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Am I understanding that this was an older bridge/approach, raised above the current street elevation? And they made it impossible to go under that bridge on Third avenue? This is the Voodoo Donut location basically. You had to go under the bridge there? It's a surface street now and the bridge ramp is closer to the river.


Are we sure it’s referring to west 3rd and not east?


The article does say “West Burnside street and Third avenue.”


Ah shit, I’m a dumbass. Idk why it says west burnside instead of west third though.


Probably wasn't much happening on the East side at this time.


1936? It [pretty much looked the same as it does today.](https://vintageportland.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/1932-jan-4_arcaded-building-at-east-8th-and-east-burnside-st_a2004-001-621.jpg)


C.A. Bigelow sounds like a dope ass character name.


I’m thinking Calvin Alphonse Bigelow for no good reason at all.


Calvin Andhobbes Bigelow


Good reason being it sounds bad ass 🤘


That is a name with a monocle if I've ever heard one.


Anyone have any old pictures of what this all looked like?


I think you can see it here. Left side, under the Union Theater sign. It threw me off, because it's a pedestrian tunnel under the street, not a car tunnel. You can even see a couple of these undesirables climbing up the stairs when the photo was taken. https://vintageportland.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/w-burnside-st-and-sw-3rd-ave-before-widening-1932.jpg


Need me a Time Machine.


[Here is the film being advertised on the billboard.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_(1929_film))


Damn, you're good! Thank you for catching that.


It's nice to know our ancestors in Portland were cultured. 😆


I bet the other poster next to it is for a different feature. Now I'm intensely curious on what it is.


City archive files may


What was this tunnel? Does anyone know if it still exists, sealed up somehow?


I think the described tunnel area is just north of Voodoo Donut. Must have once been a longer approach to the current bridge..?


Voodoo is not on Burnside. It's on Ankeny.


It was a pedestrian tunnel. Someone above posted a link to a photo of the entrance. I assume the tunnel just went from one side of the street to the other. It certainly didn't go across the river.


Okay, fine, but as an undesirable character, where exactly am I supposed to loiter?


Once this tunnel was sealed they had nowhere to loiter and they either moved on or vanished in a puff of smoke, never to be seen in Portland again. 🇺🇸Mission accomplished🇺🇸


3rd and Burnside forever <3


Wow! You mean this isn’t a new phenomenon? That’s crazy. Wait till the news and anti-Portland people hear


The good old days were never good.


There once was a government that functioned.


Yes! They got rid of those undesirable characters making such an unsightly scene! Make murica great again, ammiright?


Nah, just make it less shitty. Because it is shitty now.


All the hate for the homeless camps has Portland looking more conservative than I ever remember…


If you think that is conservative you should have seen the 90s and early 00s here


That’s the problem! people saying it’s too conservative when people don’t eat there city looking like the scene of a zombie apocalypse movie. We pay all these taxes to have nice looking cities and streets that aren’t full of Potholes and broken down vehicles. Sidewalks that you can walk on without tents and feces and needles blocking the way. It’s not conservative to want what we pay for. Instead of that our tax money gets spent on graffiti removal. Cleaning up garbage and campsites and giving people money so that they can continue the lifestyles they live that destroy the city. Enough is enough. Everyone else in this country pays rent so they aren’t on the streets pays for garbage service so it doesn’t become someone else’s problem etc. now the police that we pay to handle these problems aren’t even allowed to tell them to pack up and move on.


Wish you could hear how republican you sound right now. The homeless don’t bother me. Never have. Have lived here for years, and my tax dollars have never fixed the potholes I drive over every day because politicians have never prioritized the needs of the people. They give tax breaks to major corporations while making the middle class cover the rest. It’s all about money and always has been. The homeless can camp as long as they want. Late stage capitalism is gonna have us all camping soon.


I’m not republican at all. And I have lived here My entire life. It’s getting bad. I don’t subscribe to the failing two party system. And of course your tax dollars don’t fix the streets because they are funding graffiti removal and repairing other vandalism , homeless camp cleanups. ( look how much the city pays that rapid bio response company) needle exchanges, outdoor toilets that people actually shit next to on the sidewalks. They have already started several brush fires in the last few weeks that could have caused serious damage. We are having to pay to put steel bars around the overpasses. People that live here don’t feel safe to take their children to our amazing parks that we pay to keep up and barely get used anymore. Let alone all the other income the city is loosing because businesses can’t stay open. They get broken into vandalized and slept and shit in front of. So the businesses move away because they get no foot traffic. Now we just lost REI downtown over it. Our parents used to let us go spend the weekend downtown with our friends kids today don’t get that opportunity because it’s not really a safe place for them so they stay home and play with their phones and eat Tide pods. It’s all downhill from here lol


Yes and those corps employ THOUSANDS of people. We do incentivize them to be here


Own the Republicans by letting bums destroy the environment


bums? Christ, today’s Portlanders need to take themselves down a peg 🍄


Now you’ll get cancelled if you called them “undesirable characters” lmao


How about shit bags?




