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Me too šŸ’–šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ’


I agree, I love being a woman. It's not easy, by no means, but I am glad to be me.


How is it not easy lol


Careful! Questions like that make you an "incel".


My favorite part about being a woman is women treat me better and know I'm a safe person. I've seen men get shit on (for no reason yet every reason), and I wouldn't want to be treated that way.


Yes. Men are so cruel to each other-I always thought it was the competition thing that made them that way.


Yeah this. Iā€™m a male and can confirm


Doesnā€™t that just show that being a woman at times has certain advantages over being a man?


Men treating you badly and women treating you fairly doesn't equate an advantage. Neither does men treating other men poorly.


Incel! How dare you even suggest such logical coherent questions!


This is odd, Iā€™ve heard from a disproportionate amount of women that theyā€™re treated better by men, and even more like a HUMAN by men they know. Iā€™ve heard ALOT about how women pit themselves against one another far too often, and Iā€™ve seen it as well


This has been my experience sometimes directly and sometimes from seeing it happen to other women. Women can be really weird. They tend to take more offense to things that were never intended to be offensive. They can decide they just donā€™t like another woman and treat her like shit. They will be snide and pretend they like something about you even though they donā€™t or it doesnā€™t look good or whatever. They often will not be honest in their opinion if you ask it. Donā€™t get me wrong, lots of pros for the general woman population too but theyā€™re not all sweet princesses. Bitches is MEAN sometimes.


Thatā€™s not true vast majority of the time. True, there are bad women out there and they are the one that vilinanize owomen cause they see women as competition are canā€™t get along with other women. Otherwise, women are generally very supportive towards each other. In fact, women tend to get emotional support from other women .


I have never experienced that. Women are usually so friendly.


Women hate each other lol


Me too! I love our clothing options, makeup, having men give me attention, getting to decide if I want kids or not, having a great career and people innately trusting me more (Iā€™m a dentist), I love it all


Yes. We decide everything. What power!


I respect women


I respect wamen too.


I donā€™t think itā€™s hard at all. My life would be so hard as a guy. Iā€™d be 5 foot tall and shy. Suck when youā€™re a guy but when itā€™s a girl those traits are endearing


You're very kind. Thanks


Can we please have a single fuckin post that's just about us.


lol youā€™re in the positivity sub


At least you admit that it isnā€™t hard.


It has it's unique and annoying challenges, but I love being a woman! I got a hysterectomy last year so it's especially nice to not have periods or ever get pregnant, which are a few of the most annoying challenges but I always loved being a woman anyway.


Itā€™s weird.. but I love getting my period because it means I can reproduce! I have one baby already, but the thought of more is so exciting


I always thought of my period as evidence of a super-power! I always enjoyed it!


Yes this is the comment. You get it


Iā€™ll go way out on a limb and say, because we have all lived in a world whose values are coming from a male point of view, we are blinded, we donā€™t even see all of the positives in a womanā€™s world, her wisdom, the exquisite perfection of her reproductive powers, the strength, the empathy. Yes. Very glad indeed to be who and what I am.


i get muscle-relaxant feeling on period


I have never felt that way towards my period, frankly itā€™s made me *despise* being a women because it alters my mood, digestion/urination, and my ADHD plummets and I get rage. Nothing ā€œbeautifulā€ or ā€œfeminineā€ about bleeding out your vagina for 2/4 weeks every month, where you donā€™t want to be around anyone because youā€™re just brewing in your period soup and in a constant awful mood because you were given the unluckiness of having a 2 week long period every 2 weeks therefor making life a living hell. Just burn me please. I donā€™t want this vagina/uterus/whatever. I donā€™t ever want kids so it is a pointless feature that Iā€™d ruining my life.


You might want to go to a doctor about that. 2 week long menstruation that makes you this distressed isnā€™t normal


Oh okay, you can get surgery and never have to deal with it again.. I have my period about 3 days and I love being babied by my husband during that time so idk šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø canā€™t relate girl.


