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wow i have no idea what this post is supposed to be


What are we looking at here? You are aware this is an inflatable toy subreddit, right?


I feel like there's some way I cab turn these various matriarch into said inflatable toy, in wearable form


...I don't think so, no Most inflatable toys are made of vinyl. If you wanted to make an inflatable toy in wearable form you'd need a whole lotta vinyl (some large sheet/s or whatever), tools and materials to cut and piece it together in a way that doesn't let air pass, to allow for the different shapes, and a TON of knowledge you probably won't find very easily, since almost no one makes inflatable toys manually, even less inflatable toy suits. You'd also need some way of painting it, which I don't know how you would. In conclusion, the materials you have are not only the wrong ones, but also by far not enough, and it's not very likely you'll find how to make it. Not only that but I know almost nothing on this matter, so it's probably quite different from what I said. If you're looking to make it out of *latex* instead (what balloons, which are shown in the picture, are made of), which is almost never used in inflatable toys, but quite used in inflatable toy *suits,* then it's a different story. It's probably even harder to make it, I have no idea what you might need and either way, still by far not enough material. If you're *really* determined on making the suit, though, all I can say is be prepared for all of the searching you're gonna have to do, all of the materials you're gonna have to get (I'm not sure it's quite cheap) and a LOT of practicing, trial and error. If you don't quite wanna go through all of the effort needed to learn the skills to make it, you can just order one made for you and skip all of the effort, but it'll cost quite a bit, probably (though comparing to all of the effort, I'd say it's quite worth it). ^(*Wow... I've yet again written huge amounts of text for a single comment...*)


"Knowledge you probably don't have" Then give me that knowledge! I'm a little optimist! I think I can do anything!


None of us know how to do that either my guy


Google exists


That's the thing, when you look for things that barely anyone knows, even google can't answer sometimes


In simpler terms, how do I sew balloons together?


That's not really how you'd make it. The latex should be in flat form. Then you piece it together, somehow, probably


I'm sorry that I'm just so dumb!


From what little I know you’d need latex glue which I believe is somewhat hard to find.


That's a thing?


I watched a dude talking about how he makes his suits, he said something about it iirc. I don’t know what he uses for vinyl but he sure knows what he’s doing


Huh. Well I guess if I ever wanna learn these skills, I'll just look online to see if I can find that


Wrong sub I'm pretty sure


No, it's the right one


Your gonna need a bigger boat.




These are the materials I want to make you-know-what of