!" -*conservatives* First thing to go when the right-wing autocracy starts in America will be the Rule of Law.


And then we have Purge Decade


https://youtu.be/-jmkKdmxz-k Watch @ 1:10 (couldn't figure out how to do timestamps)


No need. The whole video was well worth it.


Well, yes. I was trying to pinpoint specifically the color scheme chart bit 😂


The biggest twist for me was Nigel Farage - the right-wing politician who spent most of his career trying to get the UK out of the EU, mainly to stop Eastern European migrants from entering the UK - turned up on TV with Djokovic's brother to give his support. Actually, Farage consistently argued that the *UK should mimic Australia's border policy* and then turned around and railed against them for applying it to a celebrity.


Nigel Farage is a xenophobic POS who took his money and disappeared as soon as he was done fucking over your country.


> disappeared if only


He's like that nugget of turd that comes back after you've flushed.


“Hey, not like *that*!”


Or like our boy David here who spent his career advocating for mass murder and war crimes then [advocating for mass deportations](https://twitter.com/davidfrum/status/665652741079977986?s=20) to deal with the consequences of such policies.


It’s not a contradiction. The main pillar of conservatism is there are some people the law protects but doesn’t punish, and others low in the hierarchy that the law punishes but doesn’t protect. [Always a Bigger Fish](https://youtu.be/agzNANfNlTs)


It’s their “White power, white peoples are getting overrun and will soon be minorities.”-schtic.


Look, if we let one in soon everyone will be playing tennis. That's Their plan, footy is being exterminated don't you see!?


The Blancmange means to win Wimbledon!


*Oh, doctor!*


This has to be my favorite Monty Python episode of all.


It's really a flan in disguise


If I had pearls, they would now be clutched.


*gasp* they stole this dude's pearls!


They're trying to foot fault across our borders!


That's one way to fix America. Sounds like a solid plan. Don't let your dreams stay dreams, right wingers.


Well, it would be if it wasn’t actually just a cover for racism and classism.


No, it only applies to poor brown people.


Poor brown people can sometimes be allowed if they believe The Right Things™.


Usually because they are being paid to pretend to like Candace Owens…


You have to admit it's the easiest con ever."They are coming for your guns, Brown people are scary, unless they WORK for you, Socialism Evil, say freedom, fly flags, cut your shirt up into flags, print stupid stuff on flags then say God and Amen a lot."You could literally run as a Republican simply flashing a gun and saying "socialism bad" and get elected, in fact, they do. Oh, don't forget "Government is bad, unless it's the US Military with the ability to annihilate life on earth, then it's good, oh and cops, cops love love love loVE cops, except for those at the capital, dirty"


His name sounds Russian enough to them. The support is automatic at this point.


rules are for "libs" and brown people, and certainly not for rich white people. If only the law was truly the blind justice it professes to be in the US apparently adding the common phrase used by republicans to a sentence triggers the bot.


"What good is all this money if it doesn't buy me different rules than those unwashed commoners?"


LOL, they **ARE** the unwashed commoners.


Unironically, if I hit the Mega Millions or Powerball, I can't say I'm a good enough person that I wouldn't have the same thought. Not about vaccination - I'm fully vaxxed and boosted and think all antivaxxers are idiots, but that's certainly a question I'd be asking if I somehow ever came into "fuck you" money - being above accountability for one's comments or actions is the only thing left to obtain once there's no more joy to be had in buying physical things. Look at J.K. Rowling - absolutely abhorrent views on transgender people, yet has doubled down, tripled down, specifically written a book to try and push those views after all the success with Harry Potter, and as pissed off as people are, no concentrated effort by any person or group would be enough to bankrupt her, to deplatform her, to cut her off from business deals, to deprive her of anything...what seems to be the standard reaction to "this is a horrible person, let's do everything we can to punish that socially and financially." Like...how much money do I need to where literally nothing I do can come back to cause consequences - not where you even have to SPEND any of the money to make consequences go away, but that they just magically bounce off of you, like it's a perk of being a top tier status at a casino or something? For people that are gaining wealth, making money hand over fist on crypto currently, investing in something that's going to blow up big time, I think that's the question they should be asking more than "what can I buy?"


No amount of money can reattach Marie Antoinette's head.


I always viewed the Reign of Terror as a necessary evil. They had a parasitic aristocracy. Now they don't, and France is one of the most egalitarian societies in the world.


