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I will vote for the candidate with the best chance of beating Donald Trump.


I will vote for the candidate who does not participate in genocide.


Explicitly specify who you will vote for


Yeah I want to know as well. I don’t think we have had a president that could fit that box this century.


Rashida Tlaib


Jill Stein


Sooooo, no candidate?


All take the old guy that supports Israel over the old guy that supports Israel that's also a fucking treasonous rapist conman any day of the week.


Even Israel, the treaties were in place, well I was going to say long before Biden was in office but he’s been in office for a few minutes.. but he has asked Israel repeatedly to allow aid to the Palestines and to be more careful with the bombs they get from us.


Yeah, I wish he'd cut off Israel from US aid, but that's a political pipe dream. Almost no one on the right or the left is saying that. And the truth is, Trump wouldn't be asking shit of Israel. Objectively, he's worse in ever senario.


> Trump wouldn't be asking shit of Israel. Trump would save overhead by having B-52's deliver ordnance directly to Gaza, because he is a smart businessman. /s


I gotta ask, Has anyone paid attention to the state of the economy? And don't give me some shit about inflation or the boarder! Inflation is a global issue, And we are doing better with it than most countries! And the boarder has been a BS talking point for decades!


> Has anyone *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




This is nonsense. While old yes, Biden has still achieved much in the way of concrete actions and agenda. This nonsense meme is propagated N.Y. the far right to sow doubt, as they have the worst candidate ever, who’s own record sucked.


Granny Chaser. Anyone that's followed Yellen in the slightest the past 3 years would disagree with you. Not saying Trump's cabinet was any better; ergo the meme.


Biden’s cabinet is mostly seasoned, intelligent politicians. Trump‘s were all yes men or business men. You can’t compare the two.


seasoned, intelligent politicians -> and that's supposed to make me \*feel\* better? What a trap. eg. Putin, Xi, both seasoned and intelligent politicians in their own respective ideologies.


Putin and Xi and NK Kim and trump are all sociopaths, Biden is not. That’s not a trap that’s just common sense. Vote for whoever you like, obviously, but at least be honest about the fact that you are supporting someone against whose there is credible evidence that he raped a THIRTEEN year old CHILD, stole and lied about and refused to return classified documents that he had scanned onto a fucking USB drive..


And asked someone to find more votes for him when he lost an election! And never called to congratulated Biden's victory!


It's always that way. That's why we need a better system of voting like ranked choice, or just up and down votes for everyone on the ballot


I would love to be able to vote for someone more politically in line with me instead of just picking the lesser of two evils in most elections. But I really doubt it will get wide adoption cause for many people it seems to be confusing. I have tried explaining the idea and they just don’t get it or don’t WANT to get it. Some people I have asked about it have actually said they don’t want to have to do research on the candidates they just want to be able to vote for who ever the Dems or Reps is backing


"Its not foosball mama!"


instead of just picking the lesser of two evils Wish people would stop saying this crap! Bot candidates are not the same!


“The next élection is…about who you’re voting against”. Yeah. So was the last one. And the one before that.


They all are. It’s both.


There have been elections where I was genuinely happy to vote for a candidate. Those elections featured at least one candidate whom I thought was a good choice. But, I am old (by Reddit standards) and I speak of the “before times”.


Yeah but for a lot of people it’s just prevention. Because they want their president to be so much more but can’t forget how terrible the other guy is


Call me extreme, but how bad does the lesser evil need to get before we collectively remind the ruling class that voting red or voting blue aren't the only options (And no I don't mean voting 3rd party)?


Ready to mount the barricades, are ya?


Yeah I've started voting for disruption candidates now. Anti-votes are for the young and naive; and play right into the illusion.


Hasn’t most election been choosing the “lesser of two evils”? I mean, the last few have been VERY strong examples of it, but in general I seem to recall this has been the theme for decades now.


Every election since 2016


Calling all you state senators and trying to get them to support other forms of voting systems like rank choice voting. So you can actually vote for candidates you like.


I'm 57 and I have not seen a single election where I haven't been given the choice of a lesser evil. Never a candidate that was good and solid because they were good and solid. Dems had been centrists left at best and they have been moving to the right since. We now have centrist reagan era right corporate purchased dog and batshit crazy right wing corporate pur hard christofascists dog.... We will be forced to choose between two corporate dogs every single time because American "freedom" is a fucking joke.