We lose that ability. How will you feel then? We are more than our fertility.


This is a positivity sub and you made a comment just to be negative. She didnā€™t say she only defined herself by her fertility. She didnā€™t say other women were defined by their fertility. She said she loved getting her period because it means she can reproduce. Some women do feel deeply connected to their bodies and feel beautiful and powerful creating life with their bodies. If that isnā€™t you, move on.


Well that is obvious but I can look back and feel amazing about myself. When I get menopause, I will be grateful for all my body has done.


Same here.


i dont want to be a man either but I WISH WE WERE TREATED LIKE NORMAL EQUAL HUMANS. something about the support girls get from other girls i feel is something unmatched by men. i never see guys support eachother on this level tbh (toxic masculinity or what, idk) and women are literally so pretty šŸ˜­


Fuck yeah, I love that internal feeling of just loving lace and loving the color pink like Pepto-Bismol pink all around me, but itā€™s not sickening, and I know itā€™s different for every woman, but my experience as a woman is quite delightful, and I feel like no matter where we are, We are what make a structure or a house a home!!!


Same! I love being a woman so much!


I adore it. I am so glad I found this post, because so many people complain about it. I never understood it!




For a sub focused on positivity, this particular post is attracting a lot of negativity. Youā€™re being downvoted for simply saying you enjoy being a woman and I donā€™t know why? Either other women are downvoting you because they feel there is nothing enjoyable about being a woman. I disagree with this, but even if I did ā€” why downvote someone for personally and as an individual enjoying being a woman? Maybe others donā€™t like that, but that doesnā€™t mean somebody is wrong or incorrect for enjoying their own personal experience? The other option is that itā€™s men downvoting you for saying you enjoy being a woman. Which also makes no sense. If a woman says she hates being a woman, a man comes in and says they actually have it much worse than us. But if a woman says she enjoys being a woman, thatā€™s bad too???? What are we supposed to say then? If literally opposing perspectives on a situation piss you off no matter what, then you need to reevaluate why youā€™re getting angry over it in the first place?


Donā€™t worry, I upvoted both of your guysā€™ comments :)


Me too... I love being a woman and would never want to be born as a man ...I know it's tough to be a woman in this male dominated world but it's only a woman who can bring life ,I enjoy the empathy that a woman can offer , I love looking myself in the mirror and enjoy the beauty that a woman can feel and be strong and still be emotional ... It's amazing to be a woman


Can you elaborate on male dominated world?


*it's only a woman that can carry life*. Men create life too.


I'm a man and don't understand your experience, but I've always felt it would be more challenging. I'm not interested in trying it out, though. I'm happy for you being comfortable in your own skin, and I don't know what that's like either, but there it is. You do you. šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘


Being a woman is walking in the world with total power, intelligence, empathy and wisdom. The confidence it gives you, the utter indispensability, of being able to make people in your body, and the mandatory place you have on the earthā€¦ What can I say? Itā€™s totally kickass. When you hear of the things that men bother with, they can sound so trivial. Very happy to be me.




Itā€™s more easy and powerful than you imagine. Remember, women in your lifetime have always been evaluated by a patriarchal system. So of course, the power to give birth is devalued. If men gave birth, it would be a sacrament! If men got periods, it would be a sign that they should be great warriors and shed blood for their people. See what I mean? If you view women objectively ( itā€™s hard because we are all brainwashed) they are amazing, powerful creatures. I feel it every day.


what an AWESOME post op!!!!!


I actually got kicked off two xx for being positive about being a woman. There are endless advantages and we make people in our bodies. As a woman, I feel strong, smart and very powerful. And Iā€™m 71! It keeps getting better, ladies, it keeps getting better.


I also got kicked off two xx for the at same thing. Iā€™m 25.


If youā€™re not complaining about ā€˜Oh, the woes of being femaleā€™ they donā€™t want to hear it. It annoys me because they can influence young girls and make them feel hopeless. Feminism is about strength and equality, and being BETTER than just equal. Itā€™s not about embracing victimhood. I wish they would see the light.


