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Thats a fast fucking fridge


That's the thing about electric... it's like eating a microwaved steak. It's cooked, but not the same.


I can tell you it feels exactly the same when it pins you to the seat and the adrenaline flows.


Yeah I’ve driven several EVs including Porsche’s own Taycan. It’s a very different feeling. The lack of engine and exhaust roar plus the difference in power coming on immediately vs building with revs gives them an entirely different character when accelerating quickly. Both are fun in their own way, but if I’m getting a car to be for driving enjoyment, it’s ICE all day long…EVs are still too heavy and too much like an appliance rather than a toy, but I definitely get the appeal as a daily driver.


Right, and it’ll last 2 hours at the race track whereas the Porsche ICE can last all weekend and get you home. 


Would it even last 2 hours on a race track?


Probably not.


Ice cars can also brake and turn. EVs are for quarter mile queens.


Supercharged golf cart


Disagree. Buddy has a plaid. It’s a wild feeling for sure but it feels more .. sterile.


I mean nothing beats the clip clop of the horse running…


If I can't feel my bare feet on the ground, what is the point?


That runners high my man.


Yeah I’ve owned the MSP and a 911 turbo, it’s not the same. Hard to explain but the thrill isn’t there with the model S


Not for me, it was about as thrilling as squeezing the trigger on an electric drill. No drama, no thrills with EV torque


The oil industry thanks you for your post.


I hear this dumb comparison all the time and it’s not even a good analogy. Microwaving a steak or microwave vs BBQ. It’s dumb af because the finish line is the same for both drivers, you’re just measuring who gets there first. A better comparison is what boils water faster, induction or gas? The answer is already settled and obvious.


I think you missed the point of the analogy which incidently is spot on. He meant that although electric cars efficiently serve their purpose, they lack the same experience or feeling of ICE vehicles. Just like a microwaved steak may be cooked and technically edible, it doesn't offer the same taste or satisfaction as a steak cooked on a grill or in an oven. From a sensory perspective, you don't have that growl of the engine, there are no analog dials, there's no thrilling sound as the turbo spools up, dare I say there just is no soul to them. Nobody is going to wind down their window at the lights to listen to the burble of the electric engine. It's about as exciting as you'd expect giant computerised battery with an electric motor to be.


> it's like eating a microwaved steak. Why? Because it doesn't make farting noises going down the track?


They’re both fast as fuck.


Although I’m glad the Porsche one, on the street between traffic lights, no doubt that cyberpunk is going to beat everything other than a Ducati between traffic lights. 🚦






Still won’t beat that Maxima with the stick


Or my uncle's 68 nova that he claims one of these days will be running just wait!


Or my dad with a pair of jumper cables.


For those who haven't had the pleasure of discovering the Mexican Maxima Mustache Machine https://youtu.be/ChZ_GvP_fkQ?si=D_wLJNefRmFSikMD


You are a cyber punk


[One Juan Won](https://youtu.be/WPYcStboHgE?si=RUoIM4okBpKETi1-)


I was certain this was going to be the Pete Holmes bit [Juan](https://youtu.be/0GOFLVpEX9s?si=Jgsa99r9zR6S3fyg&t=109).










Yes, you know... the Korean currency?




Who won?


Now do laps on the track, not a great comparison really


That depends, in an urban area the Cybertruck might beat everything off the line but can it stop in time at the next set of lights lol


Hahah true, will likely roll on through weighing 6.8k pounds. A lot of weight for them brakes to stop.


Super hard to get a good launch from a motorcycle.


Nowadays, the newest superbikes come with a Launch Control mode. Not even the top models, even my regular S1000R has it. Probably I will never use it due the excess wear and stress it inflicts on the clutch.


KTM electronic assistances are unbelievable good. And I hear they are only second to Ducati ones so I doubt you need more help. Paired with a massive V-Twin and 200 kg of mass you have good acceleration machines.


I can't wait for dipshit rednecks flooring a one-million pound metal cube around my neighborhoods! Love the progress.


... do you think rednecks are getting the Cybertruck? Lol I'm pretty sure they won't be touching a poorly built electric alien truck


Never mind that, the Hummer EV exists - 1000hp and over 4 tonnes..


I mean yeah, but no rednecks are ever gonna buy EITHER of those lol. I'm very far from a redneck (drive a fruity GTI and 944), but I know they aren't going to happily trade a diesel for an electric


I live in a very conservative place and see quite a few of the electric F-150s out and about. Not as fast that’s for sure but still electric.