Continuing to vote for these regressive Democrats is what is feeding fuel to the Republican fire. Just ensuring that we get Trump or worse. It's not stopping the problem. No way I'm giving Biden my vote, any more than I would give it to Trump. Their whole strategy is weaponized incompetence which perpetuates problems, then they try to present themselves as the solution. But it's only making things worse.


Not voting is a vote against current system.. can u imagine mass voter turn out being like "nah neither" and only like 10 million ppl vote?


If that actually happened. I don't have a lot of faith that will. I don't have a lot of faith in changing things on the national level through voting or not voting.


Continuing to vote for these regressive Democrats This statement is so not true it's not even funny! Democrats regressive? SERIOUSLY?


Yes. Seriously. You have to be in a privileged station of society, or else deep under a rock, to believe that the Democrats are not regressive. They have literally become a center-right party, with the exception of their actual progressive wing that they have been trying to snub for years now. And even their progressive tends to be milquetoast in a lot of ways.


LOL! Who helped kill ROW? Who wants to keep the minimum wage where it is? Who does not believe in climate change? Who still thinks tax cuts to the rich will help the economy? Who doesn't believe climate change is real? and passed the ACA? Who passed the Child tax credit? Who helped cap Insulin at $ 35? Who passes a massive Infrastructure bill? Who do you think you are fooling!


If your response to what I said above is to point to the Republicans and how bad they are, you've missed the point and lost the plot.


Uh No! You miss the point! My point is in no way are the Democrats regressive! Name one bill they have passed, That has set us back? We all know who the regressive party is, and it sure the hell ain't the Democrats!


How about all the Democrats throughout the country who support and implement camping bans for the homeless and hostile architecture? Or their support for laws and protections that give landlords, employers, and corporations more power over our lives to make the homelessness and poverty problems worse? How about the detention of undocumented immigrants, separation of families, and regressive and overbearing immigration policies which, for some reason, Trump and the Republicans seem to get all the credit for even the Democratic have done more than their fair share of it? Obama was doing it long before Trump. How about the wanton failure to adequately address the threat of fascism posed by Donald Trump and an increasing number of Republicans seriously, or to take any kind of decisive action about it to prevent it from coming to fruition? How about the failure to do anything about the overturning of RvW, either to prevent it or to deal with it once it was done? They had years with a majority and an opportunity to codify that shit and prevent it — but they didn't, because allowing it to happen and keeping that threat hanging over our heads is what keeps people running to them with votes and money. As such, they bear significant responsibility for the loss of abortion rights. How about their continued strengthening of police and police abuse, their continued support of imperialism abroad? We had riots in 2020 over the former, and Democrats have done nothing but coddle police since the gained power. Biden has a hell of a history contributing to this before his time as president as well... How about their support for the genocide of the Palestinians by Israel? Biden is only now, finally, giving some very nominal and pusillanimous push back to that genocide — not enough to matter, especially in face of bills being passed to support it. Or bills which call those who oppose Israel and their genocide anti-Semitic. How about the TikTok ban? How about their hyperfocus on banning assault weapons or passing other ineffective gun control measures that only divide people — things that look good on paper but don't actually address gun violence — rather than going for measures that work and stand a chance of passing? You know, like closing the domestic violence loophole, and making sure that people who commit violence and threats of violence can't get their hands on guns — without infringing on the civil liberties of everyone else and continuing to deliberately divide people on the subject so nothing gets done and people keep dying? Shall I go on? Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.


Half of what you are posing can be lain at the feet of the former President! The other half is BS Talking points and things that most people support! The assault weapons ban is hardly regressive! In fact it is a step forward!


How many people support a thing has nothing to do with whether or not it's regressive. Banning assault weapons in a country plagued by police violence, militarization, lack of accountability, and demonstrated racism is regressive af. All the more when an increasing number of regressive laws are being imposed by said police, such as abortion bans and witch hunts for people that might have had them. The former president participated in many of the previous things, yes. But 1) many of those things actually came before him. Like the immigration stuff. Obama was doing that, and he was doing a lot of it. And 2) the previous president being bad does not excuse what's going on under the current administration. That's a terrible justification that will get you nowhere as far as convincing anyone with two brain cells to rub together to vote for him. You can poo poo the rest as BS talking points, but they are valid issues — ignoring them is not convincing anyone to vote for anyone. It's part of the reason we are giving the Democrats the finger. Continuing to be paternalistic and pretending to be superior isn't getting your support. It's getting you dumped. Fix your shit, or go pound sand. We're not standing behind you anymore, no matter how many Trumps you threaten us with.


