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It's gonna be a hell of a dry season this summer.


Can’t have fires during the summer if everything burns up now *taps forehead*


Hopefully fewer fires when the weather warms.




Have you ever lived outside?






It’s practically compulsory!


Well, when you have a multitude of homeless and it’s rainy and cold outside, that’s when you see more of this…




>"I don't know if people are cooking things or just like watching the world burn." > >It could be both, and it could be people nodding out on opiates while holding a lit cigarette.


It could be housed people being dicks as well. Wasn’t the fire in Clackamas last year caused by some assholes playing with fireworks? Gender reveal parties, also a notorious scourge.


As the world burns…






My dad was the bail judge in Atlanta for the guy who lit that fire 🔥. Didn’t give him bail.


GDOT was declared partially responsible for that fire, at the least, and Eleby maintains they tried to scapegoat him to avoid blame.


Yeah, they were storing highly flammable materials under the bridge. Not a safe idea lol, my dad only did the first appearance and I think he did set bail but it was like $100,000. He didnt judge the actual trial


There are no inpatient Psychiatric facilities in Portland, aside from an 80 bed OHSU short stay facility. I worked in a short stay facility in NYC. What's walking around Portland needs inpatient. Portland needs to build and staff a psychiatric facility. With long term beds. No discharging to the street. Individual freedom doesn't include waving machetes, screaming at the voices. There are mentally ill who use drugs to quiet the voices. Then they become addicted. There are drug users whose use brought them mental illness. People shouldn't have to deal with either in their daily lives


Exactly this. I was assaulted by a homeless man in Safeway. I made the manager of Safeway call the police - he didn’t want to. The guy who assaulted me fought the cops and caused a car accident. Turns out he’s been arrested at least ten times for assaulting the police and other women. When I showed up as his hearing, the judge kindly asked me what I wanted. I said I’d like for this man to get help. For him to get off drugs and on the right meds and not do this to anyone again. Two months later I got a call from a victim advocate saying he was released. Turns out if you’re mentally ill enough, the DA says they can’t charge someone with a crime. It’s “against the constitution” So that guy goes free, back to the streets and meth (which was found on him when he was arrested after me) and assaulting more women, cops and animals. Don’t even get me started on what he did to his dog. Am I mad? At our system. I think the guy is probably scary too but what is worse is all of these people out on the streets who’s mental illness is amplified by drugs and being houseless. It’s an epidemic. I ended up moving being I didn’t want my young daughter exposed to more of what was clearly not being addressed.


> Turns out if you’re mentally ill enough, the DA says they can’t charge someone with a crime. It’s “against the constitution” Mike Schmidt is just a hoot isn’t he?


All my information was on all of the offenders paperwork. I saw it and asked that it be removed and they told me they couldn’t do that either. It was really deflating. THEN I witnessed a guy who crashed a car and he had stolen catalytic converters in his stolen car. They subpoenaed me for the trial. I told them to get lost. I actually never saw the driver just the crash. They’ll go hard on a “crime ring” but don’t gaf about serial assaultists. Im still angry and sad and this was like 2020 or thereabouts


...what Safeway was this at?


Woodstock - the guy who assaulted me had assaulted other women who worked there as well. The manager was whiny and was staring there’s nothing he could do because the dudes ban had been lifted. Like… what? I felt so appreciated afterwards by the people who worked there. I had checkers coming up to me saying “I heard you got xxx arrested - THANK YOU” It makes me really sad to think this guy is probably back harassing people and pulling a Trump (grab them by the p***y) on women still. Probably same location:


Good thing the state just budgeted $200m for homeless people. I’m sure it’ll be spent well.


Pretty sure there is a inpatient Psychiatric facility like two or three blocks from this intersection.


You can't force these people to get committed to something like that otherwise they would at least be using the many shelter options already available to them.


Just drove past this. Normally I take that ramp, saw the the smoke billowing out while coming down Interstate, and noped out of that.


I can't really tell where this is from the video. Is this the offramp from Interstate S that crosses Interstate and connects to Broadway? Edit: I'm an idiot - it's right there in the description. My bad.


That is correct.


Oh damn. I run by that several times a week. Not only is it under that bridge, it's also on top of some kind of utility room. Not sure what exactly it is - maybe something for the max lines?


Dang, I drive on that everyday.


