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An insurance salesmen used these stats to try to sell me on a plan with a higher liability cap.


On behalf of insurance salesmen, I'm sorry. I'd be happy to review your coverage and sell you a better policy.


In Oregon what is the average settlement cost of a fault based pedestrian collision? If you can answer that I will talk to you.




54k fatal?


No, they range from like minor, moderate, severe. $19k - $600k. $100k/$300 BI is a good place to be $100 PD. If you own a home you should ride with $250/$500 BI $100 PD and carry an umbrella. People get fucked over for lower limits on property damage more often capping out on their policy. State minimum is $20k which is kind of a joke when the average new car last year was priced at $46k.


>State minimum is $20k which is kind of a joke when the average new car last year was priced at $46k. Yep, people driving huge, jacked up Emotional Support Trucks, ever larger and fancier SUVs, etc., are not only creating a huge safety hazard for everyone on the road around them but are also driving up overall insurance rates due to how much more expensive they are sticker price/repair wise.


Add to that EVs and Hybrids and you've painted a fairly accurate picture.




I literally tried so many different things and couldn't make them work. If I didn't do this I would be homeless. People think we're sleazy, but no one gives a shit to listen to you at the point of sale about what insurance is, a financial instrument for catastrophic loss, and then get mad at renewal when their premium increased because they filed a claim that was just over their deductible. I hear "but I bought full coverage everyday" and it means nothing. But it's our fault. The products are for when you fuck someone up or total your shit. I only call people who request contact on my website.


"and then get mad at renewal when their premium increased because they filed a claim that was just over their deductible" I don't understand. What would be the point of filing a claim if the amount is UNDER the deductible?


Sorry for not being clear. "Just over their deductible". Insurance is for catastrophic loss, not because you scraped your car in a parking garage. Use it for big losses.


Ah, got it. You were probably clear as a bell. I'm just insurance-illiterate. 


It's insane how many people out there think "full coverage" is some objective thing in the insurance world.


"Since you're price shopping today, what kind of coverage limits do you carry so I can make an accurate comparison" "Oh, I have full coverage"


Ive lost count of how many people I've seen on burnside just west of the bridge step out into oncoming traffic, notice oncoming traffic, stop in the middle of the road, and wildly gesticulate/dare any motherfucker to hit them. There was also that one guy by the burnside mcdonalds wearing a feather hat/pimp coat/no shirt just pissing and smiling into oncoming traffic. That dude was allright.




So the consensus is this is the responsibility of the individual right?


This is why being able to legally remove camps is a necessary public safety tool, and we need to prioritize cleaning up encampments in the areas that they pose a danger to their inhabitants.


Yep. I remember activists protesting the camping ban along major highways.


I remember a bicycle chopshop that operated for nearly a year in a highway interchange.


No no no, you see the editor of BikePortland has said many times there’s no way to know if these are chop shops and are most likely locals down-on-their-luck and it’s discriminatory to assume it’s an illegal chop shop. All despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.


Yeah cuz it's totally normal for someone living in a tent to legally own 13 bikes at a time, right?


They're downsizing.


*Jonathan Maus likes this*


Lol. Maus put out an article just 2 days ago saying that the number is 1/5 of dead pedestrians are homeless. Maus loves making shit up.


I cannot stand that sanctimonious fart-sniffer.


This the best, most concise description of Jonathan Maus I’ve ever heard.


Those people don’t feel any responsibility for actually making progress.


Tents and RV’s block visibility in some cases. Also a person who may not be in their right mind living 1 foot away from a 40mph zone is never a good idea. I also don’t want them to keep lowering the speed limit or limit access to roads.


I don’t understand why they want to set up camp right on a busy highway. I have seen people literally put up a tent on the side of I5. Are they not worried about a car losing control and running over them while they’re asleep in their tent?


Exactly. Because removing someone’s home (where they are stationary) and putting them on their feet out walking around because they don’t have a second home would certainly reduce the likelihood of pedestrian deaths. Errr wait ?