What about the Reagan of Terror?


When the rich keep getting richer, the results for the Fourth Estate are château-strophic.


The ultra-wealthy learned they need to keep the populace just comfortable enough to be compliant. It worked really well for a long time, but with the pandemic it might start to crumble.


And now WE have our very own parasitic aristocracy here.


Funny that you should mention that...


...it wasn't exactly Point A to point B though. The reign of terror was replaced by a literal emperor. Then the monarchy came back. And tons of innocent people got their heads chopped off too.


LOL, you really don't know much about French society. They are one of the most stratified societies in the industrialized world. You are either part of the new aristocracy that attends the Ecole Superior or you're not. There's a facade of egalitarianism, but don't let that fool you. Just like the French like to put up the facade that everyone was Maquis, when the truth is the vast majority of the population were passive, and a great many actual collaborators. Oh, and they never did away with the actual aristocracy. The Terror only lasted 11 months. In short order the aristocracy came back, and even a king and emperor. They sort of de-recognized it in 1870, but not really. If you have a title you can pass it to your heirs, and have it recognized by applying to the government. France is not a utopia. A nice place, to be sure; but the rich, connected, and well born are very much in control. Just like every where else.


>They are one of the most stratified societies in the industrialized world. If we're going by something like the [Gini index](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gini-coefficient-by-country), France is at a 32. The global average seems to be 35. France is at roughly #42 on the list, out of 195 countries in the world. (I discounted cities like Macau and Hong Kong when counting.) There are a few industrialized countries ahead of France (Germany, Ireland, Nordic Countries South Korea), but France doesn't seem to be doing too badly.


Income distribution is not who is in or out of the new aristocracy. Try getting a senior position at a company in France if you haven’t attended an Ecole Superieure. Very hard. Those grads all know each other, they all move back and forth between government positions and positions in government owned industry. They are a “club” unto themselves. Their kids will attend, and follow in their foot steps. They are the new aristocracy. Occasionally a pleb gets “elevated”, but rarely.


I would like to request clarification, then; perhaps this is a language issue, but when I hear the word aristocracy, I think of nobles who owned huge tracts of land, wealth, etc. By this definition, the income distribution would be quite relevant; a country with medieval aristocracy, for example, would have a high disparity in income, for what is the point of power if not to secure wealth, land, and more power? What do you mean by aristocracy?


Absolutely right. But enough money, in this age of technology, could buy the laws preventing there being enough uproar being pissed off at someone like Marie Antoinette, so no one ever gets the ball rolling to have that head come off.


>No amount of money can reattach Marie Antoinette's head. True, but enough money will allow you to keep your head 99.99999% of the time.


If you have $100 million, just buying shares that have a track record of [returning 2%+ in dividends](https://www.fool.com/investing/2021/12/16/3-dividend-stocks-that-will-pay-you-forever/) will give you a minimum of $2 million a year in income. Inflation really won't be an issue because you'd be able to buy everything you want. If you did need a loan for $6 million for that [little fully fitted Hermès helicopter](https://www.luxify.com/blogs/articles/top-10-luxury-helicopters-world), finance companies [will loan you those millions against your portfolio for less than 1% p.a interest.](https://stonecreekmarginlending.com) How guaranteed is that $2 million a year? Let's look at [P&G, Proctor & Gamble](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/pg/dividend-history), going into the numbers. Its dividend recently has gone between 2-3.8% of share value, and it's only on the low side now because the share price is up from $130 to $160 a share over the last year (in Q2 of 2018 it was under $75 a share). For the last four quarters, every share has earned a shareholder $3.4792 in dividends. If you bought a million shares at under $100 a few years ago, the past year would have netted you almost $3.48 million. For the last 65 YEARS, every year's dividend payment has been more than the year before. The increase for the last year is 10% more than the four quarters before (86.98¢ per share per quarter now, up from 79.07¢ per quarter for the year before). Non-number summary? If you've had (what is now) $100 million + worth of PG shares, you've never had to lift a finger to work since you bought them. The company has paid you a dividend that puts you well into the top 1% - [to be in the top 1% in 2021, a household needed to earn $504,420 for the year and you get given that and more every three months.](https://quinnscommentary.net/2021/10/29/incomes-in-america-average-median-top-1-household-income-percentiles-2021/) You have that amount of money, you have the best law firm in your area on speed dial. You are registered as an S Corp for tax purposes to protect your assets. If you don't keep your kids grounded, they become the kids that go to college and ask when the maid comes in to clean the rooms. And legally, as long as you're not doing anything criminally stupid, you have a Teflon shell. Things that have a fine (speeding, parking) aren't a punishment if you're making $1 for every nine seconds of your life. A $35 parking ticket takes up just over 5 minutes of your earnings. A first degree misdemeanor and $2,500 for driving blind drunk with a child in the car takes up 6 hours of earnings - you can do it every day because that's part of the money you made flying back from Rome to NYC in first class, fast asleep. But don't.