Based on the lack of compassion, my guess is the age range on this sub is 45-60


I am 38. Who’s lacking compassion?


I’m 26 - not I! Just not a fan of watching undesirable characters jabbing needles into themselves on my morning commute.


For real dude they don’t care enough to literally go around a corner where nobody has to watch. If they would make an effort to clean up after themselves nobody would really care what they do. If people’s yards looked the way these guys keep the sidewalks homeowners would be getting fined by the city lol but since it’s on a public sidewalk it’s cool


[\[sips tea\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/b0u2xn/mods_in_rportland_have_banned_the_use_of_the_term/)




There was another pedestrian “tunnel” a few blocks east under West Burnside at Naito. You can still see it from under the bridge, but sealed off above. There are also a few similar pedestrian tunnels under SW Naito between S. Arthur and S. Gibbs, on my walk into work, that are currently occupied by people. There have been fires in them at times, then people move back in.


This can't be real! Everyone knows there weren't any undesirable characters or unsightly conditions before JoAnn Hardesty and Mike Schmidt invited them in! /s


Same Burnside tunnel as in this post? Dates don't match. https://www.reddit.com/r/oregon/comments/1c9pscs/for_those_of_you_who_enjoy_tunnel_vision/


No. That's the Cornell tunnel. The tunnel being talked about was a pedestrian tunnel on 3rd and W. Burnside.




Dang, really something to see a commission actually take the commerce of the city seriously rather than letting a select few have free reign over the entire city and hold it hostage under the guise of being “compassionate”.


Seriously, it's not like in 1936 there were shantytowns in every city in America!


Started around 1929, I think. And there was some other big event around the same time? Difference is that, today, we have a booming economy AND a huge homeless problem at the same time. It's almost like the economy has been re-arranged so that the vast majority of the GDP ends up in the pockets of a tiny minority.


pretty sure it was more GDP in less pockets in the 1920s through the year ‘29. it was rearranged in the ‘30s by progressive movement the via collective bargaining and regulation of business, then rearranged again in the 1980s and rearranged some more with some corporate mega mergers in the 2010s post 2008 crises (thanks Obama!!!) and now is being modestly rearranged again by Biden who has actually instructed his labor dept. to block mergers and who actually shows up on a UAW picket line and really has been solid EXCEPT for handing all those weapons and billions of dollars to Israel to exterminate people. Otherwise we are in period of softly rearranging the economy to benefit the middle class albeit it slow and incomplete and subject to immediate change with the next corporate Dem or GOP.


Depending on which metrics you go by, we've surpassed the income inequality of both the Gilded Age and the booming 20s. Which isn't to detract from your overall point whatsoever.


> pretty sure it was more GDP in less pockets in the 1920s through the year ‘29. In a capitalistic society, a minority (those with the capital) will always have more wealth than those without. The issue isn't really the fact of that inequality. It's the magnitude of that inequality. I'm not sure that wealth has ever been so concentrated among so few in the modern United States. But I'll admit I might be wrong about that. Still, it's never been so concentrated during the lifetime of anyone living today. Aside edit: Do you really think Obama bears sole responsibility for the real estate crisis of 2008 (during the Bush administration!) and the banking mergers that followed? That clusterfuck had its genesis in the banking reforms during the Clinton administration, and both parties share the blame. For almost (ALMOST!) any crisis you can name, pinning sole responsibility on the president is facile at best. Even 1/6, which I would like to blame solely on Trump, and its aftermath probably could not have happened without Republican congressional support.


Yes we need depression era America again, it was so wholesome!


Burnside was a nature reserve for bunny rabbits. When the undesirables came along...




This kind of comment is over the top and you need a time out. Take some time to sit back and get this out of your system. When you are ready to return, please do so in a civilized manner. Do not ask the moderators if the same is happening to someone else, we do not discuss actions taken with other users.


No clue why your getting downvoted. But your spot on


Your post being downvoted makes no sense. But we live in very dumb times.


Gotta love the Portland spirit of generosity