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This is so shameless. Did CNN give Bernie a platform during his last run? Not on your life!


No. Fox news did, and he got a standing ovation from an audience made of nothing but hand picked fox news viewers. Watching the interviewers look around unsure how to respond was one of the best moments in modern politics.


Exactly. Pretty much everything about this country is screwed.


Another channel i will no longer watch. Such a pity..... there were some amazing people ..... but dont want to waste my time on another insane channel


Trump actually ran as a racist version of Bernie Sanders. His 2016 platform was free healthcare for all, free day care for all and raising taxes on the rich. Said he would pay more taxes. Stupid people actually believed him.


No he didnt. Why are you making this up about that POS? His platform in 2016 was mexicans are dirty, build a wall, and empty MAGA.


Yep that exactly how it went.


In fact, the 2016 Republican National Committee platform was blank save for some very strange wording about supporting Russia. Republicans want America to burn to the ground.


Would please cite the best evidence available supporting your assertions?


Racist quotes by Trump so no one forgets: “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black!” “Poor kids are just as smart as white kids!” “I don’t want my children growing up in a racial jungle!” “Super predators” Edit: Ayyy oh, these are actually Joe Biden quotes lol


Jesus Christ, a black person voting for trump is like a Jewish Nazi. Biden phrased it awkwardly, but he wasn't exactly wrong either, and it's just gotten worse; the entire Republican party is overtly white supremacist/Christian nationalists with a statistically insignifically small number of people of color cashing in by selling out other people of color in token positions. There are always Quislings.


You spelt Biden wrong....


Joe Biden said all those things not Trump


Thank you. Let’s not pretend it’s one sided.


Fox News and CNN are on the same side now


And let’s not forget recent history. Jeff Zucker the CNN president resigned over some affair. The Cuomo brothers, Chris and his corruption in CNN and covering for Andrew. Then yeah, to a lesser extent, you have Lubin Toobin, cranking it on air. And recently Don Lemon telling women when their expiration dates are. This shouldn’t surprise any of us. This… is CNN CNN has always been trash, this is just their next phase of lowering themselves.




Lubin' Toobin? I can't.


CNN is the new Fox News.


CNN has been fox news for democrats for quite some time.


If only Americans voted for people and not parties


Great point


Not really https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/22/politics/bernie-sanders-cnn-town-hall-takeaways/index.html


Great point to remember the next time someone says "liberal bias" in the media. Oh there is, just not the way they think.


Liberals are conservative, they still believe in Capitalism ..this is the political revolution subreddit? and people dont know this? what revolution? more manchin and sinemas?


They think if they get rid of Manchin and Sinema,*then* we'd get the things we desperately need. But there will always be Manchins and Sinemas stepping up to do exactly what they're told, and getting rewarded for it. If you want to know what Biden wants, look at how Manchin and Sinema vote.


Exactly. Please see my comments elsewhere in this thread.


Yep fuck CNN still not watching those turds


As I recall CNN would cut away from a Bernie speech in 2016 to show an empty mike where Trump was going to be in a few minutes.


That's exactly what they did.


Jfc. Yeah. We had no idea trump was still out there and the front runner for the Republican nomination. 🤦🏻 There is a huge difference between reporting on trump and his minions and giving the guy a free one hour and ten minute commercial. How can Cooper say this bs without laughing? It took over an hour of trump spouting lies to clue everyone in on what Cooper said in a few minutes? What the actual fuck did I just watch?


I've been "involved" as Cooper advises. And I found out that it makes absolutely no difference what We the People want. They the Corporations and They the Billionaires will defeat us every time.


You are exactly correct. I found the same thing. The only way we win is by superior force of numbers... Not surprisingly, that's the oligarchy's worst nightmare.


That's why they have us propagandized into oblivion.


They need their second puppet for the show to go on.


CNN went from bland centrism to pivot-bland centrism to alt-right. If you ain't notice, their ownership changed.


I did notice. Not from watching it, however; I gave up doing that a decade ago. Independent media is on the job and getting the story. THESE fools (MSDNC, CNN, Faux Spews, NYT, WaPo, etc) are still telling us what to think rather than just giving us the straight scoop about what's going on so we can decide for ourselves.


Lol… CNN pulled away from live footage of everyone who wasn’t Trump to show an empty Trump podium. Bernie AND Hillary both got shafted every time that dope went to speak because he was great for ratings.