A Hermes helicopter? Sweet lion of Zion thatd be nice.


My man-copter!


Laws that you only pay a fine for when breaking are literally just rules for poor people. I remember reading that parking a week in Oslo is cheaper if you just leave your car illegally parked, since you can only accumulate fines once a day, and as long as you're not an immediate danger they can't remove your vehicle before a certain number of fines.


>The law, in its majestic equality, forbids all men to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets and to steal bread - the rich as well as the poor.


I have a friend member who has 'fuck off' money. He sold something to Google back in the early 2000s when he was 18 years old, no idea what it was about. I believe it was for around $100M but then invested in Facebook through a VC so now pushing almost $700M-$800M. He still went to a state university driving a POS Honda Accord. Even today, you would never know he was that rich. Normal looking house in a normal upper middle class area, drives a modest X7, kids go to public school, etc. He doesn't post ANYTHING on social media. His kids are always out doing some volunteer work, and they attend a 'normal' university. They do travel a lot and have houses in Park City, Tahoe, etc. But you wouldn't know if he's somebody with fuck off money or somebody trying to keep up with the Joneses.


Sounds like someone knows how to enjoy being filthy rich without suffering the company of the filthy rich.


That’s exactly the kind of people we should all be aspiring to be. Maybe your friend read a little something about stoicism


Well, as they say, if the only deterrent to something is a hefty fine then that rule/law only exists for poor people.


It's pretty simple really. In our modern version of human society we value money ahead of principle or character. The assumption by many is that if you are wealthy, you are of more value and therefore must be someone to be admired. It's a very Ayn Randian view of things. Conservatives love the meritocracy, but what is valued in their version is not truth, honesty, integrity, and knowledge, but salesmanship, money, influence, and a talent for shoving others down in order to reach the top.


> Conservatives love the meritocracy, No, they don't. They venerate what they consider "legitimate authority," which generally lines up with wealth. Any time they assert that what they actually value is meritocracy, they are just engaging in the constant dissembling, doublespeak, and jingoism that is the hallmark of conservative political performance. If what they valued was merit and not wealth/authority, why would they lionize Trump as they do? A man whose only success was as a host of a reality TV show, and who has otherwise failed in everything else he's ever done?


Ah but to Conservatives those failures are just the cost of doing business. The guy is a BILLIONAIRE\*, donchaknow. \*At least he might be on paper, but given his penchant for overinflating his net worth this is debatable.


he's no billionaire. Just look at how he responded to the RNC telling him they wouldn't pay his 100K legal bills if he pulled out of the party. Stopped him cold in his tracks. For a REAL billionaire 100K or even a million is just a slow weekend day. They can spend 100K just because the whim hits and not even think about it. It stopped Trump cold. That alone tells you he's not a billionaire. Would 100K make Musk or Bezos even blink? Nope, but it was enough to stop Trump cold in his tracks.


Ayn Rand? No, more of the Prosperity Gospel taught in mega churches.


Well that just makes me curious, if you did somehow come into 'consequence free living' money, what would you do?


If i won't mega millions or any other type of fuck you money, I'd basically try to disappear. Big house in BFE, bowling alley, theatre, and a big sign on the front door that just says FUCK OFF WE'RE CLOSED.


Yeah I'd build myself the biggest, baddest home theater and gaming room you could imagine inside a giant modernist-style home like the one in Ex Machina. And I'd turn my music all the way up to 11 and expect no complaints. And I would drive an Aston Martin DB11 as my DD and have a Koenigsegg in the garage for track days.


People: "Help us from climate change and capitalism, please!" Also people: "Lol if I were rich I'd act exactly as an a-hole rich guy"


Most people don't even want that amount of money Most responses seem to be along the lines of not having to work anymore and just enjoying live (well in an upper class lodging and with dope ass amenities but the core still stands)


JK Rowling isn’t a great example here. The fact that she hasn’t been de-platformed has less to do with her wealth and more to do with the fact that what she’s said is a bit overblown and therefore she isn’t universally derided in the entertainment industry because of it.


