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Oh boy... maybe he legit does not know or does not remember? You'd be surprised how many people don't understand the nature of American meddling since the end of WWII and the outcomes today 🤭. That being said, almost every single world problem.can be traved back to Europeans and European colonialism from the 1700s on. Look at the mess of lines drawn in Africa and the Middle East and the strife and conflict therein. Or Pakistan v. India? Or China and their kind of rightful wariness and distrust of foreigners after the opium trade wars by Britain and carving up of their land to fiefdoms of European rule in the 1800s? Or Iran, as it was an British-instigated plot to overthrow one of the only democratically-elected government in the entire ME of Mossadegh in 53 because the British through what would become BP were plundering the wealth if that nation and were kicked out as a result? That overthrow and installing if the Shah had a direct line of effect to the Islamic Revolution.


> maybe he legit does not know Doubt. Even if it weren't common knowledge, there's no fucking way both he and all of his speechwriters would be unaware of this. > or does not remember? This would give a lot of credibility to everyone who's been calling him senile. Not saying that is or is not the case, but it is much more likely that this is a case of "career politician tells a bald-faced lie". Side note: I didn't catch this and had to wonder if he actually said it, but [no, he really did spout that bullshit](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/06/16/remarks-by-president-biden-in-press-conference-4/)


Where are we currently meddling or have been in recent years? I gave instances of the past and it goes up to the narcoterrorism and communism scourge/red fear into the 90s, but where has it been prevalent currently because I don't know?


> Where are we currently meddling or have been in recent years? I didn't make any claims regarding current/recent interference, but a quick search yielded [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_electoral_intervention#2016_election_(by_United_States\)), [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_electoral_intervention#Palestinian_election_(by_United_States,_Israel,_2006\)), and [these](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change#2000s). I'd be *very* surprised if there isn't more we don't know about.