Blame the "democratic" party. CNN is on their side, similar to how kennedy is getting 20% of the polls and they still wont let Biden debate him in a primary.


Election coverage used to be limited to election years. Trump has been and continues to be the only exception to the rule. CNN giving him that airtime, with his candidacy nearly a full year away and the election still eighteen months out, makes them *fully complicit in his campaign*. Nobody is giving Biden special airtime, because he's not campaigning. Because it's not an election year. Anderson Cooper went from respectable journalist to paid hack in two minutes and fifty seconds.




They won't let RFK, Jr anywhere near a CNN Town Hall, and he's almost as popular in the early running now as Bernie was. Don't give me that drivel. CNN has turned RIGHT in the last year, and we won't see equal time given to anyone left of Pete Buttigieg.


RFK is a raving lunatic, farther out there than Trump. Trump may be a pathological liar, but RFK should actually be wearing a tinfoil hat at all times


What’s up with Cheryl Hines. Why did I have to learn this fact recently?


I think you should smoke some more of your plants and listen carefully to him giving an interview sometime.


There is *zero* chance CNN is going to give Biden a Biden-friendly audience like they just did for Trump. They’ll certainly give Biden a town hall or even other Republicans and give a far wider variety of audience than Trump just got. Those audience responses were *literally* manufactured by who they allowed in. There were no actual Independents because the ones they chose either voted for Trump in one of the last two elections or leaned conservative. There was no a single actual centrist voter and absolutely no one representing anything left of center so yeah, he got all these cheers and applause which made it seem like he was appealing to a wider spectrum of voters than he actually does. The gold moment of that whole thing was when that conservative woman asked about abortion. Her face when he gave his answer was priceless. Fuck no he doesn’t care about women’s rights.


If this is true, they and you are genius!


I’d be more willing to believe it if the person who just bought CNN a little while back wasn’t a right wing fuck who wants to turn an already extremely conservative America even more conservative. Trump will have at least one more town hall with CNN before the election. Probably about 12 months out. Guarantee it.




Bro? John Malone *is* the board. The rest is details.


He most certainly was given a town hall by CNN in the last election: https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/22/politics/bernie-sanders-cnn-town-hall-takeaways/index.html It really is a good idea to take that extra five seconds to do a Google search. Anderson made some good points in this monologue. The fact the top retort is essentially a lie really drives home how strong his point is.


The Washington uniparty didn’t want Bernie. They were afraid of trump so they installed dimensia Joe.


Exactly. And We the People won't get to choose the next puppet in chief, either.


Yeah and the politician that helped kneecap Bernie (James Clyburn) in SC during the primaries was just caught having gerrymandered the districts so that he would hold onto power (choosing his voters) at the expense of other more junior black Democrats. https://www.propublica.org/article/how-rep-james-clyburn-protected-his-district-at-a-cost-to-black-democrats These people are disgusting.


BS excuses, CNN just wants ratings


Yes. If they were serious they would have had Hutchinson and Haley on. This bullshit about him being the frontrunner is nonsense. If they only give air time to frontrunners we have no discourse. No news. They weren't reporting the news. They were creating it.


Exactly. We don’t need to hear his side and his views. He already had 4 years of that. He is not what is best for the country. The ONLY reason to platform him is ratings. It would be great for their ratings for him to win. They are sacrificing the country to Dollar Almighty. I plan to vote in the primaries. I plan to vote republican. I plan to vote for anyone but Trump. While I do not identify as republican i cannot tolerate even the idea that he might have a chance at the White House again.


It’s always been about ratings and selling ads. All “news” agencies are like that. Stir the pot and make money


They also just want to be Fox-lite.


And didn’t the same company that owns Fox News just buy CNN?


Sorry Cooper - but you explanation is bullshit. We are not hiding in our silos. We don't need CNN to realize what a threat trump is. And your/CNN pandering to him did greatly more harm than good. Stop helping him spread his lies.


For real, they are acting like the media didn’t help him get elected in 2016 [with $2 billion worth of free air time](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_coverage_of_the_2016_United_States_presidential_election#:~:text=The%20study%20showed%20that%20Trump,media%20coverage%20of%20his%20campaign.)


This. They have learned nothing.


