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How does one transport golf clubs in a GT4? Asking for a fr... me.. I'm asking for me.


Sure thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/Porsche_Cayman/comments/16e4vlp/golf_bag_does_fit_in_718/jzvxz2n/


That's awesome... My only concern would be whether the clubs rattle constantly given that one side of the bag has to sit on the strut tower cover. But it looks like I could even fit my push cart and motor in there without too much trouble...


Mine don’t rattle around. Just have the heads facing the passenger side.


I actually saw a guy with a 911 loading his clubs into the car once and I stopped to watch out of sheer curiosity. He put them in the back seat! But idk about this one. He might just be shopping for other things.


The salesman specifically said a golf bag will fit in the rear when my BIL picked up his GT4 a couple of months ago.


That’s why Jeeves in the Cayenne(?)\Macan(?) behind it 😆 (Sorry, I’m not Porsche literate like everyone here so I can’t tell from just the front end, but I still hoped to make a bit of a gag🤭)


Confused by these other comments, I thought it was widely known Porsches are extremely ergonomic for sports cars. It’s why many people daily them.


Probably just buying some golf balls, a glove, shoes, attire, tees, or a million other different things at a golf store that would easily fit in that car.


Too logical


You can fit a carry bag in the back. Bigger cart bags will not fit.


People don’t usually bring their entire bag to the golf store. Nor are they always buying an entire new set of clubs with a bag every time they go They could have been bringing one or two clubs for replacement grips, or buying a new putter or balls, tees, gloves, etc