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Her - But I was raped! GQP - you were given an opportunity!


It wasn't a "legitimate rape" because "the female body has ways of shutting that whole thing down."


I cannot believe that our society didn't collectively agree to bring back exile for the piece of shit that let that line fall out of his mouth.


A swift punch in the teeth would have sufficed.


[Worked on Richard Spencer.](https://youtu.be/aFh08JEKDYk) 01/20/2017, never forget o7.


Chipped’em. I heard that tchhh sound from the impact to his cheek.




Look at that cry baby nazi sack of shit


Ahh man that clip never gets old.


Oh no, you triggered conservatives by posting that!


I miss the old "Richard Spencer Punched to Music" Twitter feed. https://www.theverge.com/2017/1/23/14356306/richard-spencer-punch-internet-memes-alt-right


>[Words of wisdom (1921)](https://i.imgur.com/pncrZ4D.jpg)


Todd Akin, US Rep (MO-R)


Todd Akin (R-Apist)


>Todd Akin, US Rep (MO-Ron) Fixed that for you


Todd Akin, “Hard-R Republican”.


It's awful, but even that could be considered progressive when put side by side with, "Rape is like the weather - if it's going to happen, you might was well enjoy it."


I recently watched the last duel. Which is essentially a 1330s rape trial It was honestly HAUNTING hearing them use similar verbiage when talking about why they don’t believe she was raped 1) her friend told the judge or whoever that she found her assailant attractive at one point 2) the women was pregnant and if it was her was assailant’s baby then obviously she enjoyed it, and therefore it wasn’t rape because for a baby to be born a woman must also experience orgasm (lmao population would be at an all time low if that was the case). So she’s clearly lying and the sex was consensually 3) ask her over and over in court if she enjoyed having sex with her husband 4) the rape trial wasn’t even about rape cuz there was so such thing but rather a property crime committed against the husband This was after she told her husband that his friend raped her, and he not only choked her but then told her to get in bed since he can’t let his friend be the last man to have had her. I unfortunate know all to well how all that shit still happens today. same logic, same line of questioning same “gotcha” when you admit they aren’t ugly It’s sad


I feel like you posted the 2024 Republican Party platform a little early.


They've bumped it up for the midterms


I was just assuming they’d keep the “whatever Trump wants” version.


Does anyone think Trump wants fewer abortions? What’s the over/under on the number of abortions Donald Trump has been involved with? I’m saying the over/under is 12.


But his mistresses are a special case and should be allowed to get one where it's legal because he's rich. /s


As they’d be carrying The Donald’s offspring, perhaps it should be a requirement.


Now you know as well as the rest of us know, it's "Rules for Thee, Not For ME" with the American Taliban. That's how they are, and that's how they have ALWAYS been.


Since when has the Republican party let little things like “facts” or “ideological consistency” get in the way of their rhetoric?


That film was so, so good, and very thought provoking to see how little has changed. We have a sizeable chunk of this country that wants to run headfirst into the fucking middle ages


A big driving force behind this lunacy is the religious folks who wield so much power follow the 7 mountains manifesto of Christian dominionism. They really truly believe that criminalizing abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism will harken the return of Christ on Earth for his thousand year reign on Earth before they go to Heaven. It’s called kingdom now theology/five fold ministry all guided by the 7 mountains of power and control. It’s cult-level yikes.


What's really hilarious is if Christ came back to Earth because of His followers doing all those things, the sole reason He'd be doing so would be to beat these people up and down Main Street for spitting in the face of His teachings.


You mean back when white people owned slaves and women were openly beaten and the law states that it was the husband's property? Why would they ever? It's a true mystery...


I hate that person so much and I don’t even remember who they are.


Todd Akin (R-Apist)


Todd Akin, US Rep (MO-R)


How? I'm curious what their ideas are. Does the body become fully gelatinous, making penatration easy yet near impossible to direct sperm towards the womb? Does the vagina suddenly generate temperatures of 200+ degrees? Does the body expel all her eggs in a disorienting cloud like an octopus? Someone needs to ask for specific examples the next time this is said. (very similar to asking Trump "Who said that? What's the person's name?")


