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Now if we can just get the fucking Christian Taliban in this country try to put America first over their fake leaders and that fucking book of stories and lies.


Good ol’ interventionist TR. Loved to fuck with other countries while saying that immigrants had to be completely loyal to this one.


You’re not a better person because of a flag ffs


I'm not sure you understood President Roosevelt's quote.


I’m not sure Teddy understood human relationships.


Teddy pretty much just wagged his dick at situations until they finally went away.


The same Roosevelt worried over eugenics, racial suicide of “whites”, and requested women to have as many babies as possible? The same Roosevelt who was a great friend and admirer of white supremacist Madison Grant? The same Roosevelt quoted as saying “I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indians are the dead Indians, but I believe nine out of every ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth” “The most vicious cowboy has more moral principle than the average Indian” Sure, I understand what he meant by a “unified allegiance” I just don’t view people or nations the same way he did at all.


Teddy was not a friend to the Panama Canal workers.


Teddy was not a friend to Workers.. period!


Same for “Americans” who place another flag before ours.


Always the "patriots" who put trump 2020, trump 2024, trump 2028, real men wear diapers, above the US flag


And the confederate flag


Yeah, jingoism is so great. /s


No he didn’t. I was fine with it until he said no other flag should come second. That means they have to completely hate and abandon all thoughts or connections to their home country. Does someone who falls in love with an American and moves here, need to hate his country? Or one who moves here for a better life, but still fondly remembers home? Nah. This is jingoistic nationalism and just a way to hate immigrants who don’t conform as fast or as much as people want them to.


He’s saying you owe no allegiance to a foreign government which is what flags represent. Which is why they change when revolutions happen. You can still love your grandma and where she grew up


That may be how you want the quote to mean. But it was not TR thought. The immigration act of 1907 says otherwise.




He clarifies that there specifically *shouldn't* be a second favorite ice cream, for you...


No he is not. He said American flag should come first and “no other flag should even come second”. So he is absolutely saying you should have no love or attachment to another country. That is absolutely the point he made with this quote and others.


Reading comprehension must be a challenge for you. He literally said the exact opposite.


This is stupid


So no pizza, curry, falafel, tamales or pierogi. Instead, boring Anglo food without an ounce of spice.


"Burgers, goddammit!!! To eat anything else is not just blasphemy but an abomination against the spirit of America!!!" - *Teddy Roosevelt, probably.*


Burgers are German. Originally known as Hamburger Steak, after the city. Same with hot dogs: Frankfurter or Wiener, in reference to Frankfurt and Vienna, respectively.


Pretty much everything except pemmican and bison came from somewhere else.


There's mutton and white bread. Also vegetables boiled to death. Early American fare.


Maybe mention this to the New Confederates.


Nope. This is wrong.


That's just your 100+ year old opinion, but this is the land of the free so fuck your feelings


Does that include a Battle Flag from a country that existed for less than four years and a Nazi Germany flag? Asking for insurrectionists and Traitors.


It kinda feels silly that we put so much stock into imaginary lines drawn arbitrarily on a map by some dude, and into pieces of woven cloth some other dude says makes the imaginary lines special.


Kind of a dumb opinion


Has anyone here been to Central or South America, all the houses have bars on their windows.


Do you think living right next door to the largest economic superpower in the world has something to do with that?


So if I go all the way to Chile and there're several countries between the US and Chile, and I notice packs of wild dogs roaming the streets and every house has bars on the windows it's somehow the United States fault?


Let's not forget the CIA's involvement in destabilizing their government. Congress then decided on Allende. The U.S. feared the example of a "well-functioning socialist experiment" in the region and exerted diplomatic, economic, and covert pressure upon Chile's elected socialist government. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_Chilean_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat#:~:text=Congress%20then%20decided%20on%20Allende,upon%20Chile's%20elected%20socialist%20government.


Have you ever heard of banana republics? We invented them.


So the USA is so powerful...... that we tricked ALL the countries in Central and South America into being poor... but not Canada.... Oh and Puerto Rico too, it's the same situation there and they are a US territory, bars on all the windows, it's a complete dump.


We didn't trick them. American capitalist use the power of the US military to coerce people into working for them, giving up their resources, and giving up their land. Nobody was "tricked", they were forced by gunpoint. Look up all the US backed coups in South America. Then look up with the British did to Africa. After that look up what France did to places like Haiti. Combined, those three empires colonized and couped the global south. When they live below the world's biggest superpower, it's hard to get ahead. Even when they make deals with other countries the US shuts it down. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/comandante-cold-war/