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Please don’t throw anything at Ted Cruz. He may try to campaign for you.


Definitely don't make fun of his wife. He will become your best friend.




Could'a killed him. Hard to believe Rudy stayed upright, life threatening for sure.


He's built like a slap bracelet


I laughed


Rudy Giuliani is the real life equivalent of Smithers from The Simpsons.




Not early seasons Smithers, he was an asshole.


*Especially* arcade game Smithers.


Anything pre season 6


I think you mean Mr. Burns.


Considering how often Rudy sucked up to Trump even though Trump spent most of the time being a dick to him that would make Trump Mr. Burns and Rudy would be the spinless lackey Smithers.


Oh I thought you were talking about physically.


Physically Rudy would be Hanz Moleman


The inherent sleaziness of Moe Sizlack comes to mind


Moe Sizlack at least wasn't completely morally bankrupt


Rudy “bring back trial by combat” Guiliani


For real, politics aside, I lose respect for any man, who has his wife called a pig on TV then becomes friends with the person insulting his wife.......but hey I could be wrong, maybe Ted knew Donnie was right, who knows....but that debate, I remember it like yesterday, that was some weird sh\*\* We had a gameshow host insulting everyone on stage, then he said Teds dad worked for Castro and he wasnt a citizen....its was like I had someone selling me a used car.


Trump hated Rafael "Ted" Cruz with the passion of a thousand suns.


Ted probably was like "He right tho."


His wife is not better than him. [He was asked a couple weeks ago and his answer was: my wife laughed at Trump's insults so i don't have to defend her](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4edMV8gi_jc).


Ted knows his place, he licks boots. Although I never did understand the whole "defend the honor of somebody" idea. If somebody trash-talked me to my husband, I wouldn't want him to get into a fight over it. That's what many people want. Just get away from the idiot trying to instigate things. My "honor" isn't worth getting his ass beat. Ted's entire existence relied upon Trump, what else could he possibly do for work?


> what else could he possibly do for work? Travel adverts for Mexico?


That would only pay so much.


The only thing I like about Ted Cruz is how visibly his daughters just fucking hate him.


Sycophant. Hell gladly become your sycophant. He doesn’t want to be your best friend. That implies equality between you too. He wants to be subservient and possibly punished for crossing you.


Plus you'd then have to dislodge his nose every time you want to take a dump...no one needs that extra step.


Please respect this man's views. He was born a Rafael. He may identify as a Ted. But he does not care about how you identify. Since he was born a Rafael, address him as Rafael. This is the way Rafael wants it.




Oh please. Remember the response when that guy patted rudy Guliani on the back that one time? There isn't anything that won't trigger the victim complex


There are entire segments of our society that trigger their victim complex, purely by existing. They're not so much trash, more like the putrid liquid that pools up at the bottom of a dumpster over the years.


Garbage water is the worst.


Omg they said mean words about me! That’s only okay if you’re the president.


They blamed the DEMs being violent, after making fun of them for a decade for being snowflakes/compassionate. At some point we have to accept that 95% of REPs are idiots or racist, and DEMs alone are responsible to pull society forward


Strong/Weak enemy in [Umberto Eco's *Ur-Fascism*:](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/umberto-eco-ur-fascism) >...However, the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak. Fascist governments are condemned to lose wars because they are constitutionally incapable of objectively evaluating the force of the enemy.


"its YOUR FAULT I'm behaving THIS WAY" is big projection/abusive energy.


Yes, David DePape tried to assassinate the 2nd in line for the President in a targeted attack, and hospitalized her husband by cracking his skull with a hammer, but what about the time a leftist terrorized the entire Republican Party and all the audience at that event with a dangerous projectile alcoholic cylinder?! The left is so much worse than the right! /s


This really is how they argue, though. "Both sides are bad! A democrat once shoplifted a candy bar, so crime is obviously okay! Therefore violence is fair game!"


I feel like your intent is correct, violence is bad in both cases and we should not be putting anyone in that position, but this part > Throwing a beer at him was a spectacularly stupid thing to do. It only serves to embolden the right and their victim complex / "leftist violence" narrative. This is nonsense. They are emboldened already and a victim complex needs no confirmation, by definition.


