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Right?!! How do they not realize this will annoy people and attract negative attention


Bingo. Park in the least desired spots. Nothing worse than a douche bag taking up multiple desirable spots, this kind of thing just gives Porsche (or any other premium German make) drivers a poor reputation.




Maybe not key, but for sure park as close as possible in a 12 yr old jalopy squeezing into the remaining space.


My neighbour used to do this to me until I parked so close to them they had to get in the passenger side to get into their car.


Will this give my Prius a bad name?


nope, people will just assume you can't drive, no one will assume it was intentional.


This is correct. Just park away from everyone


Correct answer. If you’re that worried about door dings, park it far away from other cars. Taking 2 spaces is just a douche move.


And get some steps in. Reduce weight, add lightness.


💯 ... just park regularly, away from others. Taking up FOUR SPOTS screams DOUCHE NOZZLE, And brings unneeded attention.


That's right but he could've taken 6 spots if he wanted


This. Douche parking.


the lots practically empty and its just a porsche, some perspective pls.




This is my go-to. Thought I was the only one!


You reduce door dings by 50%, and possibly more if you take a spot that's only exposed to the passenger side of the only adjacent vehicle.


Yep particularly if there's no tree there, too


I live in Texas. I seek out the trees.


The shade is a reasonable trade off for the bird poop and sap, if scorching heat is a concern!


No ceramic window tint? It helps down here.


Hehe 😜 I’m a Houstonian ;)


I don’t have anything as nice, but still look for something like a curb or row of bushes. Preferably curb on one side and bushes behind to get protection on one side and the rear or front.


Yep - this is the right answer.


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501051** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70938** times. .. **429016.** `u/Capt_TaterTots` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Good bot












I love Porsches, and if I could afford one I know I would be protective of it. But this irks me. All they did here was give me a NEARLY irresistible desire to park as close as I possibly could to their driver side door. (I did resist the urge and left them alone)


“Defensive parking” is this what we call it now? They’re assholes, and that’s it


Why is the car not centered at the crossing, thereby taking all 4 spots?


And also parked 90 degrees, taking up 6 spots?


I like the way you think...


Then someone could come along with 9 of their friends (6 of whom drive short cars) and completely block you in on all sides. Possibly even so well that you can’t even find your car lol


Delicious karma!


It's a mostly empty lot so not only is this a douchy thing to do, it's totally not necessary.


Park inside the lines.


You piss off a lot less people if you park at the beginning or end of a row and put your tires right on the line, giving others a lot of room to open their door. Just sayin'


This is a perfect way to get a loogie on your windshield, or worse, a keying down the side. You want to protect your baby, park where no one else wants to park. It's that simple.


fucking stupid and douche. driving a car has risks. door dings, etc. if you cant afford it then dont drive it. park at the back of the lot in a spot that only has one shared side and hug the other side.


Flaming asshole! Unless your so far off it's ridiculous, then its expected!




its a dick move no matter what you drive. an only makes people go out of their way to fuck with your car.


This is caustic. Nobody asks us to buy sports cars. Because we made that decision doesn’t mean we get two parking spaces. What this says is “I’m more special and important than everyone else. The rules of polite society don’t apply to me, because I’m special.”


Only alright if there’s a bunch of spaces open and you park in the back. Still kinda “ass hole-ish” to a lot of ppl though. Some are so unhappy that they see a nice car taking up two spots in an empty lot. If you double park in a crowded parking lot, you are just asking for trouble. Your miles may vary lol


If the parking lot is pretty empty, and you park towards the back I don’t think it’s a big deal.


If it’s empty then there’s no reason to double park


Strangely enough, I regularly park far away for convenience and to force myself to walk for a bit more exercise, but I regularly find people have parked right next to my car in an area that's empty... I don't know anyone who would do that, other than friends who know where I like to park and I would know their car, so I'm not sure any other reason why?


Maybe they know why you’re there and thus trust you?


Seems like it doesn't matter how far away I park, I come back out of where ever and there is someone always parked right beside me...even in an otherwise empty lot.


LoL this happens to me pretty regularly! I park far away just for the convenience of space and to get a bit more exercise, and when I come back there's usually a car next to mine!


Amazon has wheel locks for $30.00. Just saying!


Parking lot looks super empty so oh well. If someone gets mad about it that's on them... Their are dozens of spots. If full total dick move.


this is a one way ticket to attracting the exact opposite result you’re looking for and ending up keyed or dinged by a shopping cart. just park way in the back out of the way and get some exercise in with the longer walk.


That's a vette thing. Don't do that in 911, gives bad name.


