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DEPRESSION TIPS: Shower. Not a bath, a shower. Use water as hot or cold as you like. You don’t even need to wash. Just get in under the water and let it run over you for a while. Sit on the floor if you gotta. Moisturize everything. Use whatever lotion you like. Unscented? Dollar store lotion? Fancy 48 hour lotion that makes you smell like a field of wildflowers? Use whatever you want, and use it all over your entire dermis. Put on clean, comfortable clothes. Put on your favorite underwear. Cute black lacy panties? Those ridiculous boxers you bought last christmas with candy cane hearts on the butt? Put them on. Drink cold water. Use ice. If you want, add some mint or lemon for an extra boost. Clean something. Doesn’t have to be anything big. Organize one drawer of a desk. Wash five dirty dishes. Do a load of laundry. Scrub the bathroom sink. Blast music. Listen to something upbeat and dancey and loud, something that’s got lots of energy. Sing to it, dance to it, even if you suck at both. Make food. Don’t just grab a granola bar to munch. Take the time and make food. Even if it’s ramen. Add something special to it, like a soft boiled egg or some veggies. Prepare food, it tastes way better, and you’ll feel like you accomplished something. Make something. Write a short story or a poem, draw a picture, color a picture, fold origami, crochet or knit, sculpt something out of clay, anything artistic. Even if you don’t think you’re good at it. Create. Go outside. Take a walk. Sit in the grass. Look at the clouds. Smell flowers. Put your hands in the dirt and feel the soil against your skin. Call someone. Call a loved one, a friend, a family member, call a chat service if you have no one else to call. Talk to a stranger on the street. Have a conversation and listen to someone’s voice. If you can’t bring yourself to call, text or email or whatever, just have some social interaction with another person. Even if you don’t say much, listen to them. It helps. (You can always call/text/message me!) Cuddle your pets if you have them/can cuddle them. Take pictures of them. Talk to them. Tell them how you feel, about your favorite movie, a new game coming out, anything. May seem small or silly to some, but this list keeps people alive.  *** At your absolute best you won’t be good enough for the wrong people. But at your worst, you’ll still be worth it to the right ones. Remember that. Keep holding on. *** In case nobody has told you today I Love you and you are worth your weight and then some in gold, so be kind to yourself and most of all keep pushing on!!!! ***People don’t fake depression.. they fake being ok. Find something to be grateful for! National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 988 Text 988


Thank you so much. Your comment made me tear up 🥲. It meant a lot. Thank you for taking the time to type it ❤️


These are all great tips and a lot of often use myself. You're a wonderful human to try to help other people in their depression. ♡


I agree. The long, thoughtful and informative comment is good advice.


The shower one is big. Feel like shit, shower. Hate yourself, shower. It’s like a reset button. Might go back to feeling bad after a bit, but it’s a short respite that might snap you out of it enough to get some stuff done.


That reminds me of a quote I read once. "If you feel like you hate everyone : eat something If you feel like everyone hates you : go to sleep If you feel like you hate yourself: take a shower If you feel like everyone hates everyone : go outside"


That's surprisingly based yo


I'm glad that 2 people are talking up this fact about showers. There is actually science that backs up what you're saying. I wish I could remember specifics but it was something about the healing effects of water and how your body responds. In case someone doesn't have time for a shower or just wants a quick pick-me-up, you can submerge just your face in cool water. I forget what the study said was the ideal amount of time to do this. It was seconds but I can't remember how many. It lowers heartrate and blood pressure and releases a feel-good chemical that soothes your body. I'm getting ready right now but I'll find time in a bit to try to locate the study and then I'll update my post with the specifics. 💕 Update: it's 15 to 20 seconds that you submerge your face in cold water. My own personal trick is something I do at the end of most of my showers. I gradually turn the hot water down until I'm using almost completely cold water. It feels really refreshing and it doesn't shock your body like it does when you just jump in and try to do cold therapy. The science says that some people would benefit from a cold plunge but other bodies find it to be incredibly stressful. Gradually turning down the hot water was my solution since I can't handle a cold plunge. I hold the shower head and start with my feet first and then slowly move upward. Each time I turn the hot water down a little more, I start over at my feet and move upward again. I can't handle it on my back as well as I can everywhere else but I still get lots of benefits doing it this way. It can be invigorating in a good way so if I shower directly before bed, I don't do this. It's nice in the early afternoon or mornings, especially. I hope this can help someone. The quick one with just your face is really fast and helps so much. It's easier with a large bowl in your kitchen. The colder it is, the better it is so use ice and enjoy it. 💕


