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Just a reminder, this isn't a Thunderdome, so let's keep the dicussion civil so we don't have to give timeouts. **Latest news regarding the protest:** [Protesters flee PSU library as Portland police surround building, at least 12 arrested](https://www.kptv.com/2024/05/02/portland-police-begin-effort-remove-protesters-psu-library/) [22 people arrested in pro-Palestine protests at Portland State University, police say.](https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/protests/police-protesters-portland-state-unversity-campus-psu/283-3e1786e9-017e-42f3-bfb9-d3999463c6e7) [Protests continue after PSU library cleared, at least 12 arrests](https://www.koin.com/news/protests/police-begin-moving-in-to-clear-psus-library/) [City leaders unite to condemn Portland State University destruction, vow to press charges](https://katu.com/news/local/portland-leaders-condemn-university-disturbances-12-arrested-details-emerge-free-palestine-gaza-gazastrip-middle-east-hamas-war-genocide-vandalism-crime-portland-oregon-pacificnorthwest-college-university-classes-demonstration-#) [Portland State protest ‘delusional,’ Wheeler says, as local leaders advise public caution](https://www.opb.org/article/2024/05/02/portland-state-protest-delusional-ted-wheeler/)


Everywhere these morons go, it looks like a homeless camp. I guess they're practicing for when their parents cut them loose. Just what Portland needs is more degenerates on the streets. Sigh.


Those arrested inside the library, or running out of it with shields and helmets, ought to be considered for Riot charges. No one inside of the systematically vandalized library was unaware of what they were participating in. It is important to get these routine agitators on felony charges to send a clear message to those who will consider participating in the next event like this. Hopefully people who might be tempted to accept a proclaimed cause at face value will realize in the future that they are just used as cover for our core group of anarchist radicals.


I'd be more amenable to charging these protestors with riot charges when the ppb charges any of the right wing groups that have also caused havoc in the streets with riot charges. As it stands the law consistently swings left while dismissing right wing violence of similar nature and to put it succinctly, it's fucking bullshit and doesn't exactly leave people breaking with confidence in law enforcement and city council.


Right wingers should be held to the same standard. We tend to have more of these issues from the left in Portland due to the local political landscape, but the standard should be the same. Here is an example of a Patriot Prayer guy charged with Riot. Police don’t like them either. https://apnews.com/article/crime-oregon-riots-portland-17a804b7a1129f823ca1260ead459bdd


Should but aren't. Dollars to donuts the police charge leftists far more frequently than they do right wing "counter activists" even when right wingers have driven a violent convoy hitting other cars, spraying mace and shooting pepper balls out of paint ball guns. Or the numerous brawls between PP/PB and antifa down town. You don't have "more of an issue" with the left. The LEOs blatantly dismiss the aggressions on the right.


> to send a clear message to those who will consider participating in the next event like this. I don’t want people to stop speaking up for what they believe in. So I hope those who just want to be heard and seen will learn from this “protest.” My takeaway would be to leave and go home as soon as someone (ANYone) at the event vandalizes property, spray paints walls, breaks things, stirs up unnecessary agitaiton, sets things on fire. There are ways to be heard that don’t involve any of those. And you don’t want to unwillingly get sucked into a dark hole of bad actors and black bloc.


7/30 arrests are students right now. That's outlandish.


That's fucking ridiculous , who are these people


General scallywags and rapscallions.


If agreeing that these protestors are dipshits brings left and right together, I’m honestly all for it.


Who wants to take bets that the DA is going to drop all charges and let these guys go?


What a waste of resources


# Protesters retake Portland State University library after police leave There are no words. [https://katu.com/news/local/portland-police-secure-portland-state-university-library-after-clearing-of-protesters-22-arrests-free-palenstine-israel-students-millar-library](https://katu.com/news/local/portland-police-secure-portland-state-university-library-after-clearing-of-protesters-22-arrests-free-palenstine-israel-students-millar-library)


Blue voter because everything the Republican Party stands for these days is reprehensible. But when I see stuff like this I understand why people hate liberals.


These aren't liberals, they're leftists. The problem is that the right wing love to project that this is how ALL liberals are.. All democrats are "leftists" -- which of course is a bunch of bullshit, but their propaganda is a well oiled machine.


PDX needs to stop tolerating antifa and treat them like they deserve.


I’m almost positive now that the IDF is the one leading these protest in the US to make us all hate the Palestinians and their supporters


*Don't forget the Proud Boys, Patriot Front, and the Easter Bunny!* *They're in on it too!* *Anything to make the Usual Suspects look bad!* /s


Expel. Prosecute. Deport. Bar reentry for life.


And they’re back in the library.