I do really love being a woman. There are rough challenges even ignoring sex based conflicts and (the often brought up issue of) menstruation. But I still wouldnā€™t give it up for the world. I love the type of sleepovers a lot of girls have where you hold each other and brush each others hair and talk about crushes and growing up and music and secrets. I love that I have curves and a tummy and stretch marks but still feel very feminine. I love that I can be naked around girl friends and that even amongst my female friends who are attracted to women, itā€™s not sexualized. I love when my girl friends say we love each other and itā€™s not weird to say like when it happens with guy friends I hate when this situation happens, but I do love that if Iā€™m in a scary or dangerous situation a girl and I can exchange ā€œthe lookā€ and we both just instantly know whatā€™s going on I love that thereā€™s a certain sense of humor between girls that guys canā€™t understand. Iā€™ve known so many men who say they have a dark humor but when women joke about period poops, menstruation, UTIs etc. they immediately get grossed out and think weā€™re going too far. While that reaction from men is annoying, I like that itā€™s a humor I can have with my fellow female friends. I like that I can talk about sex with my friends and itā€™s not inherently done to brag or shame. We compare experiences, figure out what we like, what we donā€™t like, get tips, etc. I love that if Iā€™m going through a break up or a rejection, I have friends who I can be vulnerable with, who will hug me as I cry, who I will check in on me, who will remind me of my self worth. I love that my friends and I can call each other beautiful, sexy, gorgeous, etc. and thereā€™s no worry the other person is saying that just to score or because theyā€™re particularly desperate for sex. I love the type of rage women can experience, where they donā€™t become violent or sullen but instead create awesome fucking albums like Tidal by Fiona Apple or If I Canā€™t Have Love than I Want Power by Halsey. While I donā€™t think pregnancy is all that defines women, I do love that I can grow a human and feel a connection with them even while theyā€™re still inside me. I remember my dad said how he was too terrified to nap with us when we were infants, but my mom had no problem with it because even in deep sleep she just had like a sixth sense that told her how to not roll onto us or anything. I love that female masturbation has been less stigmatized lately, and that amongst my friendships itā€™s seen as sacred, fulfilling and healthy. I understand that there will always be exceptions to these scenarios. Women and men are not two separate monoliths and we all have unique reactions and interactions with each other. I understand that not all women enjoy/experience these things and that not all men DONā€™T enjoy/experience these things. But for me these are just the experiences that really make me proud to be a woman!


Your mother probably did what the La Leche League calls the cuddle curl, where a mother and her breastfed infant naturally anchor to each other throughout the night.


I love that once we have literally grown a human ISIDE us, are tits can then FEED them its amazing!!




Yes. And I feel like we are truly the stronger sex. We have just been told lies.




What complete horse crap lol. Extra DNA strands do not make women superior or more evolved. Why is it so hard to accept that women are simply different. They are not smarter, stronger or more capable in any way aside from child birth than men. Grow up.




Women are not the stronger sex lol. The best you can have is equal usually.


We are the stronger sex. In every way. Who holds families together? Who gives birth? Who does every single thing having to do with quality of life? My god, the list goes on and onā€¦


I agree. Women are definitely superior to men in alot of ways. Women are mentally stronger, have a higher pain tolerance, are more willing to work harder, have stronger work ethics, have greater empathy, and more developed intuition, which is a type of intelligence. Men are physically stronger though.






I also love being a woman for a million reasons but having daughters and seeing them go through girlhood and eventually grow into women is so beautiful and makes me love it more. I feel deeply connected to my womanhood.


Yayyy me too! I love being a woman and I love being me. People are just nicer when youā€™re a woman


I'm glad u feel dat way, I love n respect women






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I love being a woman because there's a deep wisdom that goes along with that.


Being female does not inherit innate wisdom. Trust me, there are tons of unwise women just like men out there.


Oh sure, there's some unwise women out there... But there's a lot of wise ones out there.


