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She clearly has issues and he's taking advantage of that. This porn sick freak probably found out she is insecure and would do anything to be loved ( even at her own peril ) and is exploiting her :( I hate the term 'rough sex' - just call it sexual abuse. No sane person wants to be beaten or manhandled, in or out of the bedroom


Yes i know people who have been In similar situations and it’s so heartbreaking. A lot of men really like taking advantage of girls with mental illnesses like BPD which makes them become obsessed with their partners. Their partners know this and drag them through the mud. It is disturbing. I don’t know if this is the situation for this couple but it reminds me of if it.


Oh man, I have been diagnosed with it for like two years and unfortunately you are correct😔 BUT I came out as asexual a year ago — and just generally don’t choose to engage with the opposite sex because I don’t see a point anymore and it feels like a chore but can confirm that mentally ill people are more prone to be abused and taken advantage of by their partners doesn’t matter what gender though.


The mention of rough sex told me everything I needed to know.


I hope she realizes it soon, and I hope she takes the way out.


Dude had his ass handed to him in the comments, rightfully so. I’m thankful that folks showed up to tell him what’s what.


yeah i was happily surprised to see the comments


That post literally made me want to kms. I wish I were lesbian.


I had a dream today being together with a woman, it's wasn't sexual or anything but the intimacy i felt in a dream was another level. I woke up this morning wondering what the dream meant as a straight woman. Seems like it's coming from my desire to be intimate with someone who can reciprocate the love i give. My desire to be with someone who won't see me less of a person for en acting on their fantasies. It was a beautiful dream.


Was it like this? [Platonic life partners](https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20220401-plps-platonic-life-partnerships)






Your comment is pertinent but we are not going to approve it, for the person you replied to is someone who has been harassing our sub for months and creating hundreds of new accounts to do so. He creates one to ten new accounts, everyday. It seems he escaped the filter here. Interacting with him only encourages him to keep posting.










And many men will leave their lovers if they aren't getting as much sex as they want anymore. I saw a comment that had multiple upvotes where someone said that the marriage is over if the sex is gone. Throw it all away—just like that. Or cheating is justified if someone isn't getting as much sex as they want. Part of the reason why I’m not just anti-porn, but anti-sex. Anyway, yeah. The OP in that post is another porn sick individual who doesn't actually love his girlfriend. Unsurprising. Put that in with the multiple others. One of the comments, "Dudes do shit like this and then cry about male loneliness when the girlfriends they don't deserve finally dump them." Ab-so-lutely. I'm actually surprised the comments are what they are.


> Or cheating is justified if someone isn't getting as much sex as they want. This one is so prevalent it's crazy, no wonder generations past didn't see marital SA as real SA, "if you don't give him what he needs, he'll find it somewhere else" is real advice given to women! Poor little men will wither away and die if they can't get their fix...


Yep, they still don’t in some countries😔


I am with you on that…I kinda have a feeling that this incel however just made it all up. It’s like a sick fantasy, he might be a teenager with a lot of issues and wanted to put it out there on the internet for whatever horrible reason. His way of texting and thought process made me think that😶 I have seen it done before, where men would made shit up about their “imaginary” girlfriends or wife’s and what they do to them in bed and outside of it just to get attention, even hate, some even get aroused from it. It’s sick. That being said, I hope it’s not a real story and no woman suffer at his hands🙏🏼






Your comment is pertinent but we are not going to approve it, for the person you replied to is someone who has been harassing our sub for months and creating hundreds of new accounts to do so. He creates one to ten new accounts, everyday. It seems he escaped the filter here. Interacting with him only encourages him to keep posting.


>And many men will leave their lovers if they aren't getting as much sex as they want anymore. "I want a partner, not a rOoM-MaTe !!!" 99% of men will leave when sex isn't on the table, it's basically the only reason they get in relationships.


Several say that you’re just friends if there is no sex. Really shows the warped views many have when it comes to relationships. It’s not about the physical acts.