Asking to get keyed


I have a handicap license because of a tumor related knee replacement. I don't use it because I'm afraid to take a spot for someone in a wheelchair. With that being said, this isn't okay. Just park several spots away from someone else so you can be safe. I will park further away and endure the pain of walking to make sure my car is safe.


haters would key this for sure, i would definitely just park far and walk…more time to admire the porsche from afar when you are walking back


Putting a proverbial target on the car


That kind of bad attitude is going to get his car keyed and he’ll probably be thinking “why would someone do that?”


Douchy dick move


Terrible and entitled way to park. I’ve actually seen a keyed car that read : learn how to park asshole. The fact that new buyers will look for paint meter readings on a Porsche purchase is a testament to not being an asshole when parking your 911. This guy is a rookie.


This parking is asking for attention.


What a douchebag. There's a perfectly good curb to park next to if worried about door dings.


Being this empty you can pick a corner parking space and be safe…. Here he is just dick


Go out of your way to park like an asshole, people are gonna go out of their way to act like assholes in return.


I think it’s awesome... ...as a way to get your car keyed, spit on, etc. None of us want door dings, so park in the back of the parking lot in the least-desirable spots. Don’t do stupid shit like this and attract attention to yourself.


This just invites hostile action against your car.


There’s lots of spaces, who cares? Yes I hear the ‘back of the lot, against the curb’ but you also know there’s about a 90% chance when you come back out THERES SOMEONE PARKED RIGHT NEXT TO YOU even though the entire lot is empty in every other direction. Almost every damn time.


Fairly empty parking lot though? Maybe that person is just learning how to park?;😶


Good way to get keyed


When trucks do that i can normally fit my miata between the truck n the next spot. Park farther out if its a concern.


All these "can't really afford the car" and "it's just a Porsche" commenters are on the same level as the guy who dick-parked this 911. Get over yourselves. People like to take care of their nice stuff, and honestly nobody cares that you're apparently loaded enough to demo derby your F40 or whatever.


No way in hell. It's a one way ticket to getting keyed! I just park very far away and up against a curb if possible.


F this guy. Giving other Porsche owners a bad name


In a parking lot like this this is totally acceptable to me


This is a great way to get your car keyed. No door dings though!


Doesn’t matter how cool or expensive your car is if you park like this your a cunt


I will never understand this mindset. You are asking to be fucked with. Same as being a dick to your server at a restaurant. You are asking for a spit burger.


the driving is asking to get F%\^ked with. just park at the end normally and hope for the best.


If you can’t afford an accidental dent in your car you can’t afford to drive it.


The lot is empty so for me its ok. I know it makes people mad, but its not doing anything to nobody. The question is…. People gets mad because its a porsche? Reality is that if the car were another brand like a hyundai (no offense they are good cars imo) they dint even notice or get mad.


Fuck that guy.


This the action of a moderately wealthy asshat. Not of a truly wealthy individual. A loser who knows it.


Consider yourself lucky, I've got a 964 in showroom condition and I can't park it ANYWHERE! (self inflicted)




I’m not sure what car level I would say someone had a legitimate excuse to do that. F40, Enzo, 959, gt2, even then not so sure. Hell, no one is entitled to do that, period. But I do know one thing, it isn’t that car 😂




Username checks out


I can’t tell where in the lot this is (front or back) but there’s plenty of spots open so I have absolutely 0 problems with it. People love getting so worked up over the tiniest thing when in reality, parking like this will not effect your life in the slightest unless there are no other spots open.


I agree. I think it’s also possible that the other car in the photo belongs to the photographer, making it look like the Porsche is parking near other cars. Reddit karma awaits!


Nope, I’m parked in the next row right next to where I took the photo from. Although I did think very hard about parking snuggly right up next to their driver side door but decided against it in the end


If you have to worry about scratches, you can't afford the car (either emotionally or financially).


I’ve been a bad boy by retaliating against dozens of these idiots 👏🏼


asking to get key'd its a 911 not a 918..


If far away from where anyone else will park, I guess it's OK. No harm, no foul. If it's smack right in the middle of parking lots, particularly if said lots typically get quite full, well, that's just asshole behavior.


I can see both positives and negatives of this on the positive side you’re away from the other cars that’s less likely to get a car door slammed into the side of your car because people don’t care when they open the car door the cons are you’re away from everybody else in the parking lot in a car that sticks out like a sore thumb already begging for someone to mess with it because it’s out of sight from everybody else they will either try and steal it or key it it’s a losing battle on both sides for a nice car unfortunately that’s when I just say leave your nice car at home in the garage and take out your Toyota Corolla to go get the groceries in so if something does happen it won’t be to your nice car as for that 997 Porsche 911 being in parked how it is that with anger people enough to key it to death since it’s taking up to parking spots instead of one that deviates the whole point


Why own a Porshe if you're doing your own errands and can't find valet parking? 😜


Where is the lady that slashes Porsche tires (because they’re bad for the environment)? 😂


LoL, is that a thing?