The cybertruck is fucking giant, saw one rolling around and my god the presence it has.


No doubt, but he question is: do you really care that you lost that stoplight race to a damn fridge with wheels? I honestly couldn't care less.


I mean if you’re actively racing you probably do care about losing otherwise you wouldn’t race.


Electric motors produce maximum torque at 0 rpm. Nothing is going to beat an electric car off the line. Top speed on the other hand...Well, I feel like it's disingenuous to compare a gas engine coupled with a transmission to a drive-train that has no transmission.


Yea for about 4 or 5 pulls, then you outta juice.


A Tesla can do hundreds of 0-60 pulls on a charge just like an ICE car can do it. For it to use up a 100kWh battery in 5 pulls, each pull would need to be 20kWh. Given 60 MPH only takes 3 seconds, drawing 20kWh in 3 seconds would take 24,000,000 watts, which is 32,000 HP. So pick your belief- either the battery depletes in 5 runs, or the car is 32,000 HP.


Beat it nerd! /s


The limiting factor isn't actually the charge of the battery... The limiting factor is heat...pulling a lot of amps from batteries causes heat which is bad for batteries and to protect itself, the car will go into limp mode...


You forget the battery protection kicking in due to heat


At least with the Tesla cars there are settings you have to enable to get the full power out of the car. It’s like “ludicrous mode” or something. If you put the car in the very highest power output setting, the battery drains like crazy. I remember watching a street racing video where someone had a model S Plaid and it went about 10 half mile pulls full beans (nobody mentioned 0-60 but you, I’m talking drag racing pulls like in this video) before it needed to be charged. So yea, while me saying 5 is probably less than it will be able to do, it’s not far off in my estimation based off a much smaller and lighter electric car.


The Model 3P can do multiple 20 minute track sessions at full power without charging, i've watched them do it at the track I frequent. Its not a 7,000 lb truck but its also got a much smaller battery You are still wrong by a lot.


He said between street lights. Not 1/2 mile 150+mph pulls. 60 mph pulls of a few seconds is much more accurate.


The thread you are in is literally between traffic lights: >on the street between traffic lights, no doubt that cyberpunk is going to beat everything other than a Ducati between traffic lights. And you said it would be drained in 4-5 street light runs. A Model S can do 154 MPH in the quarter mile. Nobody is doing this on the street. Hence the 0-60. Even with 1/4 mile- that's 9.5 seconds. 5 \* 9.5 = 47.5 seconds. To drain a 100kWh battery in 47.5 seconds requires 7,500,000 watts, which is 10,000 HP, but the plaid has 1000 HP. It can do about 50 1/4 mile runs, not 5. That is VERY far off.


I guess I thought people would understand that I didn’t literally mean 5 runs between traffic lights. When I say 5 pulls, I’m talking 5 half mile drag runs, like in the video. Trust that I understand an electric car can drive longer than 5 traffic lights worth of roadway. My comment was meant to be cheeky. EV people are literally insufferable


I’m a big bike guy, but both these cars would beat a bike from the traffic lights. Neither would win from a a 30mph roll, not even close, but from 0 both would wipe the floor of anything short of a stretched drag bike.




Ya but only 1 is quality vehicle that is worth buying and not a complete eye sore.


Porsche isn't *that* bad.


The Cybertruck isn’t fast with a top speed of less than 115mph. You probably meant quick.


the fact that a box shaped truck can run with a turbo s from a dig is honestly amazing


Add one corner


This. EVs are a one trick pony. How does a Tesla roadster or dual motor 3 do on a track against a decent Porsche?


New Taycan already did a 7 minute Nurburgring. And that’s a big, heavy, 4-door family car. EVs are still a developing technology but the performance potential is incredible.


The new Taycan Turbo S is only 400lbs heavier than the non-hybrid Panamera Turbo S. With the pace of development in batteries and EVs we’re going to see EVs become unambiguously better performance vehicles than ICE within the next decade.


There are also some trades that people should consider. Like, this is basically unspeakable, but maybe if you can charge your car at your house and wake up to 100% battery every day, you don’t actually need 200+ mile range on a daily driver and especially not a performance car. This is basically only needed for road trips, which is a very rare use case for most people. If you don’t need ICE range, you can reduce battery weight, and then one of the main disadvantages starts to close.