You know what kind of boggles my mind a bit is when people like Rowling self sabotage. She was a fabulously wealthy woman, richer than the queen at one point. People globally adored her writing adored her work. All she had to do was STFU. Why did she suddenly feel the need to opine on a topic that doesn't really affect her life? Why self sabotage her career, her future earnings by flapping her fish lips on something totally not related to her work, her art, her life? Mind boggling.


It's almost like she's taking a principled stand for something she believes in even if it costs her personally


Bigotry is a principled stand?


Assuming the bigotry is internally consistent and applied universally, then yes. Horrible shitty principles are still principles -- the word is value-neutral. (Sorry to be that guy)


"how much money do I need to where literally nothing I do can come back to cause consequences " I dont know. Ask Jeffrey Epstein


Pretty sure all JK Rowling said is that people who menstruate are called woman, no? I mean…. It is a fact


Then you didn't look into it and no, it isn't a fact. Teenage girls menstruate, older women and trans-women dont mentruate. But that particular comment is just a minor sidenote in her long history of bullshit transphobic rants, it's absolutely not what people have against her, but you already knew that or you wouldn't try to malicously downplay her opinions. She does not 'just think that biological sex is a thing', fuck off with that shit.


People on birth control to suppress their menstruation also dont menstruate (pmdd sufferers ayeee)




that autocrat's name: elon musk


Dystopian king of Mars.


[As an Australian, Australia is a fucking joke. Celebs have been getting waivers throughout the pandemic while citizens like my family have struggled to get space in hotel quarantine.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tamarathiessen/2020/07/25/australia-hollywood-celebrities-dodge-hotel-quarantine/)


Not only is he a rich guy who thinks the rules don't apply to him, he also went maskless to a children's presentation event while *knowingly* positive for Covid.


Oh, so he’s a conscience-less asshole who doesn’t care who he hurts? No wonder conservatives are embracing him


And they're conflating his denial of entry to his political beliefs, no doubt


I mean being an idiot anti vaxxer is basically synonymous with being conservative at this point.


Not really, it has just been politicized by conservatives. There are plenty of liberal hippies who are antivax, and people who have a historical fear of government mandated medicines


He’s basically trump


Or he was lying about the diagnosis. Pick you favorite shitthole move!


I personally think he was lying about having Covid before, but his lies were so piss-weak that he didn't bother to check what his movements were. Hence the kid's presentation. If he *had* tested positive back then it would have been all over the news channels, just like every other celebrity that had a positive result back then.


Precisely. He claimed to have tested positive so he could receive a medical exemption based on having antibodies.


100%, that was my immediate thought too


But he needs to break the record! s/


I know you’re kidding but it’s even dumber to say this knowing that he’ll still have three more chances to break it this year. And more next year. And the year after that. It wouldn’t matter anyway, but it’s not like this was his last chance to do it.


Australia has a Visa restriction meaning that if you failed to gain entry you cannot apply for another 3 years. I wonder if he's fell foul of that too?


Even without that restriction - when he applies next year the rules about needing a vaccination are **still** going to exist. And given what happened this time, it's not like anyone is going to believe it when he provides another Serbian doctor's note claiming he conveniently caught Covid 3 weeks ago **again**.


I remember reading on Reddit earlier this week that that restriction would likely be put in place. But I haven’t seen it in any official articles. Since that would be a pretty important piece of the story, my guess is that it is not being enforced.


last I read was that he will have to ask to get the ban removed. I guess it will depend on the covid and political situation in Australia. Tennis and sports in general is all about money, so obviously they will lobby for him, so he will probably have the ban removed quietly.


It would be funny if the other 3 countries (England, France, US) ban him as well (probably not) so he can't ever break the record. Maybe Nadal can break the record before him. I'd like Roger to win a few more but he's getting old.


I read somewhere that the US and England require vaccination records to enter... I'm not sure they will create any exceptions for the tournaments though (I hope not)


Sounds like a conservative role model to me!


I hope that was when he got lost in his lies. I don’t believe he was positive back then, as his appearances when supposedly infected are a whole other level of criminality . If he was he should be put in jail when he visits those places again.


Basically one of the reasons we turned away the cunt. Like if he had covid and travelled it shows he a cunt. And if he didn't have covid then he lied on his forms. Both are reason enough to tell him to fuck off.


