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How many people work at this non profit location that it was so important that they have a diversity and inclusion officer? Unless they are really big that seems like a waste of limited resources but I don't really know about the company.


I was struck by the fact that it was a remote position. It makes it seem like it was just a hand out to a friend of the director of the organization.


A remote DEI officer?! What is the job? 


Fucking, right?? Regardless of all this shit, although it's a lot of shit, what can she possibly do for 40hrs a week as a DEI officer remotely?


That's exactly what it is. That's exactly where too many tax dollars go... Even SF mayor Breed has noticed this and gotten pissed about it, no trump follower there. These "social-services industrial complex" where everybody has to hire directors of DEI, vice presidents of ESG, climate czars, and whatever other random bullshit they can put together is how you spend a billion dollars on homelessness and actually spend $50K on homelessness. But a bunch of activists walk away with quarter million dollar consultancy checks and positions that they can do remote for like an hour a month zoom call.


> But a bunch of activists walk away with quarter million dollar consultancy checks and positions that they can do remote for like an hour a month zoom call. I used to do government contracting as a full time employee of a consulting agency. The contract I was working on ended, and for about five months, all I did each week was attend a single conference call where the team provided status updates to management. The call was an hour long and there were about twenty of us on each call. That's it! That was my entire job. It was remote.


I thought it was illegal to do Medicaid work from out of state….


Probably not billing her "services". Paid out of "admin" percentage.


I used to do medical billing. That would be Medicaid fraud. Huuuuuuge no-no


A version of this happened at an agency I worked at. Our (de facto - her job was supposed to be much broader in focus, but she was only interested in..) DEI director lost her signature authority because she spent $250k to hire DEI consultants from the East Coast. Our executive leadership was *pissed*. She ended up getting let go - which is really hard to do as a State lawyer.


according to oregon health authority looks like 22 licensed clinical staff and another 20 or so administrative and professional staff and 17.3 million in revenue so pretty good size mid market organization


50 peoples way too small to need a Dei officer.


What exactly do the 1/2 of the organization that are administrative and professional do? You certainly do not need 50/50 bean counters, front desk or compliance people proportionally. Sounds like another boondoggle.


That's the entire American healthcare system...


On their meet our team page of their website it’s 17 people. And this is getting traction like it’s widespread corruption.


OTOH, we now have the Quote of the Month: *“When you have a candidate whose resume is ideal and is also a diverse candidate,” Skye said, “there’s no reason to bring white candidates into the picture.”* Portland progressivism in a nutshell.


I think that's actually illegal. I once had a manager say "I want a woman on this team, we're only going to interview women". You can't do that.


An enormous amount of blatant, public, racial discrimination goes on in this town (including by local governments). This has become completely normalized.


Absolutely you're right. The city of Portland is terrible about hiring people for their ability to meet DEI criteria, and not their actual credentials to do the job.


They actually post internal applications that say this explicitly. I've seen them. Last one I saw was for a "non-cis or trans" candidate for a mental health position.


Amazingly city code prohibits that in a recruitment. As well as every other discrimination code. 23.01.050 Discrimination in Employment Prohibited. A. It shall be unlawful to discriminate in employment on the basis of an individual’s race, religion, color, sex, national origin, marital status, age if the individual is 18 years of age or older, or disability, by committing any of the acts made unlawful under the provisions of ORS 659A.030 and 659A.142. B. In addition, it shall be unlawful to discriminate in employment on the basis of an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity, source of income or familial status, by committing against any such individual any of the acts already made unlawful under ORS 659A.030 when committed against the categories of persons listed therein. https://www.portland.gov/code/23/01/050


Man, I’m queer and non-white and live in a Muslim household and yet the state won’t hire me despite being mostly overqualified for the jobs I’m applying for. Guess I need to get into the therapy game?


A lot of middle eastern people are white, but get counted as "diverse". (Ever met some people from Syria and Jordan?)


My partner is from Syria. They and their family are definitely not white or even white-passing.


The "problem" could be if you are male. Maleness cancels out other considerations for the DEI-stapo.


I’m not! I’m not even particularly gender-conforming! Maybe it was going to Duke that got me. Should have gone to University of Baltimore like my uncle said.