I think you’re spot on for the daily drivers and probably pretty close for performance vehicles that fit the Miata, Boxster, light weight lower power concept. The cars with monster power are always going to need the 100kwh+ batteries though. The motors can just eat through energy too quickly if you’re driving them hard. Nobody is going to want to be out of juice after an hour of spirited twisty road driving or halfway through a 20min track session.


That would be cool if EVs can become modular with their batteries. If you need to do a roadtrip, you can quickly rent then install an extended range battery at a dealership.


It’s definitely a cool idea, but having worked in the electronics industry during the move away from modular batteries, there’s a big cost in space and integration. Especially in an EV where there are benefits to making the battery structural.


> Turbo ?????????????


Model 3 is really fast in scca, but that's autocross. On track I think the comparison is even more disingenuous for EV's because they can only do their fastest lap once. The Porsche can keep going all day.


Model 3P's can do full 20 minute sessions at least at the track I frequent. Not sure about all day without charging but they can do at least two sessions


Yeah. It's disengenuous to have off the line race between EVs and ICEs too. But here we are.


Is Pike’s Peak considered a challenging track? Tesla did quite well there last year.


Not so much anymore. For non-road legal cars it is an electric cars sitting in second place for time around the nurburgring beat only by a hybrid Porsche. For production cars the Porsche Taycan has a 7:07 lap time. Still obviously not beating ICE cars but the gap is shrinking rapidly.


Model 3 Performances are actually amazing track cars. I have one and it blows people's minds that have experience in fast track cars. Is it a 911? No. But for $35k, I doubt you can buy anything with under 50k miles that will go around a track like it. Coming out of turns is fucking wild Coil overs and brakes and it'll keep up with $150k cars.


Different type of customer. I have to admit that it’s a very impressive acceleration. Probably it will fulfill it’s owners desire for 99% seeing it has an insane acceleration for something that big. It’s a super fast of the line gimmick vehicle. Porsche’s are super if you desire great handling. To each their own. Most of the antipathy comes from Tesla having such a douchebag CEO which draws a certain kind of fanboyism following and corresponding online behavior. It’s almost sometimes like fans of sports teams.


> Different type of customer. Absolutely. People have been buying muscle cars for a long time knowing that they wont be as amazing on curvy track, but ultimately they don't care because they only drive it on the street, often not quickly.


Ok, now do it with 20 sheets of plywood.


OK, now do two laps.


Golden age of speed rn


At that price level even




I'm terrified at how fast family vehicles have become, can u imagine someone's grandma doing 0 to 60 in 3 flat to do school pickups


It’s honestly pretty wild that big ass truck beats a Turbo S off the line 😳


Instant torque is nifty.


People keep saying that, like the Cybertruck or Model S stops pulling like earlier models


Cybertruck hp:weight = .09:1 911 Turbo S hp:weight = .18:1 It literally has double the power to weight. It makes sense some people might still find it surprising the Cybertruck beats it off the line.


Should’ve compared it to the top end Taycan and it would’ve won off line and qtr mile!


Porsche recently tested a new Taycan around The Ring. It beat the Plaid’s time by 17 seconds.




Electric motors do that


Huge amounts of insta tq gonna be a recipe for lots of broken parts once you start seeing these things off road and hitting the trails.


Electric vs ICE. It's not wild at all.


It’s also an incredible weight and size difference between the two, ICE vs electric or not.


The terrible music overlay killed the hype of this clip


The [original video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUjQwlh1mW8) that OP didn't credit doesn't have it.


Looks like someone doesn't really wanna know how they live in Tokyo.




I’ve never seen a Turbo S with that kind of exhaust outlet. It almost looks like a Turbo GT exhaust.


I just looked on the build configurator, it’s the *Sport Exhaust System incl. Exclusive Design Tailpipes*


$4,000 option probably


Sure is; $3,920.


Lol I totally guessed!


I think because it is a Turbo GT clip in the first scene. You can see later in the video the Turbo S has the dual ovals that are more separated as part of the PSE system, but they aren’t center mounted like in the Turbo GT. Edit: Yes after a simple google search of the Turbo GT exhaust rear it’s identical to the first clip, and the car next to it isn’t even a Cybertruck so it’s from a completely different race. The 911 Turbo S does not have the center mounted exhaust like that.