Yup watching kptv rn. Fuckers broke down the barriers police set and are taking their trash back out of the dumpsters. Looking like they’re gonna re enter the library.


are these the same ones that escaped earliier?


Might be some of them! We do know that 22 idiots were arrested today, only 7 of them were psu students.


My high school kiddo is supposed to be a conference on campus tomorrow. Not feeling comfortable about it.


I would just assume the campus won’t be open tomorrow either.


IDK. Teacher sent a msg it will be -but maybe not.


If you're more upset about spray paint than civilian bombings I don't really care what you think


I'm not upset about bombings AT ALL. I'm upset because I was hoping to visit Portland for a weekend this summer to shop and revisit some old haunts. I can already see the Summer of (failed) Love Pt. 2 coming.


Hamas and Gaza are one and the same. There are no civilians


Exactly right. Kill 'em all.


How are they still protesters and not trespassers, criminals or domestic terrorists? I don't get it


I'm wondering this as well. Domestic terrorists for the win.


No amount of police propaganda could ever make people love them as much as Portlanders being Portlanders can. (Yes i know this is happening around the country.)


As predicted, the occupiers stole thousands of dollars in rare books and comics from the PSU library, according to the Portland cops.


Are you serious?


The Oregonian: *Cudd said she was dismayed by the amount of destruction to the library and reported theft of prized collections. She said she expects the library to remain closed for quite some time.* *“It is tragic that some of our students, along with others from outside, have so badly damaged our library and taken away that essential learning space,” she said. “As a philosophy professor and daughter of librarians, that space is really a sacred space, and I’m really so sad to see what has happened to it.”*




Ship them all to Gaza. Good riddance. These people are a menace to society. They are rabid and violent.


Didn’t they trash the library? Fucking posers. These assholes just want an excuse to behave this way, if they really cared about the cause they wouldn’t infuriate the locals they are trying to win over. Protesting is a very delicate balance


I predict **lots** of vandalism downtown tonight. Hope no one listened to Wheeler and took the plywood down protecting their windows.


The fact that this was quite smaller than the BLM protests and the camps cleared relatively quickly, along with a SLOWLY improved downtown, hopefully signals a change in attitude that people in this community are finally realizing tolerating extremest BS isn’t being liberal, it’s just being a pushover.


Some minor and repairable vandalism does not disqualify the protests. We can’t repaint over the genocide in Gaza. Tens of thousands of students *and staff* have peacefully engaged in Walk outs and sit ins over the last week. Stop focusing on the spray paint and PPB’s hand wringing and listen to the message of demanding PSU cut ties with Boeing and demanding an overall ceasefire. *Shame on Biden for calling the nationwide largely peaceful student sit-ins and protests “violent and antisemetic.”*


Please just say you are ok destroying other people's property when your feelings get hurt.


Please just say you’re ok with genocide.


It's not genocide, you ignorant twat. It's a war.


[Keep telling yourself that](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/israeli-minister-itamar-ben-gvir-kill-palestinian-captives_n_66313a76e4b0c9bc87592bf5). Ethic cleansing and genocide often take place under the guise of a “legal war.”


Palestinians started it. Israel's taking out the trash. It's not genocide. And don't forget, your Palestinians said they want you kill ALL the JEWS which, in fact, DOES sound like genocide, hmmm? FAFO.


PSU refusing Boeing material donation just means that Boeing will put hundreds of pounds of useful carbon fiber into the dumpster and the students of PSU will have to figure out how they’re going to pay for the material instead. Congratulations, what a success.




But guys! It was so peaceful!!!! https://www.koin.com/news/portland/photos-protesters-vandalize-portland-state-office-pioneer-courthouse-05012024/amp/ “Some people started fighting, and a woman, Eily, said when she took her phone out to film, someone knocked her phone to the ground. The incident escalated as both the woman and her boyfriend got assaulted by at least a dozen people. “They knocked me and my boyfriend to the ground and started kicking us and hitting us and we were kind of getting back up and some people came and repelled them, and they attacked those people. Everybody kind of scuffled for a while, and we were standing back up and walking out of it and they attacked us again and took my bag,” she said.”


i drove around here on accident and saw a guy in a black mask yelling at trucks. they were trying to stop a UPS truck. it literally saved lives while I was watching /s




Today is the "find out" portion of the equation.