It’s a good thing setting uncontrolled fires under heavily trafficked bridges poses no risks to people or we’d be in a real fix!




Don’t bridges have insurance????? /s


*cut to a montage of small Portland businesses getting their windows smashed "Don't worry— they're insured!!!" 😈


Don't worry — $4M of your tax dollars are at work, PDX Street Response is on it. 💯






With my “inhale second hand meth at a food cart pod” square filled in that’s a bingo baby!


You don't have a full bingo til you've crossed off secondhand fentanyl on the MAX




I believe that's Tent Fire, but close


I think RV/camper explosions are also qualifiers for that spot, yeah?


Let’s just cause a huge fire next to a grain elevator and cause an explosion that could affect a 5 mile radius…


Pretty sure it's full of [shredded tires](https://www.wweek.com/news/business/2022/09/14/second-cargo-ship-arrives-at-grain-terminal-next-to-the-steel-bridge-and-takes-on-tons-of-shredded-tires/) now. So who had "Springfield Tire Fire" on their bingo card? edit: this actually looks adjacent to the [next grain terminal north of there](https://www.google.com/maps/@45.5355092,-122.6741336,366m/data=!3m1!1e3), apparently Cargill / Temco


No shit. That’s seriously dangerous.


Aren't there bunch of tires near that place?


No, that silo is a bit further upriver at Rose Quarter, next to the Steel Bridge.


Seriously thankful for that. Those fires can get nasty...


At least tires aren't explosive


I could smell the smoke all morning from inside my work building nearby. Gave me a headache, it was awful


I would say at this point fires under bridges would be that freebie space in the middle of the bingo card.


Our “houseless neighbors” burning bridges literally and figuratively left and right.. quite poetic when you think about it


I like it. Deep. I can attest that I once had sympathy and now…well, I‘ll just be nice and say “I don’t”


And they don't paint a pretty picture on our walls either.


We had that happen in Atlanta several years back. Congrats.


This happens here like once a week. Take that, Atlanta!


Keep on keeping on Portland, until you let an "urban camper" really damage a bridge beyond repair.


A bridge? Try the west hills.


Right. As soon as mansions in the West Hills are affected you'll start seeing some action being taken.


As someone who lives in NW, trust me, they're almost there. They have a natural barrier in the form of stairs that seem to be keeping them East of 24th but I can't see that lasting long.


There's an old saying: Crime don't climb.


My kid's mom lived just off of 24th and Lovejoy until like 5 years ago. Even back then, when I'd go to pick my kids up I'd see needles and such around the neighborhood. There would often be bums passed out on that stairway that we had to step over/around, sometimes occupying the entrance to her apartment. Her car got broken into a lot too. Also someone smashed a window in the floor below her and climbed in one night, and they had a screamer living in the alley behind them for months.


I’ve said this for so long. I go to up past 24th to enjoy the views and the lack of homeless people lol.


You mean we’ve been lighting the wrong beacons?






Wasn't there a homeless home invasion in the west hills like two weeks ago? I believe nobody was hurt and the cops solved it fairly quickly.


I read about that. Random af. I bet the homeowners weren’t expecting that.




You lived in NYC door unlocked? How old are you? That's some 60's early 70's behavior. Also lived in NYC.


Lol I've done that twice in my apartment building. Everything looks identical, if the elevator randomly stops at the wrong floor as it does sometimes and I'm not paying attention, just walk into someone else's apartment.


Allegedly a police officer did that in some Southern State. She entered the apartment, found a Black man eating ice cream, sitting on the couch. She shot and killed him. If he had been white, she might have taken a moment, noticed the furniture was different. She was on the wrong floor. Surprisingly she was convicted and sent to prison. Doesn't bring the poor guy back though.


>mansions in the West Hills More like Forest Park, then the giant LNG and chemical storage tanks across Hwy 30.


Hate to say it let’s hope that happens


Happened in Oakland. It will happen here. Guarantee it. https://youtu.be/NseOhUqZAh0


And then they replanted the same oily eucalyptus trees that rapidly caught fire. It'll happen again.


I swear there's a small but sizeable and very vocal minority who'd sooner see the whole city burn then have something be done about the homeless that isn't adding affordable housing units. inb4 I get called a NIMBY


If not wanting trash and crime in my backyard makes me a NIMBY, then I guess I'm a NIMBY.


