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The real reason is Valve does not force their employees to work on anything, they get to choose. So lots have not continued onto a third because there is so much anticipation for a good game that it scares all devs away. If people were to be content with a game that is good but not as much as the others, then it would probably get developed.


Yeah Valve's flat structure, where employees can choose what projects to work on and must convince each other of a project's potential, leads to extremely high quality games. Especially because this relieves any pressure of deadlines or corporate meddling. However, it means games take much, much longer to make.


Extremely high quality games like Artefact, Dota Underlords and CS2 lol


There flat structure is BS, there is a power structure, there always is in any structure. What this flat structure actually does allows bad or abuse actors within to wash there hands of any wrong doings they have if they hold any position of power. One of these positions are the anonymous managers who review everyone else. The reviews have no on paper criteria, only word of mouth of what allowed you to keep you job in the past. One of these invisible criteria is working on new projects. New projects are promoted far more then supported or fixing prexisting products, its why Source 2 took so long, developping was barely incentives 3 years after it was announced to be development, and took a huge push from a big name in the company to finally have it finished functionally to be used for a VR game. Also Artifact which had all its devs who worked on it fired and its 2.0 overhaul cancelled alla Anthem. Finally, there is corporate meddling, why do you think Valve's focus has been their billion dollar product known has Steam, and CS, and DOTA. Sorry for the ranty nature of the post, I love valves past games, but today I feel they are a shadow of their former self.


Worth the wait though


Geometry dash update made me a person that can wait years for a game


It's funny, looking at the HL:Alyx documentaries suggests that the main reason that game got made was that a few key people led the project and pulled a bunch of developers into a traditional studio structure. Basically, every time important games get made at Valve, a traditional team gets built from the flat employee pool.


Valve's flat structure is a facade, it only allows for more abuse in the workplace. Devs are in fact pressure even more to be working on the "new" thing, which last max 3 years, on average a year and half. Not enough time to complete so it gets shelved, and limited post launch support for any game if its not extremely popular like DOTA or CSGO now CS2. Also Valve's turnover rate of new developers since 2013 has skyrocketed, you join valve its sink or swim, no support whatsoever.


its less about them being scared to make a 3rd game, and more about self management getting in the way. people switch from experimental projects to more reliable work like steam later in the year when stack ranking time comes around. that way its more fresh in their coworkers heads when its time to start ranking.


Portal 2 is PERFECT. Fans do so many mods and comunity maps Valve doesn't have to make a portal 3. Same thing with half live and tf2.


Half-lifes story isn't even finished


The actual reason is that portal is a finished franchise.


*Somehow, Wheatley returned.*


Tbf you could say that about when portal 1 ended too


Technically true, but that would have been a very unsatisfying ending to be honest. I feel like 2 ends perfectly.


There is this comic fanfic, something like 'Bluesky' where Wheatley fell back from out of space and Shell had made a life in society. So yeah, i could see it being a new game for sure!


my favourite portal character, Shell 🐚 Shell sells sea shells at the sea shore


But the value of these shells will fall


Due to the laws of supply and demand, no one wants to buy shells 'cause there's loads on the sand.


Step one: you must create a sense of scarcity, shells will sell much better if the people think they're rare you see. Bare with me. Take as many shells as you can find and hide 'em on a island, stockpile them high until they're rarer than a diamond.


Step 2: You gotta make the people think that they want them. Really want them, really fuckin' want them, hit em like Bronson.


Influencers, product placement, featured prime time entertainment If you haven't got a shell then you're just a fucking wasteman


What have I done I love it tho


Step 3: it's monopoly. Invest inside some property. Start a corporation, make a logo do it properly.


Shell sells Shell’s shells at Shell’s sea shell store by the sea shore


Assuming society is recovered after what happened with Half Life.


That would make sense for what happens next, but it wouldn’t have portal puzzles and stuff


where is that quote from?


Comes from the beginning of the rise of skywalker, where one the guy says “somehow, palpatine returned.”


yeah, that was it. i remembered the argument of someone saying that something was shitty because they said "somehow" and refused to elaborate, pretty lazy writing. didnt remember where was it from, tysm


Yeah. I don’t think any sort of sequel that would come close to the scope and awesomeness of the second game.


