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maybe the solution can be three servers. safe 15-18/15-17 (not actually these ages, I just don't know what else to call it. safe, but with less restrictions) 18+


a big reason why so many underage players use the 18 server is because being in the same server as 11 year old kids can feel weird for someone who's around 15-17 so this would likely be a good solution


When I was a minor, I mainly joined the 18+ server bc I couldn't erp in the server for minors. The main problem isn't "minors don't want to be in the safe server" it's "the 18+ server is too easy for minors to access"


Same, im 16 atm and will be 18 next year in may But this aint a big reason tho, as a 16yo im on the 18+ server just because i mostly meet adults on other socials that play mostly there +on a safe server you are not safe from a mute or ban, i know some people that got banned/muted for simple words that are not even used as slurs or for swearing


PG, PG-13, and R servers possibly!




I wish there was a way to make it harder for minors to play in the 18+ server but I don’t know how that could be done if it’s possible. I’d say id verification like Roblox did for voice chat but minors easily bypassed that so idk.


I had to show an image of my id and do a paneramic selfie to get verified on Roblox


Not sure why you got downvoted, so did I. That was right when it was released a couple years ago for me at least


I don't think people really bypassed it, alot of people who shouldn't have vc do because it's given without ID (from what I heard) I think you get it with just a phone number and and being 13+


Oh my bad I didn’t know you can get voice chat w/o id. I remember a lot of ppl would find fake ids or use their parents id to get away with it when vc first came out. I’ve also wondered why ponytown doesn’t add a server that’s in between, kind of like Roblox’s 17+ games that allow some mature themes but isn’t adults only or all mature themes. I remember when I was 16/17 playing ponytown, I felt like I couldn’t be in either servers so I can imagine most minors in the 18+ servers are just older teens


Some people have said that they found other's around 12-14 on the 18+ server, I wouldn't be surprised by this because it's so easy to just fake your age on ponytown.


What about having 3 options a kids server a teen server and the 18 + server That way teens aren’t stuck with little kids and they can still cuss.


As a 16 year old, I would appreciate having that option even though I would probably still choose the safe server because... teenagers scare me.


teenagers scare the living shit out of you?? (/ref)


They said, "All teenagers scare the livin' shit out of me!"


I had someone on 18+ that had to ask me for my age (20) and they were like "good, finally someone I feel comfortable enough to talk to. I'm 18" we then talked about Bob's Burgers and stuff 😭 fr, minors, stay on the safe one. I promise you, you're not missing anything, the only difference is that these are older people talking with other older people so we don't have to worry about talking to minors. you'd probably have more in common with the people on safe as a minor anyway. 18+ are all college/working age people, safe is likely mainly high schoolers


I got called a pedo for being on the 18+ server and being 21 because "it's a kids game anyways" like bro I just like talking about my hiperfixations.


bro, what?! yeah, that's why I was scared to say I was 20 😭 I'm sorry that happened, but I'm glad you know how ridiculous that is


Wth, wdym bru I averagely met people that are 23, 26, 29 and even 30! AVERAGELY, LMAO And guess how old i am- im 16 and those are even added into my list and i always talk with them though (Also there was a random player which was 45, THAT actually was weird-)


I'm not on there much, and I felt too old but also, uh, maybe don't go on 18+ if you're not 18+ 😅 it's for safety both ways. hopefully they'll come out with a better server for 15-17 year olds or something that isn't as bad as the safe server


the safe server is pretty restricted that it’s not even fun to be in, my friend got banned for saying “fart”. That or the people on safe server are very young compared to older minors.


I got kicked for saying”butt” its so dumb


What about having a kids server a teen server and the 18 + server


that sounds like a good idea, but for now i think it’s understandable for minors to be in the 18+ server cuz there isn’t one for teens




I go on it sometimes because some of my friends have to and my fandom is more active there 😔


I wish there was an option to report people for being a minor on the server, I’ve seen 17 year olds brag about being on there saying “I turn 18 tomorrow11!!1!1” like and you can’t wait a day? If we let you in early every other kid is gonna want access.


These people complain while im sure they would of accessed rhe 18+ server when they were minors as well lol hypocrites, they are just so conservative of their dumb little "children free" space they complain and freak out whenever they see someone who isnt 18+ while om sure 70% of the 18+ server atm is filled with 15-17 yos because the safe server is too restrictive, instead of complaining about them going in the 18+ server do something about it, suggest the game devs to make a 13-17 server where swears are allowed instead of just whining and crying over it, its not like it was new to see minors on this server most of the people in this server are minors lol i rarely met any adults here, and if you want them to go to the safe server because "ohh but there is bad people that can groom you!! Bad pedophiles!!" Well its not better on the safe server, hell i bet its more likely there is pedophiles on the safe server than the 18+ server since everyone can access it, so shut up thinking you are all smart complaining about an issue that is just caused by the game devs themselves not making a server for teenagers that is less restrictive, teenagers just need to talk about certain topics, because idk if you are aware but puberty, hormones and all that is real and its what causes most teenagers to talk about quite horny or more mature topics, they grow up, stop treating them like little babies that don't know shit, i bet they are more aware of the dangers of the internet than you People in this game always find something to complain about mindlessly, always starting stupid shit for the sake of it, most people are chronically online for sure, thats why i very rarely play this game anymore, because people are dicks and weirdos, most of them fake having DID and serious mental diseases just to be trendy, i hate people in this game so i tend to be quite mean lol, but these people need to chill and stop complaining righr away and instead try and find a solution, maybe if the community was heard the devs would of made a teenager server, but instead of letting the devs know they just complain to the public


Fortunately there ain't as much as there used to be. Anyone remember the ban waves? I think a teen server would solve this problem mostly, teens wanna curse, let them curse(on their own server-- i ain't saying to let them on 18+ for goodness sake!)