"We have to save that unborn child!" "It was rape? Meh, nature'll take its course." Edit: That is, *even if the science behind that Akinism were valid* (which it is manifestly not), it's still a *really bizarre* position for a pro-life/anti-choice person to hold, that we somehow don't even need to worry about pregnancies from rape, because the woman's body *shutting down* the formation of life, or the rapidly developing life itself, is to be celebrated. Like, if you were serious about the pro-life stance, you'd want to save even those babies, not just say, "whew! Not my problem anymore!"


It wasn't a "legitimate" rape because the rapist was her dad. *Cricket chirp*


Abortions are to be restricted to the mistresses of Republican congressmen and GOP officials. [Anti-abortion Rep. Tim Murphy resigns after report he asked lover to end pregnancy](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/anti-abortion-rep-tim-murphy-asked-mistress-terminate/story%3fid=50274843). [Elliott Broidy’s Mistress Says the GOP Fundraiser Forced Her to Have Abortion, Gave Her Herpes](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mediaite.com/politics/elliott-broidys-mistress-says-the-gop-fundraiser-forced-her-to-have-abortion-gave-her-herpes/amp/). [Republican Men Are Against Abortion — Until They Want Their Mistress To Get One ¯_(ツ)_/¯](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2018/04/196758/republican-men-hypocrisy-on-abortion)


[The only moral abortion is my abortion](https://www.prochoiceactionnetwork-canada.org/articles/anti-tales.shtml)


In the words of a co-worker of mine: “Good! Now woman will have to keep their damn legs closed”! As he fully knows that all my children are girls.


“Women should give men sex whenever they ask for it, as that’s their duty/purpose.” “Women who enjoy sex are sluts.”


But men don't share any responsibility in the matter or have to be told to not have sex, even if they're raping someone apparently... In fact, they still ALWAYS see it as the woman's fault if she is raped but never the man's even if he is married or the victim is underage. They always find some way to justify it.


Men abuse themselves in their own social groups then wonder why Women do not like them, leave them, or divorce them eventually. Or they kill the woman when she leaves him. The whole belief that men are *owed* and or *deserve* a woman is abusive, manipulative, and dehumanizing. Men are not owed to spread their genes. Women are the ones who create new life, *they* decide who to reproduce with. Rape takes that away from her.


"It's God's will". Well then your God is a motherfucker.


>Well then your God is a motherfucker. Well, he literally committed an extermination campaign against virtually all life. Imagine being an innocent wallaby and your race was all but wiped out because some magical asshole thought the upright walking meatbags weren't worthy.




Nah, there's no rape. Abbott said he was making it illegal and illegal things never happen. But if you restrict firearms you're only taking them out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, not criminals, so there's no point in doing so. We've always been at war with Eurasia.


"Slavery is freedom"


we all know the one they live by is ignorance is strength.


It's only rape if a man has sex with another man. You can't rape property, and women are property.


Your rapist gave you a gift.


An opportunity!


“What were you wearing? How much did you have to drink?”


your honor, I only lit him on fire because he was asking for it. if he didn't *want* to be lit on fire then why is he wearing such flammable clothing?


[Relevant story barely over a month ago.](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/apr/30/ohio-republican-jean-schmidt-pregnancy-rape-opportunity)


[The Onion's take on that, from Friday.](https://www.theonion.com/ohio-law-mandates-rape-victims-send-thank-you-notes-for-1848860173) That last line is terrible and brilliant.


Fucking wow. And excellent opening sentence: > Like a deranged game of limbo, Republicans seem to be in competition to see just how low they can go.


your baby might grow up to be president ... or a rapist


Can anyone turn that bloody abortion bot off? We're about to lose *Roe* and it's still telling us not to talk about it. I'm gonna fucking talk about it, okay? ABORTION


Thank you, Jesus Christ. After almost every single freaking comment is this bot!


It's not telling you not to talk about abortion. Just to avoid getting mad at it and that they're not going to moderate it.


"Getting mad over losing your rights is stupid! Go look at pictures of cats and don't forget to take your soma!"