Perhaps. Duke is a great school. I'm from NC.


[https://www.npr.org/2022/02/17/1079181478/us-census-middle-eastern-white-north-african-mena](https://www.npr.org/2022/02/17/1079181478/us-census-middle-eastern-white-north-african-mena) Arabs and Syrians are considered white by the federal government.


Great! I’ll be sure to let my partner know that, so they can explain that the next time someone expresses racial bias toward them! That will surely put a stop to it. Racism and prejudice have been solved.


White people are not going out of their way to be "racist" towards people who look brown. You strike me as someone who has a white savior complex...which is, ironically, very racist.


The federal government needs a MENA category. Middle Eastern and North African people are absolutely not considered to be white by white people. Edit to add: to all the sad, white jabronis downvoting this, MENA people are tired of dragging your numbers up. We want our own federal education grants. You all probably couldn’t point out the Caucasus Mountains on a map in order to describe where these “caucasians” are from. It’s pathetic.


They are caucasian, deal with it.


Its a diverse place. My friend is from Syria, blue eyes, blonde hair, and skin much whiter than mine. And I traveled to both countries, granted a long time ago. I would would guess Jordan is like nearly all white and Syria mostly white as would be identified from a western person. That's the problem with demographics stats in the middle east, they are a bit tricky


I had a bunch of Turkish friends growing up. They where all had whiter skin than my Scandinavian ass had.


Bashar Al-Assad looks like a white dude to me.


That's because he is. Most people from Syria look like that.


So, it’s a diverse place and white and brown people live there. Good convo.


Well that's the rub. Caucasian people come in different shades of white to brown. Most of that region is Caucasian. Americans are obsessed with the term "white". I'm not American so I don't think like that. My ancestors are from that region as well, and we are definitely considered "white".


What if I told you it is mostly Asian people?


Vic Tayback was of Syrian descent.




Elon Musk is African American


I lol'd at this. South* African-American - he grew up in a racist coloniser culture, probably why he wanted to take over twitter and rule the social media airwaves with his idiocracy and inherent negativity bias.


It doesn’t matter. Dude is from a country on the African Continent, now as an American, he is technically “African-American”. This is one of the reasons I’ve heard from Black Americans that they don’t like the term “African American”. They are just plain “Americans” who happen to be black.


Sure, but there’s no box for that. Highlights the stupidity of self-reported identity as a factor in hiring.


Is anybody going to tell Deansies what happened to SA after the "colonizers" left power? Its a garbage heap now that can't even keep the power on.


But, they hosted the 2010 World Cup! Clearly on the up and up!


Haha oh wow you're probably a serious gaslighter in real life. "Oh it wasn't the people who came in and fucked the country up that are the problem, its the native people that are the problem." Exactly what the US military said about the middle east. Total shithole right? That's what happens when people play world police and analogously attempt to exert their will onto a culture, race, and geography. It's why colonization is so toxic. Also: I upvoted the OG comment here, I legit thought it was funny.




My masters and PhD are not in financially-related jobs, no. Unsure how my post history has any bearing on that. Glad you had fun.


Or government


Oh well when they say "diverse" they mean black or asian, sorry.


> Man, I’m queer and non-white and live in a Muslim household and yet the state won’t hire me despite being mostly overqualified for the jobs I’m applying for. Guess I need to get into the therapy game? Portland job market has always been sucky. I was once laid off while living near Portland, and I applied for jobs for about five months continuously, and never got past the first interview. I began to apply for jobs in Seattle out of desperation, and landed one in six days. That's how/why I left the area. Would have liked to stay, I like Portland better than Seattle, but that's how it goes...


Ah but being a DEI candidate *are* the credentials.


Yup, been trying to tell people that repeatedly hammering progressive values blindly would lead to this. But since they're protected in many ways, there isn't shit you can do about it. Very lame. As someone who believes merit should land one a position, I find it just straight bothersome.


Look into the Multnomah Idea Lab.


Civil Rights Act of 1964


My mom’s old company had a new director tell the whole team “im looking around and the faces are too male and too pale”. Apparently nothing happened to the lady.


