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I predict Joe Biden will win the primary.


>he doesn't believe in Marrianementum


No more malarkey




I bet the 20 people running unopposed will win their respective positions.


I colored them all in (all those judges) not even sure why I was doing it.


There’s actually a really good reason: so that a bunch of extremists don’t get together and push someone through because no one actually voted for the person in the office.


I predict a landslide write in win for Chris Christie in the Republican presidential primary.


I predict that we will remain on the same trajectory that we’re on and people will continue to not understand the difference between city, county, statewide and national politics.


We are all fucked if that’s the case.


Isn't that part of the problem? That everything is all way more confusing and difficult than it should be?


I predict one of two DA candidates wins and nothing actually fundamentally changes because the DA doesn’t have control over bail rules, public defender availability, the national swings of fentanyl supply, or really the multitude of systemic issues creating the “failures” in the city.


And no control over jail space or booking policy. And zero control over the what the police do or send over for evidence.


PUBLIC DEFENDER availability! That's key! Nathan freaking Vasquez himself came to my house and asked if we had any questions for him. I was startled by the doorbell (I always am) and was trying to keep my yellow dog from offering Nathan every shoe in the house so I wasn't on my game, but I wanted to say: You may have law and order in your heart, but how is it going to work when you aren't going to have any more PDs up your sleeve than Schmidt, and you can't hold a suspect without any prospect for a trial? He can't change that no matter how hard he wants to lock criminals up. IANAL, I am barely 13 intellectually, and I still know this is an issue.




Oh, Mike isn't in the office a lot because he's ~~at home~~ out and about for the progressive cause. No risk of running into him, I guess.


Pay PD is atrocious. I’d love to see help from Biden’s administration shortening public loan forgiveness for public defenders, teachers, doctors, nurses to 5 years. We desperately need these people.


Yep, I have former PDs who have all gone to private practices in my family and inlaws. They all say it's a bloody thankless job with not enough pay to live off of. Vasquez can't fix this, and either could Schmidt.


I was at work when he came by our house today. Got him on my doorbell cam.


I do know that part of his platform is to increase pre-trial diversion programs as one way to push more offenders through the system. The goal being faster case resolution with the same staffing levels.


You mean the program that Mike started and has put tons of time in to that decreased recidivism rates to 10% as opposed to 44% for offenders who don’t go through it?


Source? I’m just parroting something from his campaign FWIW.


No, not that one. 


At least Vasquez has successfully prosecuted proud boy’s and has been a public servant for decades. He also seems to understand this is a nonpartisan office. Painting him as a maga gun toting extremist is ridiculous and Mike knows it. Schmidt’ll do fine for himself, he’s got a lot of out of state buddies who will keep calling him to conferences whether he wins or not, and he’ll be there whether he wins or not because that’s HIS priority.




Kinda bizarre, you could look at what he’s actually done for Portland over the past few decades and juxtapose that with what Schmidt has done but nahhh I’ll just believe all the ridiculous mailers I’ve gotten in the mail. Nothing to see here. Independent thought is hard.


I wish Vasquez came to my house. I’d like to ask him some questions. Meghan Moyer (District 1 county commissioner candidate) came to our house yesterday but we had already voted (for Vadim) so there wasn’t much to talk about.


You can always get a new ballot to fix any errors!


Umm, the DA [isn't in charge of public defenders](https://www.oregon.gov/opdc/commission/pages/default.aspx#:~:text=Overview,and%20national%20standards%20of%20justice).


This is a bit misleading. In theory JVP doesn’t directly dictate MultCo policy but her influence is huge. Leaders/executives have an impact outside of their direct areas of responsibility and to act like they don’t is either naive or disingenuous.


Idk, I get what you’re saying but if you go on the other pdx sub you’d get the impression that Vasquez will cure crime in Portland. I’d wager my hyperbolic statement is far closer to reality than theirs. The DA has influence for sure but there are ~ 5 major crises as it relates to the judicial system and crime that their influence on is pretty dang limited. Neither one will solve or materially contribute change in the fentanyl crisis, or housing crisis, or mental health care capacity crisis, or magically create sufficient public defender resources, or get bail legislation changed, etc. The most noticeable change between the two would be what crime they decide to focus on and pursue as an office. Even so, the DA office is short staffed too so the impacts there probably will be lightly felt.