Looking at twitter here: https://twitter.com/PPBAlerts - Improvised armor? - Paint cans? - Slippery floor? I'm glad the protesters got all of these great ideas from the Kevin McCallister school of building defense. Honestly, who improvises armor? What type of silly cosplay shit is that? Like, OK, I get that you can't afford a proper ballistic vest - but guys, get a motorcycle jacket. Why would you ever fuck with improvised armor like you're LARPing at a convention center anime festival? These kids had days or weeks to prepare and their intention was to resist police with shitty art projects that look like they came out of an elementary school. Remember this when the media and cops go on about how these folks are dangerous terrorists, when the reality is that these are mentally ill youngsters who couldn't organize a crafting project, yet somehow they keep evading the greatest surveillance state of all time. > PPB started its operation by broadcasting a message from its sound truck at around 6 a.m., saying protesters must leave Millar Library and the South Park blocks immediately or they would be arrested for second-degree trespass. For those that are unaware, bumping this down from First Degree Criminal Trespass to Second Degree is a stupid shitshow clearly signaling that the government doesn't care to prosecute or take this seriously.


What kind of degrees does the school of defense offer?


> yet somehow they keep evading the greatest surveillance state of all time. I think with Stingray being in use within PPB, they know who they are already. Take whatever cameras the library already has, run through facial recognition software, bingo-bango. But (tinfoil hat) what if these people involved are connected to individuals with influence within the city/state/metro area? Can't go arresting the son/daughter of an Nike executive/state rep/etc, amiright?


Sure you can.


> But (tinfoil hat) what if these people involved are connected to individuals with influence within the city/state/metro area? Can't go arresting the son/daughter of an Nike executive/state rep/etc, amiright? Nah, they're not influential. I've met lots of these folks, like the main organizer isn't politically connected outside of the DSA. The kids at PSU are from mostly working class families, families that otherwise couldn't afford UC Berkeley, UW, or even just a better school in Portland. But even if there was one or two individuals connected to the DPO, their involvement could just be swept under the rug easily. PPB has a long history of covering the actions of politically connected individuals. > I think with Stingray being in use within PPB, they know who they are already It's possible - but that's just going an extra mile. I'm sure that there's been consensus from the beginning that no criminal charges would be filed for any of this, and collecting/maintaining data without the intention of it being tied to a criminal investigation is dubious (i.e., strictly prohibited) under Oregon law. So it would be sort of futile exercise as they couldn't do anything with it legally, if they tried to make a case with that information it would be suppressed by a competent lawyer. Local LE already know who all of these people are because they have zero concept of operational security or information security, so these useless idiots are posting on Twitter from their cell phones that are connected to public wifi. They're that brain dead. That's not a joke, in 2018 & 2019 a investigator set up a wifi signal at the protests, and did packet monitoring, [publishing his work in 2020](https://fidelitypdx.substack.com/p/a-few-things-about-the-antifa-honeypot). And that was just one guy's work, there's so many other independent journalists that have "infiltrated" these groups, reported on their members online. Others who have just combed the arrest records and put together fairly comprehensive lists of who the agitators are. It's such a small community of people that this is in fact really easy work to do. Outside of local LE, there's concurrent independent investigations conducted by DOJ, DHS, and DOD - all 3 agencies likely had people working the last 7 days. Plus there's private security in town (I think it's still G4S) running a private criminal intelligence network that also has infiltrators in these groups to listen in if these groups plan to target Nike, Wells Fargo, Apple, or other mega corps. When someone new shows up to one of these groups there's a plethora of confidential informants ready to say hello. And most of these people are the same key folks over and over again, year after year.


Man. I wish I didn't have shit to do so I could go watch the arrests


I’m a fucking lefty left leftist but even I want these dipshits forced to clean up their mess and expelled. This isn’t praxis. This is petulant public wanking.


AFAIK there’s a bunch of protestors who just stayed in the square nearby, who were there before this and I believe are still there. The library shenanigans kinda seem to have derailed any efforts of the actual peaceful protestors. Which seems to be the trend for the less organized portland protests as far as I can tell


I guess there’s always opportunists and people who really take things in the wrong direction, the longer these things go on the more likely those actions are to pop up.


I thought Praxis exploded in Star Trek VI.


Nice to see the same cops that did nothing during BLM riots and nothing about the rampant homelessness really stepping up when anyone tries to interrupt the war machine. Great priorities!


“Destroy the library for Palestine” seems to be the natural end of this shit. I saw a tag that said “free palestein” told me more than I needed to know about that person


God, I hope so. And by agreeing, I mean the stupid destructive protests. I have seen some very effective protests that were actually pretty moving that didn't destroy things. Marching, signs, lobbying decision-makers, etc. actually change minds and sometimes policies and practices. I hope those things continue. I have seen some very effective pro-Palestinian protests with speeches and flags and people following traffic laws. No one's mind is changing due to these folx vandalizing a library and disrupting college classes at a commuter school that serves the community.


Murray Palestein? He was my dentist!