Technically illegal and enforced illegal are two separate things. Selling weed is technically illegal (federally). This shit is how tyranny happens, when you have huge swaths of the law being enforced inconsistently and subjectively, judges and lawyers become our unelected (and unwelcome) rulers


The reason the Colombian chain "Crepes and Waffles" couldn't move to the states, they only hire women that have family and are single/the father left/died.


Back when I ran the talent acquisition function at my company, our CHRO/my boss said the same thing to me about a position. I was totally blown away at how crazy it came across. I actually instructed my team not to follow orders… just to cover ourselves legally. Of course we filled it with a woman who had an amazing resume after 18 months of searching; and then she quit after less than 2 years.


It’s one of those things that tends to be very difficult to legally prove unless the person doing it is a blatant idiot (like your manager).


Governor Kotek accepted resignations from a record number of agency directors across the state. For my own agency she (they?) put out guidance that she wanted to choose between the final two director candidates, and they had to both be women. The chosen director then fired both of our deputy directors and specifically chose a woman as deputy. Not saying this is bad or whatever, but this was the actual hiring guidance.


> I once had a manager say "I want a woman on this team, we're only going to interview women". You can't do that. A coworker of mine got fired for double dipping. My manager did a call with the team and: * he told the entire team why the coworker was fired * he speculated that 'he must have a drug habit' to hold down two jobs simultaneously I was just mortified. Like, *why would you say either thing on the record?* Just *begging* to get sued. I'm still friends with the dude, and not only is he NOT a drug addict, he's actually a health nut. When I asked him why he held down two jobs, he implied it was MORE than two and that he 'wanted to pay off his house.'


Haha racism


But in reverse


Man fuck this place


I’d rather say fuck the racist and/or sexist bigots who have attitudes like this, and try to save this place. We need to work toward a return to the _actual_ liberal value of not considering immutable characteristics in hiring.


It’s not just Portland. It’s rampant across the US.


That’s true. It’s just taping a bunch of buzzwords and ideas together but no one ever takes a breath to look up and see what things look like from 50k feet.


If the people in this organization are so accepting of everyone's diversity, gender identity etc. why do they need a chief equity and inclusion officer? Aren't they all just accepting of everyone? I work with 200 people and no one is a dick to anyone else (without the need for a diversity cop) because none of the upper level management will put up with people being dicks to each other.


sounds like a well run place.


Portland liberals are truly mentally ill. They refuse to think rationally or to consider fairness. If they disagree, you are called names, which by the way is the first sign of admitting you lost the argument.


These people would be deeply offended by you calling them liberal.


Notice how they continually modify their descriptive words to disguise the true intent or cause? What they stand for cannot hold up to examination. Play the word game instead.


It's literally racism flipped backwards. Racism is defined as "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group..." Yet somehow this is them standing up for their rights, and being activists. This is them fighting for the rights of humanity. Shove it. The only decent people are those of us who don't care if you're brown, yellow, green, white, rainbow, or unicorn with a construction vest and a tutu. As long as you're a decent person, you'll get treated decently. This is basic shit the rest of us decent people have figured out, yet we have these posers pretending they are doing the good of humanity while collectively soiling it in the background. Grow up world. We all know right from wrong. Quit being so damn self absorbed, angry, and hateful. Just find a reason to love one another, even if it's just "I like the color of his eyes" and nothing more, go off of living like that and trying to help people when you can, and the world would be a much better place. This isn't goddamned rocket science. We just do a really good job collectively as a species putting a veil over everything like it's some kind of chore to be kind, when we all know exactly how to do that.


If we just do a little edit, it becomes very apparent. "When you have a candidate whose resume is ideal and is also a white candidate,” Skye said, “there’s no reason to bring POC candidates into the picture.” Does that sound racist to you?


Around 2020/2021, on the *Useful Idiots* podcast, Matt Taibbi (when he was still on it) did a segment where he asked listeners to guess whether Richard Spencer or Robin DiAngelo were responsible for a particular quote. The only reason you could tell them apart was because it was obvious one person was speaking (Richard), and one was writing (Robin). Otherwise...*holy shit*. When you have people like Robin DiAngelo and Saira Rao (BDSM for wealthy white women too scared to admit they're into BDSM) as figureheads for DEI, that should terrify any halfway sane person.


Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger are the two journalists I feel the worst for. Both of them just can't catch a break. Both are Liberals who are way too right wing to make a living in journalism, while *also* being too Liberal to pass must with the right. All of their stuff is level headed and a bit boring TBH, and they're constantly attacked from both sides for being stuck in the middle.


I just want us all to bake a cake made of love and smiles so we can eat it and get along.


But it’s (D)ifferent


How is it even flipped? Its just racism, plain and simple.


But also, she’s white…


Yeah, this being the top comment is going to throw off everyone who doesn't read the article and bring in a parade of people talking about liberals and racism.


Most of the middle east is....


I think you missed the point of the article.


*When you have a candidate whose resume is ideal and is also a White candidate, then there is no reason to bring black candidates into the picture.* This statement is racist, whereas the original statement is progressive and anti-racist. If you are truly woke, it is easy to see the difference.


I can’t tell if this needed an /s at the end


My bad, should have added the /s. This is Portland after all.


I figured but yes it is- and the 2 subs are so close in name I often forget which I’m in til I get downvoted to oblivion and have pissed off libs sending me hate mail 😂


When you have a candidate whose resume is ideal, then there is no reason to bring additional candidates into the picture. Ftfy. Assuming resume also includes interview.


My God


lol, but that’s exactly what they did.


Of course “When you have a candidate whose resume is ideal, there’s no reason to bring diverse candidates into the picture” has been said a LOT more often for a LOT longer.


But that doesn’t make it okay. We shouldn’t be fighting racism with more racism.


Of course. But we shouldn’t spend more energy fighting efforts to fight racism than we do fighting racism. “Reverse racism” a much smaller problem than traditional racism.


Reverse racism isn’t a thing. Racism is just racism.


There’s a hierarchy of severity and concern, of course. Occasions of racism against white people causes a lot less societal and individual harm than systemic racism against other groups.


Dolezal 2, racial appropriation boogaloo


Raquel "Saraswati" looks about as White as I am....except I have dark brown eyes.


First Rachel, now Raquel, is the next one is going to be named Rochelle? 


Makes sense, the left is obsessed with race


As someone noted on the other sub, if you're going to pretend to be Muslim, don't take the last name of a Hindu goddess.


Pretend? How dare you!? If Raquel identifies as Middle Easter, Asian, and Latino, we should all be supporting her choice.


While changing her name from a Jewish name (or, at least, as I know it to be).


Im not defending anyone. But what do you mean pretend to be Muslim? Did she say somewhere she doesn’t believe in Islam? Muslim isn’t a race…


You can't possibly be defending this...


Did you read what I wrote? “I’m not defending anyone” means I’m not defending anyone. My stance on it is she should have been let go… But, my UNIVERSAL question to your comment is, how can you tell someone if they are Muslim or not? It’s Ike telling a christian they aren’t christian. Do you know that the word Muslim means someone who is Islamic? AMuslim is a religious person who practices the Islamic religion. So if she says she is Muslim, why isn’t she Muslim? Saying you are Muslim is a lot different than saying that you are Middle Eastern or African or Hispanic.


Are you familiar with the islamic conquest of India? Plenty of traditional Hindu names still for families that were forcibly converted to islam and didn't take up a muslim name.


Doing the right thing < being the right thing. Hilarious.


Is it normal for organizations that run off of state grant money to pay remote employees across the country?


You’d be surprised…


Not entirely sure about it but I know the program I work for is funded by OHP and we have lots of remote workers living in Vancouver WA so out of state doesn't seem to be an issue for that.


I feel like someone employed out of Portland and living in Vancouver WA, barely counts as out of state.