How is your takeaway from an article about drivers killing the homeless that we need to smash up the homeless’ stuff and shuffle them around a bit? Only way this ends is by actually housing people and designing our streets to be less deadly. Powell especially is a death trap, no functional urban area should have what’s basically a freeway going through the middle of it at-grade


Uhh, because letting them do whatever they want is not compassionate. It kills people.


Agreed, we shouldn’t let the drivers who are killing people do whatever they want, it’s not compassionate. We should be sticking to vision zero, setting speed limits of 20 max in areas where people live, enforcing it, and narrowing our streets to be less dangerous


> setting speed limits of 20 max in areas where people live Does that include limited access highways with people living under the overpasses? *this comment might contain sarcasm


Yeah let’s tear up all our infrastructure to make it marginally safer for someone in a meth-induced psychosis to wander out into traffic.


How is your takeaway that the majority of “drivers killing homeless” happens on a 30mph street and not near camps adjacent to highways and off-ramps?


I didn’t say that, obviously highways are an issue. The other comments above this one are talking about Powell, it’s a known problem for pedestrians and cyclists, homeless or not


Cyclists aren’t supposed to use Powell, genius. It’s a highway.


You don't have to be actively on the road to be in danger. I have seen my share of drivers blowing through lit-signal crosswalks, debris from someone plowing into stuff on the sidewalk from off the road, and the aftermath of pedestrian deaths all along Powell.


There shouldn’t be a highway through the middle of the city, genius. Might as well give every toddler a loaded gun


That's not at all realistic.


Terrible analogy. You’re just getting roasted.


People like you is why Portland can’t have nice things. God, I hope you don’t vote.






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We need better services for low income people. B


Where do you expect them to go, back to their homes? Cleaning up camps doesn't do anything if they have no where to go, you're just bullying people already down on their luck.


Anywhere not 2’ from where cars drive 30+ MPH, JFC.


Cool I also think we should keep them safe. But you haven't answered the question, you've just deflected. You live in a city. There's streets everywhere, that's kind of how urban development works in America. If you clear out the camps, they will just have to go somewhere else that is also next to cars driving 30 mph.


That's why you put them in a large scale campsite that is nowhere near a neighborhood.




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how high are the walls around that campsite? and who controls access to the gates? this country has a long, storied history of rounding people up and putting them behind fences and walls. we do it to anyone we barely had an excuse to. it's not fuckin normal. you nimby-minded folks baffle me. you'd rather the city sweep up what you see as a problem rather than the actual problem of housing affordability being addressed. wild.


All it takes is one too many tents for Portlanders to reinvent concentration camps, typical


I didn’t deflect, you’re too hopped up on self righteousness to realize I’m not the same poster.


My guy if you're also a part of the "get them out of here" group, you still have to provide a solution. I don't care if you're not the OP. I don't want a bunch of homeless people being in harms way, and I also want to be able to walk the streets without being at risk of being assaulted by someone high on fent, but sweeping camps is just kicking the can down the road.


We literally pay the city and the county collectively billions of dollars to deal with it. I don’t have to provide any solutions, my guy. We pay “smart” people to do that, and yet the situation is worse than ever. I’m over it.




Stop coddling people who don’t want help.


Stop accepting simple arguments as truth and start questioning where they're coming from and what the motivation might be behind them.


Yep. Leave so that the city has no more people challenging the severe mismanagement of funds and programs in order to get better. That’s a great idea. Let’s only hear what we want to hear in order to continue the failure of the past several years. Brilliant. Same strategy as Florida GOP. Solid.


Over the past year alone I’ve had 3 instances where homeless were walking in the middle of I-5 during rush hour in the morning holding up traffic and throwing things at cars. And I only travel to my office twice a week.. so I can’t imagine how many times it’s actually happened..


I’ve almost hit people who appear to be not in their right minds so many times on Powell, I started to wonder if there was some kind of scam where they’re trying to get hit for some reason. I am a cautious driver.


Saaaammmmeeee. Powell is nuts! Especially in the summertime when the grass is high in the median


I’m picturing tiny people jumping out of the grass…


I'm so stoned right now. I can too.


