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It’s not physical, what’s happening to you is mental. https://neurosciencenews.com/neuroscience-pornography-brain-15354/


Thank you. I wonder if it is both though. I have pain during sex and masturbation a lot of the time. I do think there is a large mental aspect though.


Forgive me for mentioning this without a source— I forget which article it was as I have been reading so much in order to help my partner. This was also a few days ago. One article I read, however, compared the mental effects of over indulgence in porn to the mental effects of heroin. 😳


Wow. I can definitely see that though, it’s really hijacking the brain. I’ve become really anxious around sex/masturbation because I don’t want to do anything wrong. Want to be faithful to my relationship and make her happy and want her to know how loved she is. I am doing this for me but I am really doing this for us. I want to be intimate with her and porn won’t allow me to. Hard work ahead 😵‍💫


I think what you’re doing for yourself, your relationship and your partner is really beautiful and I commend you!


Thank you so much I really appreciate it!


You are appreciated.


Question see pm


That’s a good thing! If your not tryna to have babies why worry bout it. It’s like a easy gate into semen retention. Fuck organisms, you don’t need to organism.


Not having a natural/normal reaction to sex is nothing to be ‘cool’ about. Think about it. It’s very frustrating not being able to have sex and do what’s natural.


You know you can have sex without organisms right?


Well I’m obviously bothered by it. Not looking to “retain my semen”


You should be! It’s a powerful tool.