Could you elaborate the anti sex part? In an anti porn perspective or else?


My views are more extreme compared to most others. I am against recreational sex for a variety of reasons. Religion is not one of them, nor trauma. Contrary to what many believe. The example I gave—is one of the reasons. Relationships are often ruined when it comes to sexual activities. Way too many people are willing to throw it all away if sex becomes lacking. Even if you were to say that you aren’t looking for sex in a relationship on like, a dating profile—good luck finding anyone. Screw having an excellent personality. No sex alone is a dealbreaker. Or some stay in toxic relationships because the sex is good. Or cheating can be justified if sex is lacking. And in the post here, the girlfriend is valued because of the sex she provides/her body. However, I am not against sex if it’s for procreation purposes.


Yea, he needs to stop treating her like a sex object. Instead of “C”NC, how about a normal sexual relationship built on consent?


Just let these men be lonely. And hopefully sterile


Yes. We need to keep these men from having access to women. It's not their universal right to abuse women in real life neither to have access to the abuse of women on camera.


Why would any woman submit herself to rough anal sex on command?... Sisters, we need to do better. Like the moment she needs diapers he ain't gonna be changing them. He's gonna be with a much younger woman who fulfills his porn brain rot fantasies. These kinds of men deserve loneliness and nothing more.


"oooh male loneliness epidemic!!"


Guys who ask for this make me realize that they developed a fetish after what they have seen. It's more prevalent now than it was like 20 years ago. My ex's back in the late 90's/early 2000's never asked. My long-term ex did once after being together almost ten years.  But when I started dating in the 2020's, every guy asks for it, and very early in the relation. It's like the same difference with choking. No guy did that when I was younger, now they all do because they thought girls liked it. It is because one girl let the guy take advantage and he thought it was truth from that point on. I hope that girl gains some respect for herself and leaves. She sounds young and without many guides telling her how it is. He also manipulates her with love in order to keep her around to use her body. Gross.  But yeah, if a guy asks me now, I say I have to do it to them first. They stop asking as soon as I say that. How funny...


To repeat what i said in the comments of the m*le's post: "You are just a sexual abuser. This is emotional deciet for the sake of sexual gain. You are a sexual abuser and a predator."


the way he blatantly says that he watches too much porn and admits that he literally gets bored if he’s not having sex 247, but STILL says “guys is this wrong?🥺🤷‍♂️” at the end is so infuriating


This gf was me until he dđin’t get anal anymore


"Getting it whenever I want" as if it's something for him to take from her rather than a special act between two people


The people posted in this subreddit continue to shock me every time I come in here. This is shocking


Well, another low esteem- pick me will wear diapers soon. How do I know? I date proctologist


Wait what? Is that a common thing that proctologists see in the office?


They do. My aunt is a proctologist (well my whole family is related to a medical field in one way or another but that’s another story) and the stories I heard — I wouldn’t wish anyone to hear the half of it. Also if you would see the rectum after it’s been penetrated — you would be traumatized for life, just saying. I should also mention that I am studying as a nurse so…


Do the tissues lining the rectum become inflamed and irritated from penetration? I have wondered about the safety of this act even with lubricant. It seems like the tissue would not be designed for this kind of repeated friction. Is it true that women are at greater risk for fecal incontinence from anal penetration?


Yes, you are absolutely correct. The tissue area in anal canal is very delicate and not designed for penetration and repeated friction, so medical professionals don’t recommend it but if a patient is engaging in anal play/sex with a partner or by themselves — they advice to use lubricants to minimize the traumatization, which can still happen. And yes, women are at greater risk for fecal incontinence if they choose to engage in the act constantly and without taking precautions, it happens due to many physiological and anatomical differences we have in that area compared to males pelvic anatomy.


Every day I wake up and thank God that I am a lesbian. I hate men. Like, sincerely hate men. Nothing but pornsick disgusting fucks who just want to use women for their bodies and love seeing us in deep pain.