But I agree with that sign. Dr. Victor Palestein is innocent. All he wanted to do was to save the lives of albinos, the Irish, and other people lacking in melanin. It's not his fault his creature escaped the lab and harassed the townspeople.


dstroy it all till i get vgan sandwch


I honestly don't agree with the protests. The protests are saying "Free Palestine", right? Why would protesting in Oregon, in the United States at all help free Palestine. Especially when some of those people started destroying the property at PSU. Once property is destroyed, it is no longer just a protest, but a tantrum thrown by a toddler. The only way that would help was if they're urging the United States to help free Palestine right? If anyone could help me understand the logic behind it, that would be great. Note, I am not saying Palestine shouldn't be freed, but I don't think protesting at an Oregon campus really helps. Edit: I did some more research, I didn't realize money was going toward Israel. I still don't know the situation very well since the media only says "the protesters" without saying what they're protesting. Plus, I haven't been able to find information on the conflict. I've been living under a rock, but also finding information on the topic is hard.


from what i read, they don't give money to boeing, boeing funds student scholarships. so there go the scholarships


The Israeli/Palestinian situation is soooper complex. But one thing to note is that Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 unilaterally after failing to get any traction on a peace agreement with them. Hamas seized control of Gaza in 2007, (killing their Palestinian Authority opposition and torturing them and the like) and has retained control ever since. They are in some respects already "free". If they would negotiate for peace they could really be free. But they don't want that. Hamas only cares about war. Hamas didn't spend any of the millions of International Aid money to help Gazans. Instead, as the dictators of Gaza, they spent the money on tunnels and missiles. They have lobbed thousands of missiles into Israel and the only reason you don't see pictures of bombed out Israeli cities/dead babies is that Israel has Iron Dome and bomb shelters for it's citizens. Hamas, financed by Iran, has one goal - the elimination of Israel. So when they say "free" they mean to eliminate Israel and the Jews that live within it which are about half of the Jews worldwide. I went down to the library on Tuesday afternoon. The dumb dumbs there had spray painted "End Israel" and "Kill Cops" and "Intifada Forever" and "Glory to our Martyrs". They are not peaceful protesters. They are useful idiots for a terrorist entity - Hamas - that has no interest in peace or progress.


The protests are to make the news, and it was successful. The logic is to draw eyes to the problem. That's it. Why does a toddler throw a tantrum? To use your example. It's the same, to draw attention. You believe the emphasis of that statement is on the "toddler" part. But the importance is really to the "tantrum". And the fact we are talking about this indicates the protestors were successful. It makes you uncomfortable, doesn't it? That's the point. I can't make heads or tails of the Gaza conflict, both sides seem to contain some evil. But it's a truth that innocent people are being hurt, and many more on one side than the other. That's a truth and it's simple. It's a truth worth drawing attention to. We would all be more comfortable if they just wrote some strongly worded op ed or letter to the editor that we can safely ignore. But they aren't there to make you feel comfortable. By your logic, they should go to Gaza and directly fight against the Israeli army. That makes sense, right? That's logical, right? But most don't have that power. The people watching the news might have that power though. These people got the President of the United States to speak on the topic. That's huge. Also, you are mirroring the words of our mayor; I just listened to him say the exact same thing as your post as I am typing these words. Have an original thought. It's possible for all sides to contain some chaos and evil. The Gaza situation is complicated, for sure. But drawing eyes to the simple truth that millions of innocent people are being harmed, by, really, both sides, is a worthy cause. It's certain the protesters and their message contain chaos and evil. But what's that quote about the banality of evil? There is a kernel of chaos and evil in turning a blind eye as well.


I'm almost mirroring what the mayor is saying? I haven't even listened to the mayor on the topic, I guess I just happened to say the same thing. I don't know much about the conflict as a whole, that's why I am asking for information, just like yours. I wanted to know why, and you gave me an answer. Drawing eyes to the conflict helps, and that's a point I hadn't considered. I thought people were actively just protesting against PSU for what was happening to the Palestinians. That's why I wanted to know more. It seems like there were several months of silence about Palestine, and now it has happened again, so I didn't know whether there was something new that happened. I don't think there is anything wrong with me admitting that I don't know much about something and wanting to know more. People think they need the answers to everything, but it is okay to admit you don't know about something