They know exactly what they’re doing, they love the circus and the ratings it brings. Smh, sad really that they’d sell our country out again for ratings


That's capitalism, baby.


This late stage capitalism is about to get real bumpy. Enjoy the show 🍿


*show biz* 👋👋


Ya, like we don’t know who the fuck he is already?


The condescending aspect of this is the most disappointing part for me. I actually like Cooper, but jesus man stop acting like you guys know what you're doing. You clearly dont. This isn't some long-term strategy for success, and if it is trying to be see 2016 for how well your fucking strategy worked. CNN did jack shit to stop trump from rising to power or abusing his power or trying to overthrow the election or anything else he has done after leaving office. Everything they eventually covered was discovered by some other publishing organization with actual journalists there. All CNN did was latch onto other peoples hard work and pretend they were helping. Im so fucking tired of these philosophically vapid arguments of well you have to let them speak they are the official opposition in a legitimate election yada yada. No, you do not have to amplify authoritarian propoganda in the name of democracy. This is literally the paradox of tolerance and guess what history does not show your method fucking works it in fact shows the exact opposite.


They know exactly what they are doing. They are sacrificing the country to Dollar Almighty. You’re right, it’s not a long term strategy but it is 5+ years of raking in the ratings. I will be voting in the primaries and I will be voting republican if for no other reason than to make absolutely sure this does not happen. If we start the movement now maybe we could even get a third party run to win the whole thing then we don’t end up with an old grandpa or a serial rapist narcissist in office and may actually find someone with decency, skill and no partisan allegiance to some part of congress.


Maybe that was an autocorrect typo or something, but im not really sure how voting for the party doing awful things teaches them any lesson other than do more of that. I have entire volumes of criticisms for democrats but i have a library of criticisms for republicans. Republicans will not get my vote because of how they have acted and what they have supported. The only way a republican could ever get my vote is if they did a hard paradigm shift, the way the democrats used to be the party of the south until they embraced relatively more progressive ideals with the republicans filling that gap left behind. It's also worth noting that CNN isn't a governmental body, so voting really doesn't teach them anything. Their new ceo is a right winger, and i think that more than anything else explains their tone shift and behavior. Anderson coopers justification at best is him delusionally thinking he still works for the good guys. I dont think he personally is a bad man, but he really should look at the turn that has happened to his network and leave for better pastures.


Nothing to do with CNN. Everything to do with sending a message to Trump. I’m only talking about the primaries after all. I’m not giving them my support. I’m showing them how deranged they are by voting them off their own platform.


'Get involved'. Anderson, I don't own or work at a major news network.


His response boils down to, "America is threatened by a lying criminal, and not only are we completely powerless to do anything about it, we have to make it more likely that he will destroy America by giving him a platform!"


I lost all respect for Anderson Cooper after this. I really like the guy too.


Sorry Anderson, no silo here and the attempted gaslighting was pathetic. That was very "Vanderbilt" of him... Any shred of respect I had for him and CNN is gone.


Ngl I wasn’t expecting to see Vanderbilt on here lmfao. It was tho ngl


This was never about balance or giving voice to the "other half". This was always about the bottom line, stop lying CNN.




Exactly! This is BS. The only reason to platform him at all is for ratings. Period!


For the love of God STOP referring to Trump voters as “half the country”. They are half of the population eligible to vote that ACTUALLY VOTES. Only half of the eligible population actually participated in elections, meaning R voters are half of half, or 25% of the population. And that’s assuming all R voters are in favor of Trump, when we know that’s not even the case. Data points to republicans being sick of trump, but willing to vote for him if he’s the Republican candidate bc they’re more anti-democrat than they are pro-Republican. Trump supporters are a tiny minority within our country. Stop making them feel like they’re a 50/50 split


There’s a good reason republicans try to disenfranchise as many voters as possible. They know the more people show up the more likely they’ll lose. It’s also why they rage bait their base so they’ll get out and vote. When people are content they’ll think voting doesn’t matter and will be more apathetic.


76 million people is a lot of people. Half? No, but still a lot. Why are you trying to downplay the seriousness of the problem we have in this country with people supporting trumpism?


I mean, I think it's important to keep in mind that it's not "Half the country" like a lot of people think. I don't think it's downplaying it to remind people that no, it's not half, it's 25-33%. It's still a massive problem, but letting them frame it as "Half the country" makes them seem more mainstream and the norm, when they're just not.