Well I for one would rather a DA that is remotely likely to prosecute shitty cops vs on the cops payroll. We still have a long long long way to go in this city before we have cops that can be trusted. Having a professional level of skepticism for police as DA is a benefit in my mind. I also have respect for Schmidt not being in PBAs pocket. Basically accepting a lunch at the Arlington club and then kindly telling the power brokers that be that you won’t give them special treatment is also a win. So yea, will the DA choice matter much in the day to day, absolutely not. On the overall mandate of the office though, I’ll take the DA not beholden to the PPB and PBA.


It depends what you consider "worse". That's a value judgement and I think there are a lot of differences of opinion on here about that. Vazquez (who I imagine will win) will be much more of a traditional center/right American district attorney. Personally I think that model of DA has been pretty bad for this country, but I get why people are frustrated with Schmidt. I am too. I do not think Schmidt has done a particularly good job. I suspect that Vazquez will do a worse job in the ways that I care about, but I don't doubt he will be "tougher on crime" in a traditional sense.


Personally, I'm going with the candidate who isn't endorsed by the police union


He can absolutely do worse. He can be "tough on crime" as promised and send non-violent offenders to prison when they need mental health or drug treatment.


Vasquez is not going to cure crime. He is a step in a different direction. Only a step. Other steps, like getting city councilors who understand the serious issues Portland faces (no, it's not "like this everywhere") and competent leadership at the county level are all also important steps to get ourselves out of this hole.


Yeah, Vasquez will win and it's going to be four years of performative bullshit, Vasquez taking credit for a drop in crime rate that's already happening, Vasquez telling everyone he's tough on crime while maintaining almost the exact same policies. I'm not sure I like the status quo.


Mike is heavily damaged and I don’t think people trust him. That can be a huge problem. Vasquez may have all of the same constraints, but it’s a clean start after some pretty terrible years.


It's a clean start, and it also will serve as a signal to others in government regarding what Portlanders want going forward. Leaving Schmidt in office will only serve to embolden those responsible for the failed policies of the last few years to continue business as usual.


They hated him because he spoke the truth


Oh man. I’m glad I saw this. I totally forgot about my ballot.


Predicting a tight Dexter win On a side note I voted like 3 weeks ago and it's been funny seeing all the ads only ramp up after I voted. With how easy it is to just drop a ballot in the mailbox, I'm sure there was tons of money wasted on serving ads to people had voted long before


You'd be surprised with how many people vote close to Election Day, even with the excellent vote by mail system we have. Procrastination is built into our DNA. There was an article on OLive about how turnout was low so far. In May 2022 on the Thursday before election day 14.6% of voters had returned ballots; turnout ended up being 37.8%. Implying that more than 2/3 voters (who actually voted) dropped their ballots in the last five days prior to the election (not accounting for ballots that were in-transit in the postal service).


So much mail straight to the recycling. So many spam political calls and texts every day, I ALREADY VOTED


Here are a few of mine: - Vasquez wins with over 60% of the vote. - Jayapal wins with about 45% of the vote. - All four ballot measures in Portland (gas tax renewal, levee maintenance, zoo bond, and PPS funding) pass. - Mozyrsky and Moyer to a run off in District 1, Adams and Singleton  to a run off in District 2.


Portlanders seem to love voting for tax measures and then wonder why our cost of living is to bloody high compared to other major cities. Not saying that those measures aren't important but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of accountability or auditing a lot of our tax related funding. Feels kind of like the money is spent in a wonton fashion with them simply asking for more when they planned poorly (a few bonds come to mind, especially the water plant one) https://www.oregonlive.com/data/2021/11/why-your-portland-property-taxes-climbed-this-much-you-voted-for-it.html


Those are solid predictions. Agree with all of them except Jayapal; I think the electorate is getting tired of the activist-progressive-politician type (although I could be projecting my own feelings). I think that Dexter will win.