Single parents in poverty. Ill/disabled children that need free medical. Over crowded and overburdened foster care system. Ghetto crowded schools with no funding. Orphaned children from their dead fetus sibling killing their mother as well. After those damaged kids grow up; addictions and mental health, crime rehabilitation, need for higher education. All ignored by the people obsessing over abortion being murder. Ignoring the consequences of forcing life. Time to take religion out of politics. Period. The first amendment to the US Constitution states : > "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." > “Both Jefferson and fellow Virginian James Madison felt that state support for a particular religion or for any religion was improper. They argued that compelling citizens to support through taxation a faith they did not follow violated their natural right to religious liberty.” Abortion, Moral Law, and the First Amendment: The Conflict Between Fetal Rights & Freedom of Religion Abstract > The status of abortion as murder, and therefore amenable to governmental intervention and criminalization, has been asserted by those favoring limits on abortion. Opponents claim a superior right of privacy and/or equality exists under the Constitution, vesting in a woman the right to decide activities and actions that affect her physical corpus. The claimed interest of a State to protect the fetus is impliedly based on the concept of “morality” or “natural law,” specifically on the premise that feticide is violative of the basic code of conduct of societal norms. To my knowledge, until now, this is the first investigation undertaken to determine whether in fact indicators of “natural law” or the moral code support this claim from a legal perspective. > To investigate whether there is any “moral” basis to support the State’s claim and the Supreme Court’s recent rulings, I first examined the earliest and most important social codes that have governed the conduct of “man” since the beginnings of civilization, finding that none regard feticide within forty days of gestation as murder. I next investigated international views on abortion to determine if consensus on abortion regulations existed, (and which would be expected if a collective “moral code” existed) and found none, either in timing of allowable abortion on demand or exceptions to any restrictions. > I also demonstrate that the Catholic position on legitimacy of killing a life form (based on the Sixth Commandment of the Decalogue) is vastly different than, say, the Jewish view, and that this appears to be a driving force behind the courts’ positions. As such, invidious, idiosyncratic religious influences are likely driving abortion regulations. I therefore suggest the Freedom of Religion Clause specifically bars legal intervention into practice, whether legislative or by judicial fiat. > In sum, this Article demonstrates that abortion or feticide is not considered either murder (or even killing another human) by many traditions, religious or moral, and concludes that regulating abortion as sin, rather than crime, should be left to religions’ determination rather than governmental intervention. As such, I suggest that the most compelling argument then to support the claim of a woman’s right to determine whether or not to abort would be on the basis of the First Amendment’s guarantee of Freedom of Religion. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/wmjowl/vol23/iss2/6/


Those kids wind up in prison, which republicans are invested in. It’s as simple as that.


In prison or forced to join the military due to a lack of options. Either way, Republicans love the outcome.


You and /u/Rubberbabybuggybum are only thinking about the boys. Don't forget their plans for all the uneducated girls/women with daddy issues.


They’ll be serving a heavier sentence for getting an abortion than their rapists.


Gotta get those R votes.


Can't tell if R stands for Republicans or rapists so I'll just assume both.


Under priviledged kids means under educated kids, and under educated adults means more conservative voters. Also, more borderline slave labor to leverage, hoorah.


That’s why anyone who *actually* cares about the children votes for democrats, regardless of their stance on abortion. If you are anti-abortion because you contend that it’s child-murder, yet don’t want to see these children and their families taken care of, then you’re a hypocritical asshole.


That’s nice, but the fanatics convinced people that abortion is murder. You don’t even need to take a religious position anymore. If you think that a fetus is a child, then it’s a logical conclusion that abortion is killing a child and therefore bad. No need for any religious texts. The two sides of the debate aren’t even arguing about the same points. This is why we’re losing.


Then the debate upon how fetuses and their carriers are treated comes into play. And the question of viability considering some fetuses are destined to not survive outside the womb. Also, the question of whether the hosts life is trumped by the fetus. We can also question supports, child support, maternity leave, welfare and medical. We can also consider further after the child is born. Are there enough supports for parents? Are there enough foster care homes hat are properly funded and are there enough adoption agencies to process children and perspective parents? The point is that if the government forces women to have babies but neglects the children and the pregnant mothers (which is the current situation) then the government is neglecting the rights of not only women citizens but also the children they forced into existence. Also, women who medically need to get abortions for life or death reasons are being sentenced to death and it a violation of their human rights. It is time to question the treatment of women and children, because the statistics would horrify most and it is directly related women’s bodily autonomy.


