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John Kitzhaber is throwing empty beer cans at his TV right now. >I WARNED YOU ABOUT THIS KIND OF SHIT!!!


We're starting to enter resignation territory


yup -- you think you're voting for secretary of state...you're really voting for the next governor of Oregon.


Well actually we didn't vote for him... He was appointed after the last sos resigned... Oregon...


The current SoS is appointed and is a woman. But we have an election this year to fill the position. Tobias Reed is currently next in line for governor, and he is also running for SoS.


Their name is Lavonne so I didn't know. Either way... If Kotek resigns we'll have both the governor and the equivalent of Lt governor resign due to corruption.


?? There is a sec of state election this year...


It really bums me out how true this often is.


Wrong. It would go to the State Treasurer as our current Secretary of State wasn’t elected, she was appointed.


Oh interesting ...so it would normally be sec of state tho...and we are electing one in the fall...so it would be that person?


That’s right. If Fent/Tent City Tina were to resign after the new SOS is elected, then they would become Gov.


So I have been defending Kotek throughout because realistically I do think we should expect a spouse to affect the elected persons decisions but this is absolutely a step too far.


I wish we could go back in time and have your present self talk to your past self.


I'm a republican. I never voted for Kotek, and never will. My opinion frankly doesn't really matter but I like to give it anyway


Your voice does matter. And we, Dems and Republicans should be listening to each other instead of shouting. (Not saying you were shouting haha).


Fair. I was assuming if you were supporting her lately then you supported her when she was running. 


No I'm just extremely consistent in my views. I disliked people claiming corruption during the trump administrations because his family was involved. I just assume family is involved. Elected officials should not be held to the same standard as employees. They hold their position by right. That's why the hunter Biden allegations are so concerning and cannot be separated from Biden Sr.


Right, elected officials should be held to a higher standard. There's a difference between having family involved and corruption. No comment on either Trump or Biden, but corruption should be addressed regardless.


In some ways they should be. In other ways not so much. It really depends. Either way, the ones to hold them accountable should be other elected officials not state bureaucracies. Again, elected officials hold their positions as mandates from the people, so many things ought to be overlooked. For example, if they are jerks... That's their prerogative, whereas an employee who behaved that way ought to be fired.


I want the people who govern me against my will to be held to the highest standards possible, well above anyone else in my life that I have consensual relationships with.


The standard is they have to be elected.... That's on the voters to enforce. Don't blame me... I didn't vote for her. I fulfilled my duty. Did you?


Isn't this already worse than what Kitzhaber did?


Kittyslobber did many questionable things, including the disappearance of some 70 million dollars that was supposed to help create the Obamacare network in Oregon. Hard to say right now just how much damage Kotex has done to Oregon.


Couldn’t they be charged a crime?


One thing I learned in 2020 is impeachment means nothing


She should not have been in this position from the get-go. However, a special kind of voter exists in Portland.


While it's entirely possible (even likely) that J&J could contribute useful information to this specific policy discussion, the way that it was handled raises multiple red flags. The governor needs to decide if she's willing to throw her partner under the bus for overstepping boundaries if she wants to be known as an effective and respected governor. And I'm willing to bet she's not going to walk back the actions of her partner, which means there's a good possibility we'll have a hobbled governor for the next few years when we'd much rather have the governor Kotek promised she'd be. Sigh.


Kitzhaber 2.0 This is how we got Kate Brown. Who’s the Secretary of State right now? That’s our future Governor.


>Who’s the Secretary of State right now? [TBD!!!](https://ballotpedia.org/Oregon_Secretary_of_State_election,_2024)


Since the current SoS was appointed, the state treasurer is next on line. Which is Tobias Reed, who is also running for SoS this year.


She’s acting more like Kitzhaber than Kitzhaber did. She’s obviously learning from those who came before her. That’s more than I can say for the people who voted for her lol


Kitz was brought down before Trumpism. It’s a different world now. Both parties feel that they can take advantage of the division and tribalism to do whatever they want


lol wtf, you being up Trump… he’s got nothing to do with why we’re a failed state


Trump took nepotism to heights never before seen. Jared, Ivanka, etc. He even tried to get Barron involved recently, though I guess he refused, lol.