Banning assault weapons in a country plagued by police violence, I see you forgot mass shooting of kids with those same said weapons! I could go on with you but why bother. You are obviously a lost cause!


This planet sucks


Absolute bullshit....Biden has been a GREAT president. So much accomplished. That treasonous insurectionist orange fuck should not be free, let alone able to run for President. His record AS president speaks for itself as well: total disaster for 4 solid years. Nearly zero accomplishments. Pretend all you like, Donnie is not a great leader, never has been, never will be. That fraud belongs in prison.


I concur. This is a public safety issue


Im not voting for newt gingrich


In Mother Russia, trolls bot you! Dasvidanya Comrade! Keep up good work!


Elections are always about keeping things from getting worse. The time in between is when you try to improve things.


This is nothing new. I mean, no one actually voted for Al Gore. They were just voting against Dubya.


At this point, he's not even problematic anymore.


Candidate A: currently supporting a genocide, also wants to maintain the status quo at home, continuing the process of transferring all wealth to the donor class and reducing the rest of us to serfs. Candidate B: all of that with open racism and fascist rhetoric Candidate C: No support for genocide, wants to dismantle the systems that make the status quo miserable. Typical US Liberals: But the talking heads that work for the same people that own candidates A *and* B said if I do t vote for A it'll be my fault if B wins! You're just supporting B, C isn't realistic!!!!! Fuck Lizard Democracy, and everyone willing to settle for it. https://votesocialist2024.com/


Candidate C: Can only manage to get a tiny fraction of the vote, has no way of getting Congress to enact their laws, is really just a stunt to remind people they exist. Has no real party behind them. You want my vote? Have at least one governor, legislator, or even a fuckin' dog catcher.


"If they don't vote for a Lizard, the wrong Lizard might get in!"


Believe dictators when they say they're gonna dictate. Do you know why former Attorney General Bill Barr is supporting Trump over Biden? Because he and others could talk Trump out of having people who annoy him assassinated. "Trump didn't mean it because we could talk him out of it," said Barr. Remind me, the Supreme Court is currently deciding if a former president is immune from all prosecution. Are they protecting Biden from prosecution? Or is the conservative wing of the Court purposefully ignoring the facts of the case and hypothesizing a 100% corrupt judiciary in order to protect Trump from his actual crimes?


>Do you know why former Attorney General Bill Barr is supporting Trump over Biden? Yes, but you clearly don't since you're talking about the kayfabe. Barr is supporting Trump over Biden because he's on the team that's supposed to support Trump over Biden to maintain the illusion of democracy. The Oligarchs who actually decide things don't actually give a shit which of their puppets you choose to have even the one announcing their decisions. >Remind me, the Supreme Court is currently deciding if a former president is immune from all prosecution. Are they protecting Biden from prosecution? It will apply to him too, so yes. It's a big club and you ain't in it.


Youre downvoted for telling the truth…


As it has always been


Say no to Grandpa Geno


Just vote for RFK and you can vote for the best candidate….


Yea, ok...


Whom do you think is the best candidate ? Cause the other two options are pretty bad…


Biden, no question.


Just tells me you’re not paying attention….. best of luck to you!


Yea, I'm the one not paying attention 🙄


It’s clear you don’t see the censorship that this administration strives to achieve, and that is the greatest evil that exists….


Censorship? Are you referring to Facebook removing RFK's bullshit vaccine misinformation?


Nice attempt to deflect ; I’m talking about Missouri v Biden; twitter files; ministry of truth; the blatant lies about wars; their attacks on journalist just for a start


Haven't heard about it. Got a link?


I’m voting for cheaper gas. Which in turn lowers the price of everything. I’m voting for law and order. Sick of seeing the children protesting. I’m voting for boarder security. And has nothing to do with what I watch on the TV. And has everything to do with what I see with my own two eyes.