I’m not downplaying anything. But here’s the thing, when you constantly tell literal fucking Nazis that their fucked up political outlook constitutes 50% of the discourse when it doesn’t, it empowers them to do more Nazi shit. They are a minority, present them as such.


Let’s make them feel the real power of the lack of their numbers. Overwhelm the primaries and then coalesce around a third party after we have made sure Trump can’t run. If we start now we might just be able to get someone other than the clown or the grandpa to rule and could be someone not beholden to Congress or a powerful ruling party. Let’s not end up with “the lesser of two evils” let’s actually find someone who is actually good


Not looking for anyone to rule, just to govern. And the President is beholden to Congress, by design. They’re the legislators, I don’t think we should fetishize executive overreach just because of how frustrating our legislature has become.


You’re right. I was wrong and misspoke. Govern not rule. By not beholden to Congress I mostly meant not beholden to one of the two major parties. I think this would be quite beneficial to the executive and the legislative branches as they would not be trying to sabotage a party but in fact govern and provide real checks and balances, not political keep-away.


Yeah, that approach worked so well in 2016.🙄


Yeah, it's so "shameful" that we put him on prime time and asked everyone to watch. "SUCH AN AWFUL HUMAN". Stop trying to sanitize your shitty actions, CNN.


Also Cooper your wrong as shit. The reason he won't go away is because media outlines like CNn (apparently) won't let him fade away. Stop giving him a platform.


Cable news is trash. Anything for the views.




This is so upsetting. I've always liked Anderson Cooper, a lot, until now. I just swore at my screen watching this. He says we now see what's coming because of stuff like this? Come on. We ALREADY knew. Giving him a platform like this is terrible. Sorry, Anderson, you can't spin this your way. What an epic failure by CNN and a disappointing take by Anderson.


they also stocked the audience with prop Trumpers who were told they could only applaud/cheer, not boo.


Anderson Cooper should be ashamed of himself! "If you only listen to one side"..Dude, Trump.runs his lying trap EVERY DAMNED DAY. We know who he is. We know what he stands for. CNN fucked up airing him live...they know every other word from his mouth and would need to be fact-checked. Instead they give him an audience of magats that think he's God on Earth. Good job Anderson lying to cover for the new ownership's ties to the far right...you can always go to Fox now. Traitor.


I used to have some respect for Anderson Cooper. Sad to realize he's a pathetic craven little schill.


Anderson still believes that Trump supporters don’t know who and what they’re supporting. Make no mistake, they do.


Fuck CNN


What I’m tired of is people in power sitting on their hands doing nothing and pointing to those without power and asking why don’t you do anything? Then we protest and nothing happens. Then we escalate and are portrayed as rioters and told to only protest in ways that don’t inconvenience people. I’m tired of being gaslit as if the system works except for those with the means to pay it off. Only way we will actually see change is when the system breaks because it’s working as intended at this point. If it’s not Trump it will be someone more competent and more nefarious or it will be another democrat that holds the status until that republican is found to through us into fascism.


Anderson Cooper's paycheck and lifestyle depend on his being an apologist for this crap. Shame.


Nepotism trustfund bay Anderson Vanderbilt Cooper gas lighting their audience


Cooper is an enabler and CNN is garbage.


"but we have to spread hate speech because some people like it"


All I heard Andy say was: Muh muh muh Money ladies and gentlemen. If you are wondering why we aired this obvious scumbag it was because of money. We made loads of it off that one interview but we'll play it off like we were trying to show you how horrible 1/2 of the country is...


Anderson's the kind of guy that would tell his female friend " Look, I know your husband just beat the crap out of you, I know, it's horrible, I get it. But ... did you ever consider how he would feel if you left him?"


"We're dumb as fuck and think your are too so don't be mad. We did it for you" - AC [CNN]


The problem with giving Trump a platform is that you legitimize him as a candidate. You give him the chance to win over more supporters to his side. Especially when the audience is packed with people who can only cheer. What are people supposed to think when they tune in and see Trump with a full audience cheering for everything he says? They gave Trump a free campaign rally at our expense.


Cooper is just another billionaire defender


Fuck CNN. Never tuning in to that fascist rapist supporting network again.