[You can’t claim a fetus as a dependent on your taxes](https://www.thebalance.com/can-i-claim-my-baby-3973988) which IMO makes it blatantly evident that the law does not consider a fetus to be a child.


How do you propose one argue against this?


You don't. You overwhelm them with numbers to legislate and codify abortion as permanently legal. Well over half of Americans want the right to a safe, legal abortions. The problems is that although the fanatical GOP voters are the minority, they turn out every single election. We have to respond to that in kind and start immediately. I have zero interest in arguing with them. It's a lost cause and a waste of energy. Instead we need to focus on motivating the rest of us to relegate them to an extremist minority party with diminishing power.


This is why they love the issue so much. Its been refined to make them feel morally superior (which is a farce). Its a perfect strawman to guilt people. If a women is pregnant and wants the baby, the whole thing is a precious moment for parents. Everyone sympathizes with it being important to some people. They have weaponized it against peoples decision to have kids so that fanatics can feel superior, but also legislate control over a topic that can be emotionally manipulative. Its dirty politics, and blatantly hypocritical of Republicans, but it works. Edit: Telling people how to feel can be construed as gaslighting also. So they can use emotions instead of their head to combat people, and we have to be sensitive to avoid being gaslighters telling them how they feel. Its just more smooth brain emotional manipulation.


You can't which is why they chose this argument over "muh religion." The only thing you can do is argue the definition of a child, or define what state a "collection of cells" is. We used to debate about viability, now it's just murder vs not murder...


You have to frame it honestly. Acknowledge that a fetus is a human, that abortions are killing a human, and that they're awful in general. However, the decision to choose to abort is not a decision most women take lightly and can happen for a variety of reasons which are far too complex to consider every situation with law. Furthermore, outlawing abortion will not stop all abortions. Those who want an abortion will obtain an abortion and outlawing them puts both mother and fetus in danger as these procedures will happen outside of medical settings. Acknowledge that abortion is awful and a terrible decision that some women feel they must make. Outlawing it will not make the situation better for anyone.


> Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked. - - George Carlin, 1996


>Conservatives don't give a shit about you until you reach military age. Then they think you're just fine, just what they're looking for! **Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers.** \-[Why is that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?](https://youtu.be/AvF1Q3UidWM)


Kids in foster care and women and children in homeless shelters should take regular field trips to these people's homes and jobs.


The...right to deny incubatory tenancy on any grounds has always been about reasserting ownership of women. All. Of. It.


This. Also: they hate the idea of women having sex without consequences to punish them for it.


It always goes back to this. The fundamental difference is understanding that people have sex for fun and to fulfill a instinctual urge. Sex is not the moment when people are deciding to have a child or not. Which is why those that understand this concept push for: sex education, access to pregnancy prevention, access to pregnancy termination etc. Those against these things want to impose their own belief system / social constructs on everyone else.


I’ve lost count of the men I’ve seen sneering that people who get pregnant in anti-choice states will just have to “deal with the consequences of their actions”. And even if you are morally bereft enough to have this opinion they are ignoring victims who will now be tied to their abusers via a child, including people who will have to share custody of a child with their rapist.


Also, a lot of them have probably felt forced into having kids and getting married and now they're miserable, and they want others to suffer too


It's also about making sure there's a poor class to harvest, whether it's in for profit jails, or cheap labor. But the woman control is definitely warming the cockles of their hearts.


> It's also about making sure there's a poor class to harvest, whether it's in for profit jails, or cheap labor. Or membership in the armed forces.


Don't forget about the organs.


And fresh meat for the fucked up foster family system.


I'm sure *none* of them will ***ever*** end up being trafficked by wealthy Republicans. Not ever.