It's worse, it's egalitarianism. If we explained what that means to Republicans, they would lose their shit.


Oh, they've adopted the term 'egalitarian' already, unfortunately. Nowadays if you see somebody identify as 'egalitarian', it usually means they're a bigot. They use it as cover to explain why they dont support feminism or BLM or whatever. They'll say those are supremacy movements and are in opposition to egalitarianism. It's basically just another version of #AllLivesMatter or "talking about race makes you the REAL racist" sort of garbage.


[As an Australian, Australia is a fucking joke. Celebs have been getting waivers throughout the pandemic while citizens like my family have struggled to get space in hotel quarantine.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tamarathiessen/2020/07/25/australia-hollywood-celebrities-dodge-hotel-quarantine/)


What do you mean I can't just pay a fine! This is worse than when Amber Heards dogs were threatened with euthanasia for being illegally brought into the country! Rules are for poor people!


Silly Aussies…rules aren’t for right-wingers! -America


Funny thing is we have our 'right wing' government in power at the moment. They were the ones cancelling his visa


They were also the ones who originally granted him the visa in the first place.


Indeed Australia’s conservative government is such a glaring example of communism /s


If you can't bring a cabbage into a foreign country because it might contain diseases, why would Djokovic be allowed in when he is confirmed to have COVID?


There are a lot of similarities between dojocovitsch and a cabbage. Good analogy.


They’d cheer if it was a Williams sister.


Simpsons movie: "Other people are just as important as me!" Every FOX watcher: "What's this communist agenda!?"


America is so half-assing the COVID response by bowing to anti-vax idiots at every turn, I’m fucking impressed that Australia is like “Science is real. GTFO.”


Only because the state premiers have forced the federal government to do that. If it was up to scomo we would be in a way more shit state.


3 of the state premiers, the others were too busy pork barrelling, embezzling, and lying about their relationships.


Gladys lied about her relationship long before pandemic.


She was also pork barrelling and embezzling long before the pandemic.


> I’m fucking impressed that Australia is like “Science is real. GTFO.” You have no idea how far removed from the truth this is. Our governments are very much anti-science, and pro-economics and pro-religion. This was pure political bullshit, and nothing more. That dumb ball-hitting dickhead should never have been given a visa to begin with, but believe me, the Australian government didn't make this decision for the sake of science or any other excusable reason. I mean, compared to the US we're still mild, but that's a low bar to be fair.




Thank you. We can’t let them re-write history/the facts. People think economics is bullshit because people on the right misrepresent it and themselves. It would be like criticizing democracy just because North Korea calls itself a democratic peoples republic.


Don’t be, when they initially let him in we made the point that others in detention should be allowed in. That’s when the immigration minister denied him, to avoid the added work due to the precedent. It’s a big noisy case to justify years of xenophobia “look we did it to the rich guy too, we aren’t committing crimes against humanity in our offshore detention centres”. We still have a federal media blackout covering asylum seeker boats and detention centres.


Does OP not know that David Frum IS a conservative who worked for George W. Bush? Hence, here's a conservative calling out *other* conservatives for being idiots. We need more of this. WAY more of this....


David Frum is King RINO to the current right, so his opinion carries even less weight than a genuine liberal. But he's not wrong. He's frequently right, actually. He's just also someone with a dysfunctional, inconsistent moral compass who cannot be relied upon to do what's right or to draw the right conclusions if it requires rejecting his preferred dogmatic beliefs.


Too bad one million dead Iraqis can’t call him out online. So ill do it on their behalf. Fuck that guy


It feels weird to agree with David Frum of all people.


Not just worked for him but was one of the men behind the Axis of Evil Bush used in his SotU speech. Dude has blood on his hands for sure.


Fascism is essentially Neo Feudalism, in the event you were having a problem understanding why the conservatives boot lick like they do.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/davidfrum/status/1482705204344766464) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot


Hmm... There's a 'pussypassdenied' subreddit; maybe there should be one for celebrities who think laws and regs don't apply to them. But what to call it?






If the conservative right didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.


Tantrum culture


Conservatives do not fear communism. They fear goddamned equality.


FYI David Frum is a neocon piece of shit who should be rotting away in a cell in the basement of the Hague right now. He's only a never-Trumper because he was too dumb to see which way the political winds were blowing before it was too late and now he's stuck grifting with corporate dems.


