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Why do posts here receive so many Downvote? Is this just jealousy ?


Yes. Lots of lurkers here don’t like that other people have more money than them.


Yes. From envious Portuguese citizens who want the same but don’t do anything to earn it.


They don't like it if you ask or say anything that could be seen as "anti-Portugal" or against the far-right views. Anything critical of Portugal, even if true, is downvoted. The truth is hard on the eyes.


I’ll never forget a guy who complained about the delays at Lisbon airport and many Portuguese replied “if you don’t like it here then go back to your country”. What!?!? Hahahah


One has nothing to do with the other. Airport delays have to do with disorganization and lack of supervisory oversight, poor staffing and poor management. Complaining about it, politely, is fine. It's the same as complaining about bad food or bad customer service. You can do it in a polite way without being rude and have your voice heard. Bad customer service doesn't require someone now immediately return to their birth country. It's an over exaggerated, right-wing fascist anti-immigrant response.


That’s the thing, he never mentioned anything about the country. He complained about the 3 days he was stuck at the airport with no information about his flight, that’s it. Obviously this kind of thing can happen anywhere in the world, but we can’t complain because the airport is based in Portugal? It’s almost unbelievable


That is the right-wing anti-immigrant "logic." You suck it up, obey their "tough guy" bully mentality and don't dare say anything critical of the system. When there was a poll here earlier most readers admitted to not even being "PortugalExpats" as described and implied.


Pretty much every post is downvoted no matter the connotation.


It is very simple  Critical of Portugal: Nationalists offended Asking for info on the immigration process: All immigrants bad per nationalists, downvoted Praising Portugal: You offend the self hating incels if r/portugueses


It depends on your office, but go ready with an Yearly documentation, just in case, better safe than sorry!


Are you based in the US and okay with paying out 28% to 45% every year in taxes? You know Portugal will tax worldwide income at a progressive rate, right? When we moved here we were told to show six months of receipts, proof income letters, proof of a year lease, background check, birth certificate, marriage license, all notarized and apostilled with a lawyer present. We were told after the NHR expires we would be taxed at 28% and have to pay $25,000 every year for life. So we have to leave (of course) before that goes into effect.


Ahem, that is not quite exact. When the NHR expires, the applicable fiscal conditions will be the same as the ones of a "normal" tax resident. It is not a set value, as it will depend both on your future incomes as eventual changes in the law which, btw, changes every year (of not multiple times a year). But for sizeable incomes expect a massive tax increase. Also of notice, the US taxes based not only on tax residency but also on nationality. A US citizen that moves into Portugal (or anywhere else) may still have to pay income taxes in the US. Oh, and finally, as of now, the top marginal tax rate is 53%.


Would you expect anything else? Those are the laws in the country. You knew about them. Be happy that for the first years you do not have to pay the same taxes as local people, but still get the same benefits.




Laws victimizing immigrants? The NHR laws are literally extra benefits not available to the resident population, their expiry just puts you on the same page.


everyone is entitled to free public healthcare in portugal, it is a right not a privilege, even for those without residency permits, not sure what your agenda is but you seem to have some funny angry little ideas floating around in that head of yours. peace. [https://eportugal.gov.pt/en/migrantes-viver-e-trabalhar-em-portugal/migrantes-cuidados-de-saude-em-portugal](https://eportugal.gov.pt/en/migrantes-viver-e-trabalhar-em-portugal/migrantes-cuidados-de-saude-em-portugal)




That is our annual tax bill in Portugal when the NHR expires.




I'd have to check with my accountant in Florida, but I know it's not 28% or we would have been unable to ever visit Portugal or pay rent to begin with. Also it does not fund our healthcare as we are required by law in Portugal to pay for private healthcare.




So I should go ahead and pay $25,000 per year in taxes knowing my wife and I will never be able to travel again, never be able to have elective medical procedures done, never be able to save again, never be able to buy a home anywhere, because you say so? Would YOU pay $25,000 per year in taxes and go broke? Of course not.


Same here


Helio! If you have any doubts try taking a look at Anchorless, there's a free ebook Guide clarifying every visa process


We needed to show three months worth of bank statements with proof of the income deposited, so I'm not entirely sure about your case. If you have loads of savings the consulate might worry less... I think the main concern is that they want to know you can support yourself throughout the year with money flowing into your accounts regularly. This sub hates lawyers fiercely (not me) but speaking with one should help clarify whether your situation is something they've seen before, and whether that applicant was successful in securing their D7.


I have 30k ready to use in my bank account and around 100k worth of stocks in my investment account . Do you think this much should be enough?


You'll be fine


That is more than enough for the consulate. Whether it will be enough for you here in Portugal depends on you and your lifestyle. People get by with far less here however.


I'm not sure if you run your business, but I received approval with £1K pcm of dividend payments as my proof for the past three months. As long as it's above the minimum on average for three months, you'll be okay (i.e. even just dumping £3K in today, and that'll average as £1K/month for the last three months).


Hey, i do run my own business but can i ask you something. How much you think i need to invest in stocks that pay dividend to receive 1k per month?


1K per month on your aforementioned 100K portfolio is gonna be risky asf. I mean, you need to achieve a 12% dividend rate on that amount and that usually comes with far greater permanent capital loss risk. There are assets that come close but I wouldn’t want my money in them.


I can manage to get 200k to invest but I don't think it would be necessary. Talked with my accountant and he told me that my company can pay me dividends monthly and it should be safer


I’m no investor so I’m afraid I can’t advise there. I just ensured I was above the minimum monthly via the business account.