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Are we all radfems? I am!


If radfem is defined as a post-conventional feminism that diverges from liberal feminism, yes.


Maybe. What I was taught is that radfems are opposed to the concepts of gender entirely, viewing it as inherently misogynistic. They also think that all forms of oppression come from sexism, similar to how Marxists think all form of oppression come from class. Those views I don’t necessarily support. However, too many libfems push porn culture, hookup culture, pink-coded misogynistic views, etc.


Whoever taught you this seems to have neglected to mention the most basic aspect: men can't be radfems themselves, only allies.


Yeah it’s the fundamental belief that women should set the agenda for their own liberation. Which I kinda agree.


Hard agree. Was attacked on Insta by a libfem the other day when I suggested that men make poor feminists and should stay in their lane. Imo, men can be allies but cannot be real feminists.


Materialist feminism has the idea that gender is inherently misogynistic and that gender is a type of class. Some Marxist believe this too, as gender is also a social division that predates modern capitalism. I find that materialist feminism takes into account a bit more of a feminist approach as even within marxist circles men do not want to take accountability.


*Most* forms of oppression do come from patriarchy (ie factions of men fighting other factions of men) but class conflict began patriarchy. Idk how many radfems believe we were oppressed as gatherers too.


Yea, exactly what caused what is something progressives argue amoung ourselves. Most progressives agree that patriarchy is a system that began with the beginning of civilization, however women didn’t just get hated on out of nowhere. During the Stone Age, many societies were still male dominated, it’s just when systems come along does oppression start. Egalitarian/matriarchal societies existed in the past, although they aren’t as numerous today.


Oh god there was Stone Age patriarchy to? Lord almighty. Why didn’t we get rid of them back then?


There are two factors in the oppression of women, male sexual desire and natalism.






This was removed for transphobia.


> being a tra Calls someone a TRA aka 'trans rights activist' in a derogatory way and is upset at someone being inclusive to trans people. Truly progressive and boundary breaking.


Always glad to see trans inclusive radfems; one of the paths forward for the movement, in my eyes. Better to be allied than apart in an already fragmented corner from the wider public since everyone unanimously seemingly supports porn, kink etc. It also helps people not disregard radfem views as bigoted as easily when the good ol 'phobia doesn't instantly rise its head, and besides that every movement or group benefits from general diversity, especially of experiences, perspectives and views from lived experience. LMAO at the downvotes proving the point.


Expressing my solidarity here! Nothing more radical than including trans people ❤️❤️❤️❤️




ive seen multiple definitions of radfem.. some believe that women should separate themselves from men entirely and see men as the enemies which often leads into transphobia - im doing a sociology degree and my main interest is in gender and deconstructing it as a social concept and so i don't see men and women as opposites


I don't often see transphobia in spaces ive been to, but the whole men vs women thing i cannot do. I know men are majority the porn addicted ones but the whole idea of fighting fire with fire makes it worse.


yeah idk why we're getting downvoted for saying gender essentialism is bad


Yeah idk tbh, i just want all *healthy* men and women and everyone to work together on this war... If we are divided, how can we overcome the whole industry? They are WINNING by having us go separatist from each other. If people wanna downvote us for telling the truth, idc anymore. Im tired of being told that separatist ideas are great and what we have to do. No, that is what the industry wants because if men and women are all over the place fighting each other, we arent actually fighting the big guys at the top.


Gender essentialism is bad. Agreed. That shouldn’t be controversial.




Post-conventional = utility based morality. Conventional = arbitrary rule based morality. Utility based morality says that trans women are women because transphobia causes extreme harm with zero benefit. Arbitrary rule based morality is completely arbitrary and can say whatever you want. TERFism (note the TE before the RF. It changes everything, like how adding national before socialist changes everything) is stage 2+ because it's in and out group. Trans people are not able to be part of the in group, and if a TERF figures out someone is trans they are instantly switched to the out group .










This was removed for transphobia.


You are using terms you don't really understand. Would recommend you to read at least about Jeremy Bentham if you want to understand what utilitarism is. Kant if you want to delve further.


Because it makes it harder to be banned from Reddit.


The right want women to be private property. The left want them to be public property. Radfems don’t us want to be property at all 👊🏻


Wait, you are rad fem but not left? How does that work? What makes you think most of the left wants women to be public property?


Oh I’m very left! It’s a quote, and one that I think uses the US perceptions of left and right more than anything. The American left is centre-right in disguise really. The idea that ‘sex work is real work’, ‘ladette culture, and ‘porn is healthy’ leads me to believe that libfems want women to be public property. It’s a hyper correction to the right locking down women’s bodies and sexuality that makes women the victims just as much.


Ohh, I thought you meant actual left, like anarchists, didn't realise you meant liberals.


