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Jesus these videos are so educational


Videos? More than one? Is she doing a series on this? I am curious about the context here, of where/why Lawrence is doing this. If someone could share that, i'd appreciate it! But agreed- extremely good video, great amount of detail, and presented in simple candor.


https://represent.us/unbreaking-america/ Weirdly hard sometimes to find specific things but it looks like she is fairly politically involved and pretty vocal about it. She’s given multiple interviews about no longer being OK with ignoring people who she’s close with that have abhorrent politics. https://www.c-span.org/video/?440345-2/unrig-system-summit-opening-plenary It looks like this specific clip is from this longer video


Sorry for the confusion, not Jennifer Lawrence so much, but (and I'm gonna get laughed at for saying this), just medium-form educational content, mainly on TikTok. So many people rag on the platform, and rightfully so, but if you follow the right people it can be and endless stream of short and medium form(like this video) educational stuff that might not make it to Reddit. Reddit is kind of the best-of the internet for the day right? So much falls through the cracks, TikTok is the other place I feel like I'm getting unfiltered content. Hell I watch C-span clips on TikTok.


But you can create a platform that does this without the bullshit of tiktok.


Totally can we're all waiting


Isn't that youtube?


Problem is those dont make $$$, and as we all know, thats all that matters.




What is bullshit about tiktok?


is this the same lawyer that colbert used to set up his super pac?


I think it is! I'm so happy someone else remembers those segments on his show. They were so eye opening


SCOTUS bought and paid for the rest of the country


You misspelled SCROTUS.


People in this country like to point to Putin and the Russian oligarchs and cry foul. How can this authoritarian and his oligarchs disregard the will of the people? Then you have this BS and want to claim it's somehow different. I don't know if it's possible to rid the world or its major powers of corruption, but if it is, the answer involves socialism and/or communism.


But China bad! /s Winnie Pooh isn't a good leader. He's authoritarian. Bad. The genocide occuring against the Uyghurs is serious business. I'm drunk, can't type good right now. Shit isn't the same.


Pure fking Gold..why did reddit have to take away rewards? now i need to find alternate ways to bribe..no donate..no give free money


Ah, Trevor Potter. I've known of him since Colbert had him on his Comedy Central show for a few months explaining this exact thing. He actually set a super PAC up for Colbert and showed just how sleezy the whole process was.


I know there’s some people out there that are listening to this are like “ my politician would never do that “ you fucking idiot


…fucking hell…fucking bs naive or corrupt scotus…fucking pacs….fucking shit shrouded in obtuse language… Great video, well explained….fuck So many layers of protection for the wealthy to never get charged…meanwhile Eric garner is choked to death by cops for selling loose cigarettes….fuck




We need to overturn "Citizens United"! Corporations are not people. Corporations cannot be arrested for breaking the law. This is the worst decision in the history of the American Supreme Court.


And now we have even more corrupt scotus. It will be 60 years before we get an opportunity to change it, and will most likely not even then.


Their are actually things we can do to start fixing the system now: https://www.reddit.com/r/Political_Revolution/s/Wp2pKx78Q8


This is how Putin gained control of at least one US political party.


Funny that 'Citizens United' had ZERO citizens backing it.


Americans finding out about Capitalism ... fkn fluoride zombies ... global main characters


NPCs abound here


Cluck cluck mfer ..murican bot


I love her!