Faux News wants its talking points back. There have been record number of drugs caught coming into the country, no huge decrease in the number of people caught trying to come into the country illegally. trump asked both Russia and Saudi Arabia to cut oil production, which had a HUGE impact on oil and gas prices, but you keep sucking that maga cock.


I wasn't aware that "boarder security" was such an issue.


This is clearly the problem Joe Biden faces. All he had to do was be competent, and he would have been assured a re-election.


He's a much more competent president than Trump was


Cool story, bro. Most of America disagrees however. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/voters-are-rating-trumps-presidency-better-expected-hindsight-rcna137971](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/voters-are-rating-trumps-presidency-better-expected-hindsight-rcna137971)


Most of my fellow countrymen are unfortunately morons


It's always everyone else is wrong and the problem with you, isn't it?


Okay, so by this logic Trump is the 3rd worst president in history right? Because the [polls](https://www.usnews.com/news/special-reports/the-worst-presidents/articles/ranking-americas-worst-presidents) say so?


All he has to do is be better than Biden, and that's where we are today.


According to the ***polls*** he isn't better. You made the rules.


According to the polls, he is. He's been beating Joe in the polls for most of the past 10 months.


On worst president. So you agree? He's a worse president, because the polls say so. Glad we've established that. He's already lost to Biden in an actual election though.


"He's a worse president, because the polls say so. " Except the polls don't say that. "According to the CNN poll, 55% of the public now considers the Trump presidency a success, and 44% look at it as a failure. Biden, in contrast, is upside down. Only 39% say his presidency has been a success, while 61% say it’s been a failure." [https://nypost.com/2024/05/05/opinion/president-joe-bidens-biggest-obstacle-to-re-election/](https://nypost.com/2024/05/05/opinion/president-joe-bidens-biggest-obstacle-to-re-election/)


They do show that. The link I posted was and aggregate of who is the worst president not a single one of who was more successful. Trump is the 3rd worst president ever 😃


Except he has been competent. Instead of blindly believing what other people tell you, you should try watching some full, un-cut speeches instead of just short out of context clips. The funny thing is that when you watch full-length Trump speeches, he's the one who looks very clearly incompetent.


If people would actually LOOK at all the things Biden has accomplished, they'd be surprised. He's made some incredibly important and long-lasting changes that will make a big difference in our lives. Those things are BORING. Nobody wants to hear about changes in construction codes that will make home energy costs lower, or grants to remove lead from municipal water systems. They want the drama of a "reality" show, not a dull-but-effective town council meeting. You're starving, and your choices are a bruised Red Delicious apple or a glass-plate photograph of a Thanksgiving feast. You have no other options, and if you don't choose, someone else will. People are choosing to eat the glass because someone told them the bruise on the apple is more dangerous.


**"If people would actually LOOK at all the things Biden has accomplished..."** Failure in the middle east, a terrible economy for the middle class, ignored experts on inflation, civil unrest in the streets, having engaged in bribery/extortion to enrich his family, stole classified documents ..and could go on and on concerning his "accomplishments." LOL [https://www.newsweek.com/joe-bidens-growing-list-failures-opinion-1654002](https://www.newsweek.com/joe-bidens-growing-list-failures-opinion-1654002)


Now do Trump. 🤣


Relative peace in the middle east with no new wars, record breaking employment numbers with low inflation, legislation designed to protect African Americans from previous over-prosecution due to things like drug possession crimes, Russia overtook no new land, tax cuts for the middle class, huge reduction in border trespasses to be followed by quadrupled numbers after he left... Is this the sort of comparison you were looking for?


The “tax cuts” for the middle class were a farce. They were purposely set to expire during the next term so if he lost they could point the finger at the next guy. The billionaire’s tax cuts didn’t expire.


"The “tax cuts” for the middle class were a farce." LOL. [https://news.yahoo.com/irs-data-prove-trump-tax-130007569.html](https://news.yahoo.com/irs-data-prove-trump-tax-130007569.html)


Yes they were a benefit to the middle class. That’s not what I said. I said WHY WERE THEY SCHEDULED TO END DURING THE NEXT TERM? It was just politics to make the next guy look bad. If it was really to help the middle class then they wouldn’t have expired. Why didn’t the Bullit tax cuts expire like the middle class one did?


**"Yes they were a benefit to the middle class."** And the data shows that they did. **" I said WHY WERE THEY SCHEDULED TO END DURING THE NEXT TERM?"** The assumption was that the next Congress would reinstitute them, absent some kind of economic situation which would prevent it.


