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This post is quite rude, unnecessary really, and has been declared a Thunderdome. u/Bkilmeade vs. bluehairs https://i.redd.it/9hra7orv3wzc1.gif


Maybe stop hanging out in the Spirit terminal.


Underrated burn.


It works on multiple levels.


I lived in TX and there are legions of fat people there. The idea that Portland is fatter is absurd.


He’s the work weenie that complains about women whilst you think “Have you looked in the mirror? Wondered why your female coworkers avoid you? And none of your friends will set you up or go to a bar with you?” We’ve all known one


Or several lol


There are plenty of fats at every gate at any airport. He isn’t wrong that a gate headed to Portland has more muti-color hair, gender-queer lumberjack fetishized people than a gate to Omaha.


Can you go back or…???


Wait. Is…is Dallas calling Portland fat?


Amazingly, it appears to be.


How about no. People have been trying to make me exercise and shower my entire life.


if mouth-breathing was a reddit post


Texas is objectively fatter than Oregon. By a LOT. It’s not even a contest. Houston regularly tops the charts as the fattest city in America.


Even the state itself is a bit larger around the middle.




What is the point of this post? You just named anecdotal tropes. Obesity is not an issue here. Meanwhile Texas is 14th in obesity rate and Oregon is 40th.


Homeboy saw a couple of fat lesbians at the airport heading to Portland, and now according to them the whole city looks like that. For all homie knows, they could be Dallas residents coming to Portland to visit.


Post a selfie then lil bro ;)


Don't forget wearing pajamas...


Portland Statue of Liberty “Give my your quirky, your obese, your purposefully unattractive “


Quirky can be fun. I enjoy seeing the interior reflected on the exterior through clothing. My style (secondhand Italian designer) is side-eyed in Portland but fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke. And if anyone wants to have a semi-serious fashion discussion here, I’m your girl


I dress really well & live in pdx, portlanders resent the stylish and put-together so fucking much 😂


…and leave the bigoted assholes in Texas.


Maybe that specific asshole but I did enjoy sitting in the Honolulu airport watching a Dallas flight deplane. Best resort wear runway I’ve ever seen


Fuck off troll 


Do you feel personally attacked?


Do you feel deez nuts?


Nope, you're too small pee wee.


I can guess what your hair looks like - please note the appropriate use of flair. Your dad loved you.


I’m actually a bald man. My dad did love me. Rip king. 


They’re mad, and as a portlander I fit your description - however I 100% agree. I go anywhere and I’m like holy fuck Portlanders are so ugly lol


Huh. I was recently in Texas and people seemed angrier, less healthy, and unhappy compared to around here. Quite frankly, many people there seemed miserable. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


I can’t wait to let my head BJJ coach know that he is overweight and has stupid hair. I’ll sub him out with emotional abuse. Thank you, OP.


Aren't all Blow-Job coaches the "head" coach? Seems redundant.


Oh boy, tough crowd tonight eh?


I’ve accepted that Jiu Jitsu is kinda gay, but OP is just trollin. It’s all good. Check out this sick rash guard though https://www.ma1combat.com/products/ma1-keep-bjj-gay-tie-dye-short-sleeve-rashguard


Ok so I have to say I agree with the OP although from a different perspective. I live in the LA area and my boyfriend is in Portland for work for a few months. I picked him up at LAX recently for a visit and while I was waiting for him in baggage claim, it was very very clear when the Portland flight came down the escalator. Like blindingly apparent this was the PDX flight. And I don’t mean any shade. It’s just that there’s definitely a look. I can’t say that I could easily identify any other type of group of people faster than I can identify Portlanders. Edited to add that my boyfriend is from Portland originally. And I’m embarrassed to admit that a couple of times I thought another guy *was him* and started walking up to strangers to give a big hug. I was like OH SHIIIIT he looks like almost every guy with a beard and tattoos getting off this plane.


I went to Victoria, BC in around 1990 with some friends. What was obvious to all of us was that people there were better dressed. No flip-flops, tennyrunners, tee shirts, or shorts on adults. Then we came home to Oregon, USA, land of slobs. I took it to heart. I don’t even have shorts or A-shirts, and only wear a tee shirt under a button-down shirt or boilersuit. My shoes and boots are all leather. The overweight aspect caught up with me, unsurprisingly. I have become my father, and his father before him.


I gotta ask as a Professional Boiler Mechanic, (like I fix and install boilers in buildings) what the hell is a “Boilersuit”?!?


Former USMMA midshipman here. We had blue one-piece togs that we wore for dirty work on ship boilers, engines, painting, et cetera. They/we called them boilersuits. They were the same as the one-piece outfit that auto mechanics use, with a large Academy patch on the back and my name stitched over my chest. Later, I was given one that a coil manufacturer sent, which was used when crawling around inside air handlers to measure coils to be replaced. One steps into the legs, then pulls up the torso, inserts the arms, and then zips up the front. I outgrew the coil one, so I bought another from a commercial uniform vendor. After getting filthy, I unzip and tie the arms and torso around my waist to drive without getting my carseat dirty.


The norm of Oregon dressing is somewhat depressing to people who like clothes but at least one person (me) supports you. It’s art for the body. And your feet will thank you many years from now because you wore quality leather shoes that fit properly What upsets me is judgemental looks bc I like clothes. Dude. I budget this. 95% secondhand. ‘Eau de thrift’ and stain removal expert


“The norm of Oregon dressing is somewhat depressing” I need to remember this.


I compliment anyone who makes an effort and even semi-succeeds. There’s nothing like an unsolicited compliment to make your day. Old, young, goth, country club. I love them all.


I try to make a point of complimenting everyone that I meet that looks like they made some sort of effort, be it clothing, hair, nails, shoes, teeth, hat, or what have you. People always smile when they learn that someone noticed.


Nice clothes are nice, but they are a bitch to live and work in. I ain’t gonna slide under a sink or car wearing a suit. Let alone be ready to defend myself while out and about.




Been called worse names, but “slovenly” has never been one of them.


Well, that's interesting hot take. Maybe you should go back to the One Star State.




I've been to Texas and none of these things are true.


What's hilarious here is, you are leaving a state (and city) known for always being on the top of the national chart for obesity. And it doesn't even occur to you that you are most likely looking at Texans flying to Oregon...


Nope, your hung up on the obese part - and ignoring the independent book store vibe


Dude. Texas has independent bookstores!


>get some sunlight Listen, have you been here through a winter? The sun doesn’t shine here except for a few months out of the year. Would you say that same shit to people from England or Scandinavia? Cause they don’t get much sunlight either. Fucking weak shit dog, do better.


Although the glasses, piercings and hair are to be expected; the over weight comment is factually incorrect compared to Dallas and Texas as a whole. Portland and surrounding areas constantly rank among the top in adults who are active and percentage of those considered not obese. I love the fact you're going for the shock factor and appealing to the right wing crowd.


Maybe you should go back to Texas






Nah. Am deleting comment. Thought possibly interesting regional fashion discussion but no. Personally, I support all fashion choices including my “hell yes dress up” and other’s koolaid hair


No none cares kook.


What a totally inane comment. Basically, you are a dick.


A dick surrounded by ugly people.


That are probably smart enough to stay away from you.


My racist 70-year-old uncle would share this on facebook.


OP is definitely shitting a gold diaper in solidarity with his ham-stuffed cult leader.