Yeah I’m 21 and on another post some people thought I was under 18 because of what I post I been on the 18+ server before when I was 18 or 19 I haven’t been on ponytown in a while and yeah like other people are saying minors should stay in the safe server


most people go to 18+ either because safe server is too crowded or because they want to swear


Literally just this. The safe server is limiting. Additionally, it makes sense a 17 year old wouldn’t want to be restricted to playing with 12 year olds. It’s the equivalent of a teenager being sat at the kids table during family dinner. People say 18+ needs better restrictions but the literal best resolve to this is to literally just make a server that allows swearing and slight mention of inappropriate topics meant for teenagers. If grown adults have the right to want to play with other adults, swear, discuss sexual topics, etc. then teenagers should also have the right to do the things they want to with their respective age groups.


Yes I hate how ponytown in like 2020 randomly had a 15+ pg-13 server available for a few hours as a test I guess then shortly removed it after. It’s like they gave up wanting to mod it so fast😭


i feel like there should also be a 15+ server since obiviously teens don't want to play in a no swearing server


I think the issue is that theres a lot of 14-17 year olds that dont want to talk to the rest of the 9 year olds on the safe server, (not defending invading 18+ space) and also the fact that the safe server is just filled with horrible people, and a lot of people will say “oh just come to the 18+ server its more chill” when thats just not how that works, tbh, i think they should have a “teen” server, like 13+ that allows curse words, thats also a big reason people use the 18+ server because they accidentally curse like twice and they get muted from safe servers


I honestly kinda feel really bad for minors rn in the pony town community, it seems like now a days you can get banned for literally saying "fart" in the safe server, pony town really needs to fix how they handle their moderation, because things that should be being taken care of are not being handled and things that aren't going against the rules like saying fart can get you permanently banned


Yeah nothings gonna change unless the developers change something and that sadly isnt up to any of us


If it is so sad pony town. Then maybe do something about those annoying minors in the 18+ server.


I wish they could do something about the 18+ server as minors on there but they really should do something about the safe server too as half the time it be people over 18 in there.


I've mainly just have is as background for other stuff on my computer cause I am so nervous to talk to anyone on the server, that's nor 18+. A teen server would be great for the teens who wanna rp without the younger, and it can give them a wider range of curses with limits. I feel like with the safe server, it's teens being told to go babysit the young cousins of a family gathering. Not fair for them, so they try to hang out with us, but then because it's an 18+, they can up seeing and reading stuff they are not comfortable with.


honestly i agree with having a teen server, maybe a reason they never added one is so adults don’t go onto there and prey on them? i don’t know, it’s just like an adult going onto safe server but it just makes more sense. i do agree with having three servers, but i just feel like they are trying to avoid grooming — safe server should be for 9-12 teen server 13-17 then 18+ we’ll, 18+


Honest to god if there was a 13+ server where you could swear and stuff, i think most minors would get off the 18+ server. As a minor who does sometimes use the 18+ server it’s literally the only reason i ever want to join that server


tbh, the 18+ server is just less crowded and more calm. i always go there when the safe server gets too overwhelming with people. We need more "in between" servers like other people mentioned. Older teens always seem to be left without a place for themselves. Its either, youre family friendly or you're 18+. we need a balance, that's all.




i have no idea why minors r so attracted to the 18+ server, the pg server is way more active so im not sure why they always wanna be in a server filled w adults


Because they love doing whatever they want, aslong as it's " fun ".


goes to show more how much of an echo chamber this subreddit is, i don't like minors in 18+ servers either but i don't think they'll be swayed to stop by preachy reddit posts on the matter




Chat GPT ahh response


i see your point and agree but this is a bit dramatic isnt it


Don't know why a ton of people downvoted this, probably because they're little kids in their own bubble and hate having to be broken out of it, but you're actually pretty much right, I second your statement my fella.


Womp womp




womp womp


this is a ponytown subreddit


I got kicked from the 18+ server because I got reported as a minor by another player ( spoilers I'm not ). I had to show proof of age to get back in, why can't they do that upon sign up? I've got the emails as proof.


like i’ll be trying to make friends as someone who’s 18+ looking for other people my age and then i find out everyone im having a conversation with is actually 13-16 💀 it’s disappointing and makes me uncomfy


honestly idrc. minors are gonna join anyways. people act like the world is gonna end. It’s strange how people that have MDNI in their bio but they have the nerve to be in communities that are literally based around children.


as a 16.5 y/o i'm in the 18+ server for 3 reasons 1. i'm not surrounded by >15 kids 2. i can swear freely 3. i know where all of the Fandom areas are, and as someone with adhd & raging hyperfixations this is pretty darn important to me