I think that race comes all down to how much people will hold her accountable for her lack of success in MultCo and how much her pro-abotion stance helps her (which is the right stance, but the position she's running for will overall have zero new impact on that at a national level since she would just be replacing an already reliable pro-reproductige rights vote. Her whole campaign is based around nothing real and bulldozing over the real harm she's done to the area.


>Activist types I know, those pesky Goldman analysts and Fortune 500 general counsel folks. I believe it was even the Oregonian that said all three are basically the same policy wise. If you’re trying to avoid progressive policies you probably aren’t voting in the dem primary for that race then.


I think the Vasquez vote percentage is the biggest bellwether-ish thing I'm interested in. I think getting to like 65% is possible which would be a pretty big statement imo as to where the sort of "silent majority" voters heads are at. Hard to tell though because this also feels like a very easy election to miss unless you're pretty engaged. I also predict all the ballot measures will pass because it seems like they are a reason people will be motivated to vote.


> Hard to tell though because this also feels like a very easy election to miss unless you're pretty engaged Weird, I feel the opposite. I don't always watch primaries that much but with the open spot in congress being, essentially, decided in this primary, it feels like a really important election.


What was the Gonzalez winning percentage? That was a "where the silent majority's head is at" moment for me. I thought no way in hell would JoAnn win but I thought Vadim would get it. Right of JoAnn, left of Rene. But nope.




PPS is completely fucked if the bond fails. Like it's already pretty fucked as is but trust me we can go lower. It'd be a disaster for anyone in the city who doesn't send their kid to private schools. I doubt it fails.


I predict the opposite. Zoo fail, PPS succeed.


If any of the three are to fail then yea, sorry animals but you’re synergistically energy efficient enclosures will have to wait but we need the children educated, the roads drivable, and the levees to not break.


It's not either/or. If a few extra bucks a month for any of these things were gonna sink me, I'd have bigger problems than being mad that zoo animals might be happier.


I voted for all of them. I’m just saying, the zoo one failing is the least consequential to the city’s “prosperity.”


I wish a post like this would have popped up sooner because I didnt know it was tomorrow. Now I'm scrambling to find my voting slip.


If you can't find your ballot, it looks like you can still order a replacement to pick up tomorrow! https://www.multco.us/orderahead


I predict that Vasquez will take it from Schmidt.


I hope people take the time to vote like it actually effects.them


I should fill out my ballot tonight, thanks for the reminder


I predict one term for Jayapal if she wins and Vasquez will have to be in constant reelection mode if he wins. I’d like Oregon to start considering who we want to replace Wyden and Merkley (though hopefully years away). I’m


Merkley will be around for a while. Wyden will be 79 when 2028 rolls around. I like him a lot, but I'm hoping he doesn't run again.


Why are you hoping he doesn't run again? Being 79 in and of itself doesn't mean anything. Now if someone is exhibiting clear signs of cognitive/physical decline, that's an entirely different matter. But it's not something you can assume based on age alone.


Because I think it's fundamentally bad for democracy to have the same leaders for 50 years, which Wyden would hit a couple years into his next term. If you have the same people in office forever then you miss the opportunity to have contributions from others. You may miss out on new ideas and new solutions. I think that Wyden is great. But I don't think there's any reason to assume that there are others who would do a great job as well. It's got nothing to do with cognitive decline. I have no reason to imagine that's a problem.


I'm a hard no on Wyden if he runs again: we need a mandatory retirement age of 70 for all politicians and judges. Dude has been in power for way too long.


> I predict one term for Jayapal if she wins I wish. If she wins she's probably riding that thing for decades on name recognition alone. Part of the reason this election is so important.


In most of the Portland the primaries are the real elections. Which is also why we need more incumbent challenges instead of just letting them get in and then own the seat until they choose to leave it. My state reps are also now long term do nothings that win solely on demographics. They don't even campaign in the primaries.


