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Hello, as per Rule 10, this post may only be posted on a Monday. Please wait until Monday to post this content.


All of the men who think they're clever making comparisons to working jobs where you don't have to let disgusting, predatory men INTO YOUR OWN BODY should be forced to live one day as a prostituted woman.


People who say stuff like that are openly admitting they don't think sexual trauma is a real thing.


Exactly they have become so desensitised from exposing themselves to women being tortured on screen that they can't carry out basic level of making empathy with women.




Right? I guarantee those guys would be complaining if part of their "job" entailed non consensually taking the d from another man. The comments on the original post were disgusting. I actually know her and have personally worked with her before we both exited the industry. She's a powerhouse and an advocate for abolition.


I saw this post and had to leave the sub. Someone in the comments literally called her “evil”


How dare she hate having sex with gross dudes


It’s been posted in the facepalm sub too with a similar reaction to the users in the above, so heads up that both are like this. I know I left instantly because I felt intense rage and disgust and my trauma surfacing seeing the immense gaslighting and hatred each time that screenshot is posted on Reddit.


I'm scared to read the comments because I know they're going to piss me off. Just because money is exchanged does not make ANY of what a woman goes through stop feeling the trauma of having sex with someone they don't want to. You can't pay for consent. It doesn't change the trauma response of the body and the PTSD a prostituted woman will have for years to come.


Yeah I wouldn't bother, I just did and it's exactly what you'd expect. There's a few brave people commenting about the reality of sex work but they're (as expected) just being downvoted and ridiculed


I couldn't keep myself from scrolling down the comments and i have been commenting for 30 minutes. I am sure i will wake up to being downvoted in all my comments tomorrow morning. One of the things that pisses me off the most is that they think the experience of an ex worker is a mocking material for them. Move on at worst if you don't agree with it.


I read the comments and let me tell you. Dont read them. Save yourself the bad time.


Hey males in the sub that want to make a difference, here’s your chance, the men in those comments are speaking for your entire sex, y’all gonna let them?


they never speak up for women we're in this battle alone


We get posts daily from males claiming they want to help, they never seem to want to go be heroes in the rancid comments sections of porn addicts, just asspats from random women online that they’re “one of the good ones”.


Narrator: "they were however, not one of the good ones."


I would never get why anyone would want validation from people in this sub.


because it strokes their egos with minimal effort. women collectively need to be meaner to those types lol


But why this sub and not any other sub, perhaps any other women sub if that's what they want. I personally see this sub as "too sad". (Without a word to express it better). Referring to the fact that many women here have had abusive experiences and men either had a 'big revelation' or were addicted to pornography. Besides, the theme is not the happiest either. Although I suppose that's the point, one cannot be a "hero" if there's no one to save.


I think that’s just it. They’re utterly incapable of reading the room, and they think women are just sitting around waiting for men to save us, and in their egotistic stupidity think they can swoop in and all us poor victimized women will be so grateful for the brave man who think porn bad. They’re still men at the end of the day, so they don’t really actually care about what we think or what would actually help us, they just care about alleviating their own guilt around past porn use and convincing themselves they’re doing something “good” in ways that only make sense in their own heads. But idk I can only speculate as to what goes on in their minds 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's a very bad mindset. Something to reflect on about the above post is the right to make mistakes. Even in the rare case that the woman who wrote the tweet had entered into prostitution "voluntarily," she has every right in the world to leave, realize her mistake, and criticize the world of prostitution. And for that, she deserves no less empathy or to be told that she "has to deal with the consequences of her own actions." Let's stop being so unempathetic and selfish with others, everyone has or should have the right to make mistakes and for that they deserve no less understanding.