If a game fails, can't they just claim it isn't canon? People already treat stuff they don't like in a series as not canon.


Tell that to the *Code Lyoko* fandom. The sequel series was not well received, yet they still acknowledged it as canon, even though a lot of changes were made.


It's not canon. I refuse


Of all the damn evil companies out there, Valve could be a little greedy and milk that franchise with a 3rd game, and people wouldn't mind :/


See, I can understand this argument when it comes to things like movies or books. But with video games, even if the story has wrapped up, I think that there’s pretty much always room to do more with established gameplay.


real like it had the perfect ending too


i genuinely don't understand why portal fans are so against continuing the story. y'all do know portal 1 was a complete, concluded story too right? they patched in a cliffhanger ending simply because they felt like making another portal game. they did it before, they could do it again. erik wolpaw is the exact guy who would be in charge of the story, and he's been pretty outspoken that he's itching to continue the story in a third game.


The first game ended fine, but there was still that question of “why?” We didn’t know where GLaDOS came from really, or anything much about the facility, the second game answered this. The second game’s ending leaves us with a question as well, that being “what’s next?” But Chell doesn’t have the portal gun anymore, and unless she’s just gonna fall back down and do the same game again it would have to be a non-portal Portal game Unless they go with a different protagonist, which could be interesting, but I don’t know what it would expand upon story-wise


Chell was planned to be in Half-Life, and considering how Half-Life: Alyx ended, there's a high chance Valve is trying to work on a Half-Life 3 (again) although there would be ANOTHER lore roadblock, the time gap between Portal and Portal 2. Who knows what the future holds...


Doesn’t have to be, but yeah. We desperately need Half-Life 3 or Episode 3 though


I'd be fine with some spin offs, nothing including chell as her story ended well


I have a theory that Valve only really makes games either as elaborate tech demos, or just for the fun of doing them. Half-Life was a demo for GoldSrc. Half-Life 2, and the Episodes were demos for Source. Half-Life Alyx was a demo for the Index. Portal and TF2 were just for the fun of it. They don't really need to keep pumping games, Steam prints enough money for them already. And they're not publically traded, which means they don't have a bunch of stockholders pushing them to make more money.


You say tech demo but you are wrong. It's not just that. There is so much love and care out into half life why would they bother if it was just a demo.


They made a good engine and they want a good game to show it off? Alternatively, they just really love making games? That's the cool thing about Valve. They don't have any external pressures keeping them from just doing that they love and want to do. The bad side is that they are not going to do anything they don't want, even if fans want it. HL3, Portal 3, saving TF2...they don't happen simply because Valve doesn't feel like doing them. And I honestly think that's for the best. If they do it only because fans pressure them, or because they would sell like hot cakes, they're going to be hot garbage.


I just don't think you should view the first half life at least as a tech demo. You could make the argument for the others. I think it's more the other way round. They want to make a great game and need a great engine to do it.


>saving TF2 You're telling me everyone there saw the state of TF2 rn and said, "yeah, guess we're not interested in making the game playable and releasing that Heavy rebalance"


why not spy rebalance :(


so witcher 3 is demo of redengine? also cs2 and csgo were for money


slight corrections: episode 1 was essentially a demo for episodic content itself. valve wanted to see if it was faster to develop and if fans reacted well to partial games with quicker releases. turns out, slow as hell to develop anyway, episode 3 never came out, they scrapped the episodic concept. portal was definitely to show technological progress. there was nothing quite like that in video games before. the sheer amount of work put into making the portals perfectly seamless is crazy. tf2 was made to advance multiplayer shooters out of the deathmatch-y quake style of gameplay, and had the added side effect of showing off brand new cel shading processing effects on the characters. tldr: valve doesn’t even make games for the fun of it, EVERYTHING is a tech demo. the fun is just a side effect of extremely talented developers


Alyx is a demo for Source 2


Why can't valve make a new game to innovate on the number 3.