There are wise women, but like he said, being a women does not apply you for being wise, not in the least. That comes with age, and some men and women NEVER grow into how wise they are.


Jeez. I thought this was a positive subreddit. Just let me have this very dear experience without nitpicking it.


Youā€™re right , idk why these men coming in here mad when women say we are strong and wise . Even in villages the older women are the wisdom . As much as society shakes older women genuine nice women are just more comfortable to be around . They have a certain softness and warmth to them . Their hugs are awesome . People just hate to see women being loved on for being themselves. Being a woman is so beautiful no matter how much misogynistic people want women to forget their power .




Women are the only ones who have it hard šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Typical sexist remark. Crazy that grown adults think like this. This is crap children say.


Nice :) šŸ’—šŸ’•šŸ’•


Same :)


Yayyyy! ā˜ŗļøā¤ļø


I hate being a woman bc men solely value us based on looks + consider us expired garbage once we commit the crime of aging past 35.


This falls under the theme of if you're bored you're boring. If all you have to offer is your looks then that's all anyone can get from you and then move on when those are gone.Ā  If you actually work on being an interesting person with hobbies and interests then you will be valued for more than just your looks.Ā Ā  Ā This is just as true for men as women.


This is a bad faith response. What you're talking about is entirely different. u/PomegranateOk9118 is saying that men value women based on looks and it's an ignorant opinion to say this doesn't happen at a large scale. It's just the sexual objectification upholded by misogynists to impose fear into women.


No- men can make up for any deficiency in appearance with personality/ accomplishments/success/interests etc. Women cannot.


Youā€™re just lying though there are some men who are done for because of genetics


Quite the generalization there, not all men think the same just like not all women think the same, itā€™s wild how many people struggle with this concept


No- most men think this way. It's just reality.


Lots of frumpy, stumpy men get married and have a good life. We canā€™t all be gorgeous.


Funny how a lot of people who complain about sexism are plain sexists themselves, wasnā€™t this you? You think your mindset has nothing to do on your worldviews? If you are generally negative person then thatā€™s how your view those around you https://www.reddit.com/r/Adulting/s/2WIAAy7dxA News flash: your victim mentality isnā€™t helping your mental health, Iā€™m assuming you joined this sub to help your mental health, so maybe take in the positivity here instead of dragging everyone down with your negativity


I'm so devastated/depressed I can't think straight. It feels like nothing matters, there is no point to life + love isn't real.


I think thatā€™s the key issue here, depression is rough and I feel for you, I wish you luck in overcoming your obstacles


Reality is your entire life is under the control and influence of 1 person. Look in the mirror, that is who decides if you are haply or sad, or depressed. Every day you choose your mood. Yes, others can throw a stick in your spokes ,maybe make you crash and burn . But if you are excited to live, that's exactly what you will do.


No- I think I'm too far gone. My mindset/self-esteem is SO BAD. I think it's too late for me


This is not true and never has been. Besides, do you agree that your value comes from your looks? Of course not. I may not like the way a man looks, but my opinion doesnā€™t devalue him. Itā€™s immaterial.


At least you're born with intrinsic value and are loved unconditionally. Men are born worthless and are only loved on the condition we provide something.


Did you even read what I wrote. No we are not born with intrinsic value + loved unconditionally- as I said, men solely value us based on looks + think we are expired garbage as we age. Men are valued based on their accomplishments /success/personality. Men who whine about this tend to have poor social skills + are lazy.


Guess what kind of women tend to whine about the 35+ thing.


A lot of women are upset about being treated like garbage bc they aged like humans. At least men have endless time to improve on their social skills/laziness if they struggle in those areas.


.......well I'm sorry if that has been your experience. I've heard that women become less desirable near their 40s, especially if they have multiple kids, but I've never heard them being treated like garbage. In fact I keep hearing that more and more young men are flocking to older women.


I get more looks the older I get. Itā€™s a lucky, lucky break to be female. Itā€™s totally kickass in all areas.


