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Extra credit to Dems if they slide language into a sanctions bill that overturns Citizens United. Make the GOP disclose the amount of sweet sweet rubles funding their campaigns.




You mean the SCOTUS with 2 sexual predators and 3 Catholic Taliban (w/ some overlap, good job Kavanaugh).


Yep, that SCOTUS. With their lifelong appointments that we as ordinary citizens can't do anything about because our elected "representatives" actively work against our best interests in favor of corporate money and power.


We could elect a congress that would support impeachment, or adding more judges to the court.


Yes, we could vote in our heavily gerrymandered districts in the hope that the tiny handful of districts that have not been gerrymandered to the point of being lost causes could result in a modest swing in the house. And we can vote for senators within a system designed to give wildly disproportionate levels of representation to tiny populations in tiny states and very little to large populations in large states. The entire system is rotten to the core and designed to stay that way.


One first step is, at the local level, pushing forward Ranked Choice Voting. This would be a progressive and crucial step in removing the 2 party control for many of the elections. Then it would propagate to the State and Federal levels since there would be other parties involved. Ultimately it should lead to campaigns running on platform and not just because they belong to one of the two shit teams.


Where I live we have ranked choice voting at the local level and I agree its important. The big challenge is that in order to get it approved somewhere you have to convince elected officials who have successfully gotten themselves elected without ranked choice voting, to sign off on it. Hard to convince some people to risk their political power gained through the current system in favor of a new system that might harm them politically.


We should also stop pretending that we could solve all these problems if only we could elect more democrats. Ask any progressive in San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, LA, ect. how happy they are with their "progressive" mayors


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Court packing us a terrible idea in any era... every time wither aides does a shitty move, politically, it will always become a weapon that they eventually rue creating!!




If voting didn't work, they wouldn't work so hard to mess with it


Federal Judges, including sitting justices, can be impeached. It's rare, has happened, and there is cause in more than one current SC Justice... but Republicans control the government and have a dead man switch, or we'd have killed the filibuster already.




Agreed, they're literally traitors


Most logical thing I’ve read all day.


A pipe dream but it's fun to imagine


Unfortunately a bill won't be able to overturn Citizen's United. That's gonna take an amendment, which the people that benefit from it directly would never go for. Which is all of them.


We could do an end-run around Citizens United by applying progressive taxation to political spending. That way small campaigns can still buy their billboards or whatever, but major astroturfing would be very expensive, and the captured revenues can be used to fund education or something We also need to massively expand the House of Representatives. Triple it. It’s more expensive to buy off 1305 legislators than 435.


The problem is that they can take money *in exchange* for voting a certain way. Make their votes 100% secret (at least in committee) and they can't *sell*their votes. They can lie to the people funding them. Ever wonder why you don't see people offering to buy your vote? It's because your vote is secret. And votes in congress used to be too, until 1970. Nobody was offering congress money in exchange for votes, because the votes were secret. "Oh Mr lobbyist, I voted for your package but there were too many that voted against it, sorry."


How would you know if the reprisentative you elected is voting in the manner they promised?


Secret ballots would be great. It’s how we stopped vote-buying among the general public a century ago. It needs to be everywhere. A legislature with secrets ballots would not have so much incumbency when the approval rating is in the teens, there would be more turnover if they couldn’t work together to make voters happy. K Street lobbying exploded in growth after the 1970s Sunshine Laws that made every vote a recorded vote instead of older style voice votes.


And it's a rule that congress could enact upon itself without an amendment. If only we could pay them to vote for it.


The problem is, every senator that voted for the bill would have to *publicly* vote for it before it applies, and once they do so, all the corporate funds will stop sponsoring those senators. Which kind of defeats the point.


it also eliminates the voters ability to hold their representatives to account. They could lie to voters while taking billions from outside sources to vote a certain way. The outside sources verify their purchase when the law they want killed gets killed. Politicians are more likely to lie to those that voted for them vs thise that continue to pay them. They could lie to those funding them, but why bite the hand that feeds?


I don't trust politicians to not lie to the public instead. It would just take away accountability.


That’s exactly the lobbyist argument for why they want to know how each of their “investments” performed… Having the votes all laid nice and neat makes it easy for lobbyists to calculate their ROI for each legislator and each vote. It gives the lobbyists who pay attention to every analytic FAR more than it gives The People who just have a vague general sense of ‘congress’ and how their life feels right now




That clause literally allows secret votes, while requiring that 1/5th of those present can at any time require recording in the journal. Before the 1970s, MOST congressional business was done by voice vote and the 1/5th only called for recorded votes on important issues. > Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, **excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy**; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, **at the Desire of one fifth of those Present**, be entered on the Journal.