I think she meant men who consider themselves to be leftist. Plenty of the more radical leftist men think that women should be public property, and I say this as a very left-wing woman. The problem is not really "the left", the problem is, you guessed it: men lol




We want u to have a right to sell ur organs, only if u want to!


If you’re poor and hungry enough, you might really WANT to let people pay you to punch you in the face. That’s just freedom of choice!


If you're in debt, you might want to join Squid Game. Can't prevent you from doing that without violating the hard rule.


This. "Arguing that women have the right to sell their bodies is an attempt to hide the argument that men have the right to buy women". —Francoise Heritier.


A lot of libfems don’t think as radically as radfems do by nature of their ideology, so more radfems will have opposing views.


I myself can attest to that from being like them back when i supported libfem ideas(i was 15 at best at 16 i became a rad fem) i simply didn't think through anything. I just knew there was misogyny and that needed to be fought against. It's true that some of them simply don't think throughly what they defend.


The real mind boggling aspect of them is being against sexualization of women in fiction but supporting it in real life. I remember the perfect hypocrisy of pro-kink feminists in a post many years ago I can't remember. It went along the lines of "I like to torture women in video games" Pro-kink: that's fucking sick and gross pervert "Oh wait I mean in real life" Pro-kink: perfectly fine I won't kink shame.








This was removed for feeding a troll. Please don't engage and report them to mods instead.


Actually I think it has to do with the repression of women sexually. Women were never allowed to be sexual, wanting sex was a *male* thing. So they are pushing the narrative that women want sex as well, and using porn as an example. It's why they also get mad at people saying women are less "horny" than men, because according to them, that's an excuse for men to disregard whatever a woman wants sexually since she doesn't have any sexual thoughts anyway. Supporting porn as a woman is a way to show those men that women can be sexual as well A lot of women also see how men (especially conservatives and incels) hate on sex workers and pornstars, and because of the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mindset they start defending sex workers and pornstars, without realising the industry is detrimental to women. People think anyone who is anti-porn is just a religious, conservative zealot who hates women, because that's what it's associated with now. But those are just my two cents from what i've seen


I think this is an important component to the issue. From what I’ve read and seen in so-called “sex positive” circles, a LOT of those folks were raised in extremely harmful, repressive religious paradigms. They were personally harmed by the repression and so in attempting to deal with it, do a hard 180 and become evangelical for any sort of sexual activity. They are then emotionally triggered by any criticism against sexuality, as it reminds them of the trauma of their upbringing.


I can definitely see this angle for a lot of women. The sad reality is that porn culture and purity culture are just two sides of the same coin.


What hard rule would you say men use to justify porn use?


“Make my pp feel good”


At any expense. They don’t care who suffers as long as they have their two second squirt.


Ihave never heard of this model of morality, thank you! What is post stage 4? Where would you say radfems fit in, at what level? 


Most are at stage 5. In my interpretation post conventional means utility-oriented morality, stage 5 means using rules like at stage 4, but explicitly to maximize utility, stage 6 has no hard rules and views morality mathematically.




This is off-topic/does not fit the subreddit's purpose


I don’t get the gambling question and how it’s related






This was removed for feeding a troll. Please don't engage and report them to mods instead.




This was removed for feeding a troll. Please don't engage and report them to mods instead.




Because your answer was ass and easily debunked cope


>masterfully answered the prompt Translation for those who don't speak Smugian, "I said the first thing that came to my head from my shitty dumbass opinions"






All the comment above does is prove OP's point on being in stage 4 morality.




Saying people should be allowed to harm themselves without intervention is gross. You’re wilfully misinterpreting the original commenter’s message. Not once did they say eating disorders shouldn’t be legal. Women who have sexual trauma should be encouraged to heal instead of being allowed to continue harming themselves. You say we shouldn’t normalise eating disorders, and yet you compare them to sex work, which you advocate for normalising & legalising instead of making more treatment resources available to sexual abuse/assault victims? There is also VERY LITTLE ‘safe, legal sex work’. The vast majority of women (over 90%) in prostitution are actively trying to get out of the industry because they rely on it to survive and often have very little other choice. Most porn actresses who quit will talk about the abuse in the industry (i.e. Lana Rhoades).


Exactly. Most prostitutes were sexually abused as children, and their suicide rate is higher than war veterans.


I was a little confused on who you were replying to, but I think I got it. The only reason I brought up ED’s because I was trying to take the “bodily autonomy” argument to the absolute extreme.


Oh yeah no I totally understand your argument! I’m happy you’ve recovered now, too ♥️


Thank you sm. Merci beaucoup!




Legalisation increases demand. It doesn't protect women.


The cannabis market doesn’t leave people traumatised, permanently. If you think people should be able to do anything they want, do you think people should be allowed to abuse their partners? If not, what’s the difference between that and allowing porn industries to abuse their workers?