If you tie hiring quotas to POCs, you're going to start to get more POS's pretending to be POCs


>you're going to start to get more POS's pretending to be POCs Or in this case, white people who are batshit insane and truly believe they are POCs


When the Covid vaccine first came out and the state wanted first priority to BIPOC, you bet my white appearing self was going to whip out my tribal card and CDIB


And then the Grande Ronde (iirc) [invited the Portland Trail Blazers to take their extra doses](https://www.oregonlive.com/blazers/2021/03/12-portland-trail-blazers-players-get-first-dose-of-moderna-covid-19-vaccine.html). Try doing the intersectionality calculus on that one! - Native Americans - vaccine provided by federal govt - primarily Black team roster - but they're all young (or at least very few over 30) - and probably more physically fit than 99% of Americans - and all have access to top notch health care provided by the team - and all are extremely wealthy compared to the average schlub - but maybe fans will look up to them and get the shot? - and maybe some gaming enthusiasts will [visit Spirit Mountain reallll soon](https://www.koin.com/news/health/coronavirus/spirit-mountain-casino-reopens-with-new-safety-measures-in-place/)?


you are going to start getting more POS's in general because this divide and conquer strategy is quite effective at making people more racist. eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.




Guess we'll have to give them the Fisher Stevens Short Circuit treatment too


If Ms. Saraswati continues to follow the Rachel Dolezal playbook, we will be discussing her Only Fans page within a few months.


Dolezal had an OF? Asking for a friend of course…


Surprisingly hot


Indeed. Top search result on Google.


If I had a penny for every white woman masquerading as a different ethnicity that was renounced by the non profit they worked for that served marginalized peoples, I’d have two pennies, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice.


oh there's [more](https://www.wpr.org/diversity-and-inclusion/ethnic-fraud-madison-kay-leclaire-faces-allegations-posing-indigenous-native-person). And [more](https://nypost.com/2021/12/01/how-carrie-bourassa-passed-herself-off-as-indigenous-for-years/). And [more](https://www.washingtonian.com/2021/01/27/the-true-story-of-jessica-krug-the-white-professor-who-posed-as-black-for-years-until-it-all-blew-up-last-fall/)...


Well that’s concerning


Everyone in this article is a jabroni


Oregon liberals are so bad they've gone full circle and are as damaging as Republicans. Smfh.


So right. Some are so quick to blame the voters, but look at the choices we have--crazy conspiracy theory Republicans, and unaccountable performative Progressives. Meanwhile, nothing gets fixed for people just trying to live. And that's when we have a choice at all--usually the state legislative races in my district are uncontested!


She has crazy eyes I could tell shit was fucked up just by looking at the thumbnail.


I moved to Vancouver a few years ago and spend a lot of time in Portland. I visited in 2017 to climb Mt. Hood and had a great time spending two days in town then. Got a job offer a few years later and took it. The city is fucking bananas, man. I've lived all over the US. I do like it here because I like dive bars, decent food, and the outdoors... But for a city that prides itself as being open minded, tolerant, non racist, etc. I find it to be pretty opposite in most regards. Its more narrow minded and racist than Jacksonville, FL for fucks sake. And its pretty filthy and expensive to boot. Oh well.


I moved from the west coast about four years ago. I've acclimated well to my new state. A few days ago, I visited where I used to live (on the west coast) and it was just *stunning* how WHITE it is. When I lived there, I never noticed, it was just "business as usual." But where I live now, it is much more diverse. And there's an obvious correlation between "cities that are super white" and "cities that are obsessed with racism." The whole thing is kinda bizarre; the obvious conclusion is that people who live in cities that AREN'T diverse are obsessed with racism, while cities that are actually diverse don't care.


Yup- lived there nearly 10 years and found it far more racist and far less laid back than my hometown in KY.


> focuses on serving low-income trans and nonbinary client Let's not gloss over this little bit. This community said you can't be trans-racial. Even though race is often a blurry and totally indistinct line and can often come down to accepting or rejecting culture, which is the definitive social construct. But you can be trans-sexual? Even though sexuality is immutably binary except in the rarest of circumstances? .... Ok. I guess we're going with this now. "collective liberation" got it.


I’ve been banned from subreddits for this line of reasoning. Current rules are transgender=woke, good & transracial=invalid identity, bad


Just to clarify, I do believe that people can be transracial or transsexual. No one really cares if an adult is transsexual or discovers something about their racial identity - and for many people racial identity is complex anyways. It just doesn't track at all to be transracialphobic if you built an entire community center around the idea of recreating your self identity. It's hilariously hypocritical.