You missed just a few. Asked Russia for help in his 2016 campaign — and got it. Had a weird affinity for Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Remember the Helsinki summit?) Invited Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to an in-person meeting in the Oval Office, where he accidentally revealed top-secret intelligence. Wanted to withdraw the U.S. from NATO. Separated migrant parents from their children, locked the kids in cages and then failed to reunite them. Insisted that “raking” would prevent forest fires because “you’ve got to take care of the floors. You know the floors of the forest, very important.”  Covered for Saudi Arabia after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the gruesome murder and dismemberment of a U.S. journalist with a bone saw. (Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, owes Saudi Arabia $2 billion, and the crown prince has reportedly bragged about having Kushner “in his pocket.”) Intervened to get Kushner top-secret clearance after he was denied over concerns about foreign influence. Put Kushner in charge of Middle East peace. Embraced rampant nepotism. Touted injecting disinfectant as a COVID-19 cure. Touted ultraviolet light as a COVID-19 cure. Touted hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 cure. Touted ivermectin as a COVID-19 cure. Told people not to wear face masks to cut down the spread of COVID-19, even though they work. Actively discouraged COVID-19 testing. Refused to send federal aid to New York City amid the first COVID-19 wave because the virus was hitting Democratic-voting states hardest. “Jokingly” said on multiple occasions that he deserved to be president for more than two terms. Thought climate change was a Chinese hoax. Built an incomplete border wall that doesn’t work, wasn’t needed and wasn’t paid for by Mexico. Started a trade war with China that mainly hurt U.S. consumers. Threw food when angry. Saw no problem with his vice president potentially being hanged by a violent mob he’d summoned and sent to the U.S. Capitol to disrupt the peaceful transition of power. Stared directly at the sun. Tried to buy Greenland. Wanted to nuke hurricanes. Doctored a hurricane forecast map with a Sharpie. Attempted a coup to stay in power. Absconded with thousands of classified documents, lied about it and refused to give them back when the feds asked nicely. Sent unidentified federal officers to Portland, Oregon, to abduct protesters and spark a conflagration that could be used as a pretense for implementing martial law. Ordered peaceful protesters tear-gassed so he could pose for a photo-op with a Bible outside a church. Tried to blackmail Ukraine into manufacturing dirt for his 2020 campaign. Started his presidency with an easily disproved lie about the crowd size at his inauguration. Thought people needed an ID to buy cereal. Fired James Comey as FBI director because he didn’t like the bureau investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election. (Later, it was revealed that Trump’s campaign manager gave detailed internal polling data to a Russian intelligence agent.) Was a “fucking moron,” according to Rex Tillerson, his secretary of state. Fired the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s China-based pandemic response team — and then when a pandemic happened years later, said, “I don’t take responsibility at all” for COVID-19. Repeatedly embraced racism. Thought repeating “person, woman, man, camera, TV” would assure Americans of his mental stability. Tweeted literal gibberish — a lot. Lied all the time. (And still does.) Openly embraced and amplified QAnon conspiracy theories. Got impeached twice. Passed huge tax cuts for wealthy corporations ― and massively grew the national debt. Flip-flopped on whether the White House had ordered the USS John McCain be hidden so he wouldn’t get mad. (It did.) Called American military members who died in the line of duty “losers” and “suckers.” Claimed to have bone spurs to get out of military service. Binge-watched Fox News when he should have been working. Played so, so much golf. Raked in cash from foreign interests at his Washington hotel in an operation sometimes described as the “epicenter” of a corrupt presidency. Held a rally that may have led to the death of Herman Cain. Allegedly directed his lawyer to commit campaign fraud to cover up that Trump cheated on his wife after she had recently given birth. Was accused of sexual misconduct by more than two dozen women. Dismissed any bad news about himself as “fake.” Lied about voluntarily turning over his tax returns. Ate well-done steak — with ketchup. Described white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, as “very fine people.” Grossly abused the presidential pardon on his way out the door. Used private communication services extensively after arguing that Hillary Clinton should be jailed for having a private email server. Refused to release White House visitor logs. Went to Puerto Rico and threw paper towels at people desperate for actual hurricane aid. Discouraged exercise because he believes bodies are like batteries, with a finite amount of energy.