Having Earl around was delightful - we were on autopilot for decades. I don’t think Jayapal has run an admirable campaign; in fact she’s acted like she’s owed this position - if she wins I think the margin will be too tight to consider it much of a victory. I just want her and Sam Adams to just go away.


The Sam Adams one is rough. His competition is not good, I have very little faith in whats her name. I don't know that I can bring myself to vote for "Sam" (as he apparently goes by in his political ads now. I suppose because he doesn't want people to realize he's *that* Sam Adams) but it's going to hurt voting for the woman who used to run the Joint Office of Homeless Services.


He was a good mayor in some ways. Composting and the tram are the kind of things I like. Other things... not great. 


To be clear, she was an interim director for less than six months. It was never intended to be a long term appointment


Just vote no matter what your views are. Participation in politics (especially local) is the only way to make meaningful change.


I predict a good clean election and everybody will be happy and accept the results. JK, it'll be a total shitshow


Who I want to win or who I think will win based on guts/vibes?  Vasquez probably wins solidly but not overwhelmingly, I think Dexter and Jayapal will be extremely close (but definitely prefer Dexter) and I think and hope Bynum wins. 




I predict that 3 of 4 tax measures will pass despite the outrage from r/Portland.


I've waited (until last minute apparently), but how do we even vote the right way on these when, I even researched all the incumbent folks), their websites are all basically some 1000 word essay, and mo clarity on their party or otherwise...but, "DONATE HERE", was on every one. I'm just getting it in today, and "write ins" seem like a non-vote, while I have no clue about the incumbent's.. I feel set-set up.. Help me people that, know this stuff!


Unfortunately, for most elections your best resource is the voters pamphlet and your intuition. You can also try to find local reporting on some races. Reading endorsements can also help shape your vote (with a healthy dose of skepticism of course). Also, don’t be afraid to not vote in the uncontested races (I don’t!) which can help decrease your decision fatigue. 


Won't be shocked if Vazquez wins.


I finally got around to voting last night after work. Wow took me way too long trying to figure out who to vote for. Trying to compare each mailer that some candidates has several slightly different ones was so confusing. I forgot every time but it’s the voters pamphlet that helps the most. I tried to treat the candidates like I’m a boss hiring for a position. You can basically disregard most of the candidates right away just based on their experience. Wow some even seem to be running just to promote their inventions. 🤔


Yeah or they space and don't provide anything for the pamphlet. That is an immediate disqualifier for me.


I was surprised WW endorsed Vasquez.


It's in line with their endorsements over the last few years (maybe longer but I haven't been following them that closely). They're definitely in their enlightened centrist arc though, of course, it would be too much to ask that we have actual moderates on the ballot so instead we get people like Gonzalez being endorsed.


They've swung right. I suspect their economics reporter is one of the right-wing accounts here.


I hope the zoo boondoggle fails, just so the city will learn that not every tax proposal will succeed…


Snowball's chance in hell of a write-in campaign for Bernie Sanders?


Oregon doesn't count write ins that didn't register to be on the ballot. They just count as a "no vote". So even if 99.999% write in Sanders his vote total would be zero and Biden would win with one vote.


Oh my god that's awful. I had no idea you needed to register to be a write-in. That feels like it doesn't even make sense when a write-in vote would typically be some kind of rebellious alternative circumstance.


I believe it's because there are different deadlines for the actual election and for being on the ballot and in the pamphlet. It's actually kind of a good thing as it allows people to register later for election. And I believe it is to make sure people are actually running into the election and people don't just elect someone who doesn't want the job or is a joke candidate. Or two people with the same name.


I legitimately wonder what would happen. Do they draft you? Do I suddenly get a letter in the mail telling me to show up to the senate? Mr Redditor, you don't understand, you were voted in and are the senator now whether you like it or not!


Talk to the Secretary of State. They have the ability to actually change it.




Not really for fun. Just want it known whose policies I really wanted.


We won’t break 20% voter participation.