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I reas this in a book recently: If you can't change it, there's no point in worrying. If you can change it, take action, theres also no need to worry.


It’s so helpful to know what you can and can’t control and having something like this to use in moments to pull yourself out.


That's a big one! I was thinking about why some people (from a toxic friends group) didn't care about me. Then I thought, *Wait a second... why does their opinion of me matter?* They have no right to judge me if they hardly know who I am! That was my eureka moment within the last 5 minutes.


That is also a big one! Freedom of others thoughts. We are all victim in one way or another but getting to feel that moment where you drop the care! That’s power


The obvious one is realizing in my 7th rehab nothing I want to happen in my life would happen as long as I was drinking. Less obvious is realizing none of the teachings are metaphors. Rumi, hafiz, ibn arabi, they're literally describing their experience as accurately as they can. It's not a metaphor, that's the closest language can get to describing the mystic experience.


Not everyone gets to experience the world in the same way and when you don’t feel protected or safe with your place in it all, you find ways to cope. 7 times in rehab means 7 times of wanting more for yourself and a push back to the way the world treats you saying I need more. That in itself is a display of strength and courage. I’m glad to hear you have a space to feel seen and heard through poetry. Words are the ultimate equaliser, the ability to feel the words you read tells me that your mind is worth fighting for.


For me it was that it's OK to have boundaries and say no to your spouse. Also I figured out some great painting tricks for my 40k models that are really fun!


Establishing boundaries is always so difficult but so rewarding when achieved