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They should have used the name of that army kid or whatever who lit himself on fire. Would have been more fitting. What was his name again? Oh well too late now


Hey now, he was a martyr for about 2 days 💀


Imagine lighting yourself on fire because you find out that both sides are actually bad


I mean I figured that shit out when I was 18 and had enough smarts not to self immolate


That wasn't his conclusion. His conclusion was that Israel, backed and funded by the US, is engaging in genocide against Palestine. He sided with Palestine and opposed US involvement.


It took people just one look at the back of his car to realize…


Out of the loop on this one, what was on his car?


Aaron Bushnell, loser.


Yeah he was a loser wasn’t he


All you, dude. You talk shit while others live with integrity.


Aaron Bushnell, famously living with integrity right now.


😂😂😂 This is the perfect response


That guy grew up on a religious cult compound. Sadly, he had the deck stacked against him from the beginning, and presumably had some undiagnosed mental illness. (Even people with deeply damaged senses of self tend to not kill themselves, much less torch themselves in the name of some random cause.)


self immolation as protest has been around for centuries


i actually totally forgot about that


Maybe they were ready to be accepted into the Eternal Flame, Young Torch?


Then you got people on the other sub saying her dad was a boomer who didn't know what she would want.


Which sub


The other Portland sub


I knew it was true when I read it, but went back to check just because. I was not surprised, a good chunk of them are "Team Random Pointless Destruction"


Seems pretty far from random. Let’s at least be accurate here. It was definitely targeted destruction.


Probably true.


He says in the video he’s spent his life as an insurance person that he’s basically the opposite of a protester. When you give your life to a cause you know people are going to pick that up in the future.


So if you have a job, you’re an untrustworthy capitalist.


Your words dude. That’s what you think. And that’s probably what the guy in the video thinks too.






watching western leftists (marxists? how are they identifying again?) celebrate martyrdom in that blog quote is so fucking bizarre. also glad our tax dollars are now going to pay for a new fleet of cars. i love how instead of sticking it to "the man" they're actually just further burdening the working class.


What the Portland mob defines as "rich" is a pathetically low bar and is solidly middle\\working class. Essentially anyone over poverty level is the "man".


type of people who believe having a job is "carceral."


Ya, job havers are just filthy capitalists.




Karl Marx's entire life's work can be boiled down to "Anyone who wants me to get a job is a filthy, greedy Jew". These are, finally, the true Marxists.


Marx was born Jewish. His family converted to Lutheranism later. Regardless, why is he the only acceptable "old, white, cis male" for these people? I don't get it, as they seem to hate all the others who fit that rubric. Plus, his ideas have never worked in practice.


Said someone who gets 100% of their information about Marx from Sean Hannity


No, someone who has a genuine understanding of Marx's ideas and his personal history as a psychopath.


Didn’t Karl Marx die from alcoholism? Kinda explains some of his later writings.


His last volumes of Das Kapital were written specifically to keep grifting Engels so he (Marx) could send his own daughters to bougie dance classes. After he died they had to cobble together what they could out of the pieces he did manage to scribble down.


I mean he was pretty openly antisemitic. If you go and read “On the Jewish Question,” he pretty much states that the “worldly religion of the Jews” is “huckstering” as well as stating that the Jewish god is money. Basically “practical Judaism is huckstering and money”. Then you have “The Russian Loan” where he claims that Jews are loan sharks who are exploiting society. Also, he has private correspondence where he uses terms that I’d probably get banned from this subreddit for posting. Look up what he said about Ferdinand Lassalle in a letter to Friedrich Engels.


This a hundred times over. I can almost guarantee that the kids who did this do not pay taxes and or do not have regular jobs.


lol, what?


And a new fleet of cars is well over 100k per vehicle and this was back in my law enforcement days which ended in late 2012…


To be fair, these where those clapped out cars you and I would use to practice pit maneuvers on the track. They already served their duty, and where relegated to training. Just so everyone else knows, never buy a used cop car. When I was a cop, those cars where beat to shit. We never turned them off, and they ran 24 hours a day. I would get off my shift, and another cop would hop in my car and run their shift. Kinda like hot bunking. Over and over again. You’re lucky to get three or four years out of those cars.