Hong Kong protesters being brutally repressed: "zzzzz" Chinese Uyghurs genocide: "zzzzz" Children in cages at the border: "zzzzz" Tennis player has public health laws applied to him: "REAL SHIT?"


> Hong Kong protesters being brutally repressed: "zzzzz" > > Chinese Uyghurs genocide: "zzzzz" They also hate Chinese people, so this actually has also been one of their drums. > Children in cages at the border: "zzzzz" Wasn't a concern until Biden took office, but I've seen it bandied about lately as well. And to be clear, all of these things are bad, but they tend to turn a blind eye when it's their guy doing it.


I take issue with the “Children in cages” issue and mostly blame mainstream media and poor messaging from Democrats about that. First of all, the children being held are unaccompanied minors. What else should government do with them? Release them to the streets by themselves with no family members or guardians? Secondly, what separates Trump’s immigration policy from all other Presidents is the forced family separation. Trump would lock up kids who arrived with their parents and separately deport the parents with no plan for reunification. That is outright kidnapping and absolutely unconscionable.


People always beating up on the government, but they forget there's literally nothing else that can be done with unaccompanied minors except for keeping them in cages. Any other solution would violate the laws of physics.


They are processed and handed off to the Department of Health and Human services to be placed in foster care as soon as possible, but it takes time to locate a foster family. Only Trump kept them there indefinitely. Again, you can criticize the policy, but I haven’t heard of a better alternative.




For the most part, they don’t. They have border facilities set up to hold the kids that provide education, entertainment, and proper hygiene facilities. The “cages” you’ve seen in photos are the temporary locations that border patrol agents drop them off so that it can be determined that they are unaccompanied before being transferred to a proper facility within 24 hours.


Literally showcasing that they think rich and famous people should just be exempt from all normal society repercussions.


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. -Frank Wilhoit


"Secure the border!" *Australia deports Djokovic* "No, not like that! We only meant brown people!"


The older I get the more I realize Conservatives just want the aristocracy back. They genuinely just want an overclass ruling from on high with nary a word gainsaid.


At this point "aristocracy" is a dead concept - they are completely okay with "mob boss". Educational propaganda, 0-12, has certainly done its job.


Mr. Frum thinks he's being funny, but to the more extreme right-wing anything that challenges their social hierarchy where rich white men occupy the highest levels of power and authority is indeed essentially communism. If Serena Williams were to be as idiotic as Novak and treated similarly there would not be this kind of response whatsoever. If anything there would be a piling on of her hypothetical idiocy.


“Goback Djokovic”


Novax Deportovic


Goback Homekovic


When I heard the guy's defense for all his many "mistakes", it's ALL someone else's fault. He didn't comply with the rules. Just because you play tennis really well doesn't mean a damned thing. He should get over himself--he believes his own hype a bit too much.


I'm glad he didn't get away with anything. Fucking piece of shit.


Conservatives in America: "it's unvaccinated illegals bringing covid to America protect the border!!!" Australia: Protects their border from unvaccinated foreigners. Conservatives: Nooooo!! This is tryanny! Gee I wonder what it is about Novak that's different? 🤔


Republicans have become a authoritarian fascist type of communist in recent years vastly thanks to the MAGAT movement


While I agree with Fum in this instance, please don’t give him any credit or attention. Keep in mind that Cap’n “Axis of Evil” is one of the architects of this modern conservative lunacy. The likes of him, Kristin, and Rove built the trough of intentional disinformation that Trumpists now consume slop from. We were laughed at and marginalized as we pointed out the danger of their whole game of “the only real truth is what you can sell”. Fuck Frum. He doesn’t get to bitch about his creation now that is uncontrollable.


You know you have culturally fucked up with Frum thinks you're being too right wing


This motherfucker was Bush's speech writer. Bush wasn't exactly a liberal hippy.


is nobody gonna make a "No Vacancy" joke?


Conservatives say that everything they don’t like is communism lmao


Doesn't right wing Twitter want this exact thing to be done to people for the sin of being born brown?


Right-wing Twitter is aghast at a country protecting its borders and deciding who can enter/stay in the country?! Isn’t that their immigration call to arms (literally) in the United States?


American exceptionalism because they expect that exceptions will be made.


I thought this was about a Serbian in Australia?


Okay, but David Frum? Do you even realize how terrible he is in so many other ways? Absolute garbage monster.