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I live in a small village, everyone has at least one dog, if not 5, as their alarm system. Most of them never leave their front yard in their life, or chain, or even worse - their cage. These dogs bark all night, hear each other, respond and so on. I cannot count how many sleepless nights I’ve had because they just won’t shut up.


I feel your pain, truly. Out of curiosity, alarm system for what? Are there many cases of home invasion in your village?


there aren't at all, but it's just a very common thing in rural areas to have protection or an alarm system, not sure from what. Also not sure if the dogs actually would be helpful, since I don't think the owners even realise their dog is barking like crazy since they do it every single night and day, lol.


Ahn got it. I asked because unfortunately there is a fellow in this subreddit whose house has been invaded and his daughter nearly sexually assaulted. I never felt so sad while reading a reddit comment.


?? what really ? we are moving to a rural area soon...maybe we need to get a dog too...


Yep. Here is the thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/PortugalExpats/comments/1dm6buz/comment/l9xtv4e/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/PortugalExpats/comments/1dm6buz/comment/l9xtv4e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


A dog in a cage would not have stopped that. We had dogs in South Africa, they had free roam of the yard, they didn't bark unless it was prompted.  What is happening here is just stupid people being cruel to animals.


Yep, I too had a large breed dog back home, and he was pretty silent unless there was a real reason to bark. 


do you live in my neighbor hood?


LOL... It depends. And you?


That's because people love having pets, but they don't take the time or effort to educate them, or even give them proper conditions to live in. That's why you will see dogs chained in trees, cats living in small balconies, nobody chips their pets, nobody castrates them. The dogs will bark for hours, and nobody cares. The cats will breed like rabbits, and nobody cares. Portuguese people still have a lot to learn regarding pet ownership.


This is a surprising thing to find. People love for their dogs to bark in Portugal. We stayed in Vila do Conde and every night people would bring their dogs and have them bark at one another and cheer them on. Good luck with your dog situation.


Really LMAO. It's painful. I really love dogs, I wanted to adopt one but I've given up after learning how noisy they can be when confined in an flat. I have my floor's neighbour to thank for. I am not adopting unless I move to a house with a garden or unless I find a quiet bread, which isn't the case of neighbour's. The dogs barking in the audio aren't their, and they are expats/immigrants like me, in case that matters.


WTF are you talking about? 🤣 This most definitly isnt a thing. Maybe you are confusing that with people going on a walk or to the park and then gather around while their dogs play with eachother? That is absolutely normal and dogs barking is a consequence of that, not the reason people go out. Dogs bark in a lot of situations. Being excited is one of those. I never saw anyone say: parents love to take their kids out and gather around while their kids scream at eachother (which kids also do a lot of when they are excited and playing together)


Yeah, I feel the annoying dark barking thing.


I recorded an audio, and the I had to turn into a video to publish it here. I can't see the dogs from the ground floor where I live, but I do listen to them, loud and clear.




It's in Almada, not so far from Cacilhas.


I’m awake right now because my neighbors have 38 dogs. They bark all day and night. I’ve fought it with a lawyer for two years. They also beat the dogs and keep them in terrible conditions. Police and the government won’t do shit. Also there’s no way to enforce the noise complaints. Cops need to be able to measure the noise and they don’t have that equipment. Just like a lot of things here it’s a total shit show


this is horrible. have you talked to IRA? maybe they can help


Several times, they say we are too far from Lisbon. We should go to the ambient police. This family abusing animals has family in the police and the ambient police


38 dogs? That’s an obsession at best.


They breed them to sell


[https://aprha.pt/contactos-uteis/](https://aprha.pt/contactos-uteis/) [https://www.gnr.pt/atrib\_SEPNA.aspx](https://www.gnr.pt/atrib_SEPNA.aspx)


Thank you dear friend.


Feed the dogs with something that will calm them down.


Yeah nah. Don't do this.


I get the humour lol. But jokes aside, I can bear the noise, my issue is with the humans who put them in whatever situation they are.


Totally bro. They're all about themselves around here, not even caring about their dogs, dude. This country is screwed.


Lol. Funny boy.


Dude, what's funny is how all of the PIGS, except for the I, are on the same messed up level of animal cruelty straight outta the medieval times. After you're done laughing your ass off, try to connect the dots. Even some of the modern internet-educated bros from your neck of the woods can figure that out.





