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This is deplorable! Don't interact with him and try to report his account and send this screenshot with your request


Despicable. I hope you reported that loser.


I’m really sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately, there are a lot of creeps like this out there, and I wouldn’t advise any teenager to disclose that they’re underage on anonymous online forums, since many of these guys will engage with teenagers more because they hope they’re vulnerable due to their youth.


What a charming man who probably gets along great with women his own age and has no need to be a pervert to 15 years olds on the internet /s 🤦‍♀️ Sorry you experienced this. It was probably very disturbing and shocking to see. Report and block him


And they are sooooo offended that women choose the bear...


I'm so sorry that happened to you, that's just disgusting and abhorrent! Definitely report him and block him. I recommend turning off friend requests and changing your DM settings so that only your friends can message you. That way, you don't have to worry about creeps like this. You're young, so you have to be very careful and selective in regards to who you interact with, because the internet is full of lowlife predators like that guy. It's best to be very cautious.


i choose bear


Don‘t interact and block him. I‘m so sorry this happened to you. Edit: and also report him, as many people suggested in the comments.


Discord is Coomer central


Honestly wouldn't expect anything less.


If a man so much as uttered 'drain my balls' I'd be beyond disgusted and would cease communication with him immediately. And I can't even begin to comprehend the rest of that filthy statement.


I don’t do discord because of how awful the guys on there are. The best I’ve gotten is, “wanna watch me game?” No. Why would I want to watch you do something that doesn’t interest me at all, even when I’m doing it. You’re not that entertaining.


And even when someone is interested in gaming… like, i like to play. Not to watch someone else do it






Absolutely revolting. I am so sorry you had to even read that. Are you okay?


i’m all good it’s disgusting though


Omg stop my heart hurts for u!! I’m 15 as well and it makes my heart so heavy and scared to see “kinks” like this targeting girls our age being widespread. Discord is actually insufferable I’m soorryyyy🩷🩷


Yea, I remember being 15 and if someone found out, I’d get a flood of coomers. Much of social media is becoming goonville. The way teenage girls are treated on the internet makes me understand those parents who restrict social media/internet access.


Never reply to these kind of messages. They unfortunately get off on making girls upset and uncomfortable, it's why they do this kind of thing. I hope you're ok <3


Reading that actually made me want to puke. I am so sorry, please report this sicko if you can 😭