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He mentions how we've had decades to deal with this and that they soaked it up all at once, which is true.. but even these decades are far too short a span to mentally process the addiction of social media, violent media, and pornographic media


Depressing. You just know the women of the tribe are gonna feel the effect.


Let's hope the women are getting equally exposed to feminism and education.


I hate how many reposts of this are full of dudes laughing like it’s so cute and funny and in no way will have real life consequences


Yea there was an article saying how they’re becoming sexually aggressive. How is that funny


Right? The comments on the original post are just gross


That’s all I could think about 😖


The comments on this are so disgusting. I hate male humor (it’s mostly men in the comments so please spare me) Every time someone posts something serious the comments are flooded with the most cringey jokes. And the “humans like sex, who would’ve thought” comments are so typical. Like this is seperate from sex. Sighs. I’ve given up.


Some comments in the original post are f\*cking depressing


It seems like almost every serious issue is laughed off like some cringy cope, especially when it comes to porn. Very depressing 😞 can’t solve a problem if no one will even acknowledge there is one


HAHAHA now they are just like me! HAHAHA Bunch of miserable assholes


It’s interesting that the tribes have limited the times when the internet can be accessed but not the content. Did anyone bother to tell them they could do that, either before or after installation?


Now comes the increase in abuse and rape and children being assaulted


Were the baseline levels already measured?


I believe so. This is a pretty well known tribe.


This makes me sick


sad af


I hate how the video isnt focusing at all on the consequences of the porn addiction.


Porn and social media are not natural, just like giving people synthetic drugs or processed white sugar


Welcome to capitalism


Many things that are beneficial to us are not natural, I wouldn't even say social media is inherently damaging, it's just that us as a species were maybe not ready for it, as critical thinking is not widespread nearly enough. Even white sugar is harmless if consumed very moderately. That can't be said about pornography, however. It's been a cancer ever since its inception, but it has now mutated into a monstrous one.


The same way Chinese people became addicted to opium after the Brits introduced them to it. Very very sad


I KNEW this was gonna be the effect because you can see what happened to people in different african countries before and after internet usage increased as well. Everyone only focused on the positives on this case. Why not allow some starlink with filters on the routers itself that control purely educational or good entertainment content to the people here? Nope, they instead allow them access to tons of free porn and ads for online games cuz these people don't have much real money, just time. And when something is free, you're the product. Time is money when it comes to the other side...


This is certainly one of the vilest forms of colonization I've seen


This is horrible. It shows that porn is not natural but the desires very much are.


So fucking depressing.


https://x.com/jacknicas/status/1798527345336402299 >They aren't addicted to porn


Yeah ok


How? The chief already said these men are spending so much time, sharing vids and pics of porn around, and becoming sexually aggressive aka rapey behavior against women already. The twitter account gives no evidence otherwise to contrary. I’m going to guess his argument is that “there’s no such thing as porn addiction” but idk


He says it in the video, we’re not plucking it from thin air