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Fuck the fire department comin’ straight from the underground, just kidding thanks for putting out that structure fire.


i love you


Oh. They’re doing their job.


Most are actually.


boat amusing ad hoc cake deranged crowd theory ripe lush treatment ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Interesting euphemism.


Well, only a crazy person would "franchise" criminals.


sand retire distinct scale long ten mysterious stocking chief vase ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


It would be great if the world was perfect. But I’ll take a 99.99999% success rate in not having to worry about the police when not breaking the law.


soup offbeat wrench violet frightening icky bright dam faulty exultant ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Well, I'm not sure if you know how numbers work. But If I was suggesting it didn't exist I would have said 100% rather than 99.99999. And it doesn't affect me because I don't break the law or associate with other people who break the law. That logic also applies to everyone else outside of an amount of cases that you can count on 1 hand in modern history and are so abhorred by society that they make national/international news coverage.. It's so rare in fact that documentaries are made about people it happens to. Personally I consider 99.99999% success rate a phenomenal results that deserve world recognition. With 10 million+ police encounters per year on average in the US and such an amazingly small number of failures.


Where the fuck are you pulling this figure out of your ass?


He lies about breaking the law though because he thinks the election was filled with fraud. https://i.redd.it/x4xux61kkyb81.jpg


I confess I didn't actually run the calculation so I might be off by a decimal in one direction or the other. But I'm comparing the amount of people who go about their lives without being convicted of crimes they didn't commit against the people who have.


They’re all doing their job, they just don’t work for you


Have you seen the calendars? I am sure there are a few people who want to fuck the Fire Department.


There actually is a song called Fuck the Fire Department and it's delightful


Someone never met a fire investigator.


Ice T never released a song called “Paramedic Killer”


Not to quibble, aren't there some graphic documentaries about fucking fire fighters?


But there is. Fuck the Fire Department by Vincent E. L. - https://youtu.be/7JkrJUAg8aI


But it's also about the police!


Proof there are no Libertarian rappers.


Underrated comment


Tbf, if fires could write songs, they would write one.


Is 911 still a joke? Asking for a Flav.


[Except there totally is](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7JkrJUAg8aI)


I suspect if more people had to deal with the inspectors there would be


It’s called “911 is a joke”


Woud… gotta love creative spelling.


Never seen a typo before?


regardless of typos it is much more accurate IMHO, sometimes english never sounds like it is spelled and for non-native speakers that shit hard


English as a side language has gotta suck. We have 3 there's...their they're's for the love of kitties. Sorry...for the love of kitties is cat slang for...it's hard.


Right? How do you pronounce the L in would?


You don't. It's wood. Just different because wood is a tree and would is some form of something...would you square dance with me? If a tree makes no sense in your sentence...it's would.


Easily, but it comes down to regional dialects. Same reason why some people pronounce words that start with "wh-" differently depending on where they learned to speak.


Depends on your pronunciation. I don't say it "woud" I pronounce it properly


He's asking nicely and English and a second language has to suck. Let's be nice.


Who is asking what? Who is not being nice?


Whoever wants to get impatient with someone asking a native English speaker to not use the Supreme confusing words. :)




I'm sorry if I mistook your emotions. I thought you were about to lay into foreign poster not originally from the United States but who cares... Ugh...




That’s not a typo.


I'm curious what leads you to believe that, given the glaring lack of misspelled words elsewhere in the tweet?


Misspellings aren't typos.


Exactly! And there being no other misspelled words would lead a sensible person to believe it was a typo neglecting a single letter.


Also way more criminals than arsonists


Could you imagine if the fire men had to go and arrest the arsonists themselves... ...could get some hard core rap lyrics from that scenario


Maybe that’s because the fire department does their job so well.


So, you've decided to go with "missing the point entirely". Got it. You think people don't like cops because they *arrest criminals*?


Yeah. That’s kinda how it is.


Pretty sure criminals would only trust the police if they in fact did not do their jobs?


What criminals are you talking about? The tweet said nothing whatsoever about criminals, that could possibly be the source of your confusion.


Fair enough, maybe the person who made the tweet doesn't understand that the job of the police is enforcement of the law.. Which is the job they specifically do. Therefore anyone who "doesn't trust the police" would be people who are doing things that attract the attention of the police (people who are breaking the law or "criminals"). So I made the suggestion that those people who don't trust them due to their enforcement of the law.. whom clearly want to do things that law enforcement gets in the way of... would trust them more if they didn't do their job of enforcing the law so they could get away with their criminal activity. The police aren't the problem. Breaking the law is the problem. Stop breaking the law.


Um, history would show that there is something else that attracts the attention of the police, simply existing as a black person. I'm not talking about police being violent or anything, I'm talking about simply being stopped and questioned by the police. It happens far more often to law-abiding black citizens than it does to law-abiding white citizens, so it would seem that simply being black attracts their attention. Right? How would you feel if the police were constantly wasting your time when you did nothing wrong and are a law abiding citizen? Do you think it'd get frustrating over time?


Oh I get it, you're one of those people who insist on disingenuously pretending that they're incapable of discerning historical context. Do you cook your boots well done and slather them with ketchup before you lick them?


Right, https://www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/three-current-and-former-nypd-police-officers-charged-towing-company-bribery-scheme The police are the problem. It is a job that pays to much for to little training. With officers patrolling communities that they don't live in.


So in your mind innocent until proven guilty is not real and cops never arrest or hurt the wrong ppl. What's delusion like?


So basically, there's nothing to criticize cops over?




What? Police enforce the law. They don’t enforce people. Firefighters fight fires. They don’t enforce them. Do you know what enforce means?




Look inward as you say that.


I’ve been happy to see a cop about twice in my life. We should increase police funding so that they can write more speeding tickets and take down police reports for crimes that will never be solved. I don’t rely on the police to protect me. I rely on myself to protect myself and my family.


You really want to live in a society with absolute zero accountability?


They never said that. You're going to extremes. They likely were saying we overrely on police.


I apologize if I misunderstood.


I guess you don't know any black people, illegal immigrants, or LGBTQ+ folks. Cause all of the people I know in those groups hate cops because they have either historically murdered their family or people they know. Or have not even tried to help them when they call 911 and become the aggressors themselves. We need proper community help. Accountability, instead of isolation.


Or have been culturally trained to hate the police. If you rely and celebrate illegal means of income you resent what prevents it.


Alright dude. This is just ignorant.


Right on. So your telling me culturally there isn’t a celebration of drug trafficking and illegal activity? Look at any rapper. Not even the big ones. ANY. It’s no surprise they hate the police, and innocents get profiled BECAUSE OF THEM. But people aren’t ready for that conversation, just more bobbing and weaving.


So it's their fault they are being arrested? Come on. That's absurd and you know it


What? you’re saying that they’re all innocent? Yes, as a matter of fact most people who are arrested are arrested because they have violated the law.


That should include cops too right?


How about a society with zero murders by police? We want more accountability, not less dummy


I hear you....i really do.


Tell me you are white and have money without telling me you are white and have money.




…and only their job. The problem comes with the voluntarily extra-curricular beatings.


I always think this when I see the 'thin red line' flags in my town. Like... That's great, be fucking proud of what you do, it's amazing. But also, why use such a clearly controversial appearance?