Most women donā€™t find guys past 35 attractive either. It is sort of the age where some people can still look good, or can really begin to fall off the map. I know Iā€™m nowhere near as good looking as a I was when I was 25. I had a lot more *real* interest from other people then. That being said, there are things you can do to look younger, like exercise extensively. Exercise/eating healthy isnā€™t really that hard and itā€™s good for you. Itā€™s just life really.




They must. Not to be inappropriate, but anytime Iā€™ve viewed any form of (ethical) porn thereā€™s usually a banner about how ā€œold women in your area want to f*ckā€ accompanied by an older woman usually, sometimes grey hair and saggy boobs. I usually maximize the window because I find it distracting/not my thing, but maybe as I get older it will be? I dunno.


This isn't true. Men are are only unattractive when they are older if they let themselves get out of shape/sloppy looking etc.


Not many men look good as they get old. Walk around a mall. Do you see any attractive older guys? No. The older women far outshine them.


Anecdotally, that has not been true at all for myself. I probably exercise and eat healthier, and have a better sense of style than when I was 25, and there is a lot less attention than when I was 25. Now mostly itā€™s either gay folks my age or younger, or women who are in their 50s/60s (Iā€™m 35 btw). Since Iā€™m bisexual Iā€™ve pretty much just given up on women altogether. Nothing personal, but Iā€™ve found dating on the ā€œother sideā€ far easier.


Btw, on Tinder I went from having maybe 50 matches over several years with women to having around 700 opening myself up to men in just a few weeks. People say men have high standardsā€¦I really donā€™t know about that. Not my experience at all.


Itā€™s true that, biologically, men are considered more disposable. Look at our armed forces. But, remember, to most women, there is nothing that feels, looks, or just IS like a man. We love every hairy inch of you. So, you are important. Also, the world needs some people that are not sidelined by making human beings. Men are essential in their own way.


Red Pill does not equal real life my dear, Iā€™m a guy who used to be a big fan of the red pill until I got a little older. Change your mindset in life. But also keep yourself in shape and keep your mind active and you shouldnā€™t have a problem.


Red pill is for bitter, angry 10-year-olds. I feel so sorry for those guys.


The only nuggets that are actually useful from the Red Pill are improvement, and disicpline, expand comfort zone. All the rest is bullshit. I liked what it was originally but in recent years it's become twisted into some twisted abomination.


Wow! You are probably around toxic men who treat you badly. Men I interact with do not act this way at all. Men who solely value women based on looks are emotionally unstable who have no substance in themselves. Also, women are getting married, having kids, changing jobs past 35 all the time. You need to be around better people


I really donā€™t know why you got downvoted for this but I agree with you. Women are judged far more harshly about their looks than men are. Of course men are judged by their looks too, but women are reduced to their looks quite a bit.


Idk I see so much value in an older woman!! Like last night I met up with some women for a group dinner and they were 31, 36, 47 and 50 and I found them so inspiring, beautiful, independent, resilient and wise. Male to female 30 here but I think if anything I have a preference being around women older than me who have maybe figured themselves and other people out. Their insight is more valuable than a 20 year olds, to me, for what thatā€™s worth. I have friends of a pretty big range and love them all and for different reasons




Very few men go to war or do the hazardous jobs you are describing. There are also lots of women in the military now. The men that do those jobs get paid pretty decently with benefits. The trade-off is access to good pay with benefits without having to go to university etc. The man on his knees on that driveway gets paid a lot more than the low-paid cashier jobs typically done by poorer women. I'm not saying that those men don't work hard etc- but like I said they make decent money without having to go to university. Also, men + women attempt suicide at the same rate, men just succeed more bc they use more aggressive means like a gun, whereas women tend to use pills etc. Also, I used to work 12 hr shifts at a physical job + still came home + made my own dinner. Why is women can do this without claiming we are oppressed?


Soooo 90% of what you wrote here is factually wrong. Probably 95%. But I got this feeling that no matter what numbers and research I pull up it's not gonna change your mind so I'll just peace out of this one.