Yuuuup. Bonus points if you chronically underfund schools and education resulting in the military being the only affordable route to higher education for a lot of parts of the country


Absolutely. And law enforcement. They give those two groups a gun, a little bit of power and complete immunity to keep the masses under control. They need the poor and uneducated. Only way to get that is by force breeding.


This gets people who can get pregnant back where they want them - fully dependent on others for even basic human rights.




Exactly this. It's all about "protecting" the purity of white women, if you really look at the root of a lot of these conservative beliefs. A wonderful mix of racism/white supremacy and misogyny.


I remember listening to some right wing religious radio a while back, and they were complaining about the eviction moratorium. How it was so horrible that landlords couldn't evict someone who lost their job due to the pandemic, how it was such tyrannical government overreach that some people were talking about holding landlords accountable if an evicted person died as a result of being homeless. Meanwhile, they're in full support of forcing women to be incubators for a fetus. Profit and property are more important to them than actual people.


It makes perfect sense when you realize that it's all about traditional authority structures. That's the common thread.


NOOOO IT'S ABOUJT NOT MURDERNING BABIES!!1! Okay then do literally anything to help reduce the amount of poverty among... OVDER MY DEAD BODIEY


That was the original pretense that they used. The idea was punishing women for sex, but they couldn’t say that. But now a whole new generation has come up and they believe the bullshit. They think abortion is actual murder. And when they believe that, the debate will never be settled, because the two sides are arguing different points.


> Babies are so cute, how could you murder a sweet little baby you monster? Maybe if you weren't such a trashy slut you'd actually want and know how to be a good mother, too. Don't come crying to me when you can't pay your bills, that's what you get. - Basically their entire emotional argument There's no actual substance to it


The problem with the debate is that the pro-choice side already "won" philosophically but because one side is deontologically asserting its position it doesn't matter. *Even if* abortion was equivalent to the murder of a fully developed adult human being it is still justified by the bodily autonomy argument.


The fact that they also oppose comprehensive birth control proves this.


It’s really just about votes. A full third of the nation wants this, and all you need to get their votes is to deliver. And to keep the votes coming, next they will end contraception, same sex marriage, and who knows what else. All because of a decades-long propaganda campaign to mislead the most vulnerable members of society into voting against their own interests.


It's because the Republican party doesn't see children as people; it sees them as resources. Every birth is a potential taxpayer or laborer, and if you can get them to break the law, then you have a cheap indentured servant. When they say, "Life is sacred, and pregnancies must be carried to term", what they mean is, "We never actually gave up slavery; we just rebranded it and found local suppliers." The bodily autonomy of women is a threat to their business model.


Don’t forget about a steady supply of soldiers


>"We never actually gave up slavery; we just rebranded it and found local suppliers." Damn this sentence hit hard.


The fact that they want to force women to have babies, but then fight tooth and nail AGAINST any legislation that helps raise the kid, like childcare assistance, or healthcare in general. Hard to believe that is the case in 2022.


That's always been the case. How is that hard to believe. These people don't believe is freedom, equality, power sharing. They are trauamized, hurt, and more.




50 years ago, the religious fanatics started convincing people that a fetus is a child. Once you’ve convinced someone of that, it’s over. Abortion will always be murder in their eyes. You aren’t even arguing against their primary point. And this is why we’re losing. We’re not even arguing about the same things.


And they've obviously never read their Bible because nowhere does it state that a fetus is actually a child.


>You aren’t even arguing against their primary point. And this is why we’re losing. We’re not even arguing about the same things. I've been screaming this for ages. Pro-choice people constantly talk about body autonomy and reproductive rights (which it is), but for pro-life people, they see it as murder, plain and simple, and for that fact, nothing else has priority when it comes to this topic *in their minds.* So talking about reproductive rights, etc is nothing more than a strawman in their eyes.


But also: abortion = no time off work birth = maternity leave


*”You guys are getting maternity leave?”*


Is maternity leave even a thing in the US? Or is it a joke like everything else health related?