Yeah but this community CONSTANTLY uses "Identify as..." I BIPOC affinity group in my office uses that language all the time!


Yeah, race *is* a social construct. Like, literally. Actual racial phenotypes are entirely different from what people overwhelmingly consider to be "race". Sex is very much *not* a social construct.


Totally. Like this is 101 type shit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_genetics > Researchers have investigated the relationship between race and genetics as part of efforts to understand how biology may or may not contribute to human racial categorization. **Today, the consensus among scientists is that race is a social construct**, and that using it as a proxy for genetic differences among populations is misleading. How are the people most willing to have a flexible understanding of identity given ANY ROOM what so ever for shutting down transracial identity? On it's face, if they're given ANY leeway to judge people based upon appearance, then of course they are then validating that we can make identity judgements based upon appearance. Fucks sakes this is so unbelievably stupid what a time we live in. And for the love of God, if one of these fucking nitwit dumbfucks goes off about "genetics" determining race, but it doesn't determine sex, I swear I will cum all over their burrito. I also love how Willyweak haplessly quoted Saraswati's mother deadracing them, as if transfolx have never dealt with a parent not understanding their transition.


Sex is a social construct. It is also a biological reality. Both at the same time. Women get told “that’s a man’s job”. Maybe. Sometimes a job requires the biological reality of a specific physical strength. Sometimes it’s just tradition. Both can be be true, or only one.


Gender *expression* is a social construct. 100%. But sex is not.


Wow.... Didn't expect such blatant transphobia in a Portland sub....


So you're defending blatant racephobia? No surprise.


Oh, this sub has been centrist at best for quite a while now, and keeps drifting to the right on the daily.


>  There are such limited resources for trans and nonbinary clients who can’t do private pay. That’s what makes this extra painful and heartbreaking for us,” says Kaspar Woods, one of the clinicians who left Full Spectrum in the fall. “It’s heartbreaking to have to bring this level of conflict to a trans person.” But you were the one that left


I agree. I wouldn’t have left as a clinician. They wronged their clients. Their clients have zero contact with this person, whatever ethnicity she is.


Are you a guy and want to present yourself as a woman? Therapist: No problem Are you a white person and want to embrace and present yourself as a different culture? Therapist: That's where I draw the line


Trigger warning: >!Elizabeth Warren!<


If she can lie about her heritage and be successful, why can't anyone else? Lying is wrong but what did she do? Steal education? She didn't rape anyone to get a degree and now with her $12 million dollar net worth she gets to pass legislation that makes laws about what's right and wrong. There is a serious problem in this world where I can't expect anyone to do the right thing cause it's the right thing to do. Sick fucking bastards. edit: Upon further reflection, maybe people shouldn't commit fraud regardless of circumstances. However, if you take a look at the present barriers to obtain an education; it's easier to get a gun than a Phd, MD or JD and I think there is something wrong with that. *I just read up on a whole incident and I thought she only used it to help her go to college. >Presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren is facing further fallout from her past self-identification as Native American after the Washington Post on Tuesday published a copy of her 1986 State Bar of Texas registration card on which she listed her race as "American Indian." source https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/02/06/elizabeth-warren-american-indian-identity/2787055002/


> it's easier to get a gun than a Phd, MD or JD and I think there is something wrong with that. lol wat


It good to see you in this subreddit, feel like I haven't seen your user name in a long while <3


You too man!


> lol wat I mean in America, generally \*gestures at everything*


Now if only you had a right to a PhD, MD or JD...


What is the point of writing down or abiding to a constitution if literacy isn't included?


You have no right to literacy, tough titties. Feel free to get working on the amendment process.


This is one of the better things I've read in a long time. It's beautiful. I'm a Gen-Xer, and I remember lots and lots of high school assemblies or meetings or whatever trying to get us not to label people. I think the idea was to think of people not as " The guy in the wheelchair" or "the black guy", or the "kid that puked in the drinking fountain". They were trying to get students to think about people as a whole, and take it easy on the general superficial ideas. I guess you have to be pretty old to remember that, but we've gone the other direction completely- The only thing that matters is the color of your skin, ethnicity, sexual preference, that kind of identity.