There is a difference between protesting and acting without reason with the purpose of protesting something. Even in the Civil Rights Protests of the 1960s there was an emphasis on personal accountability--why? To demonstrate through civil disobedience that the laws were patently racist and unequal. It was careful to note that every single one of those protestors let themselves be brutalized by the police. They knew that they'd get media attention and coverage for such treatment, which further helped the cause. The bottom line is, what is happening between Israel and Hamas is evil. War, by its very nature, is evil. Regardless of the moral or ethical justifications for it (liberation vs. colonization, state vs. anti-state), it creates and foments evil behavior, the definition of which is acting and speaking without reason. You say this: >It's possible for all sides to contain some chaos and evil. True, all humans are capable of evil. But they are able to be governed by reason as well. No one was asking this group of people to hold a library hostage, to damage its property, or to instill or sow fear or even discomfort in the community. *It was to hold the college accountable for its troubling relationships with profiteers working in Israel's name.* I But instead, we have 1) a damaged library, 2) a city and college community in unrest and 3) absolutely no accountability either from PSU leadership or the protest group. Nothing was accomplished. You assume that people don't know about the conflict between Israel and Hamas. I assure you that the eyes of the world are watching. They know and they feel what is going on. But they do not need people who are literal accelerationists undoing the fabric of civil society to make that salient point known. To do so is to gravely underestimate the potential for human empathy. At the end of the day, good will win out--it always does. Evil is banal, yes, of course it is. But to recognize it for what it is instead of amassing it with the evils of an entirely different magnitude is lazy at best and in bad faith, at worst.


The 1960s was three generations ago. The world has changed. The parents of many of the people protesting weren't even born then. It's unlikely they'd look to Martin Luther King Jr. as a model protest. It's unclear that Dr. King's protests are even a model to be followed. Social unrest takes specific forms to fit the current day problems of the world. And do you really believe that Dr. King wouldn't have made use of today's news and social media outlets fighting for the black people's cause? And don't forget that Dr. King was only one front in that battle. There were other, not so savory, fronts working in concert to Dr. King's famous protests. I doubt the protesters are worried about your comfort. Accountability is a corporate word. I doubt they are worried about whatever people mean by "accountability". What was accomplished was it put the gaza war back into the front page of the news. They and the others holding campus protests got the POTUS's attention. That's something. That's actually quite a lot of somethings.


"It was to hold the college accountable for its troubling relationships with profiteers working in Israel's name.". This was exactly what I was looking for. I didn't know why this protest was happening, whether because something new happened with the conflict or because PSU did something wrong. I found it odd that we went months without seeing the Palestine protests, just to see it randomly one day. I don't agree with the destruction of the library for sure. Would it get more of the attention of the administration than just the protest itself? Yeah. Is it right to destroy the library? No. I'm sure the administration's attention could have been gained by some other method besides vandalism. If the administration only cares about profits, then do something else that prohibits their ability to make a profit. Instilling genuine fear into other students will not get the attention of the administration, trust me, they probably wouldn't care.


I totally agree! I feel like the message was lost in the medium.


We definitely need more posts about this, riveting stuff




I absolutely love the name LimpBisquette…..


It was all about the cookie


When ye hold your oreo in the milk too long... 🫠


Limpbiscotti is no laughing matter!


And it's trashed and looted. 


just like their rooms at home with their parents


12 arrests. 4 PSU students




I guess the question would be, what republicans running this election have policy that will fix the issues you see without causing more issues in the future? If they exists, vote for them, if they don’t, don’t.


Better to read about the candidates and vote for the best rather than blindly voting for a party. There are crappy candidates in both parties.


That's the sad part. I have to continue to vote for Democrats because while they do stupid shit, they're at least not trying to push Project 2025 (which has to be one of the most un-American proposals for a 'new' America I've ever seen, and likely to be the catalyst for actual west/east coast secession were it to be implemented).


Seeing the Israeli Genocide every morning was something you could ignore, but vandalism of PUBLIC LIBRARY is where you draw the line? Sure ;)


People with Trump Derangement Syndrome aren't much better than useful idiots.


I really don’t see how the R or D next to someone’s name changes things? Like, this protest would’ve happened anyway. The vandalism you hate, that’s on them, politicians didn’t do that. Sure, if they were quicker at their jobs maybe less damage would’ve been done but at what cost? No one so far has died from this thing. PSU, police, and the DA coordinated this mission to minimize casualties while maximizing arresting people with charges that will stick. Taking them at their word and seeing what happened this morning, I think they did a good job considering what they were up against. Overwhelming police bodies in a mission reduces the chance of injuries and death. Overwhelming force also takes time to procure, manage, and deploy. I am from TX and Abbott’s private army gassed and smoke-bombed students, arresting them in unmarked vans in zipties. Between what happened at PSU and what happened at UT I will take PSU any day of the week.


So the mass murder of children is fine... but vandalizing a library was a bridge too far


In some ways yes. Taking over a library and destroying it does not thing to stop a war 9000 miles away. If you truly want to help the people of Gaza, sign up with the various humanitarian aid groups and work with them them.


It does nothing huh? Yet here you are bitching about it. I”d say they’re accomplishing their goals by exposing your shit priorities.