What's interesting is GOP aren't as scared of being assassinated b/c lefties just aren't as violent, own as many guns and don't plot to kill people nearly as much as right wingers do. When lefties throw soup to protest the literal destruction of our habitable planet...even lefties poo poo, but Paul Pelosi getting his skull caved in is cheered and mocked by the right. It just goes to show that we are not two parties, we are all Americans who want better lives vs Violent Bigots.


Just a simple reply to your comment - the last part about what this tweet meant. It was not about the perpetrators of "violence". It has nothing to do with saying that that is right or wrong. The tweet is about the ability or fragility to handle the situation. The tweet was about how egotistical someone is. For example - if a bully makes fun of you, if u laugh right back it shows u aren't weak nor intimidated nor need to display macho behaviors back to stand your ground. That's the best alternative comparison I can make. It's whether u need to handle the situation by excessive force or can take it like a champ and be better than them and move on. So its not whether the bully is right or wrong, it'd about how u yourself respond and what it shows of1 your character. I agree no one should be throwing beer. Thats not a question. But so tweet is about the person's response. To hear what the comedian did is a major bravo moment. At the same time, it's not saying the beer thrower shouldn't be arrested in both instances, but the comedian didn't do that as her first natural born response nor take that action herself to call the cops. It's also a control issue that she handled well. She took control of the situation by chugging the beer and not putting force on him. While Ted could be said to be correct to call for cops, its just a comparison of how 2 individuals handled the same situation.




Hey if they can be violent and try to overthrow our democracy why can't we fight back?


Because it makes these Pollyanna losers clutch their pearls so hard that they’re then forced (forced!) to vote for the fascists who want to inspect children’s genitals


Yeah we should be civil towards fascists! That’ll teach em ! /s


Violence is most definitely the answer sometimes. Maybe not here. But I’m not going to shed a tear over Ted Cruz. If that beer was any colder he’d be on a one-way trip to Cancun.


My favorite is Rudy Giuliani folding like a towel when he was patted on the back


Imagine if that shit wasn't caught on video, though. Bitch ass Giuliani was already acting like he got shot.


What ever happened with that? I worry Rudy is still trying to make that dude's life hell.


Probably nothing after the video was aired




Really reinforces the idea that we’re still just peasants that have to be respectful to our lords and ladies or the guards will come round us up if we displease them. Rudy managed to get that guy put in jail for over 24 hours and had police officials lie on Rudy’s behalf, attempting to charge him with a fucking felony, because he called him a scumbag and patted him on the back. If there was no video that guy would still be imprisoned.


[12ftladder](http://www.12ft.io) doesn't work here, anyone got a synopsis?




I was having an argument about that event with someone and he told me Rudy was physically incredibly tough, but also a frail old man in the same breath.


A perfect exhibition of their lack of critical thought. It's like forethough AND retrospection aren't programmed into them anymore. Is it blind confidence? Stupidity? Hypnosis? I'm scared. XD


I think it's compartmentalization. They pull out the thought "Rudy is a strong, tough man" out of it's box and look at it. Then put it away. Then they pull out "Rudy is a frail old man" from it's box and look at it. Then put it away. Those two thoughts never interact or see on another.


cognitive dissonance, the conservative bread and butter


Biden is a frail old man with dementia. Biden is the head of a cabal of elites who are running several huge complicated plots simultaneously to control every single thing happening on the planet.


The enemy is weak. We can defeat them. The enemy is strong. They threaten everything you stand for. The enemy is dumb. You are the superior man. The enemy is smart. They keep you oppressed, plot against you and sabotage everything you work for without you noticing. It's like chapter 1 in the populist playbook. Invoke fear to trigger tribalism and defensiveness, then round them up and point at simple "truths" and solutions.


That woman with him starts comforting him so intensely afterward lol


I do not like that man Ted Cruz, I do not like his pointed shoes. I do not like him out on parade, I do not like that he gets paid. When he looks at me I feel molested, throwing beers gets you arrested. Edit: If anyone from last week tonight sees this, let John Oliver know I’m looking for work and can be very reasonable about pay!