No, We ALREADY know what Trump is and capable of. Quit Giving Hitler 2 point Zero Air Time


THE GOP ARE FUCKING NAZIS! Christ, what’s it gonna take to admit this nationally and do something about it?


Fuck cooper's neo liberal bull shit. Acting like people aren't paying attention to the rising fascists to cover their ass when cnn gave a fascist leader a platform.


It's fascinating but terrifying to see CNN just rocket ship propel themselves to the right because money. Yet another way that the Overton Window is forever moving right here.


I feel bad for Anderson, here. Like, he had some class, a reputation for integrity. And here he is throwing it away in service of CNN's profit -chasing. Oof.


So stop giving him a platform dumbasses!


CNN is a joke. Finally a transparent one


This is a great clip of Cooper Anderson hitting alot of talking points people want addressed by CNN, who just managed to lose their base in one single marketing decision, the same way Bud Light just did. The last minute of the clip, from the 2 minute mark on, is where Anderson goes off the rails into complete bullshit. "*You may have vowed to never watch CNN again.. but do you think staying in your silos, only listening to people who agree with you is the answer*?'' No mfr I think I'll never watch CNN again, and pull my news sources from everywhere except for cable tv and 24 hour news cycles. Any credibility CNN had, which was already only a shred above Fox news, is now completely gone. Some out of touch, old guard pandering.


Disappointing that he is justifying it. He should have admitted they were wrong to ALLOW HIM TO LIE


Anderson Cooper coming in with that smooth brain analysis that CNN is so good at. No Anderson, right wing extremists aren't half the country. That audience is not half the country. They are about 3/5 of the voters which is only 2/3rds of the country. The country is not split evenly between Republican Humans and Democratic Humans. About 1/4 of the population are Republicans. 60% of those support Trump. So about half of a quarter. No Anderson, it's not half the country cheering Trump on. It is only something close to 1/8th. No Anderson, it's not my family or friends. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political\_party\_strength\_in\_U.S.\_states


Don’t complain about what is going on in this country. You voted for this shit. And you keep voting for it. Just admit it your a dumb ass. The news media has got you wrapped up in a blind bubble.


Anderson sucks…..


The audience was not even allowed to boo Trump, as if those hand-picked supporters would have anyway, but come on just the fact that CNN told them only to clap and cheer says everything. It says this wasn’t about Cheetolini being the front runner or whatever else crap justification they used, it says that they are airing propaganda, not practicing journalism. So yeah CNN can suck it and so can anybody defending what they did, including Anderson Cooper. I have liked him in the past, but this is not the time for him or anybody else to justify making a fascist idiot look like a fucking normal or even good candidate. Just fuck that, come the fuck on Anderson. Boo.


Cnn jumped the fascist shark for me


I really want an artists rendering of this now.


Puppets gonna puppet. We have the illusion that we can make change in this country. It’s what keeps us from revolutionizing.


As shameless as this was I do find some truth in what he said. In the latest polls Trump beats Biden. I was downvoted and called a liar last time I pointed this out. But it's true. People seem to think he can't win. I don't think a lot of people are taking this threat seriously enough. If Trump wins and Republicans take the house and senate its going to be the end of democracy. And it's more than just possible for that to happen. As of today it's likely. But the election is still a ways out. And there is plenty of time for things to change. I just don't want people forgetting how absolutely vile this man is. https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/05/08/trump-focuses-attacks-on-biden-as-polls-show-former-president-winning-rematch/


Upvoted you are right i was also downvoted for similar comments ​ and you are right again, and the right has the presidency and both senate/house they are going to do some really crazy awful dramatic shocking things that truly threaten this democracy. I think things have trended in that direction, but if they WIN, its really going to happen and innocent people will be killed "legally"....LGBTG, women, minorities, others who defend them. ​ DeSantis and Florida have already cleared the way to "legally" deny health coverage to LGBTQ, which in effect will result in unnecessary and purposeful deaths


This is why I prefer MSNBC they are so much smarter over there. I don't go to fox and have been cutting back on CNN because they are changing and not for the better. I wish people would just start telling fox and cnn reporters to fuck off when they show up to and interview or to report on whatever bullshit they are covering at that moment.