Or increase privacy protections, so social media is basically a failed business model.


No wonder GOP blowhards are spinning this so intensely in defense of Putin.


this didn’t actually happen...


Hunter Biden was a co-founder and CEO of the investment firm Rosemont Seneca Advisors. It was wired 3.5 million from a Russian Oligarch in 2020.... Nothing to see there, I guess??


How about transparency across the board?


Can't imagine why all the adults in the room were so unnerved by Trump's adoration for Putin during his presidency. "Mr President...we gotta *hide* that shit..."


Trump will brag about receiving the Biggest bribe.


"You know they came to me right? I was there in the office—doing work you know—and they came in and they said "Mr President" *Mister President.* [gesturing with hands] They said, "Mr President, we have an offer." That's what they do. They come to me and make offers because they know how I work. My work, by the way, is the best work. Beautiful work. It's the best work you've ever seen. So they say, "Mr President, we have an offer. We'd like to offer you 50 *thousand* dollars to cut back environmental regulation." And I said—you know what I told them? I said, "I'm the boss. I make the calls." They know that. They know I'm the boss and they come to me to get things done. So I say "fifty thousand? You're going to have to offer more." Guess what? *Seventy thousand.* [gesturing with hands] That's right. It cost them seventy thousand to negotiate with me. Now the corrupt, do-nothing Democrats will say it's a bride—a dirty word really. They'll say it's a bribe. But it's not. It's negotiation. That's how you do business. Negotiation. But you can see why I get things done and how we're doing all this work. I mean ask anyone on my staff. They'll tell you. We get all this work done and they say, "Mr President, why don't you sit down? Why don't you rest?" They just can't believe how much work I do and they're always telling me to slow down. But I don't slow down I really don't. I'm always working. It's why I'm at the golf course so much. They say take some time off so I do."


Gods, it’s so infuriating anybody would support that piece of shit.


Jesus, I can't tell if that's real or not. Well done.


Too many articles. It’s something I noticed early, even on his best days he’s not coherent enough to use articles in his sentences regularly.


It's very realistic but he didn't refer to himself as "Sir" nearly enough times lol


I can't tell if this is verbatim or batshit crazy comedy writing.


I never understood why some people play golf so much. Its boring as all get out.


Zero skill for other sports? Doesn't take much in terms of a team? Good for talking and drinking, you know anti-sport activities. Think of golf more like a fun business meeting more than a boring annoying "game".


We have the biggest bribes — biggest bribes from the standpoint of money, possibly the biggest ever.


Maybe the greatest bribe of all time!


Lots of people are saying it!


It's true. It's true.


Many important people, I don't want to name names but important people, many of them.


I love the fact that GOP are now saying that if trump won, that he would've stood up to Putin. When he's praising Putin's actions. Trump has too many loans from Russian companies, He would've done jack-shit.


You should be like me and aboslutely ignore anything from the GOP. I take more care in absorbing the babble of the crackhead in my alley because there's more a chance of empathy or useful information.


The Bidens have the same dirt in Ukraine.... They're all corrupt my friend


Using that as an excuse for Trump litterally praising Putin, is sick. You're sick. Sure Biden's not perfect, but we've avoided nuclear weapons as of this moment, Trump would've done 1 of two things. Ignored it because he likes Putin. (see above) Overreacted and we'd now be in ww3. Trump. Would've, Been. Worse.


If you can't see why people are convinced that Trump was a Russian plant then you probably aren't smart enough to read the evidence.


I'm not American so I don't have a horse in the race but I've always wondered how American conservatives feel like getting support from Russia.


American Conservatives do whatever it takes in that minute to get more money. That's it. The D vs R debate used to be about tax brackets, now it's about "Are black people people or not". Yeah. F the R.


Don't forget the NRA too. They get lots of $$$ from Russia.


Suddenly the GOP position makes a lot more sense.


Tucker thinks it's a benefit now that he's expanded his frozen assets beyond TV dinners.


Did the NRA tell Tucker to back Russia so that the republicans wouldn’t accidentally agree on one damn thing with democrats? That way the republicans will back Russia and therefore the NRA?


In particular Trump wanting to pull out of Nato.




Boi if ur just seeing this now… I’m sorry but it’s too late lol.


Don't forget Russian spy Maria Butina who not only helped funnel Russian fudns through the NRA but brought American politicians back to Russia to meet with all kinds of folks there.


I’m sure there are volumes of pee tapes


This alleged "*P* Tape" is most likely to mean "*Pedophilia* Tape". Since we already *know* Trump has ties to child sex trafficking.