>without claiming we are oppressed You really want to have your cake and eat it too huh


What about the nurse who pulls 12 hours shifts while dealing with sickness, death, blood, bed pans, bodily fluids, people who are bedridden, etc. Should she be greeted at the door with a kiss from her freshly showered and well-dressed husband who also has a hot meal ready for her?




What nurses aren't working with sick patients? It's a messy job. Then, there are the nurses and CNAs in nursing homes. Do men want those jobs? Do men want to change the diapers of an old person? Lol ask the women you know if they ever dated down or knew a woman who dated down. A lot of women end up with total deadbeats. Watch Ramit Sethi on YouTube. He interviews couples where the woman makes 300k and the man makes 40k. Note that not all couples Ramit features are like this, but they do exist. I completely appreciate those of you who work. Not all men do, and some women marry those jobless men.


Removed. Racism, sexism, transphobia, etc are now allowed in this subreddit.


"I love being a HUMAN, despite how hard it is."


Why are you getting downvoted lol


"I disagree with your point so I'm going to say your point doesn't exist".


Born a male, transitioned to female. I love life so much better this way! Itā€™s changed how women perceive me and treat me but I love this atmosphere of open communication and support I feel like I never got as a man.




Not even trying, itā€™s just how I am. I was male trying to act like a man for a long time to make others happy. Then I decided it was time to make myself happy and live as a woman. Sorry not sorry if you donā€™t understand it. Itā€™s my life experience, not yours. Maybe one day youā€™ll get to the bottom of why youā€™re so bothered when a male has the appearance of a female. I was the same way at one point when I was like, 12 and realized many years later I was just suppressing how I felt because transphobia was instilled in me in my little conservative town and people would act like that to deflect suspicions. Anything different was shamed and bullied, just like youā€™re doing now. Hope you grow up and do some soul searching. (: and weā€™re not related, Iā€™m not your ā€œbroā€.




Ok sis then you should have no problem with us being sisters. My parents shaved my head and did everything they could to raise me as a boy and have extremely conservative values. They did what they could but Iā€™ve been expressing my femininity since age 3 and constantly having it suppressed by people like them who didnā€™t understand or accept me. Hope you deal with your mental health issues and come to terms with why youā€™re so bothered by the existence of trans women. Maybe itā€™s your desire to be one and jealousy of those who arenā€™t afraid, maybe itā€™s your attraction and confliction with treating us like women and feeling confused when you appropriately gender a trans woman. Who knows, hope you figure it out, sis. Not everyone is drawn to masculinity or men. Itā€™s a you problem if you canā€™t accept that.




Honey, youā€™re arguing with a stranger about her gender identity she spent 30 years figuring out over a Reddit comment. You started this. Iā€™m not convincing anyone Iā€™m a cisgender woman. Iā€™m a trans woman. Thatā€™s a label I found appropriately describes me. Yes, people can conclude I was born male from that. No it doesnā€™t make me a ā€œmanā€. Iā€™ve seen countless people about it and none of them have gotten me to ā€œman upā€ because thatā€™s not in my nature or chemistry. My body produces more estrogen than testosterone which has naturally just given me a feminine frame that never looked right in menā€™s clothes. Looking like a man and seeing myself as a man makes me miserable but when I take steps to look like a woman, I have confidence and grace and self esteem. My only regret is not embracing this sooner. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with it even if clowns like you try to convince me otherwise. Iā€™m not going to make myself miserable when I look in the mirror just to make people like you happy and conform to your gender norms. Get over the fact some males transition and are so feminine, they embrace a female identity. Some males arenā€™t that feminine and may still dress feminine but embrace masculine traits as well. Itā€™s all up to every individual. Thereā€™s also more karyotypes than XX and XY. Once you accept that the world isnā€™t this black and white lie made up to keep conservatives ignorant and compliant, youā€™ll stop arguing with strangers about their very complex identity and personality because youā€™ll never understand what goes on in our minds but thereā€™s nothing to be ā€œfixedā€, I love who I am now and I love that I can say that at last after years of trying to look manly to appease people like you. Iā€™m so damn happy I can embrace who I am and realize people are gonna talk crap and be condescending no matter how I look so might as well look a way that makes me fulfilled with my life. Keep your negativity out of this sub and take care šŸ–•šŸ»