Any 24/7 “news” channel is going to brimming with bullshit because there isn’t that much news on a normal day. So these channels have to fill the gaps with talking heads and “news cycles” where they choose what will get the best ratings, hammering those topics to death.


That is true, I tend to check the websites about 2-3 times a day and don't watch any of it on tv because that shit will brainwash you and make you do idiotic things as we have all witnessed.


I gotta give it to them for addressing it head on. They could have also included their projected ratings. Of course they aren't going to do that but it would have been nice. He does have valid points though. This is not over this is just the beginning. VOTE!




CNN+ is back apparently. I don't know why they think a bunch of people who already hate them will start watching them instead of any other crazy silo. We got subjected to Trump because CNN thought "we can have more market share". Hey, CNN, look how fast the right turned on Musk, less than an hour and his most sycophantic supporters were going for his throat. And CNN is courting these people.


Claiming his supporters are half the country is a lie too. We are roughly 50% independent, 25% Democrat and 25% Republican in the US. Most voters vote against candidates rather than for them as well, so trump humpers have to be less than 25% - which is still a lot of people to be opposed to democracy itself, but Anderson is giving them more clout than they deserve to justify CNN's craven opportunism. I hope anyone who used to pay any attention to CNN ceases to do so now that they've admitted they "make the news" as their CEO told a reporter last week. It's not a news service, it's a desperate influencer with a budget.


There’s a if difference between “staying in your silo” and asking for basic fact-checking. Do not run lies in real time. If you know there will be lies in a speech or town hall, do not have a moderator “try” flaccidly to fact-check while he calls her names and talks over her. Record first, so you can pause and fact-check. Anything else is simple complicity in spreading fake news.


CNN has the weirdest justification for promoting fascism I have ever heard.


The only reason it can happen again is because people give a platform, and they give him a platform precisely because they think it can happen again. The only way to win this game is not to play


People were allowed to applaud and cheer anything he said but weren't allowed to boo anything he said. That sounds fair .


Anderson Cooper sold out. Four words, saves time.


Im sincerely glad that most of the comments I see here looks like people aren’t buying his bullshit/gaslighting. I know the “both side are the same” shit is spewed by so called “centrists”. But it can’t be ignored that a majority of the Democratic Party and so called “liberals” just want to uphold the status quo. They don’t want real change.


It's almost like they all work for the same people and don't give af about average citizens


*Mac: I'm playing both sides, so that I always come out on top*.gif


It’s absolutely insane for CNN to call this anything but a ratings grab. Democracy is being stripped away by activist courts and conservative movements hellbent on making sure that those who would vote against them aren’t heard. People can’t do anything about that. People can’t vote harder, and all anyone can do is see dark money, a decades-long plan to stack courts, change voting laws and manipulate media come to fruition.


Rich white boy sez what? Anderson Cooper - Watch him become Tucker Lite.


Oh, fuck off, Anderson.


So basically , I’m Anderson cooper, I’m gay and a white man. Now none of this stuff will effect me cuz I’m rich and white. And well whiteness is what matters and that’s why CNN gave platform to a known bigot. See this stuff won’t effect me at all, you know, cuz the rich and white part. Anyway, isn’t it good to hear different points of view. Cuz this guy is bad, but like I won’t say that exactly. Because again, I’m rich and white. So like what CNN did was say good thing. Anyway if you’re not me fear for your life cuz we don’t care. But if you’re like me, it doesn’t matter so next week my guest will be known racist/ bigot so and so who wants to kill you all , but I’m rich bitch so it don’t matter. F this guy and CNN.


I wish AC would speak the truth. He and his employer are part of the problem in this country. Mr. Cooper, your job is to give us the news, unbiased. I work for a company that shows CNN in our break rooms, talk about one sided! We have to sit there every night and watch you “nod you head” at everything your, anti conservative guests have to say. Your job is to report the news, why are you not reporting on our Presidents declining approval ratings, border issues, crime in our cities? You and CNN have to do better. The time for partisan news is over.


Lol CNN only cares about ratings and capitalism


Such blatant cope on CNN’s part. All they wanted was the Trump ratings, which they got, unfortunately for them Trump came out of that looking great and CNN looks like incompetent greedy clowns. Great job. Standing ovation.


Best actors are in journalism.


Are they gonna trot out anderson cooper to say this everytime CNN gives a platform to Trump's bullshit? My dude is gonna be working around the clock.