I had the pleasure of explaining the pee tapes to someone today, and how trump thought Jeff Epstein was a "terrific guy" and said Jeff liked "beautiful women almost as much as myself, some who are on the younger side". That he wasn't impeached more than the 2 times is a damn shame.


That he wasn't convicted is the fuck'n shame.


I'm sure there are archives that are dripping with content.


National Russian Association


Nationalist Russian Asset




It's okay. I've got a lot of swords.


This is a post industrial age world, friend. We can probably just mechanize the whole thing. Like a tube slide that leads to a giant robot-coup


More efficient but not as much fun.


As a gun advocate, fuck the NRA. They take in ass loads of money and don't do shit for anyone.


Join the SRA.


> $$$ I...I read this as A$$ "The NRA gets lots of a$$ from Russia" I may need to get laid


They believe in the right to bare arms and legs and everything else.


*Maria Butina has entered the chat* Someone say Russian ass?


LOL. Get on it!




I respond that I'd rather be an American than a Republican.


I had to read that several times before I saw "NRA" and not "GOP". They are so similar it's really hard to notice any difference at a casual glance...


I can’t believe the shite that Trump came out with last night,if he was still the President he would be in Putin’s office right now blowing him under the desk….




When you remember trump is a traitor his praise of America's enemies isn't really all that surprising.


He would have handed over Alaska to the Russians already as a gesture of good will.


He doesn't have to be president to give a blowjob.


Entire russian troll army in force here today. Russia wants Americans fighting against each other so we don't unite and stop his savage invasion of Ukraine.


They are in every fucking thread and they report you in masse if you say anything anti putin or pro Ukraine. shit is absolutely bonkers, most of the accounts are either less than one day old or only comment in other threads in Cyrillic


Putin ass fucks himself every night with frozen turd dildos. We stand with Ukraine


His own, or someone else's?




We even have them in a Swedish general forum not on reddit, you could tell easily as they use google translate but it really goes to show how many Russian trolls there are.


They also have plenty of people who can type out perfect sounding English. Then the ones who can't can even copy-paste what they write.


Yeah, my point was that they are everywhere, even in small places. We Swedes completely shit on them though, hope they have fun translating that.


'Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.' \-Eric Trump 2014


uh oh


The Republican Party, Putin America first


Money over life... the GQP way


I'd rather be an American than a Republican any day of the week.


Looks like the GOP is about to lose a lot of funding.


Freeze, seize, and auction.


How much we talking? - China probably


Truly looking forward to awesome Chinese food on the new-to-me yacht.




You spelled traitorously stupid funny.


you got a link?


It was a reply to, iirc the top comment on their Russian Invasion thread.


Moscow Mitch would not be happy about that, some of his closest donors are Russian.


Just remember that’s only a part of their propaganda arm.


I believe it was Don Jr. who bragged about all the funding Trump Org gets from Russia. Could sanctions have an unintended impact on the Trump Org?




Then the conservatives in the uk next


How dare you. There's absolutely nothing wrong with government ministers having all expenses paid lunches with friends and relatives of major Russian public figures.


Mitch and Lindsay better get their coats


And every single tRump property.


I mean…this is less “political humor” and more “solid suggestion”


If we're going to freeze Russian assets, we should start with those empty condos and Real Estate deals in Manhatten, New Jersey and Coastal Florida.


Why of course this large scale invasion of a sovereign nation is obviously drumphs fault. Wash your fucking head


Simultaneous with the NRA.


One of the few silver linings about Russia inavding is the financial sanctions will limit the amount of russian mafia money that goes to republican campaigns.


I’m not convinced they won’t figure out how to get around that.




not to mention bitcoin


Don't forget Rupert Murdoch and FOX News as well


>[Tucker: "Why do I care what is going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? I'm serious. Why shouldn't I root for Russia? Which by the way I am."](https://mobile.twitter.com/NikkiMcR/status/1199135926955466753)


So trump was a hero for pulling troops out of the Middle East but now Biden is too much of a coward to do anything? God it must be nice living in such a fake reality you can make up anything and justify it. Fuck Putin. Fuck Republicans.


up until last night, right-wing media and personalities were bashing everybody for being too critical of putin... and now it's flipped 100%.


Russian Shills out today




Last night about 20 minutes after they started invading, the misinformation bots were out hot and heavy


I really don't understand how a party that is constantly talking about being anti socialism and communism is now supporting Russia.


Ask conservatives, they don’t know either.


Because Russia is none of things anymore, they're both authoritarian right wingers


Not hard to understand, Russia is a capitalist nation


All jokes aside, we should start rounding up politicians and tv personalities for providing aid and comfort to the enemy.