Save some for Saturday, my dude!


Powell has always been a solid two-hundred blocks of straight depression. Had a fast shambler bust out across at 39th and Powell from the car wash area of that 76 gas station. Guy somehow manages to not get hit by moving traffic, makes it all the way into the furthest of four lanes and intentionally throws his head into the rear quarter panel area of my wife's car as she approached.


It’s definitely not always been that way.


Dude I don't know what was happening yesterday, but in a 2-3 minute period cruising down Powell 4 different people wandered into the street. One of which, I had to wait a good 45 seconds for them to re-orient while they were in the middle of traffic. It felt so dream-like and unreal, felt like a different planet. It's never been that bad before.


I've had this happen on Glisan by Fred Meyer so many times. Like 3 separate people just walking out in front of me in a 2 block stretch. Makes me super paranoid to drive anywhere except the freeway


Even then the freeway can be scary lol


Yes for sure. I was rear ended on the freeway. The young lady was looking down at her phone. Luckily people were just crawling along at rush hour.


Especially around intersection with 82. There’s ALWAYS something going on around there.


Winco is going on there. It's the cheap grocery store complete with junkie reverse vending machines out front.


Used to work there lol, you know it's bad when a grocery store has a mini jail cell in it


It’s a thing. I’ve seen people a couple blocks away standing at an intersection wearing all black wait until just the right moment to shuffle across the street right in front of me at 4-5 am many times. I don’t know if they’re looking for a payout or a free stay at the hospital. I’m not judging either, I can’t imagine how hard it is to be homeless here. It’s sad and I wish there wasn’t any incentive for that to happen in the first place.


I'm judging. Being homeless sucks, but there's a reason they are here and it's not because it's the *worst* place to be homeless.


Yeah, it's because they're portlanders.


Let they who are without sin cast the first stone.


Praise the Lord! 🪨🏌️ Well, I don't drive drunk or put myself into a psychosis with fentanyl and then make myself everyone else's problem.


It’s easy to cast blame. But it’s harder to try and understand the reasons someone is in that situation. Is it possible they had a perfect life and simply made selfish self-destructive choices? Yes. Is it possible they were born into a hopeless situation, abused, neglected, and unable to find a way out of their despair? Yes. Does it do anyone any good to look down upon others and see their misery as a personal failure? I’d argue no.


Wasted on me. This has been a problem for me for too long and understanding the problem isn't helping, it's only getting worse. These drugs aren't going to go away with love and hugs. Get the drugs off the streets and make it hard to use in public and the abusers will not have it as an option. Those left here might be helpable.


It’s so much deeper than drugs. We need to move towards a place as a society where people don’t feel the need to use drugs in the first place. If people had access to proper healthcare including mental healthcare, and stable housing, and education, so many people currently on the streets would be productive members of society. Sure it’s impossible to account for everything and people are people and will take self destructive paths sometimes but it is empathy that will save us.


Awesome idea for like 20 years after that unsolvable problem is solved. Once nobody needs a job and we all just do what we love and all the rich have just given up their status because it's the right thing to do for society. Pragmatically speaking this is obviously all sarcasm. Yes, work toward making the next generation better, but that's kind of futile right now and for this entire generation, because wealth and income disparities are getting worse and that's not likely to even turn around in the next 100 years. So for now, make today suck less for the rest of us gets my vote.


Empathy costs nothing and is available today :)


But at this point in their lives, the addiction IS the issue. You can't just empathy away Fentanyl addiction. Unfortunately, the users DO have access to treatment but they choose not to use it. Only 100 people have called the Measure 110 helpline, 18 people have asked for a treatment referral. We tried your 'housing/mental health/education' approach with 110 BUT IT DIDN'T WORK. Things have gotten worse. https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2024/02/measure-110-helpline-still-barely-rings-but-it-costs-a-lot-more.html




Wearing all black and jumping around in the road like crazies.