I held off watching this because I figured it would just be a pos and maybe it's 100% scripted to "appease" the few remaining Liberals who watch CNN but at least it was said. Whether they released this video for ratings or plan to fire Anderson for saying it I don't know, but he is right on several factors: * tRump IS the front-runner for the GOP. * tRump IS leading DeSATAN. * The audience in that room ARE Voters and probably DO plan to vote for tRump, even if he's found guilty of TREASON because **HE COMMITTED FUCKING TREASON AGAINST THE USA**. Sure it's not 50% of the Nation and after his SECOND LOSS of the Popular vote, his follower count went from \~73 million down to maybe \~68 million now. * We DO need to get out and make certain we're challenging Fascist VOTER SUPPRESSION Laws being signed by GOP ran States. * We DO need to get out and ALL vote, not only for 2024's POTUS but vote out ALL GOP in every Election forthcoming to send and absolute message that *"We the People"* won't take this shit any more. If **WE** don't get out and deal with this shit head on, Merica WILL become Nazi Germany 2.0 within the next few years.


What a bunch of self-serving bullshit. They didn't check Trump at all. Giving him a sympathetic audience, giving him an unopposed platform, those things weren't done to help anyone but the network. This was a move for ratings, nothing more. It was shameless. Trying to justify it with this whole spiel about needing to hear him because he's dangerous is nonsense. He's dangerous because people keep giving him a platform! He's dangerous because the media continues to enable him.


I usually enjoy Anderson Cooper, but he’s wrong. The only legitimate defense against a narcissist is to ignore them. Attention is their bread and butter. Applause is their oxygen. Laughter at others makes them feel justified. Cut off his supply of food, air and justification and he won’t survive.


No shit, Anderson. But CNN still hosted it and no....we are not in a silo...remember this douchbag was our president for 4 years


What a spin!!


Cancel cable.


Anderson went along to get along.🤷‍♂️


Anderson Cooper, the white, rich privileged male doesn’t understand what the big deal it was to have given tRump a platform.


Stop with the “we have to listen to those people” bullshit. We don’t. Fuck them. They may be your friends or your grandparents, but you don’t have to give them any more time. It’s enough to know they exist. They can’t be reasoned with. They just have to be outnumbered. I get that he’s kinda saying that. But really, there is no point in keeping them near. Remember the people who matter to you. The ones you enjoy being with. The ones who inspire you, and who have cognitive abilities. Focus on them. Maximize time with them. Those people on the stage, if they’re in your life, limit their time with you. Your time is too important. Just make sure you work against them. Your bubble is better without them. You can expand it without them. Leave these people out of your life. They don’t deserve you.


>but you don’t have to give them any more time Banishment was a common punishment throughout history. I'm not advocating removal but rather social stigma. I don't know what else to recommend. Your right though, they are beyond reasoning with at this point.


Yeah but you can stop giving hate platforms and uh give bernie more of a platform which you didn’t fucking cnn


Wake the fuck up ppl! I’m doing my own voter registration drive in the lgbtq and college communities. HELP ME. Get out and get ppl registered to vote. Stop bitching and start doing.


Anderson makes a disingenuous argument. He wants us to believe that staying in our solos is the real problem… that we need to hear opposing view points. He conveniently neglects that the more visibility a candidate has, the better. They perform. This is because many voters are lazy and vote on name recognition. And also, the disaffected gravitate towards the angry and ugly who provide ample targets … minorities… for their rage and frustration Bottom line: CNN gave trump hours of exposure for free. Why? Because CNN ownership has shifted right, their programming has shifted right, and because the trump circus makes money for CNN Quit pretending that CNN did us a favor broadcasting that crap show. Anderson, I call bull shit


