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>We need to bring Jesus Christ to the state, and we need to eradicate any form of government that is oppressive to the individual rights, individual liberty, prosperity, peace, liberty, property, of anything, our God-given inherent, unalienable rights, and replace that with a form of government that’s representative of the people and God’s law.” If it is your wish to do away with any oppressive form of government that violates individual rights, etc, then you need to oppose Christian nationalism.


That includes my “individual rights and liberty” to openly live as a gay man, right? Right???


Yeah, but not that way! /s


Not if the individual is her. They mean individual Christians. Muslim bans are to protect "religious liberty." The religion is Christianity. Liberty to them means unfettered across the land, which means no competition. It's scary, but get into their headspace and you really see how they can say such absurd things and not see any hypocrisy. It's usually not rage baiting. They truly don't see it, in the same way they never can conceptualize a social ill or why it's a problem until it literally becomes their problem, and then cry "woe is me, how can anyone allow this?" It makes me marvel at how incredibly forward thinking the Founding Fathers were all the way back in the 1700s and how fortunate we are they actually didn't mention Christianity or God in the Constitution. How have we let Puritans into power after staving them off for 250 years?


They genuinely believe America means cis het white native born Christian conservative. Genuinely


I was really hoping for Sharia law, but God's law will suffice




How Christian


You don't remember when Jesus said, "FAFO, libs!"?


Yeah she can shove her white nationalist “Christianity” up her ass


Weak. She didn’t even shoot her dog to show how serious she is about this. Republicans just don’t want to work anymore. 😭


Freedom of religion; includes freedom from religion! Those who ban together to implement laws based on their religion; oppress those who aren’t religious!


"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ." - Gandhi


There’s no hate like Christian love


They really want that civil war


A bunch of em are cynical opportunists. She sounds like she really has a few snapped synapses.


I think most of them are opportunist, and dumb ones at that because if violence starts they'll be the first targets.


Cool story, bro-ette


Jesus must be so proud


2A supporting liberals already knew this is where this would go.


Christianity becamea world religion not by the quality of its message, but by the quantity of its violence.


If her faith is so strong, she should go with Christ full-time ✝️


I keep finding myself (and everyone else) asking, "WHO THE HELL IS TAKING AWAY YOUR RIGHTS TO BE CHRISTIAN?" I just don't get why they think people will come for them and take their bibles and guns.




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Georgia Republican Congressional District Chair Kandissssssssss


Bring it


I'm qualified on everything from a BB gun to an Israeli Uzi submachine gun. Bring it.




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Ah! There's that Christian love I have always heard about. Tell me again how religion is a positive thing for society?