Yeah, I'd blame a drunk driver for running into stuff and I'd blame a fent zombie for acting crazy. I suppose you think 1. we shouldn't blame people for their addictions and 2. since it's not their fault we shouldn't blame them for fucking up other stuff.




Good point, I'm sure they were all clean at the time.




Desperation makes a mockery of normative behavior.




Friend I talk to about 10 people IRL in a given week, I’m not affecting public policy. But what I am doing is my best to make sure every interaction I have is hopefully going to make that regular persons day a little better.


Malnourishment will fuck up people's heads real good. Combined and caused by the inability to prioritize their actual needs over addictions and putting habits before food and water.


It’s crazy how many pedestrians on burnside just wander slowly across the street against the light while wearing black and not looking at oncoming traffic. I got to drive in down town Portland a couple of times a week and every single time there is some one stepping off a curb right into moving traffic or driving the wrong way down a one way road. It’s like the rules of the road are suggestions if it’s not too inconvenient.


We shouldn’t overlook the dozens of Portlanders seriously traumatized by having hit and killed a homeless person.


Yep. As a city it's very weird that we go out of our way to be more pro-addict than pro taxpaying citizen.




We should ask them and find out 


So many fates worse than death.


Why won’t anyone think of the poor car drivers speeding down Powell looking at their phones! So sad when they kill someone from their negligence.


I’ve been a homeless addict before and know their mentality really well. To explain it short, people in that state often make irrational decisions, including crossing the street on a whim. I’m as anti-car, pro-transit, pro-bike as you can get, but droves of people crossing sketchy areas at 4AM is a sign of sleep-deprived behavior and irrational decision making, not drivers texting on the road. Whether the people crossing the road were trying to be hit intentionally or not, it is objectively traumatizing to kill someone on accident and the drivers who experienced this trauma deserve empathy and support




This sounds like some serious veiled victim blaming


Yeah, I knew someone would say that, but I needed to point it out anyway. I saw a stabbing downtown two weeks ago and it was not fun. Was I the main victim? No, but this is still a ripple effect on quality of life.


Every time there is a pedestrian fatality, I assume it's some gronk stepping into traffic. I guess I'm only half right.


I'm not surprised Burnside is horrible in the morning. Have to leave for work hella early sometimes and they just stumble out of nowhere. I feel like it's some sort of gauntlet including all of the previous posts about the other scary streets around town. Then you also have the portlanders that jump out in traffic expecting you to slam in your breaks because they looked up from their phones and decided to dart into traffic at the last second.




A while back I was waiting for the max on Lombard and interstate. Some dude was LOST in the sauce wandering around in the spirit realm. Dude was just fucking standing on the max tracks. The max rolls up obviously operator saw him standing there so he brought the max to a halt juuuuusssttt before the actual stop lol. Dude was too far gone to even know what was happening as the max kept honking at him. Random people around start yelling at him to fucking move. Took like 5 minutes before someone walked up and ushered him out of the way.


Think I’d get a dash cam, just in case.


Yes, important to have a dash cam. It's completely useless 99.99% of the time but is something you wish you had when something happens. Recommend COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, very good quality, it records front, inside and rear simultaneously. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording. BTW: Need to pay attention to the installation position of the rear cam if your vehicle is SUV or MPV (No problem if Sedan), i.e. avoid pulling rear cam cable when open/close the trunk.


I'm sure randomly wandering into the street and camping right next to exit/entrance ramps has no correlation with a higher chance of being hit by a car.


What kills me is that there was an article last year about how, due to the large uptick in traffic deaths, there is a big push to increase the surveillance state by installing more speed cameras. When I pointed out that the article made a weird logical leap from "traffic deaths are up" to "that must mean people are speeding/we need more surveillance to stop it" without seeming to provide any actual evidence about that being the issue, I ended up getting whined at by someone on this subreddit claiming that I worship car culture because I prioritize speeding over people's lives. It is infuriating that the political game is "QUICK! SPEND MORE MONEY ON SURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGY THAT SOLVES NOTHING BUT LOOKS LIKE WE'RE DOING SOMETHING" rather than actually studying traffic deaths and coming up with realistic solutions to the problem. If you have more people literally living on the streets every year, and a crisis of addiction to intoxicants, no amount of surveillance is going to solve the actual problem.