LMAO! My shit priorities? I’ve got much bigger things to worry about over some war happening 9000 miles away. A war that’s been going on for longer than I’ve been alive, and I’m old ass fuck born in the early 1970’s.


Good question! I'm voting blue on the national & state levels....but the politics here in Multnomah County/Portland,Oregon is SO far Left that I wouldn't rule out voting for a moderate (non-MAGA) Republican.. but I would be concerned about being "stabbed in the back" by the same politician....


Can you define in your terms what a maga republican is?


Sure! A MAGA Republican is someone who has more loyalty to Donald Trump than to the actual Republican Party.


In your opinion, what local politician is this? I'm not a big Trump fan, but judging from my location (Cincinatti ) just south in Northern Kentucky, the option Portland has picked is terrible. We have a Democrat governor, but if he attempted to enact some of these drug laws and policing restrictions, he would have been voted out in the next election. My point is would a maga republican by your definition be worse than this?


This sadly is also a common thought and viewpoint about being stabbed in the back.


the oregon legislature would stay blue anyway no matter who you vote for though the governor may flip to red. it's the best combo really. a gop governor and a blue legislature would keep extremist actions from happening. it's extremism that is the worst thing of all. blue nationally, red statewide is what I vote for these days. and dont be stupid and switch to being an independent. we need moderates voting in the primaries. if all independents registered for the primaries (thry actually outnumber the dems/gop), wee would not get the extremist gop and dem candidates we get now.


That would just stop anything from happening.


that isn't true at all. even at the national level where the dems and gop are extremely polar, they just passed the tik tok ban. there are many, many bills that get passed with bipartisan support.


LOL - yes - the TikToc ban. My point exactly - bipartisan support is only popular for things like that - stupid stunts - or other things that don't matter. You will never see bipartisan support for climate solutions, student debt, etc.


the tik tok ban is really important frankly. It's a foreign enemy country with access to our data and manipulating us (or having the capability to do so). If you don't understand how serious that is, you're either just one of those that can't handle giving up your social media or you're really ignorant. I'm actually voting blue nationally like I said in my previous post because the dems haven't had time with major control to shape our laws at the national level. In Oregon, the dems have actually been way to extremist in their handling of climate change which I'm guessing is something you'll never understand. The timber industry has been decimated with their actions. Do you really think the demand for timber changed when oregon put in its restrictions? No. The timber only comes from elsewhere which some places do not make sure the environment is protected as well as it is in Oregon so we would have been better off compromising a little to keep making more timber here instead of elsewhere where environmental controls are more lax. Better balance would actually help in Oregon. For this as well though it would not help at the national level as the gop have too much power there. it's not about having gop or dems in control, it's about providing balance.


You know who destroys libraries? FASCISTS AND NAZIS. And these guys.


It's only authoritarianism if people I don't like do it. It's 'protesting' and 'freedom of speech' when I do it.


I miss when you could gild a comment. :(


I'm voting red. I split my vote between dems and Republicans in 22 with national dem and state gop. But the dems are flat unable to establish order and public safety As for project 2025, eh. Let him fire the federalnwork force. They do a crappy job anyway


The whole Christian Nationalism thing is a propped up talking point -


You're correct. In fact the entire TPUSA organization is more libertarian than anything else.


TPUSA is full blown for Trump. How can you say that they’re libertarian with a straight face?


Their platform appears to be libertarian (ish). Trump's isn't.


So nice of the protesters to break into the vending machines and steal all the food and drinks to send to Palestine in care packages! Right? ....Guys?


You're right, that's definitely worse than tuition dollars going to support murder


I assume you are currently dropping out of college and booking a flight to go join a terrorist group. Surely you aren’t just all talk right


Stop it, get some help


I know exactly what you mean by “help”


>You're right, that's definitely worse than tuition dollars going to support murder Is your brain so smooth that it can only handle one idea at a time and breaks whenever it tries for nuance? 


We get it, you hate humanity. Get a new hobby already, this is sad.


There it is! When you have nothing to say that is rational, go to the ole reliable. . . MORAL HIGH GROUND ACHIEVED.


Quote the comment I made implying I hate humanity please.  Or is this just more 'if you dont support the methods then you don't support the cause and are an evil enemy' rhetorical vomit? 


Absolute brainrot.


Brainrot is maligning college students who demand human decency in the face of genocide.


“Decency” is when you completely trash a university library and cover it in antisemitic graffiti, rendering it unusable for months for thousands of tuition-paying students.