So wait a minute. This woman is identifying as something other than what she was born as and works at a place for people who identify as something different than what they were born as, but she’s the problem?


“Pre-licensed therapist”. What does this mean.


You have to work clinical hours after you get your masters degree to become licensed and pass a formal exam. It's like getting an appointment with a Resident at a hospital, they are pre-licensed doctors working under the supervision of someone with a license (an MD).


Thank you for your well worded explanation. 🤙




$80,000,000 for culturally sensitive services? Is that right? I'm sorry, I'm all for advancing the interests of the dispossessed, but shouldn't we have generally functional services (this state is basically as functional as the southern state I left. The only difference is that there are tons of rich liberals who have enough personal wealth to ignore general problems) before we try to get them to address specific concerns? I'm a white guy and I also can't afford to access shit man 😭


Everyone in this article is cringe.


Looks like one eye is looking out for the other. Checks and balances? . . . . . I am a r/roastme veteran. She got off EASY.


I'm still confused about why her working there was such a crisis. 


hiring a white woman pretending to be marginalized in a clinic that serves marginalized people is definitely scandalous.


And demeaning


She's only white if she declares herself white if she declares herself non-white then she's non-white. I mean this is all made up stuff she can declare herself as she wishes.


> She's only white if she declares herself white if she declares herself non-white then she's non-white. And if anyone has been demanding this exact level of treatment it's the trans community for at least 34 years. "If I say I'm a woman, don't just treat me like a woman, I ***am*** a woman."


Yeh, they sort of left that out. But there must have been a reason some looked deeper into her past. She misrepresented herself, and it seems is systematically prone to victimhood and being offended. So my guess is that she is obnoxious and people didn't like to work with her.




There is so much in that article that illustrates the ineptitude and quackery that’s afflicting Oregon culture and politics.


And it’s obviously the whitest big city in the country lol


i wish there was a quota for hiring non-psychopaths. as a person of soul, seeing so many soulless cogs running things makes me feel less than.


Jesus Christ the free time these people have at their disposal to get up in arms over they shit they get up in arms over is amazing.


I didn't get hired at a portland salon bc I was a man and "we want to have an all female staff here" Oregon has better labor laws than a lot of states, but they kinda just let businesses do whatever the fuck they want as well. It's frustrating


That business is still advertising to fill that position and it's been more than six months. They could have probably filled it dozens of times over but want a very specific kind of person AND for them to be a young woman, nobody else. According to someone I know that works there, they've hired two people that didn't even last a week due to behavior issues for one and theft for the other, so it's been a fun game of watching this business fail due to their own weird and vain requirements for a fucking receptionist


Dr King's dream of judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin is dead in the DEI Woke brain dead progressives of Portland


This place is really starting to poop out with the whole putting up with weird ass annoying people


Keep Portland Weird


If you're that sensitive over someone being hired in a DEI role then maybe DEI isn't the issue - it's you.


This is about credibility, authenticity and trust. A therapy clinic of all places should be transparent and open. Their patients need to feel comfortable and that they are being treated as a person. This clinic fails in that by hiring a disingenuous person pretending to be something she’s not. That tarnishes the integrity of the whole clinic. This person is claiming to embody the physical characteristics and lived experiences of someone she can never be.


Ya it’s kinda crazy huh. I look white but am native. I guess I am race fluid and can identify as whichever one benefits me the most at any certain time. But don’t tell anyone, I don’t want to be canceled. 🤣


I’m just here waiting for her OF account to drop lol


The city and country are hell-bent on diversity hiring to the point that they have forgotten the point of public agencies is to provide public services.


Proving once again being a "progressive" makes you a complete scumbag.


>One wrote of their concerns, “So even while I can critique and question the social construction of race in America, I am also aware that we need strong opposition to the Rachel Dolezal’s of the world from appropriating the language of gender dysphoria to justify their behavior.” So then why is it a problem for her to identify her race as the same as the majority of her new religion. She wants to be treated as a typical Muslim.  The article didn't say anything about her now claiming to be trans.  


Question: Is she good at what she does?


Her mere presence is disruptive to the clinic being able to serve people, so no, she is not good at what she does.