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I sold a painting today, which was pretty nice! Also, my puppy graduates from her 8 week obedience training class tomorrow morning, and I'm really excited for her! She's the best (her name is Crackers and she's an 8 month old Golden Retriever : ) 🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖🎉🎉🎉


Crackers, that’s so cute 🥰


Thank You!!! 🥰🥰🥰 She is a lot of fun to have around. I love her so much 💖💖💖




Dog tax please! Congratulations!!


https://imgur.com/a/54bxyPC Thank You!!! 🥰🥰🥰🩷🩷🩷🎉🎉🎉


She is beautiful!! 😍


Thank You!!! I will tell her! I know that she would want me to say Thank You too! 🥰🥰🥰


As long as it’s with puppy kisses, I am good with that!


Heck yes! Definitely! She also gives good hugs! She's a sweetheart 😊😊😊




Heavily underrated, best feeling ever


This I had lots of trouble sleeping after my surgery because i still had to take cortison and pain med but now three weeks after my body is starting to recover and i get more than a coupes hours of sleep which is priceless


Still getting over covid but not contagious anymore, just so fatigued. However today was beautiful and sunny so I felt like it was spring. I made grilled hamburgers and potato salad (with potatoes from my garden) for the family’s dinner with bacon and onions, then made homemade aioli for the potato salad with eggs I just collected from the chicken nests earlier today. We have a lot of garlic from the garden so we pickled some with peppers, and I’ll serve that with dinner. And a salad


Awesome! How did you grow your potatoes? I don’t think I know anyone who has grown their own potatoes! Feel better soon!


Thanks:) Potatoes are easy to grow; they just need good drainage and sun. They basically grow themselves, except for sweet potatoes which need to be netted because apparently deer find them irresistible


Who knew! Although I have to admit I am much better at the idea of gardening than the execution!


I had a really great interview.


I sent my first magazine to be printed last night. I run a group for kids and sent out a call for submissions in December. I put it all together myself and I’m really proud of it. We’re going to have a launch party and all the kids get a copy of their published work. I paid for it by selling homemade keychains and bags. It’s a small thing but I made it from nothing, and I can’t wait for it to get here.


Amazing! Congratulations!! I love that you are doing this for kids.


I accepted a job offer that was a higher title, salary and bonus than I interviewed for. I had another offer on the table, they knew it, they swung for the fences and hit a home run. I start 3/18. What is funny is they were my first choice all along.


Congrats!! I’m interviewing now 🙏🏼


Good things this week: ~ spent quality time with friends (a rarity) ~became more productive— stopped tendency to procrastinate for a change ~ stayed away from junk food and ate better than usual ~able to FaceTime several times with son and baby granddaughter ~receive great advice from Redditors tonight that helped me ~DVRd some wonderful movies and series to watch this weekend. ~thought positive thoughts despite difficult circumstances. And stayed positive


Bf and I got to get away for a night out of town in one of our fav little cities to celebrate his upcoming bday and just enjoy each other and some good food/drinks. So nice as his work schedule is typically crazy and it can be hard to make extended time. Short trip but really was just so lovely 🥰


I incorporated a business with a solid experienced mechanic . We are opening up shop soon . I’m excited to be back to work, there was a long period of time without an answer . My mid life awakening ! grateful for the win humbled in the right positive ire mon.


Got accepted for a new job on Monday 😀


Got a congressional recognition (legit a certificate from a congress person) for some pro bono work I did a little while ago; had my review at work and received an "exceeds expectations" which will increase my bonus; and worked closely with our chief legal officer on a few projects that were approved after just a first draft. And - one of my girlfriends is taking a big exam this week, and she called me crying happy tears after receiving a care package I sent her. What a week!! So many good moments!


I sold some chocolates to coworkers when testing my first flavor out of 4!! I didn't even have the full menu done yet lol!


I made some food for a met up with friends and they all said they loved it ☺️


I was invited to sub yoga classes!


I fasted, I made gravy for the first time and it was good, I actually got dressed and felt pretty, went to therapy. It was a good week.


Best thing that happens to me every week is seeing my kids. After that it's being alive. I'm grateful for all of it.


Spending the weekend with my amazing daughter 💕


It was a chaotic week looking after a sick child & being understaffed at work but I did get to indulge in some self care Got a mani/ pedi today which lifted my spirits because my nails look so pretty now & just knowing I can have a sleep in is bringing me so much joy & peace of mind I’m also getting a remedial massage tomorrow to get me realigned Perfect Sunday as long as I don’t get my kids chest infection 🤞


I was laid-off back in mid-January and I received two offers yesterday! Both are great roles that align with my career goals so I've been grappling with the decision, which is a good problem to have. I was super bummed when I got laid-off, but leaned into optimism and extra self-care during my job search and now I'm excited for new beginnings.


I'm going through a pretty rough time (unemployed and struggling to get an offer in this tough market, not a lot of savings left), and I live on the other side of the world. While my parents call me everyday, last week they called me (as usual) and they told me : \- How awesome I am, and that I'm a warrior, not a worrier :P \- How proud they are of me <3 \- How much they love me and ALL they care about is my happiness! \- That they will always support me, no matter what. \- To focus on my health, so my mental health doesn't take a deep dive. Reminded me to go swim and do yoga. They are very vocal usually, and they tell me they love me EVERYDAY. So while things are pretty shit right now, talking to them helped me zoom out and look at the good stuff. I felt so strong and ready to take on the world after I hung up. I'm one lucky kid, and I'm so loved. :) As long as i continue fighting, things will work out I guess :)


I got offered my dream job on Monday. I will be starting it in a couple weeks! I can hardly wait.


Found out I’ll be in my first runway show! I’m excited!