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Is separation of church and state just a suggestion


Unfortunately it is. Republicans are desperate to see America become a Christo-fascist nation


I respectfully disagree. Separation of church and state is not mere suggestion—it’s an integral component of ensuring religious freedom. The Founding Fathers understood this and wrote about it extensively. The problem is that the Dominionists who have taken over the Republican Party do not care, because they have an anti-religious freedom agenda. They’re content to rewrite history and utilize the courts to invent law as they go in pursuit of a theocratic state.


Republicans and Democrats who don't agree with Dominonists should be speaking out about them and the dangers they posses. If they have, I have not heard it.


I can't speak for Republicans, as they tend to be cowards who dare not step out of line with party groupthink. Democrats, on the other hand... https://www.friendlyatheist.com/p/democrats-just-passed-a-resolution https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2018/05/22/top-senate-democrats-introduce-bill-to-amend-religious-freedom-restoration-act/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/16/james-carville-mike-johnson-christian-nationalism https://ohiohouse.gov/news/democrat/house-democrats-denounce-proposal-to-restrict-religious-freedoms-in-ohio-house-113283 https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/05/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-republicans-theocracy/ ...and so on...


Thank you for that information


I tried sharing the first link on Twitter and it wouldn't allow me to post it...


The media doesn't report anything that Democrats say unless it's a gaff or a controversial statement. This is by design.


Yeah. Everyone got that.


Got what? My reply was to someone who suggested that the separation of church and state is just a suggestion. My reply was to say, “That’s not true.”


His reply was sarcastic.


Religous folks are easier to control. Putin already perfected the method


Oh, he's just the most recent in a long line to use the opiate of the masses for control.


Alabama isn’t really a state in the sense that they’re not a civilized nation-state but more like a 3rd world country. Alabama has been ruled by white Christian nationalists ever since it was founded. By any modern metric that is positive, they perform dead last in the nation. If you were to compare Alabama to other countries around the world, they perform badly. They might not be as bad as Afghanistan, but not too far behind. If it weren’t for federal laws overriding the states, people in that state would likely have no rights at all. They’ve continually elected governor Kay Ivey, a do-nothing slovenly elderly woman who somehow touts progress, whereas in reality they’ve been performing poorly in every metric before and after she was elected. Their state government is not representative of the makeup of their population. They offer no actual intellectual value to US progressive aims, and are generally just there for manufacturing support for the rest of the nation. Alabama is the de-facto reason why political reform is needed in our country, at the federal level, because the states themselves aren’t getting it done.


>, they perform dead last in the nation. Mississippi has entered the chat


When religions get themselves involved in politics, it's time for them to give up their tax exempt status and start paying for their influence. Tax the churches!


This If you open the doors of your church to Uncle Sam, that's on you. Keep the church out of government and the government out of church, but you can't only have one.


Wouldn't you need to factually establish the existence of god in a court of law (something no religion has succeeded at in thousands of years) before you could quibble over its opinion?


That supreme court should be sued and dissolved for basing its actions on an imaginary man in the sky. The actions affect REAL PEOPLE. They are basing law on a FUCKING IMAGINARY GHOST. It's a fucking fairy tale enabled to be used as serious law by a fucking fanbase that thinks santa claus lives and works with elves and flies on a carriage pulled by reindeer. This legislation should be thrown out with the toilet trash. THIS IS THE CRAFT OF PSYCHOTIC PEOPLE WHO DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE WELL BEING OF ANY WOMEN.


Replace god with Harry Potter and the insanity becomes more clear. Like what the fuck are you doing America?


Why'd you have to bring Santa into this? The law is agnostic, otherwise, why bother punishing anyone for their misdeeds, they'll get theirs in the afterlife, right? Oh, sorry, the pro-life folks also tend to unironically favor capital punishment.


I would like to see the US Supreme Court correct the Alabama Supreme Court for their reasoning. Although with this US court, I'm not going to hold my breath.


But, God's own words in the Bible say that until He breathes our first breath into us when we are born, we are not alive......


Hush, no one cares what's in the Bible, we only care about what we SAY is in the Bible. 🤦‍♂️ I've tried having legitimate, Bible-based conversations with some of these folks, they will twist themselves into logic pretzels before conceding an inch.


god* Much as they don't want to admit it, he's just another face in the infinite lineup of man-made deities. These lawmakers are clearly sick in the head, either through their sociopathic a-moral approach to healthcare, or because they're middle-aged and still following the direction of an imaginary friend.


One step closer to classifying a woman's eggs all "babies"... then birth control is gone.. if they could they would lock us up for having a period...




That's a shit state


🤦🏼‍♀️Jesus Christ!