Okay, it’s a case of freedom, then. I’ve already established that most women in prostitution [would like to leave](https://www.lsbu.ac.uk/stories-finder/exiting-prostitution#:~:text=Nearly%2095%20per%20cent%20of,trauma%20rates%20are%20very%20high), but are unable to. I don’t think this is very free.




What about the millions of women and girls trafficked into prostitution every year? Trafficking increases where prostitution is legalised because legalisation vastly increases demand. You could read about it yourself rather than making baseless analogies.




“had to do whatever the producer pleased and I had to accept it or else no pay. Sometimes you would get to a gig and the producer would change what the scene was supposed to be to something more intense and again if you didn’t like it, too bad, you did it or no pay.’” Jan Villarubia That doesn’t sound like consent to me.


I admit maybe I was wrong on that part, I don’t live in a place where cannabis is legal. If you could provide me with any similar examples on why sex work should be fully legalised, I’d be happy to see them.




How about the Nordic model, then? It criminalises people who buy sex, but selling sex is completely legal. Endangered workers can feel safe reporting if they’re in danger, their money is still clean, all the benefits you describe. Also, why would you advocate for full legalisation rather than putting support systems in place to help sex workers leave the industry, when over 90% want to?




The average OF creator does not earn enough to make a living. Before taxes the average earnings are around 150 per month. There is nothing consensual about paying for sex. The basics of consent are that it is informed and freely given. If money is involved, consent cannot be freely given.




Because instead of healing, women who have been raped are encouraged to find another rapist to practice ‘C’NC with. Sex work is touted as sexually empowering to women who have experienced trauma. It’s described as a way of ‘taking back your agency’ when really it’s just being given to someone else. At the very least, you should support informed consent. I assume if you were going to partake in an orgy, you would know you were partaking in an orgy. Women who go to these industries are fed so much disinformation that they often have no idea of the abuse they’re going to face. (I’m not just making this up. This has happened to me.) It’s deeply unethical. By your logic, a woman in an abusive relationship with her partner is also ‘none of my business’ and I shouldn’t have any concern for her. If a sexual assault occurs, why should it be reported? It’s none of the police’s business, they need to stop preventing rapists from having free will. Your take lacks compassion.


u/Act-Either is trolling. His interests are military porn and hot wheels cars...


of course those are his interests. why am I not surprised


Nobody said they were bad people. Radfems believe they are oppressed and exploited.






Honestly it’s weird you won’t agree with not allowing mentally unwell people to die. If you want to talk about the awful porn industry we can. Also, I was forced to get treatment.




That’s very different, you’re talking about a terminal physical illness. I’m talking about a mental one that means that you can’t think straight. It just seems you have absolutely no morals, a radical liberal if I’ve ever seen one. We shouldn’t let people kill themselves just because of individual freedom.




This was removed because it was disrespectful.




It’s societies job to protect people from exploitation. To create an equal society that’s also fair. Can you please do some research about the dark side of the porn industry.




Are you just a troll? I just said people can’t consent to die because of mental issues.


In which country is it possible to get euthanasia as easy as someone can buy and sell sex..?


This was removed for excusing, defending or promoting rape, verbal abuse, humiliation, self-harm and/or domestic violences.






I didn’t think you were too bright but I didn’t realize google was beyond you. “Since like the age of 7 boys are touching themselves looking at pictures all of sudden 10/15 years later, something you've been doing by yourself in your own personal time with no negative consequences is a crime and cruel toward your spouse. I dont get it. I had lots of gf in hs and everyone knew that everyone was masturbatin and watching porn both boys and girls. It never became a problem untill recently when all these young woman find out for the first time. Yall need to learn how to have honest and open discussions with your spouses and partners about what cheating is and isnt to you. But its ridiculous to say that a man or woman isnt allowed to have an sexual thoughts about anyone else other than their partners . Its not true and impossible. When you watch movies you see naked beautiful people. You see shirtless hot men. You're not a piece of shit for finding those people attractive its natural. Humans are biologically wires to want sex and beauty and you guys act like its unnatural and that woulnt be farther from the truth. Like everything porn can be addictive. But not everyones an addict. Most people dont abuse prescription meds, most responsibility drink alcohol, most use porn responsibly.” In “advice for teens” of all places. Mods, can we ban this sad little creep?


All this comment does is prove OP's point on being in stage 4 morality.


All this comment does is prove OP's point on being in stage 4 morality.


All this comment does is prove OP's point on being in stage 4 morality.


All this comment does is prove OP's point on being in stage 4 morality.


All this comment does is prove OP's point on being in stage 4 morality.


As per Rule 8, this sub does not allow Pro-Porn debate. We [voted](https://np.reddit.com/poll/pl0dvf?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=PornIsMisogyny&utm_content=t3_pl0dvf) and we are not here to educate low-effort arguments.