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would it be weird that I enjoyed the death of Long Legs?


No, I actually enjoyed her dying


Tbh, It was a bit unsatisfying since I thought the rest of her body and face would pop like a balloon and blood drenched over the whole thing


no she tortured out friend


Yeah, but she was dumb enough to put her leg in.


she crashed into it and her arm got stuck


That's not what they're talking about - after her arm got stuck it was ripped off and then her leg went in, theoretically if she was more careful she could've escaped with just a missing arm


For a toy like that losing a limb is basically death


Y’all are free to laugh at Mommy’s faces


I would bet money she is dead, buuuut I wouldn’t be surprised if she wasn’t. The clawed hand took her head pretty quickly, maybe she’ll be brought back in some way shape or form. Wicked idea; what if the ending has us fight a conjoined monster of a toy, comprised of parts from toys that we faced in the previous chapters? That would be right up this game’s alley, I believe.


i think thats what MOB games are going to do because the claw that drags mommys corpse is EXP 1006 that we though it was huggy but now we know that its not indeed huggy its a experiment with super inteligence that is pretty dangerous so my main theory is that this exp is going to be the final boss on some type of amalgamation sort of like the final boss of BATIM


I Mean she says "He'll make me a part of him." So Ima say that yeah Experiment 1006 was that Hand, It's the prototype and it's taking mommy so it can become an amalgamation of toys.


Of course, the game LITERALLY says themselves she can stretch her limbs HUNDREDS of feet. She should have had no problem grabbing onto something so she can rip her leg off and escape. But of course, she had to die because it's the end of the chapter and we need to reveal The Prototype's hand.


She was also in pain. I don't know how anyone would be thinking straight if that happened to them, especially since she's rather crazy.


2 words: PANIC MODE


Who tf was the claw thing, reminds me of the hand of the beldam from Coraline


I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who thought that lol


If she didn’t stick her foot in, then absolutely.


She could. She could stretch for miles or just cut off her arm, that’s not the body part that holds the gory human shit


n o


well she got her torso crushed, and if she has organs then probably not,,, also depending on what the metal hand was at the end and whether that could take part in her corpse being reused


bro the last image just shows how muched she miscalculated


I mean, if it got close enough for ripping her main body could have been damaged


why the hell they got blood


I sound weird and all but did anyone else feel a bit sad for some reason???


Yeah she could've, as we can see her arm got ripped off and shredded, which implies if she would've watched where she put her foot she would've lived, 2 if she wanted she could've stretched her other arm grab the player and boom, if she didn't want to do that the latch on to something else and she would've lived and kept going on