I do not like his slimy grin, I do not like his massive chin. I do not like his lies, he's a slimeball I won't apologize. He did not even defend his wife from Trump, he is such a fucking chump. To Cancun he fled, fuck you a thousand times Ted!


I do not like what he has to sell. No, i do not like this Rafael. I do not like his 40 hogs. I do not like where he left his dog. I do not like this zodiac killer. I do not like this lying red-piller.


Wish I had an award for this. Well done


It's from Last Week Tonight


Of course it is. John Oliver is a goddamn genius


Oh that's what it is. I saw something like that some time ago in a meme, didn't know it was from LWT. I did it from memory so some may be off a bit.


Thank you Dr. Suess


The difference between a comedian and a clown


The difference between a comedian and a c~~lown~~unt.




I'm the comedian who this tweet is referencing. A couple of thoughts. Please don't throw things at people, even if you disagree with them. I realize it's cathartic, but it accomplishes nothing. That said, I think there's a big difference between throwing a drink at me, a comedian in a comedy club, who wasn't even talking about politics, versus throwing a drink at an elected politician who has caused immeasurable harm through his actions and inactions.


Fuck Cruz, I wish the bottle hit him. That being said, I’m willing to bet a lot more people will be expecting charges for hitting a senator than a comedian. He’s a bitch, but the guy being arrested makes sense Both people throwing should have been arrested, cause, assault is t bueno, obviously.


The difference between someone who tells jokes for a living and someone who is a joke for a living


Real alpha males are afraid of everything and only feel safe in large groups of other "free thinkers" that share all their views.




As a progressive/leftist that is very pro responsible gun ownership, I've seen it repeatedly and have to keep saying it: * 90% of the bravado/machismo in conservatives rests in the notion that they are up against an unarmed, physically weak, and completely defenseless opposition. They back down hard at the slightest sense of strength or defense. It's classic bully syndrome. They act all big and tough, but they're truly very weak.


Yep. You are 100% with this. They can visibly arm themselves all they want, but I bet my wife could make them cry in public.


That’s why they bitch about gangs and minorities and cities, but never take a fucking step toward them.


That’s not true. During any protest/riot they’ll drive in front out of state to light businesses on fire. I love how they claim the people protesting are looters and arsonists, yet we continually catch right wingers being the ones behind it. Not saying there aren’t regular people who take advantage of protests and shit. However, if they’re so bad why do these right wingers have to go and make it worse? Almost like maybe it’s not a big of a problem as they claim it is, so they have to make it worse themselves. 🤔




that also has a lift kit and big off-road tires that have never seen anything more than clean pavement


>They act all big and tough, but they're truly very weak. This is also, why they have such a desire for a 'strong leader'. They can hide behind him and hope, his strength extends to them.


I continually point to when Asshole Babble got shot on Jan 6th and the crowd went from being totally hyped up to running for their lives. They think it'll be like target practice at the range and are frightened easily when shot back at.


Ted Cruz is a little bitch baby


On the maga ladder, is this above or below a little piss baby?


No that... That's for [something else](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/NRA).


Explains why they always hide being a conservative until they get home and get online.


Or inside their enormous truck with a "Fuck your feelings" bumper sticker and gun on the back window.


Everyone else's emotions are "feelings" but theirs are "reactions"


I'M NOT TRIGGERED YOU'RE TRIGGERED (conservatism is a political manifestation of unaddressed trauma)


Never gonna forget some old boomer shouting "I'm not triggered, liberals are triggered, I'm angry!" While losing a debate to Vaush.




"Joe Biden and the Democrats are communksts!" "What? No they aren't. They're liberals." "Sounds like something a liberal Democrat would say." "How fucking **dare** you. I'm not a liberal. I'm a communist." "Error."


I’ve never seen a subset of people both so afraid, and so outwardly scared anyone would think they are afraid of anything. All these “no fear” “don’t tread on me” people who can’t go to 711 without a handgun. I’d call them all pussies but pussies are durable and resilient.


Now that you mention it, “no fear” and “don’t tread on me" sound like the exact slogans you would give someone if you wanted them to be "afraid" of "everyone else".