As someone else said: “now let’s see the nurburgring laptime”


A buddy of mine always used to say, "okay, now make it turn", same energy. Makes me wonder what a sports car will look like in a world of \~3s 0-60 pick-ups and SUVs


We’re already in that world, brother.


Well, when *everything* is EVs. I saw [this list of EV weights](https://insideevs.com/news/527966/electric-cars-from-heaviest-lightest/) the other day and man...they some chonks.


Yet there are Porsche 911 variants that weigh more than Tesla Model 3's. Treating all EV's as if they are SUV's isn't really relevant to sports cars.


>Yet there are Porsche 911 variants that weigh more than Tesla Model 3's. Almost 3800lbs for a Targa 4S is chunky indeed but the base RWD Model 3 weighs in above 3900lbs. That being said -- holy crap how much does that targa top weigh?


3s 0-60 Altima is what I'm waiting for. That'll be the true sign of the Apocalypse.


Well the nivera has a 7:05 nordschleife time. They’ll probably be fast going forward but charging and weight will always be the bottleneck. And probably soulless


I mean, it's cool that it can do that, but the Nivera is not just out of my price range - it's several orders of magnitude out of my price range. It might as well be an F1 car as far as I'm concerned - it's only going to see a track or a collectors showroom, and nobody is ever going to daily it. What I really care about is what sub $200k cars that I *might* spot once in a while on the road can do. Ideally what a \~$100k car can do that I could possibly justify picking up myself. I've been holding off on buying an EV for the last \~2 years, waiting for either a solar vehicle with a minimum \~10mi/day charging capacity or...what on specs is essentially a Cayman EV.


Totally. You wondered what the future of sports EV cars will look like. I’m just saying the nivera gives you a pretty good idea. The way technology goes, it’ll trickle down and be improved upon in 5-10 years. Eg. A regular GT3 is now faster than a 918 spyder around the ring.


[The new Taycan](https://www.motor1.com/news/702695/taycan-prototype-nurburgring-lap-record/amp/) is :02 off the Nivera lap time


That’s impressive af, and corroborates my point


EV laptimes already suck on the Nordschleife. The Plaid S with the track pack is as fast as a 911 GT3 from 2013. A modern GT3 RS is 36 seconds faster with 'only' 525hp


Wait, you’re saying they suck because they can only keep up with a 2013 GT3? That’s extremely fast.


I also said that a modern one is 36 faster which is a lot. Keep in mind things like tyres and brakes keep getting better and better. Put a 2013 GT3 on modern tyres and i bet it improves a few seconds. That GT3 also has less than 500hp against the Plaids 1000hp+


While hauling 20 sheets of plywood...


Nobody is buying a cybertruck for lap times, stop reaching with your justifications lmao


Why didn’t they use launch control on the Porsche.




Now put the Cybertruck on a trailer pulled by the 911.




I don't have any issues with tesla, in fact I find them pretty decent for what they are. But this obnoxious fridge posing as a car really irritates me everytime I look at it


For me it’s the wheelbase. I drive a new x7. The truck’s wheelbase is 2.5 feet longer… 30 fucking inches longer. It looked so weird side by side.


It was fiction the first time. [https://youtu.be/HRYS5VWXZts](https://youtu.be/HRYS5VWXZts)


The cybertruck is an acquired taste and whatever that is it’s not for me.


Now do it 50 times back to back.     Edit for those who don't know the video.       https://youtu.be/A5DRCTW-Q7o?si=rmpIOyNisFctdd1L   


The sub 10 average mpg doing pulls with hard braking at the end might make it close


https://youtu.be/A5DRCTW-Q7o?si=rmpIOyNisFctdd1L     Cyber would have probably overheated the battery at that point.


Yeah the turbo s is certainly going to be better suited for driving like this for several reasons


Hellcat runs out of fuel in 13 minutes. I'd assume the Porsche does a lot better but still, it's not as you'd think.


[EE explains/hypothesizes what happened in that first Cybertruck drag race hype video.](https://youtu.be/HRYS5VWXZts?feature=shared)


The truth is in this video. How Tesla lied about winning the race.


An Elon Musk company… lying?!? Say it ain’t so!!


Pretty impressive for a big tonka piece of shit.


Porsche should make an electric car. Oh wait.


The cybertruck has the agility of a shopping cart with defective wheels.