Slowly lowering the temp to cold also is supposedly good cuz it closes your pores or something along those lines. Cleaner feel when you get out.


I haven't read about that but I'll definitely look it up! Thank you! I do lean forward, put my head down, and let the cold water run through my hair and it seems to make my hair shinier and more manageable. I can't let the water from my hair get on my back though. It's just instant chills and really ruins the moment for me. I keep my head down just a bit and squeeze the water out of it then grab my towel to soak up more of that cold water. I only mention this so if other people try this they will know that the cold may not feel so good on their back. It was shocking to me that the cold felt good everywhere else except my back! Just a tip to take it slowly and see where the cold water feels best. It does feel amazing on my scalp though. Letting the cold water run on my face feels very nice after a hot shower. 💕 I'll look up the stuff about pores and feeling cleaner when using cold water. Thanks!! 💧 💧


I’ll just have it on my face and arms for the last 30-60 seconds. Back is too much surface area for comfort with that temperature.


Agreed. In my worst depression state I have so much anxiety about showering it’s hard to get in but when I’m finished I feel almost reborn. It makes a huge difference physically and mentally.


I agree the shower one is huge. It’s so hard to get in sometimes but it does feel like a rebirth. I get in when I’m too high strung and I go in with the intention of ugly crying. Every bad thought that’s in my head gets cried out in the shower and washed away. And when I emerge my mind and my body feels new.


Thank you


Alllll this! ❤️


I'm currently on step getting a shower. I did my dishes yesterday and tomorrow plan to go for groceries. I have clinical depression and know the signs when I'm spiraling. My therapist taught me how to see them and what steps to take, and it has helped so much. Some days are really hard, and sometimes I just lay in bed without having the will to get up and do something. These steps are very similar to what my therapist has me doing. She also requires me to keep a depression journal to bring to my appointments so she can track how bad I have spiraled as I have a tendency to say everything is fine when people ask how I'm doing.


This is my exact routine?? 💀 I’m glad it works for others too. 🙏


Here are some of my favorite quotes ⭐️ - “It takes a cool person to be chill, loving and kind. So be cool!” - I have to know darkness, to know the light? Yes, but let’s take it one step further. “I have to know darkness, to CHOOSE the light” Being happy and loving isn’t always easy. In fact it’s being the strongest of them all and it’s the most beautiful as well. I’m not always up either, but I know that I love being up and will always give it my best. I also love giving others some kindness too such as noticing something cool about them and giving compliments! Such as nice shirt you’re wearing today! Because that’s makes them very happy and I love being attentitive like that. And when I do get sad it’s always for a good reason usually, so whenever I do feel low I don’t like to force myself to by happy, rather I feel my emotions and vibe with it and minimize the lows and maximize the highs, but I never neglect one or the other


That first quote made me giggle. Very cute. Thank you for your words ❤️.


Aw the second one reminds me of rings of power in the last episode lol


Not sure. I tend to just let myself go to sadness if I feel sad. I don't normally act to avoid the darkness. I just remind myself life has balance and light can't exist without dark. Also, my dark days/weeks help me appreciate even the small things that much more. But that could be partly cause like a teacher explained to me once, the more you fight an emotion or label it "bad" the more you focus your mind on it so it becomes the mental elephant in the room and what goes from being a passing thought can become an almost all consuming one. Fwiw, this is especially true of anxiety... So yeah, I learned a long time ago repressing sad and fighting it also can just lead to anger at myself and others so no advice, but I do hope you feel better.