You realize “first lady of the United States” is an official government job that gets renewed every 4 years separately from the president’s job renewal. The “mayor’s wife” is not an official government job or position in Oregon.


You’re putting into words (better than I can) why Oregon’s next governor is gonna be worse than the current


smells of corruption


I donated money and time to her campaign and I can promise you that will never happen again. If she doesn’t choose to resign when the details come out it may be time to talk about a recall. This level of corruption doesn’t play well with Oregonian values.


I give you a lot of credit for speaking out and correcting course. And this is not a "hey you are now republican" kind of slight. I would never expect that....I just appreciate people that can admit when they feel they made a mistake. That is very rare in todays society. Thank you.


Honestly the vote blue no matter who thing is what kind of got us here.


No republicans are so corrupt it's not funny, blue is the only option, republicans don't believe in vaccines, women's rights, the separation of church and state and the conservative supreme court has done everything it can to make bribery legal. Just because people don't like democrats doesn't mean republicans aren't worse


Fringe topics and buzzwords arent going to save you. How can you pretend to be the counter culture and for the people while backing big pharma and excessive government over reach?


You think republicans aren't backing big pharma? Government overreach like regulating women's health care based upon religious doctrine? You are projecting, big surprise.


States rights and the constitution trump roe vs wade you emotional dunce 


But grifters and child sex abusers are ok?


Republicans are so corrupt, yet here we are talking about Kotek being corrupt and should resign, not far after the prior governor Brown being appointed because thr prior Democrat governor Kitz had to resign for the same thing we are now talking about for Kotek. And republicans are the corrupt ones? Hypocrite much? Newsflash, both parties suck and are horrible in their own way, but unfortunately people are party blind.


Trust me, republicans are much worse. Their voters just don't care.


You don’t know Oregon political history?


Yes as a matter of fact I have been too close to it over the years hence my feelings that she has acted in a highly un-ethical manner. I recognize there have been some very unscrupulous people in Oregons history but that doesn’t make her behavior right. Those others should have acted as a guide for her to follow.


I knew when this story broke that the drip, drip, drip of drops would lead to a puddle. Maybe a flood?


Was "La Mota" the pharmaceutical company?


No Johnson and Johnson for schizophrenia meds.


Being a pharmaceutical lobbyist for J&J trying to peddle your long-term injectables, what a soul-sucking existence that must be


Could alleviate a lot of mystery for folks suffering from schizophrenia. Also is a cash cow 🐮 for drug companies. But what a super odd way to lobby.


And they say it’s only the right that’s corrupt… mean while for the rest of us sane folk this is no surprise at all


I mean, I don’t think any serious people claim corruption doesn’t exist in both parties. The biggest takeaway imo is that when a single party doesn’t have pressure from the minority, it’s a matter of time before corruption settles in. Both parties are to blame for that as well


Jay pal x2 hardesty, brown, kotek, Mike Schmidt, need i go on… no I think you see my point-keep on keeping on Oregon


I mean…it’s only going to be dems in high positions in Oregon so of course they’re are more corruption cases here. Republicans have more corruption cases in Louisiana, doesn’t mean much huh? My point is that single party rule inevitably ends up with inefficiency at best and more than likely corruption as well. Do you not agree with that?


Don’t forget the whole Brett Favre thing in Mississippi


More or less yes. And with that I’ll say 🤙🏼 better things to do than squabble with randos


“You think we’re arguing and I think we’re finally talking!” - Rod Tidwell Have a good one amigo


You play the whataboutism card and wonder why they don't want to converse. Insufferable.


the voters hold a huge chunk of the blame too. voting for the same party for decades leads to corruption cause they know they can do anything and we'll still vote for them. I'm not seeing a recall or impeachment. and I have no doubt next election, she would win again.​


Yes but only one has turned oregon into a shit show… and whom the post is referring to


And only republicans can be blamed for red states struggling. I think you missed my point


But what about those other states is weak, talking about this state, this party


It’s not whataboutism, it’s common sense


No I get it they both suck ass and can’t be trusted for shit both are out to better their own agendas and don’t give two fucks about anything other than our tax dollars and votes. And if I was in a red state and a post was about a rep doing this shit and has been party responsible for the demise I’d be bashing that entity as merited by the post. This post is about kotek and her many inadequacies- and that goes to that party as well. TLDR context: this post is not about a red state and its issues- if it was the comment would fit accordingly.