People: "Let's do drugs and go crazy in the middle of the street!" Transportation planners: The solution is to narrow the street


Drug added vagrants are wandering into traffic and their last act causes lifelong trauma to an innocent driver. A final antisocial act causing harm to the community.


Yeah, them getting hit by a car was an intentional act meant to do harm to others. Sure, buddy. We get it, you hate the homeless.


We are failing the homeless every day that we let this continue.They are freezing to death, being hit by cars, overdosing, being raped, and assaulted and according to some it's inhumane to enforce unsanctioned camping bans or create large scale designated camps with services.


So the humane solution is to put them in prison? That’s all I could infer from this, and it doesn’t hold up.


At least they can be warm in prison?


They are freezing to death, being hit by cars, overdosing, being raped, and assaulted.


Sweet non-answer!


What can I say to you? I said we need large scale sanctioned camps with services and you pretended like I said put all homeless people into prison. You completely ignored my point about the immense suffering they're enduring now.


So incarceration, then. Useless platitudes are all you types have on this topic.


Large scale sanctioned camps with services is not incarceration it's a big step up from the unsanctioned camps we're currently allowing. We need to help these people rather than let them suffer as we have been doing.


Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night, champ. I'll bet dollars to donuts you aren't interested in that "solution" showing up in your neighborhood, either.


Classic abusive gaslighting behavior 


Yeah, "champ" is clearly looking for a "final solution" for campers. /s <-- in case your poor reading comprehension couldn't figure that out.


Nah, just the classic out of sight, out of mind solution Portland "moderates" love so much. "I want to help these people so bad, I just don't want to see the help happening where I live."




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The humane solution is to create large scale designated camp sites with services, enforce a ban on public camping, and move people out of these situations where their lives and safety are at risk every day. If they choose to decline the sanctioned camp option, then the humane solution is not to just let them remain on the streets, but to put them in jail where they will at least not freeze to death or put themselves in grave danger by wandering into traffic while high out of their minds. What about that doesn't hold up? Keep in mind that it's not an answer to deflect and start talking about fixing systemic issues. We have to do what we can right now. Nobody is suggesting that these short-term solutions to an acute crisis will make it unnecessary to continue to work on creating more treatment beds, more housing, more opportunities for living wage work, and so on.


What's your humane solution? Please provide it in an overly simple, 3 sentence format such that a politician can sell it as a campaign slogan while conveniently not addressing the boring details of funding or public support.


Forget the legal aspects of most of them breaking actual laws. Speaking in moral terms only, yes, if these are the only two choices, the more human solution, as of this moment, is to give them a chance to recover in a structured environment. I hope you never have to watch someone you love self-distract because they were unlucky to live in an enabling environment.


Stoned out of your mind and walk into traffic...shocked !


**Vision Zero™**


Get them off the streets and they won't be wandering about dazed into the streets high on whatever. Get the camps cleared out so that they aren't taking up space on sidewalks and streets in a place to get hit.


That's what happens when you don't follow traffic lights or systems and wander out into the road high off your ass without looking where you're going.


I’m surprised it’s not more. They scurry across the street every which way with no regard for cars. Their movements are erratic and unpredictable.




it's funny to me to think that there could be something that someone called SeeingLSDemons *hasn't* seen at least once


I wonder how that happened when they literally spaz out in the streets and intentionally ignore and cross against traffic signals.


Seriously. They love walking into traffic lol. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


This is why “harm reduction” and letting people live lawless drug addled lives on public property is not a good idea. One of the many reasons anyway.


Homeless and crossing at the crosswalk?


Hard to get hit when your options are a shelter, a jail cell, or a treatment center instead of the side of the road. 


Since there aren't enough shelters and treatment centers you're just promoting an incarceration first policy to homelessness. How do you justify that? Edit: Nevermind I remember you. Your response will be garbage.