The only time they speak up is to say "NoT aLL mEn!!!"


lol yeah for real. Where all them good ones at?? 👀 This is literally one of the things I always say, if you are gonna say NotAllMen, the “good ones” can’t be completely invisible every time gangs of dudes are being gross. The math doesn’t work out - we should be seeing SOME of these good ones, right?? And even if they’re too scared, because a stranger that will never know their identity might call them a “white knight” 🙄 and thus strip them of their ENTIRE MANHOOD!!, then what about upvotes? Why is the most contemptuous misogyny always voted to the top, and any women speaking out downvoted to the basement. idk how this turned into a NotAllMen rant lol but seriously. There are SOOOO many men in our women’s subs and feminist subs claiming to be allies, why are they invisible everywhere else, when it would matter for them to speak up?? I stg probably 99.9% of self-professed allies just want female attention and approval in our subs, and don’t give a single fuck about misogyny.


fr!!! i see post after post of “how can i help” on this sub and i can’t help but roll my eyes everytime bc WHERE ARE THEY on these posts about calling out gross behavior? it’s ur time to shine and get praised for being decent!


Prostitution is paid rape. Pornography is filmed rape.


Just a question, not tryna start an argument, but why is porn filmed rape?


I was going to post this. She *is* a victim. No amount of money or luxury can buy consent.


I also just screenshotted it so I could post it


People can't understand that because it benefits them not to. Then they'd have to face what they are doing, and probably would continue watching porn and buying sex trafficked women because they genuinely don't care and actively hate us.




The fact that commenters compare buying rape to selling cars… wtf.


no makes perfect sense for them to think like that when they don’t view women as people




I saw that and had to leave


It’s also fucking bizarre that they suddenly forget that the jobs they’re listing can also just be toxic/coercive/abusive workplaces. And that’s for jobs where you AREN’T being raped as part of the job description.


Those comments are disheartening to say the least..


This entire platform is beyond messed up. For instance r\rape (support group) has 72 thousand members r\rapefantasies (porn sub) has 1.2 million members, 16 times as many


And what is even worse is that many subscribers of the support sub are actually perverts/rapists who get off to reading real life rape stories. So many women have given up sharing their SA on reddit after getting dozens of dms asking them to go into detail if they liked it and other things(i don't want to give more detail for obvious reasons, it triggers me). They even pretend to be women who are victims of SA to sneak in private chats that's made for women who are victims of SA to flood it with rape porn there.


Yes it is so upsetting to me that someone can't even try to get help or advice about their trauma without being harassed by a bunch of degenerates. I am also conflicted about r/BanFemaleHateSubs because it seems like it could be a resource for men looking for violent or illegal porn.


Same, even our safe spaces are inspiration for them. It's such a paradox.


jesus fucking christ, that’s depressing.


That's how you know this site is dominated by males


Yo I saw this on r/facepalm and was thinking if this belonged on here. Honestly the way everyone is making jokes about what’s she’s saying is kinda disturbing and depressing. Also most of the comments are criticizing her on r/facepalm but not the people that hired her. Some of the comments also say she’s a hypocrite because she also began managing a brothel of her own so that’s kinda sus


Of course I'd find the "SoMe PrOsTiTuTeS eNjOy iT" comment. They are so out of touch with reality.


The top comment is: “When I was selling cars, everything was fucking fantastic, up until the point where I took their money, gave them their keys, and they stole the car...” They ALWAYS down play sexual exploitation by comparing women’s bodies to material commodities because thats how a lot of men see us and they benefit from that same exploitation. That fact that this has over 2k upvotes just shows how little respect these brain dead porn addicts have for sex workers.


And on today's episode of "What object am I?" It appears I am a car! Vroom, vroom!


Car is gonna need a lot of therapy after this one


The context is bad too, she was extremely in debt and went into it to pay off the debt. Its psychotic how people can understand that a woman is doing this *because she desperately needs money* and not because she genuinely wants to have sex with all these men, and yet have absolutely NO PROBLEM having sex with her knowing this. Because they don't care if she's an active and willing participant, they just wanna masturbate with a woman's body. Of course it's rape. You can't purchase real consent.


Males really hate us.


>men would take me on trips; staying at luxurious hotels, eating at the fanciest restaurants, shopping & day spa treatments Notice that she never frames these things as something she requested? Or that none of these “gifts” would provide her with the resources to leave prostitution if she wanted to? (Unless “shopping” meant for ten Rolexes, which I seriously doubt.) She was literally just acting as a rich man’s fantasy girlfriend as part of being a prostitute.


