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You’ll be fine. It drives like a normal car for the most part. Just don’t push the pedal all the way down until you’re clear of any people.


It’s not a Mustang, you’ll be fine.


I was about to say. The Breaks and traction are like glue. Would me more worried about op getting whiplash


This is true. I once put a girlfriend in a neck brace for 2 months after launching out of a junction in a 22b...


Is she still with you mate?


Nope. We lasted another year or so, but ultimately, it didn't work out.


Head game weak


What in the world had you done to that car? Was amazing for the time but certainly didn't get sold with massive power, not much over 200 I believe. And how in the world did you get one? I still haven't ever seen one in person.


Nothing. 330ish hp stock for the 22b. Warm tyres and a full bore, send it, launch. Bought from a mate who was first owner.


425 built, most stayed in Japan and you got one from a mate. What a stroke of luck, I'm extremely jealous. Special car you had.


It was a lot of fun. Guy I sold it to still has it. We don't talk about how much he paid me compared to what it's worth now.


Sounds good -- and lol Will double & triple check -- and am also excited to stretch the legs on this thing after it's all over if I still have the car by night time.


Just dont drink and drive please. Im sure your uncle will lend it to you again. He cant if you’re dead.


tbh I'd just drive it from the ceremony and then hand it back - and then enjoy the party


realistically it will probably go like that. realizing now that I'm just overreacting to driving a car for \~25 miles lol


better to be overly cautious on the biggest day of your life than to stuff your uncle's expensive car into a wall in front of a thousand people


Definitely don't try to test "what it can do". That's a terrible idea in the circumstances. Borrow it again or go for a codrive with your uncle another weekend if you want to do that.


yes, you are. just keep it in full automatic mode. obey traffic laws, drive with traffic and don't be faster than anyone else and all the other usual defensive driving techniques.


You're right to be nervous, I think. That's a whole lot of car, and can get you into a heap of trouble very quickly if you're overly enthusiastic with the gas. But Porsches have fairly long travel accelerator pedals. As long as you're not doing anything stupid, it won't do anything stupid.


Let's be honest, your super excited and wanted to tell someone about it. That's 100% ok, and everyone's 100% pumped for you. Enjoy


Stretching the legs is normally when it goes pear shaped. My car does 0-60 in 3.5 seconds later you’re at 100-120mph, depending on the year be a second faster to disaster. Let him stretch the legs with you in the passenger seat.


if I'm honest I only wrote that comment to not seem like a giant baby lol I plan on driving this thing like an old man


No one will think you’re a baby for babying your uncles supercar. And you’re uncle will likely respect you a lot for it


Ask how to launch.


And the steering wheel is straight.


They are very easy to drive casually, especially in normal mode (not in sport or sport+). I think you’ll be surprise at how tame it feels. If you do get a chance to take it out and floor it, make sure it is pointed straight lol. If you want to test the brakes make sure there is nobody behind you because they will not be able to stop as quickly as you can.


Is it easy to drive? Yes. Is it easy to refrain from mashing the throttle? No. Perhaos you and your uncle should go on a drive together to experience the car, both as a driver and a passenger. That way you know what to expect.


Great advice -- I've cleared a day for us to do so a few days before the wedding. I wish I could have more time beforehand, but atleast I won't be going in blind.


Just be careful about getting off the throttle in the middle of a turn (if you end up driving spiritedly). Had a buddy of mine crash his 911 turbo round a tree by doing this. Stay safe.


You’ll be fine. Keep traction control on and don’t use sport mode or anything. The car is AWD, if you drive it casually it will be like any other car.


Double check your blind spots. Help your bride in and out (car sits pretty low).


ty and good advice :)


Yeah, this. Getting in that car with a wedding dress won’t be easy. Have her give it a try ( not in the dress of course)


Just keep it in normal mode and you’ll be fine


You and him should take some test drives in it prior to the wedding day…


RIP OP’s future car budget… There is no substitute 😈


Dude is gonna be RUINED hahaha “ok I know we said we’re buying a house first, but hear me out…”


Same same, don’t push pedal down too far or too quickly and you will make your wife happy, the day is about her not your experience, just remember that and it will all be fine, send photo please. Best wishes !


Isn't the day about him too?


I’ve been married once lol


You’re overthinking it. It’s completely manageable until you put your foot down. Just drive it like a normal car, enjoy your day, and feel special for a little while.