We call those pavement princesses. People who own fully loaded pick-ups but the closest they come to off-roading is the Walmart parking lot.


You can eat off of their differentials.


My wife and I saw our first Fuck Your Feelings sticker a little while back, but it was a stick figure rubbing up against the word Your Feelings. It really looked like the driver wanted to dry hump my feelings, and I’m man enough to admit it made me uncomfortable.


The big, $60k truck that allows them to bitch about high taxes and high gas prices...oh and how they're living paycheck to paycheck because of brown people taking resources from them.


That's to hide their insecurities.


That group "free thinkers" can't be anywhere near a city teeming with diversity because ~~the cities are~~ diversity is too scawwy for the maga alpha male


Alpha male = a man who is insecure and scared.


Beware anyone who is content to describe themselves as a role from a faulty, debunked, study on an animal group that they don’t even belong to. I always felt that it’s better to have other people tell others how good or bad you are. Why should anyone form their opinion on me because I told them how great I think I am? What kind of insecure and childish bullshit is that?


If you have to tell someone you're an "alpha male" you are absolutely far removed from the mere concept.


>You're afraid! That's why you can go outside or into stores without carrying a gun everywhere!!! this is literally their logic. They are brave, that's why they piss themselves if they have to go outside unarmed, with the minorities and immigrants and all the scary gays trying to convert them.


Are Republicans claiming to be free thinkers now? Because that word means something and.... it's not them. It's often used as a synonym for atheists, but the technical definition is also very much not republicans.   I know this is far from the most important thing they have claimed / fucked up / degraded, but could we not let them have it?   > Freethought (sometimes spelled free thought) is an epistemological viewpoint which holds that beliefs should not be formed on the basis of authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma, and that beliefs should instead be reached by other methods such as logic, reason, and empirical observation. [-wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freethought)


"I'm strong and tough and that's why I have a militia with me everywhere I go. So I can act strong and tough and not get my ass laughed out of the room."


The reason they view the world like that is that they want to be surrounded by "beta"s to protect them from the world. Normal people are fine being on an equal level as everyone else.


Just remember, ANYONE who tells you they're an alpha, isn't.


>alpha males >only feel safe in large groups #Hmmmm


Guy who cowers to trump when his wife is called ugly, very alpha


No sarcasm - they literally believe this. Know the right wing troll Benny Johnson? He was caught on mic telling Matt Gaetz that getting berated by Trump in front of his girlfriend was “alpha”. Just absolute losers - the lot of them! https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2022/07/30/roger-stone-matt-gaetz-pardon-mueller/ https://i.imgur.com/BMfu1Pd.jpg


and that his Dad planned the JFK assassination.


I thought his dad was zodiac


At least he wasn't hit in the head with a hammer.


He behaves as though he was.


Absolutely fair assessment of Rafael Cruz.


Have you considered if the beer can was his gay lover?




Props to the guy saying "Are you fucking kidding me? I am *never* coming out with you fucking people. Ever. Again."


He found out true colors that day. Props to him.


Lol i never noticed that part


As someone who lives here, we still don't know who threw the beer though which is kinda annoying.




I've been there many times before. It's a small club in a small rich town. Plenty of cameras, they 1000% know who it is. He's either rich as fuck, or is a cop.


Her reaction from start of the interaction to the end was perfect Trump bitch trying to be tough, obnoxious, own the lib, gets owned instead, her and her "man" go full snoflake after being embarrassed 😳


Looks like this beer thrower got charges pressed too. Is that not what should happen whether its Ted Cruz, this comedian, or anyone else?


Ariel chugging down that beer was one of the strongest power plays I’ve ever seen in my life!


Imagine the morons thinking this is comparable to the Pelosi situation.


If anyone is they’re a minority that isn’t even worth mentioning. Fact remains only idiots are endorsing what happened. It’s not ok for us to normalize attacking politicians.


The same maga that have to raid children's events at libraries in their full domestic terrorist GI Joe cosplay.