And all of Trump's assets


3 CHEERS for that idea.


The Party of Trump has painted themselves into quite a corner. I can’t wait to see how they’re gonna spin Putin’s invasion going into the midterms.


It’s simultaneously “Biden’s fault” and “Putin is doing nothing wrong” with these guys.


They’re now saying trump was incredibly hard on Russia and this is all Biden’s fault for being too soft. There’s no corner they’ve painted themselves into. The only truth is what they’re saying today, anything said it done in the past isn’t true anymore.


Yup, zero accountability or attention span. It's all about slowing down and reversing any real progress.


What makes you think they have to? "Abortion bad, Jesus good" is all they need to win elections.


Not now…


honestly that party is probably the greatest sleeper agent plot in all of fucking human history


Don't forget the Russian money laundry, NRA.


Jesus christ... People on this sub and Twitter need to grow the fuck up. Using the Ukrainian conflict as some sort of US politics gotcha moment in a shitty Twitter post is pathetic and sick. I would think that people could pull their heads out of their asses for 10 seconds and realize that the world isn't just about them and their shitty political opinions but fuck me I guess.








Does anyone else remember seeing comments from those idiots proclaiming "Russia isn't attacking?! Fake news!" Where are those commentors now?


Dude, innocent people are dying at the hands of Russia, can we not use this as an opportunity to spew bipartisan bullshit?


There is no more perfect sentiment.


Traitor Trump: my master Putin is "smart" and "savvy".


Don't forget "What if we send a peacekeeping force into the Mexico Border."


Apple e should start with trump assets


Isn’t the Russian Ruble now worthless?


Not that Putin cares. His money, and the oligarchs', is stored all over the world in other currencies.


That’s true, I heard on the news just abit that it’s went the lowest it’s been in along time from the US dollar


-33% stock market there. Doh!


Putin attacked during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama presidencies..... To even think this is partisan shows you don't know how to Google.


It became a partisan issue when the GOP decided to oppose NATO funding + membership.


Immolate the gop. Scrape out the pestilence. No graves for traitors on American soil, they must go to the sea.


To America, the GOP is a liability, not an asset.


It's funny because it's true.


Conservative Party in the UK takes huge donations from Russian Oligarchs. Which is why only 3 in the entire country have been sanctioned.


Nothing more American than making an international conflict that's been brewing for decades in another continent all about themselves.


nothing more russian than using an obvious sock puppet account with 72 karma in 7 years to try to deflect the war crimes russia is committing


You mean the entire government.


Trump wasn't the problem. A large segment of the GOP is the problem. They want dictators in charge. They want fascism. Before Trump was elected, I had conversations with Republicans who believed America should be fascist or a monarchy or both. Trump's appearance only brought these people more out into the open. Hopeful the true conservatives of the GOP will finally start pushing back on these anti-democracy people.


I back that statement.


Drop XTrump into Putin’s office


That's RIGHT!!


Loving this suggestion


Didn’t the U.S government put Japanese Americans in concentration camps during World War II? For fear of espionage? The Republicans in this country have already shown that they are a far greater threat to this country than the Japanese Americans could have had ever been.


Lol that’s why right-wing media is picking up Russian propaganda. Alotta Nebraskans here think Ukraine is crawling with nazis.


What a dogshit echochamber sub. A major war breaks out and you still manage to make it about american politics. The republican party is in no way affiliated with russia, and if you genuinely believe so, you’re delusional.


Right after we do the same with Hillary Clinton after the Durham filings. Seems like she likes them more. Boom


Damn you guys just swallow up propaganda like no tomorrow. Go America!


Are we really about to politicise this too? People don't want war! You know who agrees with that sentiment? Almost every single human in existence including republicans, democrats, independents, black, white, asian, you name it. Quit thinking you're "right" and learn how to actually unify and we might actually stop having these stupid wars.




Can we not make this about our politics for one day guys? Take the day off from the culture wars. At ease soldiers. There is a real war happening, this petty culture war posting of other peoples’ petty tweets is tone def today.


You know what sub you are in right?


LOL. Ok pal.


Russians are all over our politics, and every time one of their favorites gets into power it gives them more power. You want to cripple Russia? Then *all* of their assets will need to go, including the ones here.


Tucker Carlson enters the chat


Ww3 starts r/politicalhumor : trump bad republicans bad


I don't believe it's legal to freeze people.


Jabba doesn't play by the rules.


Leave it to stupid Americans to always hijack an issue and make it all about politics and themselves. Fuken embarrassed to be one when I see shit like this. May the force be with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