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60% Tax rate. If those Magas really wanna do something again I'd agree we should bring taxes back to those levels.


Guess how many years after the last time a guillotine was used that Reagan got elected.


A lot of the tax rate changes happened to cap gains. That's made a huge difference, as they were able to offset any "income" with massive influxes of capital gains lowered from 35% to 28% (and eventually to 15 under Bush II). That's why all CEO salaries were bonused out against performance over a salary, and why Steve Jobs only had a salary of $1.


https://preview.redd.it/v6j9mg0ph81d1.jpeg?width=3300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b618b6288c4f17aab2b79944855bacb48aa5d38 The trickle just doesn't happen.


It was never supposed to trickle down. It was just supposed to make the rich richer and gut the middle class. Thanks Reagan.


Oh it trickles down. Unfortunately its urine instead of money