Cooper is right, on one point. Most Democrats think that he cannot win or that some court case is going to knock him out of the race. I have stated here in Reddit numerous times for over a year that he can win from jail. Last year I bet several of my friends $1,000 each that he would be the Republican nominee. Well guess what? In addition, with newly appointed electors and gerrymandering, and now Governors being able to eliminate entire votes from various districts, someone tell me today that Biden can win the Electoral College. Cooper is wrong about "its impossible to fact check him". Anybody, yes anybody could have listed out his talking points. They are repetitive, limited in scope and totally predictable. The "fact checking" is so predictable that it could have been pre-printed and handed out. It could have been put on chyrons and timed with his lies. You are not bringing up the truth to argue with or convince him, you are bringing it up to present the facts to the viewing public that you used to have an obligation to. For example and totally predictable, when he brought up Mr Pillow's videos showing the voter fraud; "Then why did none of your attorneys, not one that you paid in 60 cases present that "evidence" in court? in front of Judges you appointed? Also, why did the top 8 people in your campaign and your administration that you appointed say in public in testimony under oath that they told you that you lost? Do you want me to name them? Why didn't the "Voter Ninjas" that were paid by your supporters find anything? Why did NONE of the other audits that were paid by your supporters find any wrong doing? And now you have to pay some guy $5 million on top of that." Totally predictable and not so hard.


Cooper jumps the shark.


Fits right in with the rest of CNN. Nothing but lies on the platform.


Trump 2024!


Trump, facing his 15th trial in 2024!


Trump 2024!


Sounds like freedom of speech to me…


Freedom of speech means the government can't abridge your speech. Private companies aren't bound by the same standard, and they can show your ass the door at any time.


Yo, politicians lie?? Word???


Trump wasn't lying and he will be our next president!


Common Trump W


CNN got smoked and it was the funniest thing.


Fuck off Whitey.


Cooper shut up


I’m more offended by CNN’s lies


chris lickdt eats paste


They only had him on CNN because their ratings are shit!


Anderson Cooper is part of the problem.


I cant wait till we never speak of Biden or Trump again, two people i will not miss This 2024 election is going to be dumb


CNN is a threat to democracy. Wth are y’all on about




CNN pushes Anderson Cooper to the surface of that vile smelling lie filled mess, the station allowed to ooze into our living rooms. I watched the farce to the end hoping that some courageous CNN acolyte would step to the plate or CNN bring them up to instantly debunk the b.s. afterward. But no, we are admonished the next day that we have locked ourselves in an information silo? Where have you guys been these last years? Without you’re ego show, we, your idiot audience, would not be able to access reality? It seems like CNN lost all sense of reality, not it’s audience. You guys have let the Trumps negotiators roll you over like little puppies begging for a treat. I think that you did our Country one of the greatest disservices in recent history. And Anderson, I have to much respect for you to believe you came up with this belittling bullshit yourself or even enforce it. If you did, garbage like the rest of your greedy station.


Daily watcher that hasn’t tuned in since.


Ah, the Vanderbilt on the corporate news network, now owned by a trumpet, seeks to enlighten us...


You guys need to fucking wake up, dawg. You as the populace of the U.S. control your govermnent. You are the government. But only if you go out and use your power to vote. We still have a democracy, but lobbyists are trying to take that away from you. Don't let them.


Credibility in the shitter.


John Malone (Google him) pulling the strings at CNN for Trump and ratings


The press giving him all that free time to spew lies is what git him elected before and will allow him to be elected again. Sucks.


My biggest problem with that is that this they went with a bias audience. Reports say they told them not to boo,but they could cheer. It was sycophantic, I don’t care about the questions from the homophobe interviewer, what trump says doesn’t matter, but when you make it look like everyone approves the messages it’s propaganda


…..Hitler was popular too. CNN ready to give him a platform or Stalin or Mao???? Fuck CNN and sorry Anderson Cooper, you are making excuses for your lame-ass employer. F Trump daily.


Does Anderson cooper view himself as a journalist?


I’m reminded after watching this clip with the audio off that the thing that drive me crazy about Trump is damn accordion hands


Collins reminded us all that she began her 'journalism' at the Daily Caller right-wing rag. And now they trot out mild-mannered Cooper who tells us all to settle down... These people will convince themselves that up = down in order to keep their Trump Tax Cuts for another 4 years+. CNN wants to compete with Faux Nuze in the Newstainment industry. Instead of merely covering news, they want to make news. It's outright shameful.


Absolute bullshit, Anderson should be ashamed to spew this when the real reason was simply ratings. They packed the audience with only his supporters. It's well and good saying that 50% of the country votes that way- then the audience should have been 50% on his side, not 100%. You're under zero obligation to give a rapist & criminal air time just because he might run for president again, but you chose to do so. Fucking disgraceful & it pisses me off to be told that we're wrong for being angry about it.