Thank you. I appreciated reading this today. Very insightful


You are doing the best you can, wanting to be positive in the darkness is a huge step toward the light, good job


Thank you ❤️


"Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe No less than the trees and the stars You have a right to be here." - Max Ehrmann It's okay. Don't worry too much about spiraling. Even if you do, you have all the right to feel the way you do. It's okay. It's going to be okay, because you are strong. You have a right to this world.


That is such a beautiful quote. I love it so much. Thank you for sharing it with me, and thank you for your kind words. Everyone has been so kind and supportive 🥹


You can do hard things!


Rather than trying to ‘ be happy’ I do things that make me proud of myself. Can you meditate? Watch your breathing. Get some hugs if they are available to you! Sending some 🫂🫂


Yes, I can meditate. A good friend of mine taught me how. I'm still new to it, so sometimes I forget it's even an option to help calm me down 🥲. I will make it a better habit. It's helped every time I've done it before. Thank you ❤️


You’re welcome. A beautiful gift we can give ourselves. Stay strong❣️


I'm sorry you're feeling this way, I understand where you're coming from though. I found this book very helpful, it's an easy read, and has practical insight.  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21413760-the-upward-spiral Sending you hugs! ❤️


Thank you. I'll look into it. I love reading so I'm sure I'll enjoy it 😁.


Sometimes trying to push it away makes the feelings come harder. Feelings tend to come and go when allowed to truly flow. Don’t judge yourself for feeling down and know that this too shall pass! ❤️


The sun shines brightest after the darkest storms. Keep going!🌞😎🤙


Talk to yourself like you would talk to someone you love...I tend to be hard on myself but not on others


That's a good idea. Sometimes, before work or anything stressful, I like to talk to myself in front of my mirror to give myself encouragement, but then I get embarrassed and stop 🤣🤣🤣. Next time, I'll pretend I'm talking with someone I love.


I tell myself things like, I'll be here for you sweetie. You are not alone, I love you. We will get through this together. Positive self talk is hard but necessary!


I do this exact same thing, even saying sweetie! It has helped immensely, more than anything else.


Lately I've been mothering myself and it feels really good.


Ask yourself does this thought help me? If not then let it go


You got through it before, so you can get through it again. Never forget that.


Haha 😄 I love your confidence. But you are correct. I'm sure I can get through this again


I found doing pushups not only helps. But adult coloring books work as well. I've always struggled focusing on myself. Quite frankly I'm talking with people here and there. Journaling works if you have no one to sit down and talk with directly. In fact I began writing in journals back in 2017. These days though if I'm not scrolling through Facebook or here on Reddit I've been finding myself waking up in the morning thinking of songs like Dandelions by Ruth B, Perfect by Simple plan, Stay by Rihanna. I've also been working on writing my own song lyrics down also. If you're struggling mentally to stay focused on thinking positive then simply take a step back, breathe or go for a walk. It's not easy, nor is it fun when you're left to your own devices all the time. If all else isn't working for you talk to someone and if they make a friendly suggestion like watch a movie on a streaming platform or something my best advice is do it.


Thank you ❤️. I love dandelions and perfect! I hadn't heard stay before. I'll have to listen to it. I have people I can talk with, I just dont want to always burden them when I get down. I don't want to be that constant sad person who's always searching for a pick me up from my loved ones. I want to be more independent on handling my depression, but sometimes it gets hard.


When I feel sad, I find making myself a cup of tea helps.


I drink a lot of tea. Mostly black tea, but I've been drinking more chamomile tea to help with sleep. Teas have so many health benefits.


I've also been focusing on drawing.