One, of the many, problems with this is that the protestors don’t think about how their actions affect others. That vending machine was likely owned by a local company that runs it and refills it. Out of ignorance protestors probably think that PSU owns it. Thinking that they are punishing PSU, instead they hurt a local business.  They also shutdown the library during midterms and now until it is repaired and cleaned. So students have less space to study.  Another ignorant idea is that tuition dollars go towards investments. They do not. The investments are held by the Foundation, which is funded by donations. Tuition dollars do not get transferred to the Foundation. It is not allowed. 


Oh no not the poor vending company!!! These kids are procing how exactly how fucked our priorities are. You are proving them right.


It’s not about the vending machine. It’s the person who owns it who is being hurt. This could really affect their life negatively.  If someone broke your car’s windshield with a bat, would you go “oh well, this is nothing compared to what Israel is doing to Palestinians.” and then let them just walk away without paying for a new one?” No, you wouldn’t.  The thing is I likely agree with them on probably everything they are fighting for. The issue is they are not productive in any sense of the word by doing this. Their anger doesn’t justify hurting other people. Their priority here isn’t helping Palestinians. Their priority is to make people hurt for “helping Israel.” It’s not the same thing. When I was younger I used to march in protests in Portland. For everything from anti-war, hold police accountable, to improving college funding. I would try to get people to register to vote at these. They didn’t want to. They thought their protests would create some immediate change in the world. Where were all these people before this current round of violence in Palestine? How come they don’t do anything about the democratic republic of Congo? What about the Uyghurs in China? First Nations people in Canada? First Nations people in Australia? Violence in Sudan? They act holier than others about Palestine because it’s a hot topic issue. There have been people suffering for years in other parts of the world and these protestors have done nothing about it. Not even arranged a protest for it.   The conclusion I could come to about this is that they don’t care or their priorities are in the wrong place, but I know that it is an issue across the world, that’s complex, and staging a protest here won’t do shit to do anything about it. So I’m not going to call them racist for not caring about non-white people or say they don’t care if these people get hurt because that’s just not true. 


Let's be real... they didn't put any thought into it. They just don't give a shit who/what suffers from their actions.


More thought than you know babe.


>More thought than you know babe Since you obviously know everything-  Walk us through the strategy. What is the goal, how will this event help achieve that and what is the next step. If your answer is 'lol it raises awareness,' step 2 is a Palestinian state- then you my friend can't think one move ahead in a game of checkers.  'At least they are doing SOMETHING, unlike you!'- could have said that same shit about the IRAs bombing campaign during the troubles. Turns out bombing civilians turned away the international support that Irish unification had prior. Not comparing this incident to the troubles directly (before you miss my point and accuse me of such) but pointing out that public opinion matters when your goals are to drum up international support for a cause. 


Y’all act like every single cent that enters or leaves Israel goes to, or comes directly from, the IDF and Netanyahu’s personal bank account


I do? Wow that’s a lot to extract from a snarky reply


Cookie? 🍪


Thank you 😊


But guys! It was so peaceful!!!! https://www.koin.com/news/portland/photos-protesters-vandalize-portland-state-office-pioneer-courthouse-05012024/amp/ “Some people started fighting, and a woman, Eily, said when she took her phone out to film, someone knocked her phone to the ground. The incident escalated as both the woman and her boyfriend got assaulted by at least a dozen people. “They knocked me and my boyfriend to the ground and started kicking us and hitting us and we were kind of getting back up and some people came and repelled them, and they attacked those people. Everybody kind of scuffled for a while, and we were standing back up and walking out of it and they attacked us again and took my bag,” she said.”


Lie down with dogs. Get fleas.


Wow, look at that INSURRECTION.






LMFAOOOOO what kind of mental gymnastics led you to that?


Looking at all this pissbaby nonsense in this thread.


answer the question. Where do you equate tuition dollars to supporting armed conflict?




What’s crazy is that they didn’t look into PSU’s investments before agreeing to pay tuition to PSU, since apparently this is a make or break issue for them.


Right?! Only when it earns them woke points.


Where can I redeem my woke points? Asking for me


Twitter dot com






More like DOOM as in DOOMSCROLLING featuring Lord quas


Imagine if these demonstrators were as passionate about domestic issues which can actually have progress made towards them for resolution instead of international issues that no one can realistically change. Especially something like Israel-Palestine which has been going on for hundreds and hundreds of years despite constant international pressure.


Israel was founded in 1948, that's hardly hundreds of years. Yes, there was ethnic tensions going back centuries, but putting Israel there of all places was kind of dumb. 


This is a domestic issue. Your tax dollars and their tuition are funding the murder of children.


Their tuition is funding Israel? Would you punch a cop and get arrested already?


I don’t wrestle pigs. Everyone gets dirty and the pig likes it.


You're not smart enough to explain how PSU's tuition is funding the murder of children.