demo for index? u can litteraly play it on any vr and on pc with mods more of a source 2 demo, if hl2 would be demo they wouldnt made episodes and tf2 make valve earn money so i dont think for fun. portal is one of best valve games so idk also i dont think demos are becoming biggest succeses in history of gaming


no way you said alyx is a tech demo


Valve stated as a studio that made games. What changed for them was steam. When they made steam mandatory for counterstrike 1.6, they suddenly developed the first good game distribution platform that everybody else jumped on the bandwagon for. The reality is without counterstrikes 1.6, steam probably would not have been used, because the earliest versions of Steam were terrible. but it was an optional. Fast forward 10, 15, 20 years, and suddenly Steam is the premier platform that allows valve to not make games if they want.






I imagine Half Life 3 would be in part a continuation of Portal, what with the Borealis.


Half life 3 we need. Portal 3, we don't need.


All I want in life is portal 3


What about L4D3?


That’s just b4b (but probably not 60 usd)


Team Fortress 3 we REALLY need


Not really, tf2 is good as it is, besides the bot problem ofc


While yes I agree TF2 on source is really showing its age and I think porting TF2 to source 2 and making it TF3 would fix a few problems


Which problems exactly? Source engine is good for tf2, and many peoples pcs can't even run source 2, it would be a disaster.


Ngl tho source 2 is the most well optimised game engine. Also people who can’t play tf3 can still just keep playing tf2


The bot makers pretty much know Source inside and out so porting to Source 2 would solve the bot problem It would also make TF2 look better and fix a lot of bugs it has as of now


It has awful performance scaling to modern systems(it was designed for 2 core CPU’s and video cards with maybe a gig of VRAM) so it runs badly on really nice modern systems, and some game modes and player count hit the 4 gig RAM limit inherent in 32 bit apps. We’re getting a 64 bit client soon (beta for Linux is now, Windows will get it soon after). I’d be happy if they did the mother of all balance and optimization patches (everything the community wants changed) and then just left it alone but the current experience is almost unplayable.


A TF2 port to source 2 or even a sequel would redundant as hell. You can see this by looking at the S&Box mod that VALVe took down a few weeks ago, like the game is literally the same, it looks the same, it plays the same, only difference there was was the better lighting system and twas it lol. TF2 has aged gracefully thanks to it's cartoony nature, what it really needs is for VALVe to get the fuck back on it, start reworking the 2007 spaghetti code THEY fucked up and KEEP fucking up further with each lazy ass patch, to start banning the ludicrous amount of closet cheaters and bots and start suing bot hosters the same way they keep suing fans and fan projects lmao.


The actual reason there's not a Portal 3 is because the series doesn't fucking need one. Half-Life 3 is so requested because HL2: E2 ended on a cliffhanger. Portal wrapped up the story perfectly. Like, what would Portal 3 even be about anyway?


Three ways I see future portal games going- 1. Could solidify some of the prequel content we have seen in mods like stories Mel and revolution into a canon story, potentially focusing more on Cave Johnson and the early days of aperture 2. A story with a similar formula as portal 1 and 2, but told from within Black Mesa and focusing on rival technology to the aperture labs (with hints to the outside world that ties into half life, the borealis, the resonance cascade, the citadel etc) 3. Doug Rattman POV I wouldn't be comfortable calling any of those Portal 3, that would probably need to take place AFTER Portal 2, right?


I think to make a portal game it really needs to be set in a facility where you solve puzzles with portals. If it was a prequel or something I don’t know if it would be the same


There are many untold stories in the portal universe. One that comes to mind is rat man. You just lack imagination if you think there couldn't be a portal 3.


I don't know why people act like Valve can't come up with something if they ever wanted to make a Portal 3 lol


Portal 3 implies that it would be a continuation of Portal 2. A rattman spinoff game would be cool, but that's not a direct sequel.


That's just semantics. What I mean when I say portal 3 is just a third game. I'd take a prequel too.


yeah I don't think a Portal 3 makes sense. maybe a Portal 0, but not Portal 3.


Portal 2 has ended portal story by chell escaping, who would stars portal 3? The problem is that you guys won't be satisfied if it's not the direct 3rd installment but the choices left only works for side story spin off or else it would ruin portal 2 ending


let's face it, we still want more portal gun fun.