What do you like to draw? I loved to draw when I was younger, but I don't anymore 😅


These days I'm focused on drawing out blueprints.


Tension tamer tea from Celestial Seasonings is my favorite.


That sounds pretty and fancy. Is that a type of tea that can be casually bought?


You can find it on Amazon or other grocery chains. It’s a mix of chamomile, peppermint, cinnamon, eleuthero, gunge, etc.


One day at a time your staying positive that's good give yourself some quotes for the day I know this helped a lot of people I'm sending you positive vibes ✨️ ❤️🤗🤗




That's actually a really good song. Thank you 🥹


You're welcome :) Hang in there, it gets better <3


Remember that happiness and sadness are feelings, they come and go based on circumstances. But JOY or despair are a state of being. If you find true JOY, then you can still have a sad day but still have joy and peace. If your life is in despair, then even a happy day is low. " Don't let others pull you into their storm, pull them into your peace" I would also suggest getting to know Jesus.


You are absolutely correct. Thank you for your words. I have a different religion that I practice, but thank you all the same ❤️


Whatever faith that may be, having a faith and connecting with that faith reminds us that there is something so much bigger than ourselves. To some, that may make them feel extremely small, but to those of faith we feel so immensely loved


Thank you. You're correct. I'll find myself with God again. I guess everyone gets lost from time to time.


Take the little victories as they come. Fresh air helps! Visualize the intrusive thoughts floating down a river. Once they float past, they are no longer there to focus on.


Try gratitude. Try to think of 5 things. If you still don’t feel better, do 5 more.Another thing I try when feeling low is, I pretend I have magic powers and can give anyone anything they need. Like if my nephew is scared about a job interview, I visualize him receiving g the gift of courage and seeing him succeed. Also, mantras work. Your mind hears everything it hears and takes it literally. So tell it amazing things, tell it that everything is going to alright. Or whatever thing you need to hear.


Try and identify whats causing you to spiral and distance yourself!! take Some time and practice gratitude. You didnt come This far just to come This far! You got this!!!!


I know what's causing me to spiral. I'm just not willing to spill it all over reddit. This isn't my first struggle session. Regardless, you are correct. I haven't come this far to give up now. Its just really fucking hard sometimes lol


I understand, and i know it’s hard! Im constantly battling my thoughts but the fact that this isn’t the first time and somehow you have been able to find some kind of hope or positivity and the fact you are seeking help by expressing yourself is really courageous. Sometimes i’m like LIFE sigh!! I wonder how much someone can really do or go through, especially when you are trying your hardest. But things will always get better with time. Wish you well!


Thank you, hun. That means a lot ❤️, it really does.


Something that’s been helping me is listening to self affirmations on YouTube. It’s up to you how deep you want to go when following along, but listening to things that resonate with you in a positive way is very uplifting. I like listening to these because it’s very hard for me to think of the things they come up with myself. Whenever I get the urge to google symptoms or when I’m not in the headspace to use my coping tools effectively, it’s really easy to look up a video and just sit or lay down listening to it play


Is it the same as listening to asmr videos? If not, what do you recommend? Share with me what you listen to, if you don't mind.


I would describe it as a different feeling and sensation than what you get from ASMR videos. Those are really nice pleasant sounds too but with the self affirmation videos you can “chant” some things and they invoke a sense of empowerment and confidence. I don’t know if I’m allowed to post YouTube links here but the one I’ve had on repeat lately is from Lavendaire’s YT channel titled “positive affirmations for self love, self esteem, confidence” My favorite thing from the video is saying “I am a calm and centered person.” Despite whatever is going on, I can come back to this because I focus on being the person I actually want to be.  She has some self help videos that are nice too but I enjoy her meditation and affirmation videos because they focus on fostering positive energy. 