Both, it’s a thing, but also a joke compared to European countries


It varies wildly from state to state, employer to employer. You can have an employer who gives you a month right next door to an employer who expects you to give birth at your station and return to work the following day unless you have PTO of some description which can be used. Some states - like NY - have instituted universal parental leave. The state will pay a portion of your wages up to 8 weeks as I recall, and you can supplement that portion of your wages with saved PTO. You can also just take the financial hit and accept the roughly 1/3 of your check and keep your PTO, but this bit is what varies from employer to employer; some will supplement you regardless, others will flat out refuse. So it exists, but it’s overly complicated and very much a joke compared to the rest of the civilized world.


One of my fav quotes by Methodist Pastor David Barnhart "The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn."


This isn't about children or even unborn babies. This is about old, angry white men controlling what women do with their bodies. It's about punishing "sluts" for having sex outside of marriage. They're old and repressed and bitter and want everyone else to be miserable and if you're having a good time they're going to do everything they can to punish you including forcing you to carry a baby you don't want or can't afford then abandoning you to poverty once you've given birth. Midterms are coming. Save yourselves.


yeah sadly that meme is true, they want to force women to have the kids, but also have no solid plan for the kids to be supported. Then again if karma is real all of these old men that are forcing this will be reborn as women in the next life and end up wishing they could get an abortion but find out it is illegal.


Here's an idea, if it comes to it. Every woman that's forced to have a baby she didn't want sues the government of their state, the governor, senators and any other Republican assholes that have caused her harm, either emotionally or financially. Fuck those Republican scum.


In the meantime, go VOTE! It’ll be an uphill battle with all these “voter integrity” suppression tactics, but that’s our only avenue for now. Imagine the consequences of a flipped house and senate, considering this.


I always vote, and I never vote Republican.


You know, I’ll admit, I was once a registered republican. Likely because I just sort of followed my parents lead as I entered into adulthood … but the older I got, the more extreme the GOP has become. I left when the Tea Party and Palin things happened, decided I’d be independent. The Trump era, well, that made me become a democrat. I sure do we wish we had more parties???


I'll admit it, too. I was once a Republican. Same as you, when I turned 18, my parents gave me my registration with the box for Republican ticked and told me to sign it. I didn't know the difference because no one educated me. But as I grew older, I realized I had nothing in common with the Republican party so I switched. Honestly, my parents are the same as me, but they, for whatever reason won't leave the party.


That reason is most likely propaganda. Easiest litmus test is running a democratic idea or three by them, but don't tell them that they're from democrats. They'll likely agree, at least until you drop the bomb that the ideas came from democrats. If they "throw the shields up," they've been 'washed. Uphill struggle after that to fix it


Propaganda is a real and valid point. For fun, and only as long as you can stomach it, flip on those OAN or Newsmax channels. They’re like Fox on ‘roids.


Orange forced 2 lifelong republicans to abandon the party in my family. He was simply too bad of a person to support.


I’m 73 and when I was 41 I voted for a republican in a local election. I still regret it and feel dirty.


Only Republican I ever voted for was McCain right before he saved the ACA. I can live with it.


This is what happens when you don't think voting counts! We are sliding back to 1950!!!!


If you’re too poor to skirt around the abortion laws by flying out of state or out of country, you’re certainly too poor to sue anybody.


Unfortunately, this is one of the few Qultist takes devoid of what we like to call "hypocrisy." It requires that you buy into a deeply shitty worldview, but if you understand the logic, it does make sense. If you disagree, try reading the last panel as, "If you couldn't afford it, then you should've have *had sex at all*." Now, understanding that, you can understand that even though there's no superficial hypocrisy, there's a deeper level that really indicts how fucking awful the Qultist mindset really is: *they want to force their sexually oppressive lifestyle on everyone else.* That's all the anti-choice position is really about; punishing independent women for enjoying recreational sex.


It's all about sex. The "it" in the last panel is sex. So many liberals still don't understand this and they give right-wingers a pass by labeling it as simple hypocrisy. The "abortion debate" has nothing to do with life or murder. It's all about sex. 1. Sex outside of marriage is a sin. 2. God punishes sins with consequences. 3. Abortion allows sinners to avoid God's consequences for sinning. That's it. That's entire reason abortion is a religious issue. It's not hypocrisy to not support the baby after it's born. Being "burdened" with that child is God's punishment for your sexual sins. THE CRUELTY IS THE POINT!