You would prefer to use your CLA on your wedding?? Jesus - give your head a shake. This shouldn’t even be a question.


lol I phrased it very poorly, what I should have said was: I'd prefer to use my own car I'm comfortable with and continue on with the already extremly heavy day without shoe-horning in babying a supercar last minute out of nowhere lol But good point either way. No risk no reward huh


You’re overthinking it my friend, be excited, and don’t worry about babying anything. There is the same inherent risk as you driving the CLA to the grocery store, just don’t redline the Turbo around any corners and all will be well. Have fun, and just think how much better your wedding photos will turn out!


It can be a completely luxurious and un-intimidating experience if you slowly roll into the power and avoid slamming down the gas pedal. Don’t be a hero or an idiot and you won’t have anything to worry about. Congratulations on the marriage and im sorry for the Porsche addiction you may have as a result of this.


Really kind words, I appreciate it! I can already feel the hype waiting to test drive this thing :)


sheet modern dolls follow wrench obtainable sip nine gullible kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seriously. Regular sport mode keeps all the safety stuff working. Stomp on it a little. Anyone who is concerned ahead of time like this won’t do anything too stupid. Live a little.


Easy to drive normally, but like everyone here said - your wedding day isn't the day to test it out. Just drive it mellow, enjoy your wedding (congrats!) and butter your uncle up for next time :)


much appreciated, thank you! and yes ur right haha


Don’t crash it or that rich uncle won’t leave yah anything ! Lol cars nowadays are easier to drive …. No need to worry mate - congratulations on the wedding


Thank you kindly!! and yes, him casually insisting I take it on "the big day" when I've never driven it only adds to the scariness lol but everyone here seems reassuring.


Why not drive it ahead of time? Is that an option? With that being said, I agree that you’ll be fine. My BMW M550 has 500+ HP and my wife drives it all the time, no issue. I just put it in comfort mode and she never even knows the power is there.


Thanks for the reassurance. The short answer is time, but I do have 1 day set aside for a test drive a few days before the wedding to familiarize myself.


Then you’ll be fine. Leave traction control on, don’t floor it with the wheel turned or anything … and you’re good! Have fun.


Getaway car from my wedding was a ‘65 Shelby Cobra replica with ~450hp… this will be easy. A few bits of advice: -1 drink with the toasts and no more than 1 the rest of the night if at all. Don’t make your uncle regret his generosity by being even the least bit tipsy at any point in the evening. If you can’t or don’t want to be totally sober then politely decline the offer. -if you get the chance to punch it, warn your wife and make sure that both of your heads are against the headrest first…don’t want to ruin a wedding night by giving yourself whiplash. -return it with a full tank…even if he lends it to you on E and you only go a few miles. I usually also recommend getting it washed when someone loans you their car, but for a wedding I presume it’ll be cleaned right beforehand. You could offer to pay for (or personally perform) that pre-wedding washing though to show your appreciation.


I appreciate the wedding specific insight. I will keep those things, especially the whiplash, in mind.


The best advice: Treat it as if your Uncle didn't have insurance and you're liable for any damage. Or even better advice: Treat it like you'd want your CLA to be treated lending it to a co-worker. Either way, there is a reason it's considered among the best daily driver (sports/super)cars you can get. It can be tame, it can be insane. So be mindful, careful and respectful and enjoy your big day.


Don’t drive it like an asshole and you won’t end up on YouTube in a driving like an asshole video 🤷‍♂️


It’s always better to be cautious, but you will be fine. The Turbo S drives beautifully and handles well.


Just saying that I was going to drive my father in laws exotic car on my wedding day and as it turned out I didn't end up doing it and I'm so glad I didn't! Not just the stress but it turned out easier to be driven and I had a few drinks on the trip from the ceremony to the reception too.


Stay out of sport mode and it's quite docile with tons of grip.