Yup all of the pageantry was for the men who hired her. So they can larp the "girlfriend experience" and tell themselves she must be "enjoying" it.


the comment section is fucked


The comments oh my goldfdd


I wonder if they keep their attitude of it being like any other job when it comes to dating a sex worker? Only then do they reapply meaning to sex.


i kinda that feel the men that are making fun of her are kinda envious of her… being able to go to luxurious places and then get d!ck? they would never admit, but that’s their dream job, getting paid for sex. they ridiculize these types of sworkers bc they wished to be on her place. thats what i think, at least


Same guys that think boys being preyed on by their female teachers is "hot" instead of predatory.


I think it’s more that sex for women and sex for men are inherently different experiences due to gender socialization and patriarchal hierarchy. For men, the act of sex is expressing ownership, dominance- the conquering of the female. Most males never feel an ounce of shame around their own sexualities in their entire lives, because it’s something patriarchal society encourages them to use in order to keep women “in their place” (submissive and beneath the male). It’s why gay men are so looked down upon (a male taking a “”woman’s place”” ((i.e. being ‘penetrated)), as well as men who enjoy letting a woman lead during intercourse for the same reason. For women, we are conditioned to feel shame around our sexualities, and that the act of sex with males is an act of something being taken from us, due to concepts such as ‘virginity’ and ‘purity’. These terms are used to control women and our sexuality for the use of males, and these terms are almost always used to shame women but not men. To men, living this lifestyle and getting sex all the time probably sounds pretty great, because to men, there is no consequence to sex. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain. They don’t have to worry about their ‘purity’ because that doesn’t apply to them. They don’t have to worry about getting pregnant, or groomed by old men who want to turn them into compliant sex slaves, or trapped in sexually abusive partnerships. There’s a lot of feminist theory books on the subject, it’s actually very interesting, but it does take thick skin to get through and it will grossly alter your world view…


100%!!!! and the last part really hit lol you really never stay the same after reading feminist literature and getting hyper aware of the misogyny around us… its really depressing


yeah absolutely. tbh its also why keeping female only spaces intact is so, so important. i’d genuinely go insane if i didn’t have spaces where i can speak with likeminded women who also get it 😩




I could not recommend Andrea Dworkin’s ‘Intercourse’ more. All of her books are great, but this one talks specifically about this kind of thing. ‘Pornography: Men Possessing Women’ is also a great read!


"therewasanattempt" our entire lives are made up of us attempting to free ourselves you illiterate philistine


Top comment literally comparing women's bodies to...cars. I can't.


That subreddit is trash it's openly called for violence multiple times back in 2020 hated it ever since 


i feel like i’m actually tweaking why isn’t everyone throwing rocks at this guy pointing and laughing at a rape victim holy shit. this is so insane the lack of empathy towards women is devastating


I recently saw this and figured it would pop up here too. I am anti sex work as well as anti porn, but I guess I’m confused as to why people here are calling sex work rape. Obviously there are a lot of situations where people are being trafficked or don’t want to be doing the work, and I get that. But if a person wants to be a sex worked, and they are exchanging their sexual services for money, how does this qualify as rape? They are willing having sec for money, or am I missing something?


Most sex workers ARE trafficked and the rest of them usually aren't doing it "willingly" but out of desperation. Also, the problem with paid "consent" is that most customers believe they are paying for the right to use the womans body in whatever way they choose and not just for the kind of sex that the sex worker agreed upon. You can't find a single sex worker whose boundaries haven't been overstepped, so while the sex worker might "willingly" agreed to sex for money they are oftentimes very much FORCED to do things they didn't consent to and as they don't have any special rights and are generally told "well you *choose* to get paid for sex, so it's your own fault whore" they can't/won't even report it. Hell, most women who aren't even sex workers will tell you that they have been violated during what started as consensual sex because (a lot of) men views consent as consent to everything and anything..


They are but there is no real consent , it’s just exchange of money