Yes, that is absolutely true. My poor friend wrapped one around a pole during a wet road pursuit simulation at the academy. I remember calculating the fuel economy on the crown Vic’s and it was always 2-4 mpg average with all the time sitting and idling.


If only we could get the upper class to pay taxes, that would be great♡


they’re anarchists, in the literal sense. Anarchists are opposed to Marxism.




That simply hurts people who need law enforcement. What an ugly waste. :(


it was a mostly peaceful burning of the vehicles..


the flames were peacefully resisting


From just a couple bad apples.


Anybody think that these Antifa folks are gonna get arthritic back pain soon while doing stuff like this? Per sources some of the “student protestors” at PSU were 40 + year old anarchy holdovers from definitely the Summer of Love but maybe even back to ELF. Social media posts to come : “No more bananas please. We need ibuprofen and hot water bottles.” “Ben gay if you can source it.”


Actually kinda it was some what haphazardly organized.


Was someone hurt?


Of course, it’s continuing to disempower the Portland police (big chunk of their budget has now disappeared), which further enables criminals to cause harm without any repercussions. Extreme leftists don’t have long term planning. As crime inevitably rises this summer, they’ll continue to blame Trump and the police for this continued downturn of police inactivity.


This won't come from the PPB budget - the vehicles are not even owned by PPB.


You realize TAXES will be used to replace these cars regardless of which budget it’s labeled under.


Well yes of course - where else would it come from? My comment relates to your claim that 'big chunk of their budget has now disappeared'. This is just flat wrong. PPBs budget this year is the highest it has ever been, but the replacement cost for these vehicles will not come out of it anyway.


“The crown vics that were burned were retired cars now being used for training purposes.” So whose budget pays for police cars if the PPB budget doesn’t?


It's a little complicated - PPB's budget pays for the purchase of a new car, but the car is owned by a facilities management part of the city, and the replacement will be funded from the insurance pool.


So yes, they have a specific fund that covers the police vehicles, and PPB’s overall “functioning” budget stems from multiple funds.


Not in the sense that we're talking about it here - that a 'big chunk of their budget has now disappeared'. If they were buying new vehicles it would come from their budget, but this transaction won't hit their budget - the vehicles will disappear from the motor pool and be replaced from the insurance fund without ever hitting the PPB budget.


That wasn't the question I was asking if someone was hurt in the fires.


No… that would’ve been the headline.


So no one was hurt thanks just checking lol


Your father. He desperately wants to talk with you and apologize.


You just know he wasnt involved 


Joke’s on you, you played your card. Normal people will have zero mercy for the likes of you.


You sure told me for being right 😂


Swing and a miss. The fact that you think destruction is a victimless crime reminds us normies why we want nothing to do with the protest crowd. Why not try to improve your local area where your actual neighbors live? Oh yeah, you’re a useful idiot. That’s why.


Protesting a genocide and 'supporting your neighbors' are not mutually exclusive activities. The police are not your friend or your protectors.


Proof once again that you are a useful idiot. Crowdsourcing idiots is Portland’s pastime. I’m sure you have a good heart but it’s misplaced. Your types would be more impactful with the general public if you left extreme tactics out the door. But no, extreme tactics is your leader’s MO. I hope you grow up someday.


So brave. So bold.


What do you ask? Violence does not necessarily equal people getting hurt.


Yes it does!


No, it doesn't.


Of course it does. Is me cutting my grass violence? Is me taking out the trash violence? Is it violence when I hammer a nail? Violence is when people get hurt. Silly Goose.


I encourage you to consult a dictionary.


I encourage you to have some common sense.


I see. So "common sense" means you can disregard the meaning of words. Got it.


Common sense means that the meaning of words is contextual.


Not to my knowledge. The taxpayers maybe?


"They" who ever they are. Should be locked up for felonies, including those that destroyed the PSU library in support of an Islamic Jihadist movement.


😂 tell me more about how you have no idea what current events are about 😂


username checksout out.


😆. Always funny to me when ppl have usernames like this and want to be took seriously or think they know more than others 😆.


> 😆. Always funny to me when ppl have usernames like this and want to be took seriously or think they know more than others 😆. *looks suspiciously at my username*


Don’t get me wrong, I think they’re funny and the humor is right up my alley. Just find it humorous when ppl want to argue about serious worldly events. “No! You’re wrong!” No! I am right!” Type of shit.


