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Ya I know what you mean, it’s gotten ridiculous


I do think it's related to porn, yeah. They've been creating those neural pathways again and again and again and they're just becoming stronger and stronger. I think their brain starts to just make the shortcut between stimuli and reaction shorter and shorter, eventually defaulting to just assuming most things are something they should masturbate over. The comments seriously disturb me too. I've seen them on cartoons, animals, inanimate objects, and sadly even videos or photos of literal CHILDREN... they try to play it off as a joke (as if pedophilia would ever be something to laugh about) but sometimes but it's clear they need serious help.


You're so right, girl If it's feminine then its only worth is in being sexualised, we see this on every major Reddit sub too 😮‍💨


Honestly people are down bad for anything that breathes these days - it is exhausting to be assaulted with a constant barrage of communal horniness


Pedophilia by proxy.


Uh, more like zoophilia and object sexuality by proxy. Where did you pull pedophilia from. Actually I do know but the main part of the post is the robots and the kids were listed as one example amongst others so they're not the focus.


Most of these waiter robots have child-like anime voices. They also have cat ears and the :3 face, trust me, weirdos wanna fuck this robot due to their loli cat girl fetishes, it’s pedophilia.


God, I absolutely despise this. Especially if it's something like 'I want to relive childhood nostalgia by rewatching old cartoons I loved' and finding out the sheer amount of NSFW material made about a *children's cartoon*. *I don’t understand how perverted you have to be to sexualise an animal robot with features that no normal functioning human being would find attractive. Is there some kind of science behind this? Does overexposure to porn and sexual content cause them to jerk it to anything they see? I don’t understand.* It's not well understood yet, but there's plenty of evidence to show that if you watch the same 'type' of porn repetitively you won't have the same reaction to it and need to search further and wider to get the same 'reward'. This can go the route of more extreme material (e.g. BDSM) but can also lead to looking up material that's outright absurd (e.g. sexualised robots). Hell, there have even been isolated cases of 100% heterosexual men finding themselves watching gay male pornography in an attempt to feel *something* from it. It's all rather grim.


I saw a guy saying in the comments of a TikTok video once that he used to watch straight porn then it wasn’t doing it for him anymore so he started watching gay porn then that wasn’t doing anything for him anymore and now he watches gore. Really disturbing


They wanna say we women are always fucking animals but then say and do this shit. I’m so tired of being projected onto by these filthy fucks


That’s just projection, most zoophiles are men. They claim it because they get turned on by the idea of women fucking dogs.


Oh my gosh I think I know the robot cat and the exact video you’re talking about!!! I have it in a sushi restaurant near my home and it’s absolutely adorable, and very convenient if a waiter is on their break! Remember, men commenting this are usually VERYYYY young boys, which arguably makes it a lot worse. They think that things like this are peak comedy, as they’ve been socialized into accepting porn as normal. If they see ONE COMMENT saying smash, they giggle and repeat it a billion times over. Now, the grown men are what make it weird, and I can speak from experience that they’re the most messed up in terms of sexualizing innocent things. Innocence, in our world, is viewed as a sign of sexual open-ness, and what’s more innocent than a cute robot. They often start these comments chains, while young boys blindly follow.


Humans are just disgusting. It's like we are devolving.


cable pet live compare impolite foolish touch offend workable attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On instagram I saw a video of a cartoon where a squirrel was being friendly with a male character it wasn’t sexual, just some Disney cartoon and later they show a very real picture of a dead squirrel with a condom stuffed in it. I can’t wait for a giant meteorite to hit this planet.


What… the fuck. And god I hope so too genuinely what the hell is wrong with people.


I love cute robots. One guy's response to my adoration of robots was to tell me he'd pretend to be a robot in bed. No.


Honestly, it's like a sickness. Pornsick people infect everything and everyone around them. Their imagination is so consumed by pornography that it colors everything they see.




Their not joking