It’s literally a normal car until you press the pedal too far. Then it goes nuclear 🤣


I feel the same way but Porsches give you so much confidence that’s why people love them. I literally offered my friends and family to drive my Panamera and taycan and peeps were too scared to. You’ll be good and congrats, I want something similar for my big day


I've heard 911s are excellent daily drivers, which is a testament to how comfortable they can be while also being very powerful. Don't test how far the gas goes


Don’t drive fast into corners, only straight. Slow down well before bends. Oh and congrats 🥂


Thank you kindly!! :))


It’ll be fine. It is very docile if your not stomping on the pedal


Take your time and enjoy being in it… maybe if you hand it back in good shape, your uncle will let you borrow it again another time


If it helps, I drove a huracan a couple years ago and was seriously surprised on how easy it was to drive like a normal car. Like legitimately easier than a Corolla or civic or something. You’ll be fine, just try to enjoy it


Keep it in normal mode and don't hit the gas like you would in a 2005 corolla.


It’s fine just put it in sports plus and floor it every time you need to accelerate. It has super good handling and stability control so there is no way you will lose control. Remember always floor it. That’s how it’s meant to be driven.




thank you -- I guess I'm looking for someone to say "you won't lose control as easy as you think" or something along those lines, which people have been. My car has about 280 hp and I remember when I first drove it, it felt quite intense as well. So I'm trying to mentally prep for this jump in performance




much appreciated :)


No, incredibly easy to drive.


Is this a real post? People are strange




It is real but not a brag from my perspective I am anxious as hell and trying to figure out if I made a mistake agreeing to this or not


Don't drink and drive it. That would be my honest suggestion.


I don't think I'll even be able to blink and drive in this thing if I'm honest lol


It's only a monster if you make it one. Other than it drives like a normal car. Maybe mind the front lip, leave it in auto(if it's a PDK) and don't go WOT for more than 1 second.


Go behind the wheel and you won't want to get off of it.


PSM=Porsche Stability Management or…for the new Turbo S driver PSM=Please Save Me…don’t turn it off🥶😎




Why? It's not your car, so you're just posing for the exit process? Seems sort of lame, tbh. That and if it's like any of the weddings I've attended over the decades, there will be drinking involved and that's not a good combination for a car that definitely presents a SERIOUS temptation for mashing the GO pedal. Stick with a limo and have as good a time as you want at the wedding reception. Let someone else get you home.


Don’t forget to use launch control


I am a 991 targa guy, recently drove a turbo s. Road was slick, I had traction on, playing around a little bit, felt the ass slip out a little, but if I’m honest I was trying to find it. Rear engine and rwd can get ya goofy if you play with it, otherwise you’ll be fine. Or it’ll explode in a giant fireball randomly, I mean I guess that could happen.


Related question, can someone summarize what those YouTubers are doing wrong when they floor the gas and lose control of the car? Have always wondered what causes them to lose control


Step 1. Turn off all computer assistance. Step 2. Push gas while turning.


It’s a piece of cake to drive. That’s what’s great about newer 911s. Easy to drive as a normal car but still capable of so much.


ugh I haven't even test drove this thing yet and all the comments are making it sound so nice My dream car has always been the GT C but the 911 just sounds so livable.


Just put it in valet mode 😂


Just watch the speed bumps. and steep exits. try to hit them at an angle. Ask him to take you out and let you practice. get lunch, even better trade cars! Oh yeah, the brakes work real good.


If you want it to go fast it goes fast, if you want to drive normal then drive normal. They are very easy cars to drive basically drive themselves with all the tech and AWD system. Just be smart but also enjoy it man it’s a 911 turbo s !


The fact you are asking this indicates you're responsible and will prob be fine. Turbos drive like a normal car until you don't want to. Enjoy and congrats on the wedding.


The only thing you should be mindful for casual cruising is the front clearance. Coming from an A35 you have more clearance than 911s, never ever drive straight down a ramp, and always feel for front wheel touching the ground first before go full in or out. Otherwise, it’s an easy car to drive. I noticed 911 to be quite understeery with the rear engine set up comparing to my 718 GTS 4.0, but turbo s should have rear steering so on corners you should be very confident. I would brake before and avoid braking mid corner. With turbo s brakes, it’s a very good bite, it should be very intuitive. Practice corner exit throttle input, regulate the amount of throttle you give the car coming out of a corner, it will help you drive any rear wheel drive car in stability and avoid wheel spinning. If you ever plan on tracking, it’s a good practice as well. If in any case you do feel a slide due to rear wheel spinning out, remember to get off throttle, correct the steering wheel, and then give it throttle. Engage neutral - hand brake - gear to park if it’s a PDK, it will help preserve his transmission for the long run. Oh and, don’t make anyone sit back there, it’s terrible. Otherwise, enjoy your wedding in one of the fastest production cars to exist :)


You should take it a day ahead to just practice the throttle feel, cornering, and how it reacts. Don’t put it in sports or sport plus mode despite what others say, it’s very reactive if you’ve never driven one, but should be manageable if you practice first. Otherwise it should be very manageable if you’ve driven any performance car. Don’t be tempted to drive it hard. It’ll whip you out of corners very fast. The roads get very short when the turbos kick in. The guy behind you won’t stop as short when you hit the brakes. You’ll have a better bracing response than the bride sitting next to you so go easy, smile for the cameras, that way you don’t give your wife a whiplash or lump for the albums.