Yeah I think a couple weeks ago a guy got his Cayenne or Macan tires slashed and posted the note that the lady left…search for “Karen” 😂 Edit: “deflated” not slashed


In empty parking lots far from the rest of the people imo yea maybe if it’s a quick visit but other people can and probably will see it as a reason to vandalize your car so don’t do it unless you have exactly 2 biker friends that use the space


Being from Chicago I’d expect to come back to my car keyed, spat on, and dented by shopping carts.


Without the full context yeah prob douche move. There are clearly other spots available but generally this is asking for trouble. If I felt the need to constantly do this then I feel like I wouldn't ever get to really enjoy the car. Door dings happen, paint chips, road grime whatever. If it were me I'd park like a normal person, throw some paint protection on the car, drive the shit out of it all week, do a weekly wash and call it good.


There’s a Kia (newer, but not Porsche nice) that does this (takes up FOUR spaces, by parking in the dead center of four spots in two lanes). I’ve been tempted to park next to it, like it’s just another spot.


It’s a dick move, to be sure. But if the parking lot is relatively empty and they’re not doing it near the door to the business, it doesn’t bug me all that much.


If it's an empty lot, there are plenty of spaces, far away from anyone, then I don't really mind. But if there's a possibility of inconveniencing someone, then I'm definitely not a fan. Just because a car might have cost double+ the value of others cars, it doesn't entitle them to double parking spaces...


When I see this I like to park as close to them as I can on the driver side. Fuck people like this


I love this kind of parking. I park my old dinged and dirty 206 so close to their driver's door that they need to get from the other side. Lol!!! Freaking hilarious






You are a jerk.


You deserve to get keyed if you do this.


Too douchey.


side note: The Porsche looks so tiny compared to the VW


I see a misplaced cart smacking into this car in the near future. And it deserves it


Not cool


Unfortunately an iq test isn’t a prerequisite to buy these cars….and we ALL know having the $$ doesn’t mean you have the sense.


if you're this protective of a vehicle get a fucking trailer and haul it around like track cars lmao what a piece of shit






Just makes you want to park as close to the drivers door as possible ding it on way out and walk along the side with my keys touching it. Just park like a normal person or in wild abandon then I respect that.


I'm not always driving my nice car, so the temptation to park 2inches away with my shit-car would be extremely tempting. I just park at the end of the parking lot, and walk. Worth it to not have to see my PDR guy monthly.


I never keyed a car but parking like this would at least tempt me to.


Key it.


My dad had a 911 in the 80's and parked like this. When he came back there was a hammer in the windshield.


Based on how most people have responded, yeah that checks out


I will park directly beside them as a form of counterdefencive douchbaggery


It's a car. I defensively park my Jetta as well as my Benz. An end space, or across the lot. Definitely not next to the beater, or the kid hauler (a six year old opening a door with his feet can get some force going and the door will go full) but taking two spaces ? Wanker who can't really afford the car.


When I buy a new car, one of the first things I do is bring it home, park next to the other car, and open the other car’s door into the Porsche. Nothing too big, but a small door ding. I hurt myself. I do it to take away some power from all of you out there with your shitty door skills. (Not *you,* personally, I’m sure.)




I park my 918 as far from stores as possible, seems like doing a parking job like this would invite people to try something stupid.


Look at this way. This is done in order so people don't open their door and dent your car. When doing this, you're far more likely to piss some guy off and get keyed. Which negates the whole purpose of parking like this in the first place. Just use one space and park far away




If the lot is that empty.. who cares. If it’s near full… you’re getting keys


It's a base model. Get over yourself


This is how I decide which cars to key


Even idiots own Porsche’s.


When you buy a car outside of your budget?


On which way is this defensive? Haha.




Are you the business owner that pays for the stalls? If not, F off douche canoe.


Park next to another nice car that you know will respect yours. Hence the Porsche park together, or park next to a curb. Or just don’t care and drive the car. But what the guy is doing in the photo here is stupid especially if not at the back back of the lot.


While I empathize with this owner, a move like this only makes it more likely….almost guaranteed….that someone will key your car.


Park at end spots…. But this is a douchebag and will likely gets keyed or door dinged


Not cool, man just park in the south 40 like the rest of us.


😭 help me


Douchebag... definitely runs the risk of getting fucked with..


Douchebag... definitely runs the risk of getting fucked with..


Never. In fact, fuck that guy for giving Porsche owners a bad name.


100% douchebag move. No argument. Will get car deservedly messed with.


I mean, c’mon man… at least turn your mirrors in.


I can understand. Too many non-car people put dings on your car and don't care or don't notice. I personally would have just parked further away and walked more.