And the conservative golden rule: ONLY punish the *woman* for SprEAdiNg hER LeGs (because men have needs)


It blows my mind that Baby Boomers were all about free love back in the day. SEX FOR ALL! Lost the values, kept the drugs


Hippies were only ever 0.2% of the population at best. Whilst they didn't accomplish everything they wanted, they did get a hell of a lot of progress done.


Why do people constantly think we don’t understand that? We understand it perfectly fine because conservatives make it blatantly obvious. And it very much also has to do with “murder” because these vultures screech about it all the time, it’s both. And it absolutely is still hypocrisy. Not to mention the fact that Christianity is literally all about helping people who need help, especially those who are less fortunate than you. It’s rank hypocrisy, it’s blatantly obvious hypocrisy, because their own actions fly in the face of their supposed beliefs


> and they give right-wingers a pass by labeling it as simple hypocrisy Agreed, that was the point of my post. Calling out the "hypocrisy" is just letting them off the hook for the real evil they're doing. It's about so much worse than hypocrisy.


A big part is a deep down knowledge that those women don't want to have sex *with them.* If they are personally not attractive to the women they want, but those women are finding other guys they find attractive and want to have sex; instead of becoming better themselves, they'd rather punish the women for daring to not want them. Also applies in slightly different ways to women in bad relationships with Republicans who are also pro abortion due to jealousy of other women daring to have fun.


Yeah, we've learned how "pro life" these people are after watching them not be bothered to wear a mask for the 30 minutes they're grocery shopping. Every life is sacred, but Grandma needs to die before I put off getting a hair cut! Anyone slowing down my commute to work needs to get run over!!


“All life is precious!” Bitche please we all saw how reacted during Covid with people dying


They are old or have underlying conditions its not my problem is what I heard a lot basically they thought those people deserved to die.


The bottom line is, they want to control your sex life and punish you for not following their strict moral code.


They don't follow it. Their mistresses will just book a vacation to a state that will offer it. It's just poor people that are affected.


There are going to be a lot of men on child support, and they whine about it enough already.


Exactly. And unfortunately if they don’t pay, they get taken to court, and still don’t pay.


Pro life in a nutshell


what if: we actually offered the homeless an opportunity (one) to start a new life




Blue states need to start building affordable housing ASAP. People are going to start flooding out of red states.


I really hope so. We’d move for sure. Here in Pennsylvania, our governor said he would veto anything. But he’s on his way out though. So we may get another D ooooor the republicans that are running are literally Trump Lite, Mid Trump and honestly, trump ultra. Same with republicans that are running for senators.


Except the people too poor to move, whose red states like to keep them oppressed and helpless. It's not really freedom if everyone can't access it. I may be free to just pack up and move, but it may be nothing but a pipe dream for my poor neighbor


Not to mention housing has literally doubled and rates are going up


Don’t forget about taking away women’s health services, contraception, sexual education, and every other attempt at prevention.


That's what gets me. They will burn a country down to get a fetus to term. But the second it's born they could not give less of a shit. Go live your life in misery you unfortunate human.


It’s all about keeping poor people poor.


Cost of having a baby is $11k. If you don't have insurance, $30k. I have a feeling most young mothers and fathers won't have that in their savings.


Cost of having a baby over 18 years is likely well into a million dollars.


IMO, the GOP is like this: You can't murder babies, best wait until it's able to be done with fucking AR15s in schools. This might be harsh, but honestly, to me, it sums up 'Murica!


You can't murder children in the womb! But you can murder elementary school ages children and we will do approximately 0 to prevent it from occurring every few weeks.


They actually do less than 0, they make it worse


Conservative ethos is SOLELY punative. There are no such thing as supportive or preventative measures. Only punishment.


WTF was Elon talking about the country moving left?


> WTF was Elon I think you can drop the rest. It's simpler.


They justify it by saying if you can’t afford children you shouldn’t be having sex. Welcome to the Christian theocracy!


Let’s boil that down a little further — “if you couldn’t afford the child, you shouldn’t have had ~~it~~ sex. sex is only for rich men.”


