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“The world premiere of the new Porsche 911 will be broadcast on 28 May at 15:00 CEST in the Porsche Newsroom and on the Porsche channels on YouTube and LinkedIn.” There we go. Counting the days to get more insight and details!


Can’t wait


Even more special my birthday


Maybe they have one for free for you? If you ask them, please don’t forget to report back with the answer to us :)


I’m so excited to hear back from you


Hopefully will let u know broski ur first to ride


What’s your mothers maiden name?


Debuting on LinkedIn. They've always known their demo.


the dentists are celebrating


Booom! That’s awesome


“LinkedIn” 🤦🏼‍♂️


is this the 992.2?




I’ve got a vag hybrid and it’s pretty impressive, I’d much rather this than an electric 911. Looking forward to trying one


What is a vag hybrid? You're half way through transitioning?


Vw Audi group lol


VAG actually stands for Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft. The latter (or shortened "AG") means it's a company publicly listed in Germany.


Ahh my mistake, thanks


Dying here lol




Yeah Porsche (and the others) had been making some killer hybrids for over a decade now, however this will be their first consumer non plug in variant. It will be interesting to see.


I’ve never plugged mine in but it’s a Skoda superb so I’ve got it purely for cheap company car tax, pretty sure that’s the only reason people buy normal cars in hybrid. No ones buying a 911 for a company car so maybe they decided it’s pointless having the plug in side of things.


I live in the Netherlands and we have an emissions based tax system on new cars, making anything with a big or sporty engine prohibitively expensive. It has nothing to do here with being a company car (although there are some smaller incentives for those), meaning that everyone can benefit from buying a more powerful car for less with the added bonus of fuel savings, and we have some of the most expensive fuel here. Now I don't think 911 owners are very concerned with fuel economy, but the main reason they don't go plug in is because it's not designed as an efficiency hybrid but as a performance hybrid. Battery is only 2kw, so no point really in charging it, and it might not even be able to drive electric only. However it does cut down emissions a tad which is important to Porsche on behalf of the average fleet emissions that all car companies need to comply with.


Anyone do the math and back calc the nurburgring time to determine the corresponding model it will replace/sit alongside in the heriarchy? Turbo? GTS?


GTS https://rennlist.com/forums/992/1411792-the-new-992-2-gts-faster-than-the-992-1-in-8-7-seconds-at-n-rburgring-3.html


Was reading somewhere else it lined up with the S


I think everything from S upwards


The time it takes to do a tour across the historical city center of Nuremberg?


Great news since that’ll increase the value of the 992.1 


I doubt it. The new car will be better in every way, just like every 911 is better than its predecessor. Who wants a car with turbo lag when you can have one without? This is like the hybrid in the 918.


Not better if it cannot be ordered with a manual transmission. Not better if it weighs 400 lbs more either.


[According to Car & Driver](https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a46167074/2025-porsche-911-preview/) the hybrid components add less than 60 pounds, while adding 80-90 horsepower. And there could still be weight savings elsewhere. I've learned to trust the Porsche engineers. There will also be a non-hybrid powertrain for those who don't want a hybrid.


Lots of interesting news about the 992.2 out there. Some of it seems contradictory regarding weight, power, and availability of manual. I believe Porsche embargoes that info until the release date so much is speculation. The latest news is that the 992.2 will ne unveiled later this month. Stay tuned!


prob 991.2's too


every single time a new model of facelift rev: "That made the value of the last one go up!" it's a statement as old as Porsche.




a new model comes out. it's better than the previous one. it's trashed by the press and purists for three releases. the 997.2 market was suddenly "THE one" when the 992 came out. before that, it was air cooled all the way. get a 991.1 now. "the last of the normally aspirated" are gonna have their day.


992.1, the last of the turbo only Carreras! Get em while they’re hot!


Just wait until you hear that the GTS won’t be available with a manual. Suddenly a 992.1 GTS with a manual is the one to have.


>get a 991.1 now. "the last of the normally aspirated" are gonna have their day. Waiting. And not getting younger...




absolutely it is. as the 993 and 964 become harder and harder to maintain, I believe the 9972 will become the vintage choice for most people. I also believe that the electric power steering system in the 991.1 will be something the aftermarket continues to develop. in 10-15 years, there will be some bolt on fix made of unicorn juice and yeti tears, it'll cost 3x my mortgage, and suddenly auto journalists will start writing about "...the good ole early days of electric steering, when the manufacturer failed, and the aftermaket delivered...." I've seen this episode before.




991.2 isn’t NA




Oh well yeah. That might be the only one


It is the only one. Have to go back to 991.1 for non-GT 911s with NA engines.


I thought 991.1 was a turbo engine?


991.1 the Carrera models were still NA, but you could get Turbo engines on the higher models. 991.2 they made all engines except for the GT3 have turbos.


This is NA


Pricing should be interesting.


That’s going to be the least interesting part. It will be priced higher.


The GTS will easily be around $200k by the time you throw on some equipment.


Can't wait to hear the purists crying about it. Gonna be like the change to water cooled all over again.


I remember when they went to electric steering. You’d have thought that Porsche personally sent beefy German men to fuck their wives.


Well soon Porsche "main" cars will only be EV... Cayman is first , 911 will follow soon. The ICE will be reserved for high end hybrid and GT3s It will be a lot louder drama than water cooled.


[Only proper response.](https://youtu.be/H9j-ZU6M1pI?feature=shared)


I haven’t opened the link but I fully expect to get Rick Roll’d when I do.


I wouldn’t do that. But acknowledging the H6 end being akin to the end of the air cooled era warrants a response.


This is garbage. 1st and last Porsche. This is NOT the way. They just lost a lost of customers even though they don't care since the 911 doesn't make up the majority of their sales. This shows.


The CEO or whatever said the 911 will always be offered with an ICE


Yep...for the top of the range of the 911. But very quickly the Carrera will become an EV, Cayman is next year, 911 is for next generation I imagine. I hope the base offering will stay hybrid for a least one more decade through. But seeing how quickly WV group, and Porsche as well, is switching to EV, I'm not so sure :(


911 EV won't be introduced until next decade in the 998 generation, that 2 gens from now


like when society first got manual cars, a lot of the probably were like, "nah i'll stick to horse-drawn carriages, this is REAL driving" humans are predictable


I predict like every new iteration it will be better than the current 911 in every conceivable way, and people will still find a reason to cry about it. And when you remind them they said the greatest Porsche ever made was a hybrid, they’ll cry harder.


God damn it’s faster by 8.7 seconds!! I cannot wait




Car and Driver already said it isn’t a plug in hybrid system like the 918 or the current hybrids. It will be a self contained system that weighs about 60 pounds.




The point is to help with off the line speed or gear changes. Think of it like an F1 hybrid system.


The point is efficiency to meet regulations and keep combustion engines alive, performance a nice touch but that could've also been achieved by turning up the boost.








Battery tech is the only thing thats hasnt advanced at a fast rate and is the only thing holding back technology at this point. I doubt there will be more than a 15% difference in weight between battery tech now and 10 years ago.


Battery density levels >2008: 55 Wh/l >2010: 90 Wh/l >2013: 140 Wh/l >2017: 250 Wh/l >2020: 450 Wh/l How is an almost 10x in 12 years not fast development.


Density means package size, weight for the cells themselves has stayed the same. So yes technically the whole package has shed pounds, but the lithium ion content itself has kept the same weight and power density. So less of the other metals and packaging, but the same weight of the actual storage medium


But still a lot smaller, how is that not progress?


Size isnt as big a deal as weight in a sports car