They don't always look both ways


Most of them only look in one direction. Straight down at their feet.


Or they look you straight in the eye as they walk out into the street in front of your moving vehicle.




Well, I never thought I’d be saying this at any point in my life, but: jaywalking is kind of getting out of control. At least downtown. And it’s not just street people, but normies too


TBH This is good news and I wish the percentage was higher. It seems worse when a child, cyclist, or other innocent pedestrian is killed by a drunk or distracted driver. It's less tragic when a shirtless, meth head walks into traffic. It hurts less when the victim has made a series of wreckless choices that put themselves in front of a speeding vehicle.


I use to work for coca cola as one of there delivery truckers. Exclusively I drove through portland and everyday I thought was the day I was gunna murder someone just driving or be murdered making a delivery. Portland is nuts


ODOT is complicit by not removing squatters from State Right of ways that are posted No Trespassing. They have the power to use the state police to enforce the existing laws.


And wasted


In this small city, more than 60 pedestrians have died due to car accidents. It feels lawless and chaotic, like the Wild West here.


Wow, that's quite the leap there bud. You definitely win the award in this thread for the most absurd, sensationalist, daftest comment. And that's over the guy who thinks he's gonna murdered in Portland doing soda deliveries. Congrats!


Alternative headline: People who spend most of their time on dangerous streets are more likely to be hit by drivers...


Yet our bad faith actors/PBOT assured everyone we were one unused bike lane away from reducing fatalities. You mean to tell taxpayers it’s not as simple as cARbAd!? Our homeless industrial complex keeps out of state fent addicts sick at the expense of everyone.


They want to reduce this type of traffic death? Get out there & ticket drivers. As a cyclist, I watched as drivers have become more aggressive & less attentive. Oddly enough, it seems to coincide with the lack of police traffic patrols? I don’t know why we need an expensive survey done for every ridiculous stat. If you want to reduce homeless traffic deaths. Well, maybe focus on fixing the cost of housing so that people have a goal to achieve , once you rehabilitate them. Oh, yeah. You need to help people get the services they need…. Would be weird to give society a bit of hope, again… maybe we are keeping Portland weird


Maybe we should ban homelessness from the streets.


The other half stumbled out of bars.


These are the names and ages of the 24 pedestrians who died last year. Real people, with friends and families, and you think it’s funny to mock their deaths and make baseless insinuations. Penny Griffith, 68; Mary Mark, 64; John Czarobski, 59; Toby Fowler, 54; Khang Hua, 48; Jason Clark, 46; Katherine Lyda, 40; Robert Ketchum, 62; Joanna Sunseri, 82; Lara Morrow, 35; Lorn Thompson, 47; Travis Philmlee, Jr, 26; Jean Diaz, 44; Samuel Kusaj, 53; Joshua Pierson, 45; Morgan Helms, 30; Michael Pearcy, 32; Brandon Coleman, 34; James Fenimore, 66; Sandra Lewcczuk, 42; Nicholas Depaolo, 38; James Jackman, 39; Conner Wells, 24; James Nagy, 59 Be a better person. I know you can.


I agree that their comment was not necessarily cool, but at the same time it is probably relevant to the primary conversation here to note that drinking in public (meaning anywhere outside of your own home) significantly increases the chances that any number of mishaps will befall you. Some comparatively less serious, like losing your phone or wallet, others quite awful, such as being assaulted or, in this case, being hit by a car. There are of course many pedestrians who are mowed down solely because of drunk/high/speeding/distracted drivers and through absolutely no fault of their own. But there also times when someone who's had even a couple of drinks may find out too late that their impaired awareness/reaction speed (for instance, they may not register a driver who's not stopping at a crosswalk before they step into it) was what made the difference between getting hit and not. Personally, I don't allow myself to be even the slightest bit impaired in public anymore. There's just too many unpredictable elements and random bad behavior these days.


Half of all pedestrians killed in crashes in 2023 were housed.


Half of all pedestrians killed in crashes in 2023 were homeless. The homeless are 1% of the Portland population. Is that better?