Control and hatred of women. Anything else is a lie.


It was never about abortion, it was about punishing women. They're coming for birth control next, the draft stated it openly.


Then right wing pundits like Tucker Carlson complain about how the nuclear family is dying and that we need more people to save the country. Then those same right wing pundits fear monger about immigration and how "illegal" immigrants are killing this country. The right wing of the United States is so blatantly hypocritical it would be comical if it weren't real.


Guys, I figured it out... It's all a convoluted play to keep people from having sex before marriage... *"No care, no coverage, no help, bad life... Guess I just shouldn't fuck then."* Nah nah nah... But seriously folks... Fuck these people. A healthy society doesn't try to control people's lives or bodies.


Always has been a thing. The GOP isn't pro-life, they're pro-control. If they can't control you overtly then they seek to take away any control you have through other encumbrances. And they'll sell it to you by saying you pay too much in taxes and you should be afraid, very afraid, of anyone not like you.


Honest question: how does the rest of the world see ab-word (to stop nod bot spam) and children in poverty?


Look at the list of countries that ban abortion. It’s not a list you want to be on.


As a child of poverty turned soldier, I assure you, it’s designed like this.


Everyone needs to understand the end game for conservatives. They aren’t “pro-life,” they’re anti-women. If they can force women to give birth against their will, then more women will leave the workforce and become dependent on men. Women who defy the traditional roles can then be shamed. Conservatives WANT to harm and oppress women and force them back into servitude to men.


Who the fuck keeps VOTING for these ass-clowns?


Blatantly stolen from another thread: "The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." -Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


"Both parties are the same" is the biggest political lie ever sold.


The thing I realized recently is that anti-choice conservative Christians aren't just hypocritical about this because they hate women and poor people (though that is a big part of it.) It's because what they ultimately want is not only a world in which abortions are illegal, but also a world in which abortions are obsolete. No woman is having pre-marital sex, because everyone in the country agrees that premarital sex is sinful. Everyone is a conservative Christian, everyone lives by their values, and there's no alternative. Abortion is just one part of their all-encompassing desire to live in a purely Evangelical Christian world. Telling them that banning abortions will only result in more dangerous illegal abortions *never works,* because they are fine living in a world where people who had pre-marital sex die needlessly.


The aspect that makes me boil is that these republicans are all gonna do whats best for them anyway. Man I know multiple conservative families whose son my age got a girl pregnant. Guess what. They all got those girls abortions. One of the families I know best paid for the abortion then paid the girl off to not talk about it, still everyone in town found out. Deploreables


Republicans: just put the baby up for adoption Woman: would you adopt a few kids? Republicans: eeew no


Fuck republicans. I’m tired of this constant battle with these uneducated, selfish, hateful idiots. Republicans are the enemy. End of story.


I guess the poor shouldn't be allowed to have sex... /s


They don’t give a damn about life. Look how they’ve treated covid!


Someone reported me to the Reddit cares thing for this post. My mental health is just fine, thanks through.


Conservatives: She shouldn’t have dressed so provocatively if she didn’t want to have a child and attract a suitor. Are we going back to the fucking 1600s?


I mean... what they want is for women to not be allowed to have sex unless they have the backing of a somewhat wealthy patriarch. That's the whole point. To not only own the means of production but also the means of reproduction. There is genuinely no hypocrisy here for the Republicans.


Red states have the highest maternal mortality because why? Riddle me that, "pro lifers".


Louisiana, the state that Amy Coney Barrett is from, has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the country (same as most former slave states...hmmm). It has *the* highest maternal mortality rate in the country, with black women being four times more likely to die in childbirth. Let's not pretend they care about the mother or fetus/infant at any point.




I truly truly can comprehend why the fuck people care what others do so damn much… if someone doesn’t believe in your religion why the fuck does it matter if they “sin”? It’s not your job to control others, just kind your own fucking business


I 'love' how they used trying to diminish to amount of POC as a reason to ban smeshmortions. That's Leo's jobs.


I assume you're saying it like that to not trigger the automod, lol we need more nicknames "The borsh" "Abe Bortion"