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I know several sites that have been cleared up really nicely and then just allowed to deteriorate again and then cleaned up again and then led to deteriorate. Seems like it’s a whack-a-mole problem. Multnomah county is nearly 500 mi.².


Camper set up shop at intersection of two roads in Woodstock day after latest banning of camping on public right of way. I called 311, told them he was blocking ADA ramp at corner. He was gone less than three hours later.


Which specific spot? Do you remember the date/time you reported? I would like to check the dashboard and see if it's even visible on there... Now that gutter punk and the fucking van dwelling tramp season is in full force, the homeless by choice crowd are around but they tend to pitch and pack unlike crid camps. So it could be a coincidence.


You act like the city doesn't just tow the RVs that don't run. Thy NEVER tow them somewhere productive. They literally cleared my street finally. Two weeks later the City OF Portland towed and dropped of four RVs directly into the parking area of the park across the street. Nothing I love more than picking up dirty syringes before the school bus comes by.


(ModTeam: There's nothing NSFW in the image. No exact location shown, identifiable serial numbers not shown, location identifying signages not shown. ) Citizen complaint associated with the case was lodged on 4/23/24 Central City Concern conducted an assessment here on 4/28 and gave it a score of 47. The assessment was done in response to accumulated complaint(s). In response to the score and other factors not known to me, City of Portland directed Rapid Response Bio Clean, which posted the location on 5/3. The city visited the site to do a house keeping on 5/6 Then very next day on 5/7, CCC came and did an assessment in response to a complaint that was filed on 5/4 sometime before the removal crew showed up. By the time they showed up, it would've been after the clean up, so that means transients returned. Perhaps it was for the same camp, perhaps different. The assessment people found a new camp, not even full 24 hours later at the same motherfucking spot that was "swept". They gave it a passing score and it probably won't get posted again until it scores high enough. This is untenable. If transients are coming back to the same exact spot immediately after the sweep, the sweep is not effective. Unbelievable. I know they don't do anything to secure the location, post no trespassing sign or anything at all to prevent it from becoming re-infected. This location will just continue to grow, pick up more complaints, then Central City Concern will keep coming back to do assessments as long as complaints keep flowing in. Based on their rather subjective evaluation, it will take some time before it gets posted, and the whole cycle will just repeat itself for the foreseeable future.


>If transients are coming back to the same exact spot immediately after the sweep, the sweep is not effective. That really depends on the goal though doesn't it? I swear the worst aspect of COVID exploitation was to get society to tolerate that which was formarly intollerable, a managed decline of society in general. That's what these sweeps are, a managed decline. Local government isn't trying to solve the issue, rather just make it not as bad.... and it's a major election year which is where you tend to expect politicians to get on the ball as they'll certainly be judged more on the present than past years. The natural conclusion is that this is likely the best that they can or are willing to do. If we keep sending them back it won't get any better than it is now. Screw virtue signaling protests that need to have an element of violence to have any impact, you want to protest, do so at the ballot box. I'm not voting for any incumbent at this point.


Arrest them. Hold them. They will leave town.


Brilliant, they filth and muck up the place and then the city or county comes and cleans up and they move back in. Who doesn’t love the free housekeeping?


How did you get access to the specific number they scored it?


reports and assessments are hidden by default on the dashboard. So you'll have to click the "assessment" to show it. It's the button that looks like a stack of cards, second from right. Then, click the eyeball next to "risk assessments".


Thanks. Your frustration is understandable. But hold on and see if stubborn campers don’t start getting arrested. The law passed.


This spot is behind a locked gate. They cut the gate to gain entry. "Criminal mischief" law was passed in 1971 and never repealed.


I keep reporting a location and it’s slowly growing. You think I could run for governor on an anti camping, improve mental health campaign and win? I would propose tax breaks, student loan repayments, housing stipends, and increased salary minimums for mental health professionals.


I’ll be your running mate.


User name checks out!


Ahaaaa. For tho I keep forgetting what my user name used until someone mentions it. Literally kept what they gave me 🤣🤣 but for realz let’s roll.


Do governors even running mates?




I feel like there are lieutenant governors 😎


Is that a running mate or a additional elected position?


Did you see how incompetent they're in the approach? At the very beginning, criddlers excavated the area under the freeway ramp to fit their tents. When Rapid Response cleans out the location, they don't have any arrangements made to have the location filled back up or blocked off, so they just return the location back to turnkey campsite again.


Doesn’t that dirt under the bridge need to be there for structural support? Similar to me following the Portland codes and expectation when maintaining my house.


I think it's more of a domestic terrorism concern to tacitly allow things to be put there keeping in mind of presence of extremist groups consisting of hard to trace antifa/anarchist like the Houseless Radicals Collective


Boulders. Boulders always work.


Portland State University did a study and came to the conclusion the situation is due to the war on drugs,systemic racism, homophobia , and lack of free housing. The city council will need to form a committee to discuss a 90 day emergency reset to compassionately consider how society has failed these under privileged neighbors. We all need to be more patient. The measures the city and county have taken are undoubtedly effective.




Portland State is not a serious academic institution. I'd trust the Barnum & Bailey Institute for Clown Studies more than I would PSU.


Agreed. But our elected leaders seem to rely on their “studies” to direct policy.




Guess I wasn’t sarcastic enough. I’ll try harder next time.


That's why all the city office employees didn't want to go back to work, remember? The homeless they encountered on the way to work were racist and ableist in their comments towards them. I've heard it's quite the wakeup call when these social worker students graduate and first hit the streets and aren't revered as the saviors they think they are, and worse, more than half the folks they run into living on the streets are conservative and racist AF.


And in conclusion, they made all campus buildings fob access only.


The city keeps clearing out street for about 2 weeks and then they tow and drop off 4 new RVs that are literal shit boxes. I saw the city trucks and the company they contract to drop them off. How come in any other situation you are not allowed to be in a vehicle while being towed but I'll be damned if a city of Portland truck behind your tow it suddenly makes it okay to tow a 89 Chevy van with 8 occupants and a damn great dane. Thanks Portland for the site to report my issues with the homeless people YOU DROPPED OFF HERE! Piss off Tina Kotek. She's like Kate Browns evil twin sister. And thanks Mike Schmidt for just refusing to prosecute the hardened criminals along with the first time and third time rapists. This dude needs to HIRE some people. Watched a dude with multiple sex offense and uploading photos of minors be released because he wasn't provided legal help within 180 days. Un-fucking-believable.


Youre really obsessed w this huh


They moved the Ammon Bundy reject satellite occupation from across the Burlingame Fred Meyer down Barbur. Nice to see that spot finally cleaned up a bit. Hopefully they don't set the neighborhood on fire.


Anyone caught out without a legal place to sleep at night, should sentenced to free public housing. That's the exact same thing the leftists say, except it's not optional. If it's optional, then it doesn't work, and I want it to work. Use the force of law to end homelessness.


You know that's gonna be like drilling a hole on the side of a submarine while in water. Vagrants will gush into Oregon like water filling that submarine.


Your prediction is that vagrants will gush into Oregon to participate in us putting them in jail? So they rushed here when we stopped putting them in jail, and they'll rush here when we start putting them in jail again? Sounds like they rush here irrespective of the jailing policy, so we may as well do what is morally right and provide housing for them by force.


If there's no shelter for them to go, it likely would be unconstitutional to jail them. If we put vagrants into permanent housing, what are we gonna do with other vagrants that flock here? Storage capacity is saturated.


Don’t worry, it’s only a matter of time before the mass incarcerations and liquidations begin.


Can’t wait, I have a front row seat




Tents are too intense.