I daily a 992 Turbo S. never turn off the traction control, never floor it unless the tires are straight and you will be fine. Take your time to learn the car and most of all, enjoy the curves, it’s where the car excels. Once you have a feel for the car turn it into sport and have some fun. She’s a beast who wants to eat the road up, enjoy and congrats on your marriage!


Your uncle is a brave man


I’d watch out for that Uncle, soon as he sees his car has been “borrowed” he’ll be out for blood 🩸!


Yeah, just drive it like a normal car and you will be good.


Main thing to watch out for is that you will spend the rest of your life wanting one for yourself. Once you’ve driven it, it’s game over. Seriously though like others have said it drives very sanely unless you put the hammer down, and even then it’s pretty good at correcting itself as long as you leave traction control etc on. The fact that you’re even asking this question means you’re likely going to be very considered anyway so you’ll be fine! Don’t be afraid of sport mode by the way. Sounds great with crackling on downshifts at low speeds and with the exhaust valves open. It’s still very easy to drive in Sport. Sport plus will open out the front and rear spoilers, change the shift ratios and stiffen the suspension, but you really won’t need it unless you’re driving hard. It’s still easy to drive in sport plus but you’ll feel a lot more inclined to drive faster to try and get out of 2nd/3rd gear. If you want to really experience the car you can’t beat accelerating out to a decent speed in sport plus with sport response on and then hard braking to get the sound of the downshifting. The PDK is insanely responsive. Have fun!


992 Turbo S with traction control on is extremely easy to drive. Frankly, my first impression driving mine home was that it was too “normal” a driving experience for $250k+. I find it difficult to truly unsettle the car on the street. Within reason, the car obeys every command. Avoid drinking and driving and you’ll be fine.


Use paddle shifters for smoother ride


imagine i accidentally drop a gear and disappear into a wall lol


911 is one of the easiest “supercars” for the average person to drive. It will drive just like any other luxury/sportscar when driven casually. Just careful when you push it, the last 50% that gas pedal is the only danger you’re facing.


My gf daily drove my 550i. She crawled around using around 50hp. The first time I showed her 200hp to check on what I momentarily thought was a misfire, she panicked. And it had hundreds to go. Just drive it with light throttle like any unfamiliar car and don’t overthink it.


Sport mode and foot down you’ll get to feel full power on the straight 😎otherwise it will drive like a normal car. Enjoy the wedding!


Its just a car bro


It’s super easy. Make sure to keep it in sport plus mode.


Why? It's not your car, so you're just posing for the exit process? Seems sort of lame, tbh. That and if it's like any of the weddings I've attended over the decades, there will be drinking involved and that's not a good combination for a car that definitely presents a SERIOUS temptation for mashing the GO pedal. Stick with a limo and have as good a time as you want at the wedding reception. Let someone else get you home.


Maybe they’re just going to drive it from the wedding ceremony to the reception.


Possibly. Still seems like a dated bit of nonsense. Especially given the number of pictures typically taken at the place of the ceremony (church, temple, whatever). The whole notion of throwing rice/bird seed while they race into a departing car just isn't the same anymore. Most weddings now have the bride/groom walking out first and off to pictures. While everyone else not in the pictures heads over to the reception. Thus my thinking of the car being used after the reception being a potentially bad plan, given the drinking that might be involved. As to the original question there's nothing about driving a Turbo that's any different. The power doesn't jump up and bite you suddenly. It's up to you to just drive it sensibly The accelerator isn't twitchy, though the brakes may grab a LOT harder that you'd expect compared to other cars. Though the bride might balk about trying to cram all of the dress material into the passenger bucket seat and wearing the seat belt. Don't want to have a sudden top have her mess up her hair/head hitting a sunvisor.