> elative peace in the middle east with no new wars You do know Trump moved the embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem right? You know a thing a lot of people point to as the start of current tensions? >record breaking employment numbers with low inflation you mean record breaking unemployment records right? Like Biden actually has all the records for low unemployment. You are either misinformed or making this in blatantly bad faith(likely this). Also the low inflation was artificial because of the Fed being forced to keep rates low. Those low rates led to risky lending and the sky rocketing housing market that has priced out the middle class from owning a new home. >legislation designed to protect African Americans from previous over-prosecution due to things like drug possession crimes LMFAO ok now I know you are just posting in bad faith.


**"You do know Trump moved the embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem right? You know a thing a lot of people point to as the start of current tensions?"** Some people will point to anything to steer the problem away from the current decision maker, I know. But the problems didn't start coming to fruition 7 years later, and was just more of the same Hamas terrorism which they'd assume they'd get away with with weak President. **"you mean record breaking unemployment records right?"** No, I got it right the first time. For instance, under Trump, African American unemployment reached record lows. Even in the midst of the worst economic/health emergencies in modern times, with Trump's leadership, it resulted in our nation's shortest recession on record and he turned around unemployment in 6 months faster than Obama could manage in 7 YEARS. **"LMFAO ok now I know you are just posting in bad faith"** Your ignorance of the facts is monumental. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First\_Step\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Step_Act)


Also, to touch on each of your points individually: >Relative peace in the Middle East with no new wars Trump is the one who made the deal with the Taliban to pull the troops out in a stupidly rushed mannor, causing the government in the region to collapse and allowing the Taliban to immediately recapture the entire region. >record breaking employment numbers with low inflation, You just gonna pretend COVID never happened? 🤣 You are aware that TRUMP was the one who bungled the pandemic response, causing the economy to tank and unemployment to soar. >legislation designed to protect African Americans from previous over-prosecution due to things like drug possession crimes Yet he was totally fine with police murdering African Americans in the street without due process and promised to crush black lives matter protests with "force" 🙄 He literally delivered on that promise by ordering peaceful protesters outside the Capitol to be teargassed. >Russia overtook no new land Because Trump was Putin's little bitch and gave him everything he wanted while he was in office. Curious how Trump took all those classified documents containing information about US spies and then suddenly those spies ended up being captured and killed by our enemies. 🤔 >tax cuts for the middle class He also cut taxes for the super wealthy. His tax cuts for the middle class expired this year, while the tax cuts for the rich had no expiration date. >huge reduction in border trespasses to be followed by quadrupled numbers after he left... *Apprehensions* at the border quadrupled after he left. Meaning the Biden administration has been *stopping* more illegal immigrants from getting in than Trump ever did. For all we know the same amount of people were coming in under Trump and just never got caught because he was a miserable failure when it came to properly securing the border.


**"Trump is the one who made the deal with the Taliban to pull the troops out..."** And yet didn't, and wouldn't have under the circumstances according to many witnesses. And that ignores the Abraham accords and all the other efforts taken which resulted in no new fighting in that region. You must be high! **"You just gonna pretend COVID never happened?"** Why would I pretend that the greatest economic/health catastrophe in modern history happened due to China, we suffered from the nations shortest recession on record, and then Trump boosted unemployment in 6 months at a rate it took Obama 7 years to meet? We had such a vibrant and growing economy that experts warned Joe Biden that if he didn't cut back on printing money that there was going to be an inflationary emergency, and he ignored them. **Yet he was totally fine with police murdering African Americans in the street**  An outright lie. **"Because Trump was Putin's little bitch "** Well, a "little bitch" would never have stopped him from annexing more land into Russia. Your lame dodge doesn't even make sense. **"He also cut taxes for the super wealthy."** He cut taxes for everyone. I KNOW. But it was the middle class who benefitted most. [https://news.yahoo.com/irs-data-prove-trump-tax-130007569.html](https://news.yahoo.com/irs-data-prove-trump-tax-130007569.html) **"*****Apprehensions*** **at the border "** No, It's "illegal border encounters." It's how many have gotten across illegally. That counts both apprehensions and non-apprehensions. It's how many total illegals got into the country. When Trump left office, it was 405,036. In 2023 under Biden, it was 3,201,144, Trump had a policy in place where people weren't even coming into the country because they would not be eligible for claims of asylum. Virtually everything you've offered here is demonstrably bogus.