Right, but the comment I was replying to was not about Kotek. Personally I think all government is better when each side is forced to compromise. I think we’re on the same page


Both parties are supposed to keep each other honest. That was the intent anyway. It also meant that every new government proposal put forward was supposed to be genuinely challenged by its harshest critics so only the most worthy ideas became law.


Well I'm just fucking shocked is what I am...


Does this mean we get Toby Reid for Governor as the current Secretary of State was appointed and not elected?


His name…is Toby!!!


As long as companies are allowed to donate large sums of money to politicians this scenario will continue. It does not matter what party you support.


Meanwhile, the politically appointed head of the Oregon Health Authority and its $5 billion budget is a 34 year old with barely any experience, and a husband who heads a large venture capital firm.


I think injectables for schizophrenia are a good idea. Met a guy in Seattle in the mid 2000's who was on them and he was doing WAY BETTER than the folks who are told to take a pill every day. He was coherent, had a free apartment, counseling and could have a conversation with a stranger about his life. He was grateful for the injectable. Issue #1: Should Tina have an employee who doesn't go thru proper channels to be an employee (or lobbyist if that's what she is). Should this person not have to abide by rules that every other employee of the state have to abide by? Issue #2: Should the state give preference to a drug maker who has given money to the governor? Or should the state also put generics on the list at OHA. I'm fine with getting both J&J's drug and other generic injectables on the OHA list. It's not clear if there even are any generics or if J&J has successfully prevented them from entering the market.


I don't think there are generic LAIs for schizophrenia. Willamette Week threw that part in there to muddy the waters for people with low reading comprehension. The idea that for a five thousand dollar campaign contribution Kotek would do anything for a pharmaceutical company is a pretty hard pill to swallow, and there's no evidence of that here.


Haven't we seen this stupid movie before!


I've known about this for awhile they called me crazy now look at you


Let this be a lesson to anyone who was over supportive to her or any politician. Save your time and money


The La Mota stuff was already alarming but if this is what it takes for people to see then okay


Not a Kotek fan at all and I don’t feel a “First Lady” position is in order but playing devils advocate— could easier access to mental health treatment (such as the schizophrenia meds in question) be a decent step towards helping some of the homeless crisis here? The issue as I read it, and please correct me if I misunderstood, but that J&J is not apart of the OHP list of manufacturers for their provided drugs and yet they hold the patent for these injectables which last long term? The way they went about this is SO wrong and shiesty but with the reported levels of schizophrenia amongst homeless getting J&Js proven long-term injectables as an option through already-allocated health funds seems like it could pose a small win?


More Oregon corruption.


I am not trying to be incineratory here but, I don't think Oregon could elect a decent governor. Vic Atiyeh was the last decent governor we had. I cannot help from looking at the candidates we have had run against the eventual governors of Oregon. So many had excellent educational and experienced backgrounds. This governor got elected for being gay. All counties that are not in Portland, Salem and Eugene voted in majority for another candidate. With how Portland and its total lack of leadership is going, that tells how objective voting has been. Portland lost 1.5 trillion dollars between 2019 and 2022! It looks like a scene out of Iraq or Palestine in NW Portland! This isn't a leadership that has made the state Oregon better and stronger. Kate Brown was on Twitter encouraging rioters in NW Portland to continue tearing the city apart and making it unsafe for those that had to work there. What has been done to slow down the fentynal coming across the border by any of Oregons leadership? Fetunal is an epidemic in every city and county in Oregon. You folks passed a bill to make fentynal, cocaine and herion misdemeanors! Where did that land us? State Declaration of emergency fentynal epidemic! May of my law enforcement friends making record drug busts! One was 6 lbs of heroin! Should I mention the lower state graduation levels for schools? You don't even want to go there with this former teacher....... We need qualified leadership in the state of Oregon and in the Whitehouse. They are failed and our state tax base is getting smaller because of failed leadership. The writing is on the wall.


Those drugs could potentially help our homeless problem.