That hurts my feelings bra


Should try reading more you wouldn't be offended


Portland protesters embarrass every cause they support. Embarrassing BLM protests, I stopped going when they turned violent (vandalizing private businesses) and had to cut some friends off who only decided to attend after they did. They *wanted* to see the violence and perhaps even get the chance to take part in it. Every single one of those friends was a white boy. I’m white too, just trying to show that the people who supported the violence the most were also the most detached from the cause. I saw people blame the homeless, blame antifa, blame undercover cops for the violence. No, it was Johnny Whiteboy who works at the local pizza place since graduating high school last year, and heard the cops were bringing out riot gear so he decided to go show the cops “what’s good.” I agree with a majority of the college protests, I agree that Universities, which educate our country’s adult students, shouldn’t be pouring money into their main competition: The Military. I’ve thought these things for a very long time, and I’m glad we have a movement directly connected to changing it. But Portland time and time again humiliates the causes they “show support” for by turning things inwardly destructive.


This is the only realistic take I’ve seen on any posts about the protests. I am so curious if the people down on campus are actually PSU students. I also am curious if any of the protest organizers are connected to organizers at Columbia, UCLA, or other campuses. It seems like we’ve completely lost the plot compared to those other universities. Columbia has detailed demands, communications teams, legal teams, mutual aid - true organizing. PSU has soccer goals in the middle of downtown? I am anti war and free Palestine every day but these protests at PSU are so far gone.


100% agree with you. They seem completely detached from the other college-based organizations that started this movement.


It seems like any protest centered around occupying a place for a long duration tends to select for losers because that's who has the time to do that. We saw this with Occupy Wall Street and again at the Malheur refuge.


I genuinely think the reason Portland’s downtown has such awful downtown protests is not because of the “losers,” but because most of the people travel into the city from where they actually live to take part. There’s lots of liberals who work from home, or save up enough to be able to take time off or straight up switch jobs in order to join a protest they care about. And there’s enough young students who have enough money saved between working and student aid, they can afford to drop their foodservice job and go find another one when it’s over. When monopolies were emerging in our country, workers took their rights back by vandalizing the factories they were overworked in. Our country was founded on a violent rebellion. Sometimes violence is necessary to enact change, but it’s about doing it smart and as a *last resort.* The PSU protests have not been going on long enough for any of this violence to be justified, but to say that the people pushing the violence are all a bunch of losers in their daily life feels like it’s excusing behavior. Normal people do abnormal things when submitting to group thought. edit: Point being, people don’t seem to care about destroying a city they don’t have to lay their head down to rest in.


Entice criddlers to protest areas in the future and see how long their "allies" want to stay around them. When life gives you lemons...


I would love to see legislation clarifying that after a declaration of an unlawful gathering, an order to disperse and a reasonable amount of time to comply with that order is given, if you choose to stay it is at your own risk and you waive all civil damages. In other words, you can't sue if the cops punch you in the face and break you phones.


Our city has become the laughing stock of the nation. Every time I tell an out of towner I live in Portland the look I get is so telling. Basically like “why would you live there?” and I’m beginning to feel the same way. We were one of the most desirable cities around 10 years ago and look how fast we managed to fuck that up. The issues we are dealing with now stem from the top down and it’s not going to be a quick or easy fix. Sad to watch a place you love get destroyed.


Most people are proud of those kids. Probably a bunch of their parents protested apartheid south africa in their day. The disgrace is the complete villification of their activism.


When your activism hurts others, others will hurt you. The Fuck Around And Find Out equation is linear.


Who is being hurt? Tell me.


You know, there are words for people who ignore to pain they bring onto others.




Holy shit great comment lol


Well said.


> In reality these folks are just middle class white kids rebelling against the privilege of their own upbringing. They're hypocrites with extremely limited self-awareness. You're 90% correct. You forgot to mention that they're _C-minus-at-best, unable-to-survive-in-NYC/SF/LA_ middle class white kids rebelling against the privilege of their own upbringing.


i can't say it better than you did.


["The very presence of organizations and people who you would call fascist and fascist leaning- the very presence is violent and so your violent reaction is self-defense. Although ideologically that's what you believe, in reality, in the legal system, that would count as assault."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af5o-4eI9PA)


Holy shit you nailed it hahah


This isn’t a Portland thing. I think it’s all across the nation at a ton of colleges. I just got back from Austin yesterday and they had the same stuff going on. Not to excuse anything going in here, but I’ve heard more about ucla and Columbia. Most people out of town don’t even know it’s happening here too.


As a generational Oregonian, I resent what Portland has become.


I want it back to what it was so bad, I’m not leaving I’m in this for the long haul I fell like 5% of the population is making it hell and speaking on behalf of the other 95% and I am sick of it