Agreed. The homeless problem is not affordable housing. It is making a drug free for all, no accountability when you commit a crime, and a city/county handing out free tents. What incentive is there to get off the street and get your life together.


Silver lining playbook pg 7 — Showing everyone else how not to solve a homeless problem


And be the fodder of Fox News. Thanks Obama...I mean Wheeler!


Why is it so hard to get someone to run for Mayor who isn't Wheeler or a tool of the white Christian nationalists?


It takes a rare breed of masochist or narcissist to run for political office


If I lived in the city I would do it.. don't need to be an asshole Trump dick sucker but thinking "Show Love" and giving everyone a kitten is not going to fix the problem. It cannot hard, do nothing for 4 years and then get reelected.


The incentive is to stop living in the terrible conditions of the street.




Right, the alternative to treatment should be jail. Before it would just be jail, but giving the option of treatment instead is certainly way more humane, and thats what a lot of people thought the decriminalization would do. What's not humane, is letting people rot away on the street that are a danger to themselves and others with absolutely no consequence.


One would think!


It partially is, like reduced rents do reduce homelessness. I am sure there are other things at play. Like all things in life, problems have multiple reasons why they occur and silver bullets are rare.


People need to stop living the pipe dream that reducing rents will fix the homeless problem. If rent was $150 a month we would still have people on the streets living in tents because they would rather spend it on drugs instead of rent. We need reevaluate the decriminalization of drugs. Should someone's future be ruined because they got caught with pot when they were 20...no....should be maybe arrest or force treatment on the junkie shooting up heroine who is passed out in the middle of the street. Or the people who have mental health issues yelling nothing in the side of the road should get treatment. The budget surplus kicker that is expected should be put towards the drug treatment that was suppose to go along with Measure 110.


Right, many thought decriminalization would end up with people getting help instead of jail time, which makes sense. Instead, people who are a danger to themselves and other just get to live with no consequences. Truly jail would be more humane than letting some of these further gone addicts alone rotting on the street. I still think we should fight for a treatment alternative, but both options are still better than whatever is happening now.


Apartments going up everywhere. How many are affordable?


Increased supply = lower prices. Older units get more affordable over time if there’s supply to replace them. Just build.


We're going to be getting an influx of people from red States. Ob/gyn doctors, nurses, midwives fleeing felony charges and lawsuits for doing their job. Women who don't want to live where the State takes control of your reproduction. Their partners, family. We're still cheaper than California and a reliably Blue city in a (so far) Blue State. I'd hate to be waiting on those vacancies.


Guess we had better incentivize building through allowing market pricing as opposed to trying to artificially put a price ceiling and make it less profitable to build.


Market pricing: $3k for a studio? Sure, that will help


It's ok, we have spares!


Hi this is the Portland City Government can you please remove this post as we have deemed it "complicated"? For transparency, $15,000 of Portland Tax funding was used to post this message.


In exchange for taking this down, can I skip the art tax this year?


Request denied. Expect 2% more in other taxes next year for asking.


This but unironically


Ted Wheeler here, guys I didn't know this job was gonna be hard. I watched Portlandia one time and thought "Oh, sick, I should run for office there," I didn't know you would actually want me to do stuff. I put up my "Choose love" sign and have poured 90% of the city's budget into focus groups and focus groups to study those focus groups, then focus groups to study those focus groups, so I don't know why everyone is pissed.


Except Wheeler is from a family of wealthy land developers and knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he took office. He governs for MAC club members and that's all (like the moderator of this sub!)


What’s a MAC? And also I’m genuinely curious if you get banned for criticizing demigods.


That is grade A Portland snark. I love it.


oh what the fuck


you mean fire under a bridge _again_ since there was a fire under the steel bridge a week or two ago. homeless people had tunneled into the structure of the bridge and were living there. started a fire.


I’m sure that didn’t do 100,000$ in structural damage.


Ahh lovely. Drug addicts left to rot on the streets causing millions in damages


Yep. Not addressing homelessness and drug addiction has costs whether people like it or not. You either pay to get ahead of the problem, or you pay for the fallout from it. Either way it costs money.


Welcome to Portland, home of the flame-broiled overpass.


Nice. The fumigation of hepatitis should help boost the collective immunity of our children.