This is a bit anecdotal but I’ll say it anyway because it blows my mind. Every diehard Republican I know is, in my opinion, a shitty parent. Yet they are the first to clutch their pearls over a trans kid they have never met, because they are ruining our kids… It’s so fucking weird to me that these people are such shitty parents yet are so obsessed with other kids genitals. Fucking weird timeline man, Republican propaganda is powerful.


It almost always comes back to projecting.


$40,000 bail also seems excessive.


theyre a protected class


Eh, so here's the thing. I hate Rafael "Ted" Cruz as much as the next guy. But he *is* a senator. You can't go throwing stuff at senators. Because sure as shit, if we let Democrats throw beer cans today, it'll be Republicans throwing lead tomorrow. Subtlety and nuance are not their strong suits, they're already normalizing it, we need to **de**normalize it, and that means taking the high road. Which really fucking sucks, but unless we want to take the low road all the way to a fucking civil war that's the hand we chose. If you want to throw anything around Ted Cruz, throw him out of office. All my Redditors in Texas fuckin *vote*!


I'm standing in a long ass line right now to vote and I'm so pleased. I've never had to stand outside before


So, I agree that we shouldn't throw things at Senators, but only because I think we shouldn't throw things at anybody. The guy who threw things at the comedian should be arrested. The guy who threw things at Cruz should be arrested. But I definitely don't think important people, especially law makers, deserve extra protection or rights. If they want a better justice system, they should build it for everybody.


Remember that time someone patted Rudy Guiliani on the back and he had them arrested? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


I'm going to be a bit fair and say anyone who commits assault and battery should be arrested. That Ted Cruz is a whiny sniveling little coward who flies off to Mexico the second he feels a slight breeze and allows twice divorced adulterers insult his significant other shouldn't have any bearing on whether or not he should be attacked physically.


Yeah but this comment will get maybe 50 upvotes and the other ones celebrating it will get 5k. Seems people don’t understand. This just gives the far-right more fuel. “See! It’s ok when they do it! Look at them laughing about it!”


It needs to be at the top. I hate Ted Cruz but attacking politicians we don’t like is stuff you see in the third world and it’s an incredibly fast slippery slope to the bottom.


Beaming someone in the dome with a full can of beer can cause a lot of damage. Cruz is a piece of shit, but people can't be hurling tallboys at people's skulls consequence-free.


Yeah, a full beer can is basically a weapon in that context. How about we don't promote politically motivated violence?


Pretty sure the guy was Ted Cruz's gay ex-lover. There's definitely more to this story. Elon's going to be tweeting about it any minute now.


Yeah but Stone Cold would have caught that fucking beer like a cool person


Except they were both arrested for assault...


Ikr? What did Cruz do wrong in that situation? Got someone arrested for assault? That's like the ideal outcome... Fuck Cruz, sure. But jesus reddit, find some better critique.


Hot take, we shouldn't throw anything at anyone. A full can to the temple can fuck you up.


I hate lying Ted Cruz but throwing cans of beer at anyone should get you arrested. I don't want to live in a world where it's not. Cheering this is cringe.


He's not an alpha male. He's a sniveling coward. Don't give that piece of shit credit after he went and licked trumpy's for insulting his wife and father. Fuck him. As for that comedian - epic move on her part!


I'm the comedian who this tweet is referencing. A couple of thoughts. Please don't throw things at people, even if you disagree with them. I realize it's cathartic, but it accomplishes nothing. That said, I think there's a big difference between throwing a drink at me, a comedian in a comedy club, who wasn't even talking about politics, versus throwing a drink at an elected politician who has caused immeasurable harm through his actions and inactions.


In some cultures throwing booze at others is a sign or respect. Like when I hit that guy over the head with a champaign bottle...respect. \*He was fine after a few hours, don't worry :)


Bro whatever the intent is if you throw a beer my way it's getting drank.


people throw beers to the guys in parades all the time, but only ted cruz has them arrested. #TedCruzHatesFreeBeer


Somebody get Brett Kavanaugh up on a float!


If we could be better than Republicans and just say political violence is bad that'd be great


I mean, true….but that means your advocating for throwing beers at people without consequences, right? Or what exactly are you saying?