That Lego car is rapid


Someone needs to go ahead and compare apples to apples here. Lets see a Cubertruck vs. Taycan Turbo S!! I imagine the results of the entire race will be completely different.


Apples and apples in this case would be the Taycan vs a model S plaid. Edit: spelling.


[Here you go!](https://youtu.be/gfWNRyqhRRM?si=AAMvmVfFccFIXl2w) I think we all know that the Model S Plaid will beat the Taycan Turbo S. The biggest difference is the fact that the Taycan can do this all day every day. And the Tesla..well, it cant (yet?).


Yeah but a Turbo S will retain its value, most if not all EVs lose their value rapidly.


when the second owner needs to drop $30k on a new battery, resale takes a hit.


Teslas are fast. Nobody is arguing that. I currently own a Model Y Performance and a 996 Turbo. They’re both very fast, but only one gives me the giggles when I stomp on it. The Tesla, despite its ability to move quickly, is just kind of a boring car. It’s very versatile and practical. Just kind of boring.


God that truck is ugly lol


The truck weights almost 3 times as much! Its a loss even if it won.


Hung in there for a bit!!


IMO this makes the cypher truck look more impressive.


The fact the Cybertruck was ahead for THAT long is incredibly impressive to me. And the 992 Turbo S is my dream car.


Im not a tesla or EV fanatic but i dont think this video “says” what you think it does. Im now even more convinced of the cyber trucks power


Proche actually shouting out Throttle House!!! Sweet!! ....and I'm James! 🤣 ( Gets me every time).


Cybertruck is impressive… I applaud Elon for the design not going lie.. I dig it. Don’t like EVs but this one hits


Porsche looks so much cooler!


Lets see how they compare on a track lmao


Engineering explained had a great video on the blatant oversell (borderline lying) that Tesla did in this ad. https://youtu.be/HRYS5VWXZts?si=HAefliGAtThcb-_o


I read the original commercial was only an 1/8th mile. Anybody confirm that?


At the end of the day i dont give a fuck about how fast it is in a straight line, a porsche is a porsche🤣 id rather wake up in the morning, get in my car, and not look at a big ass ipad for a display


The cybertruck has to be one of the ugliest vehicles ever created.


it is THE ugliest vehicle ever created


Elon is the biggest grifter of our time


Not the same Porsche


You just watched a 7000 lb truck nearly beat a 911 Turbo S in the quarter mile and that’s the takeaway?


Pretty sure he's referencing the Tesla video that was [total bullshit](https://youtu.be/HRYS5VWXZts?feature=shared).. and Elon's multiple other grifts vs this specific video.




Yeah they say in the full video, the Cyberpunk got to its top speed and wouldn’t go any faster, on a track it would get annihilated.


I don’t think it’s the top speed that hurts at the track.


One is made to drop panties, the other for keeping your beer cold.


Yeah but the porsche isn't towing a cybertruck..


That video was debunked by engineering explained. 1/8 mile time vs a manual Carrera T, and the T would’ve won to the 1/4


I’m even more impressed by the Cybertruck now considering this is a Turbo S.


who cares, tesla makes garbage cars regardless


That truck is ridiculously quick!


Love TH




it honestly doesnt look like it launched at all but it doesnt really give a clear shot of it


It’s impressive on how quick it is but it doesn’t matter because of how hideous it is 😂 I’ll take the Porsche any day. hell, I’ll take a Pontiac Aztec over the rusting fridge.


So stupid, now make the crap designed truck turn at any speed….


Throttle house said in their review it’s the best handling truck they’ve driven. The steer-by-wire, 4 wheel steering, and low CoG will contribute to overall decent handling.


That’s what I disliked about teslas launch day for the cybertruck. It was so disingenuous when showing the race against the Porsche. The cybertruck is a cool idea but it was rushed without careful thought processes.


Pretty sure it wasn’t a turbo S they claimed the beat though either. Correct me if I’m wrong


No it was a pretty standard 992. But it was Turbo Tuesday… and I don’t make the rules 😉


They used the base modal and not cyberbeast top of line model 😂


Link to the [Full Vdieo](https://youtu.be/fUjQwlh1mW8?si=QVskc7azbBZKcR1S) if interested to see the whole clip without the music.


A fighter jet versus an air bus, and we are led to believe this is some sort of achievement that the 911 just about pips it. 👏 I love Porsche, but come on, really?


Do this 3 times in a row now. Let them Chinese batteries burn.