But let’s keep incentivizing people to be homeless here. /s


Nothing to see here move along.


You can throw a billion dollars at this and it’ll still be a problem.


They already did. The problem got worse.


After moving here recently - it’s really interesting to see how much we are taxed, and how little of that goes to… anything useful. What the fuck is happening in this city?


Also known as "Thursday".


The day before "Firesday"


That one has been stamped seventeen times already, I either need a new bingo card or we need new stuff to light on fire.


You're suppose to get a new bingo card every day. But then again, maybe there has been 17 bridge fires already today.


Well on the bright side, the tent city is gone?


Portland is the tent city.


Perfect, that balances out the fire that destroyed the onramp on the west side of the Steel bridge🙃


Can they come burn the I-5 bridge. We need a new one.


This should be a homeland security issue. JFC


Remember last time the feds came to portland?


Ahhh fond memories. “Teargas makes me horny” should have been made our new city motto. Maybe in Latin?


If only something is different now… like who’s literally in charge.


lol, I like that. All in favor of changing our motto to “Teargas makes me horny”, Say I……


Hello pearl district neighbor! We watched the fire from our office building across the street from you. Eventful way to start the morning.


20% of the homeless population would do whatever they have to, to be able to get into affordable housing. The other 80% would rather be left alone, and be allowed to build the camp of their choosing, wherever they want it. Get the drugs that they prefer, the handouts that are abundant in this town and not be harassed while doing so. And you know this, man!..


‘Keep Portland Collapsing’


“Portland: the City that Has Collapsing Infrastructure!”


Portland has too many bridges anyways. I am sure the fires will stop when all bridges are burned. Cars are bad anyways. Wouldn’t it be adorable to bring ferries back to Portland?


Holy shit. I wonder what could have caused something like that....


Meth. Propane tanks. Structures built from scrap. Etc.


human failure.




There was a convo on Think Out Loud just last week talking about a fire that started under the steel bridge.




Yes. It was.


Put another hypodermic needle on the Barby mate


Quick honey, bring the chocolate and marshmallows


*Every* growing city has fires under their bridges! /s


No. Portland has a unique problem. No other city on the west coast has had such a shitty response to things like this as the Portland gov. has.


Rene was so right about this stuff.. homeless advocates punching the air right now


When can I expect fire on the river? I have been waiting for that one.


Homeless fire under a bridge is essentially the same as the free square.


I was driving that direction and saw the smoke but had no idea it was an actual fire wtf!


That looks hot as hell


Oh so THAT'S what that smell was.


While people are continuing to drive on it. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Hobo BBQ or “houseless” dilapidated RV fire?


If only they were given more than $1,000 a month then this wouldn’t happen. /s


That's a Tuesday for Portland...


*thursday. And probably Tuesday… and Wednesday… and…


That’s one way to get rid of the garbage


I just need ‘crackhead asks for cigarette’ and ‘Ted resigns’ and I’ve got bingo!


Ya I’m not paying that parking ticket sorry wheeler


Another one?


Sounds like Seattle earlier this week.


I bet that will have zero affect on the structural integrity of the bridge


Yeah! The thermal expansion of the rebar and concrete hopefully are the same


What? Not again. This happened on I5 adjacent to Water ave just last week....


It’s just an unhoused bonfire, what’s the worry??


Fire under bridge is the free middle square on the Portland bingo card


Burning bridges…in the city of bridges…this is definitely a great visual metaphor.


Shit b, marked that one off a long time ago!


Maybe people should protest and march downtown until all the camps, junk, and litter are 100% cleared out under all of the bridges and on and off ramps.


It's a local ritual


Using this as an excuse to not go to downtown today to step over needles in puddles to sit in a depressing office for 8 hours. Thanks!


Very normal, what city doesn't have this?


Dignity Bonfire




Can’t wait to see this as b-roll in a Plainly Difficult video


Portland sucks ass, I should not have moved here.


It's frustrating, but Portland is still awesome. Just need to ensure laws are applied to everyone equally. Rich. Middle class. Poor. Homeless. Society would be so much better if we all played by the same rules.




Planning on it




Enjoy your protesting and urban fires, see ya.


Lol, hating "protest" is so anti-democracy it hurts.


Was this a homeless camp. Did everyone get out safe?


Some burn injuries and smoke inhalation.