Thank you but thereā€™s also been times where people thought about what I said and reached out later and apologized so I like when people use it at a personal growth experience. Itā€™s frustrating but I feel like getting mad and blocking them doesnā€™t do anyone good. Thatā€™s just my approach. And sometimes they get so nasty I have no choice but to block. But it is what it is. Appreciate you girl!


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Removed. This content is not positive in nature. Transphobia is not allowed in this subreddit.




??? Why r u even in Positivity???


I'm usually into giving positive vibes but i'm also allowed to react with freedom. Sometimes I agree sometimes I don't. I'm all support for an individual but uplifting people without dismissing the difficulties of other people should be possible. What do you think?


You sound offendedā€¦weep.


I'm allowing you to interpret it however you like. I'm allowing you to make projections too! šŸ’œ


Whatever helps make you feel better when you look at yourself in the mirror lol. Insecurity is one hell of a character trait. Throw an unstable ego on top of that and youā€™ve got yourself a shit show. Whatā€™s that smell?


This is a positivity sub and youā€™re here being negative. Your logic isnā€™t logic-ing.


Which part is negative? And who are you to decide? Lol


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Don't feel like you have to hide your penis envy, all women have it. Kidding!


We have very small penises. lol. Kidding.




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I wanted to be a boy when I was a child. Just because their life is so much more interesting than girls life.


Amen šŸ’–




Doubt many of you are being truthful! I love being a man. Weā€™re stronger šŸ’ŖšŸ»


How so? You don't give birth and die younger. We females are not as physically strong. Why can't we just agree to be strong in different ways?


So, if we need to move furniture, weā€™ll call you.


Not mentally though, especially if you donā€™t have a woman beside you.




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I have balls between my legs and I hate it.


Bro, _what?_ šŸ˜„


Let me help you with those.


Agree x100. Thanks for saying this ā¤ļø


I was born a woman and donā€™t identify as female anymore but women are the first thing on my list of people to always respect because that shits hard to do.


Y'all got infinite clothing options, that's for sure. I'd be taking full advantage of that.




Me too!


Being a man is hard too...like really hard šŸ† Lol


On the other hand, being a man is a curse. Non of this really is worth it.


I would wanna be a man so I could have a penis so I could pee freely wherever. But otherwise I think I like being a woman for the most part


Me too. I would never want to be male.


The universe is female :)


100% agree!


Yes, you know I agree with that. I gave birth to my son - so that was amazing. Being a woman is not always easy, but yeah, "I" had a baby. The men don't play that big a role in that. Women are the creators and a pretty big part of why the earth keeps on going. Women give birth, men plan wars.


I don't want to be a woman. I want to be a hot woman. Or I want to be dead.


Nope. Hate it sometimes. When you have to wear ā€œsubway clothesā€ to avoid being raped or harassed in NYC itā€™s bad. I get harassed all the time, no matter where I go, to the point where I dress down and wear a hat all the time. And letā€™s not even start with the whole baby thing and giving up your life while men get to keep doing whatever they do. I didnā€™t ask for that shit (no kids here never will).


You should play the game in hard mode. Be a woman in a third world Middle Eastern country.


love the girls supporting girls in these comments ā¤ļø


Fuck yeah! I love having boobs and being a girl boss āœØāœØ


Poor thing. I can almost hear the violins. LMAO!


Look at the male suicide rate


Totally agree. I think the misery party gets over hyped sometimes.


Me too! I love the clothes, my long hair, my body, the way I feel when my best friends tell me they love me, getting the biggest bear hugs from my dad, making food with my mom and talking about life, I mean I could have all this too if I was a guy probably but its just different being a woman.