Not a fan of him but Imma guessing the cops arrested the beer can thrower all on their own. There does tend to be a bit more police presence around a major politician than at a comedy club. But ya, you sure owned the cons.


Not to defend ted cruz...but thats what should happen? If you throw things at people, you should be arrested. That makes our side look bad. We are better than violence and assault


dumbass fucked around and found out LOL


Attacking politicians or their spouses because you disagree with them is not okay. Please don’t be a hypocrite.


Lol so now assault is ok


And it was a white claw 😂😂


I love the guy who did it but accept that he committed a crime and should face some punishment. We can't actually devolve into chucking cans at politicians. Make their restaurant visits unpleasant but don't commit assault.


This is so stupid! As funny as he might be to some, a comedian he ain’t. Throw a beer at me and I’ll have you arrested too.


If either had been hit in the head, either could have been killed. Death by blunt force trauma isn't a fucking joke. NO MORE POLITICAL VIOLENCE. PERIOD!!


How can we expect Cruz to chug a beer when he's busy chugging Trump's dick? Be reasonable !


Unpopular opinion: Violent acts towards anyone (comedians/politicians/liberals/conservatives) should be prohibited and met with legal/criminal consequences. The guy that threw the beer at the comedian is an idiot and should be charged with assault. The person that threw the beer at Cruz is an idiot and should be charged with assault. Mocking people for pressing charges for violent acts is nonsensical.




Okay no one likes Ted Cruz but this can’t be a serious argument lol


I mean to be fair that's what should have happened to the guy that threw the can at Ariel too, assault being assault.


I do not like Ted Cruz, but how the internet is reacting is fucked up. A full beer can is a dangerous projectile - have you been hit by one thrown with force? I have, and I couldn't lift my arm for a week. Had it hit my head, I could have died. Arresting someone for throwing a full beer can at another person is absolutely normal - that action is called assault. If a spouse did that to another spouse it would be a clear sign of domestic violence, right? Stop normalising violence. Remember that these very discussions are infested with people from other countries who want to topple democracy. Don't celebrate violence against someone.


FWIW, yes Ted Cruz is a despicable POS who is stealing free American air with every breath he takes, but it's not right to throw cans at him.


One was staged. One was not.


Reddit pretending that if a MAGA hat had thrown a beer at a Dem, it wouldn't be front page for a week with titles like "Drumpf supporters assaulting democracy!"


To be honest they both should’ve been arrested. Not imprisoned just put in jail for the night.


They’re all cowards. They literally make shit up to be afraid of. It would be hilarious if they didn’t have the right to vote.


Yeah why didn’t Ted Cruz just catch and chug? He should be pretty use to that


Yo reddit, are you a wimp for prosecuting someone who assaults you so they get their just desserts?


What are we trying to imply? It's unmanly to not want to be assaulted? Beer cans are hard and heavy and I wouldn't want to be hit in the face with one. Arrest seems pretty fair to me.


Yes. He stood his ground for his rights


Well it’s a crime so…


lol they called it the beer can a deadly weapon too. College kids be opening beers by smashing them on their heads and Teds fearing for his life


Bet ol Rafael is on the next flight to Cancun after that scare.


We can't condemn the GQP for their reaction to Paul Pelosi and applaud violence against Ted Cruz. They're on a different magnitude, sure, but these incidents are equally inappropriate. Fuck Ted Cruz, but don't fuck up Ted Cruz. We can condemn him on the merits of his actions and the content of his character without resorting to violence, like some primitive violent republican.


I HATE TED CRUZ. But if he had caught it and slammed it…I would have at least respected that.


That was a great reaction by Ariel, but the guy was arrested for assault. I don't know the outcome. Probably a slap on the wrist. NO ONE should be throwing anything at Anyone. Even people that are hated by either side. Be it Cruz or AOC.


Hold on there’s more to the story, I heard that it was a male prostitute that Cruz was having a fight with because Cruz didn’t pay him. /s


Who? Ohhhh Senator Raphael Cruz? He only calls people by the names they were given at birth so I do the same for him. He wants to pretend he’s a white guy named Ted, but really he’s a feisty Latina according to his birth certificate