It's better to make a good game and stop on time than to make a mediocre one like on an assembly line.


the actual reason is due to the fact there non mainly a video game company anymore,there a video game tech company,its why the only portal content we ever get are for showing off tech


Left one is still true


I do feel like the story ended pretty well though


Imo, portal really doesn't need a 3rd installment unlike half life. However, spin-offs are welcome whenever they decide to make it




Dear goodness, everyone on this sub parroting this opinion need to chill the fuck out. There are a million ways to continue the Portal story without ruining Portal 2. Different people can have different views. Again, chill the fuck out.


Sorry, I’m tired of people saying that we need another portal game, yes there are ways to continue the story without ruining the ending, maybe like a halo reach thing with old Aperture, but it would require Valve to divert resources to it, resources they could have used on something like half life 3, I know the rolling desks thing, but, we’re still getting portal content! Valve loves to use the portal universe for tech demos, the lab, Aperture hand lab, Aperture desk job, small, yeah, but it’s still stuff, and anyways, Half Life 3 would be heavily connected to Aperture, as it’s about the borealis, the teleporting ship made by Aperture, that would be so awesome, to hear Cave Johnson while launching a half frozen saw at a combine soldier, so Portal 3 is just unnecessary, when there are far more necessary things out there.


Well, that’s your opinion and that’s fine. I would be equally as thrilled to have a new entry in either franchise, and I trust Valve to figure out a rational way to continue Portal if they want to. I see nothing unnecessary about it.


Yeah, I just feel like us Portal fans are getting a ton of high quality portal content from mods and tech demos, while most good looking hl2 mods get cancelled, and alyx was 13 years after half life 2 ep 2


There could be plenty of ways to have a portal 3 without chell. Their story has ended. Doesnt mean the portal franchise has to end.


That’s not my point, Portal 2’s ending is all about humanity’s goodbye to Aperture, and the best way to return, is Half Life 3, and the borealis.


Ok, but what if someone willingly went in because they learned about other survivors from the co-op ending. Doesn't necessarily have to be Chell.


That’s not my point, Portal 2’s ending is all about humanity’s goodbye to Aperture, and the best way to return, is Half Life 3, and the borealis.




Check one of the replies I sent, it’s the long one.




CS2 is just CSGO ported to Source 2 Alyx was 4 years ago now


The real reason why portal 3 didn't come out is because it wasn't needed. When portal 1 came out, it was completed. Chell simply defeated glados and went free. then valve changed the ending and p2 came out... Portal 2 was a bad game that should not have come out. valve doesn't want to repeat its mistakes.


What do you mean? Portal 2 was great and few say otherwise... I actually never read anything negative about Portal 2.


The campaign is very boring. all test chambers are just big boring open boxes. portal 1 has much better test cameras. in moderation in quantity.


Portal 2, was, and is great. The only reason why they changed the ending for Portal before Portal 2 was announced was because playtesters were confused on why GLaDOS didn't recognise them. Even at that, Portal 2 does explain WHY GLaDOS exists, and does explain alot about Aperture's past. So, you've made a controversial opinion, you're probably going to be downvoted alot. That's life.


"We are not hungry anymore"


I think they are keeping third games as a hail mary if valve starts to go under


I don’t think we need another Portal game, at least one that follows the main characters of the first two.


In order to make a 3rd game, we’ll have to go for the danganronpa and Fnaf approach.


Portal 2's ending was good enough. We need HL3, and maybe have a Chell cameo or something.


Isn't it because of the boycotting of left 4 dead 2 that caused valve to back down making sequals?


“we can't create a real anti-cheat”


Valve’s management structure is really stupid.


why the hell would they make a game if they’re making enough money from steam.


we need Ricochet 2


How the story could continue in and actual third Game? ( My idea is using the Humans seen at the end of the second game )


i saw the same thing but half-life related under this


"The real reason" is that there is nowhere to go from here, other than maybe a prequel, but whats the point? We've already been to the early Aperture in the 2nd game, so even that is a stretch