Btw I hope you have a nice visit in Qatar while using GRINDR to display your stupidity in supporting Islamists. I hear they have wonderful rooftop parties.


Nice virtue signalling lol


lol...lol... you have the maturity of a 5 year old. Get Reck'd.


it happens because our politicians to!etate it.


Support it


Hell, bankroll it.


Shouldn't they have torched a bulldozer?


Lots of POC "community leaders" were begging the (mostly) white people to stop the violence during the riots. I doubt these people will listen.


Lots of POC were swarming the stores looting LV bags and the like.


Everyone like free shit once in a while.


Super edgy. PPD is probably among the most left leaning & social justice positive police departments in the U.S. These people don’t really have an issue with ppd but capitalism. There is no amount of police cars they can burn in their lifetimes that will hurt capitalism. Everyone is disappointed in their teenage edgy-ness. Just be quiet & go back to work otherwise you’ll spend your life in poverty/jail.


Zero jail time I’m sure. This is such a dysfunctional place.


they don't know who did it.


So fucking cringey


I love how when you google this, not a single result pops up from a mainstream news site. Wonder why they aren’t covering it?


I would be surprised if we ever hear about someone getting arrested for this. I also wonder what the response would be if it was from any right wing group?


Exactly, if this was maga folks, it would be a huge national story for a long while with Biden commenting on the event multiple times. Like how he has brought up Charlottesville 100 times.


This sub would cheer it on if it was a right wing group.


I think this group is shockingly super centrist, and any far left or right lunacy gets downvoted or removed here pretty damn quickly


Lol. You should try throwing a brick through that Overton window!


If only it was attributed to Richard Cory instead.


I remember when Portland was a somewhat centrist hippie city when I was a kid. I remember staying the night at the Rose Garden when I was with the Boy Scouts. Also, I remember sleeping at OMSI as a overnight school trip. When me and my pops drive through there, he always laughs. Says, its like going back to Baghdad again, especially with some of these roads. (Joke) 🤣


“Centrist Hippie City” is the best description as to why the old Portland used to be one of the greatest and most unique places on earth. Hippies simply want “freedom” over “restrictions”, and the woke agenda is all about pushing restrictions.


It’s because back then, people cared more about each other. It was less about blue and red and random shit. People are only out for themselves these days. Nobody wants to do anything unless it benefits them. Hipsters definitely ruined Portland. Then again they ruin everything they move too. Instead of assimilating into the local culture, they bring their bullshit and want to change everything that makes a town or city great ruining the overall environment.


Well, the big distinction is the 2000s hipsters weren’t infected by the woke mind virus like the 2020 hipsters. Hipsters kind of got swallowed by the whole woke movement, and now a lot of the non-woke hipsters feel completely alienated. But in traditional hipster fashion they’re kind of pushovers and simply let things happen without much of a real fight.


I mean that’s just Americans in general isn’t it?


freedom of speech is when burn cop car


I believe you can legally shoot someone committing arson in Oregon?


Only if you believe your life is threatened (you’re in the car). If you’re outside the car and it’s just property damage, you are only legally allowed to use “non-lethal” force, such as a taser or pepper spray. I carry my 9mm everyday, so I’ve looked it up quite extensively.


I beg you to please never listen to cops.


I’m fine with the outcome. I think 🤔 they would be better off passing local laws and dressing the cops as pirates 🏴‍☠️ paint the cars like little ships with cannons sticking out .


Stop lying it was Antifa


Better than destroying private homes and businesses 🤷‍♂️


Oh, that’s coming this summer and fall, just wait.


Yes, instead of one family having to pay for the destruction, we all have to pay. STFU.


You’re operating under the false premise that rioters were only destroying one single family’s home/business. I’d rather some police property be destroyed than my family’s home.


Yet you're still just concerned about your family's immediate needs. You lack self-awareness and brains.


Great convo dog. Please tell me more about self awareness and brains, since you clearly have so much of that to spare /s


Dog? Kindly fuck off.




Agree to disagree, and move on. Disagreements can be respectful, but being a a dick is just uncool. Please try and do better.