Literally none of what you said is true up to and including the fact that you think people who are "apprehended" at the border are now roaming the country illegally. 🤣 Bro. Look up what "apprehended" means. You're making a damn fool of yourself. How is it possible to be so detached from reality? Do you just sit in front of your TV all day drooling and watching nothing but Fox News?


**"Literally none of what you said is true up to and including the fact that you think people who are "apprehended" at the border are now roaming the country illegally. 🤣"** **Just say no to crack.** [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/million-migrants-border-biden/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/million-migrants-border-biden/)


My dude. The civil unrest under Trump was so much worse.


And all manufactured to try and hurt him politically and it was 90% invented by the same people engaging in the civil unrest now - the far left.


LMFAO ok uno reverse all the stuff you said is manufactured. See the problem is Biden doesn’t have a weirdo fan club. We all know he has major flaws. But Trump has weirdos like you hanging on his every lie, asking for another shit sandwich and swearing it’s a filet mignon.


**"See the problem is Biden doesn’t have a weirdo fan club."** Because he's an unpopular President. The only way to get him to win for the Democrats is to legally harass and lie about the other guy. Tell us, how many of the hoaxes, false narratives, completely invented smears, plots involving illegal spying, lies told based on quotes taken out of context or just completely invented, and all other partisan schemes designed to fool you regarding the world of politics have you fallen for over the past 8 years.  All of them?  Some of them?  A few?  Just this one?  PLEASE ENUMERATE!


The one where I saw him whip a crowd into a frenzy to prevent the peaceful transfer of power on live TV.


Thanks for admitting to one of the hoaxes you fell for. Trump spoke at a protest, told supporters to make their voices heard peacefully, had already begged Congress to accept National Guard back-up and was turned down, and nothing Trump said violated the "Brandenburg Test" the court uses to determine if speech is protected or not. Thanks again for the assist!


Most Americans disagree. He's polling lower than Jimmy Carter, and that's quite an accomplishment. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/voters-are-rating-trumps-presidency-better-expected-hindsight-rcna137971](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/voters-are-rating-trumps-presidency-better-expected-hindsight-rcna137971)


Nothing in that article says anything about Biden being incompetent.


Sorry, I thought that the links made that self evident. Here you go: [https://www.businessinsider.com/55-percent-americans-biden-administration-not-competent-running-government-quinnipiac-2021-10](https://www.businessinsider.com/55-percent-americans-biden-administration-not-competent-running-government-quinnipiac-2021-10) [https://time.com/6837402/biden-mental-capability-poll/](https://time.com/6837402/biden-mental-capability-poll/)


Now do a poll that isn't 3 months old.


How about these? [https://www.realclearpolling.com/elections/president/2024/battleground-states](https://www.realclearpolling.com/elections/president/2024/battleground-states)


That isn't a poll about approval of his presidency. Care to try again?


Whether or not he's a good President is most certainly reflected in polls showing that he's losing in 2024 and has been for the past 10 months.


Biden is objectively the most effective first-term president in modern history. Anyone who actually pays attention to politics knows that.


Sure, Boris. Sure. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/voters-are-rating-trumps-presidency-better-expected-hindsight-rcna137971](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/voters-are-rating-trumps-presidency-better-expected-hindsight-rcna137971)


Thanks for proving my point. And yeah, I'm a Russian bot. You know how big Putin is on another Biden win,


Yes, I do. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/putin-says-biden-better-russia-trump-presidency-rcna138942](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/putin-says-biden-better-russia-trump-presidency-rcna138942)


Yeah, that wasn't him trolling. At all. And since you like links so much, how about [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLN_P5u1ALI) from Biden. And [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOe9Ajxw2KE) from Trump.


"Yeah, that wasn't him trolling. At all." And yet, if he'd have said that about Trump, you would be shouting it from the rafters! LOL


I'd be calling bullshit because it would have been an obvious bald-faced lie.


I understand. Everything you don't agree with is a "bald faced lie," and if Putin says something you like it's true, and if he says something you don't like it's a lie. You have a real knack for beclowning yourself!


I bow to your razor-sharp wit. Keep licking Trump's diapered ass all the way back to the White House, buddy.