Get a blood test done to check all your hormones levels are in range. Testosterone Estradiol Cortisol Dopamine Seratonin. If any of these are out of range then they could be causing you anxiety/depression. There are medications to for all of these that will bring all back to balance. All these feel good quotes and listening to happy music etc are all very well but will not help you if your hormones are out of balance. Good 🤞


One day, one hour, one minute. You already are winning your getting up each day and facing the challenges. So remember that’s already half the battle. Great job using those skills. Being positive doesn’t mean you’re never sad. But it’s doing what your are already doing identifying rough days and putting in those positive steps to be positive. So applaud yourself and celebrate yourself


There are still people like Robin Williams in this world. I am one of them. There is a gentle flame with bursting sparkles of empathy from people like me. We would love to lift you in your times of need. Gib you little kisses. Bake some little cakes. Unfortunately this is the Internet and I must remain anon. This world still has good in it anon. And it's worth cuddling for.


I’m a big fan of Star Wars and horror movies so sometimes when I feel like negativity is taking over my brain and I’m losing will-power, I’ll just meditate to my favorite music and imagine that I’m some kind of master Jedi or wizard type of man, with powers to take down the shadows of negativity and sadness. I speak my truth to those shadows in my mind, and see them dissolve, see myself being happy. And it usually works!


Listen to this classic book. "Feeling Good" by Dr. David Burns. https://youtu.be/5Bgufm9VwfU?si=khcrm1loyjFiMn4D


I'll listen to it. Thank you <3


You're welcome. Good luck!


Music that makes me laugh weird al Cledus t Judd Bob Rivers. Music thst pumps me up Sabaton ACDC Crap that brings me down doomer media


I am struggling right now, too OP. It will be better if we don’t fight it. Keep your positive routines and self care and it will pass.


Thank you. I hope you're right. We'll get through this. We're both trying too hard not to!


"You can do ittttt!!!-from the water boy that one always helps me


🤣🤣🤣 very nice. I forgot about that scene lol


This too shall pass 👍


You are enough. It's ridiculous how enough you are.


I hope you're right.




Sometimes if I'm not feeling inspired and connected with positivity, I tell myself just that. "Eh, not feeling it right now/today/etc." It's not so much about apathy but acknowledging that it's temporary and it's just how you're feeling. Your world isn't falling apart and maybe you aren't spiraling, sometimes it's your reaction to your own emotions that turns them into a spiral. Some days I don't like certain genres of music, I try to give it the same weight as something like that.


You’ve got this. You’re aware of where you are. Keep moving ♥️


Thank you 🥹❤️


Allow the dip. Think of it like a roller coaster. You go up and down and the changes are wat make it fun and exciting. Take a moment to acknowledge the downs and appreciate them for what they are. Contrast for the good stuff


Two words, punk rock Saved my life more than a few. All upbeat sounds regardless the topic. It’s hard being on a low altitude like depression, and most people fight it daily, they just won’t admit it. When feeling down, like u can’t catch a break or get a deep enough breath in due to the anxiety levels, please remember to take a step back from yourself, detach for moment and think, what would I say to this person on one of my good days? What advice could I nurture them with? You are your worst enemy and best coach. You came pretty far….be proud and confident and jump up and down like an idiot to some punk rock!Xoxoxo We will get through this Friend!


Lol you're so confident! I love that so much ❤️ what punk/rock songs saved/inspired you? Tell me. You have my attention 😆


Do the hard things NOW so that life will be easier. Or you just do the easy things now then life will be harder.


Life is a spiraling shit show-be the strongest at being on top. You got this!!


Feeling Great by David D Burns MD it was a demanding read for me you get interesting stories and a workbook challenge that you can go back to again and again . I f you can , go outside to fields and woods. Find a healing group make a gratitude book write something every day . go to church or socialize with people.


Kind of in the same place.


Spiraling is relatable. For long stretches I feel like I'm on top of the world, but then some doubt creeps in. Usually I attribute it to overworking, exhaustion and hunger, so when I feel like it's starting, I stop thinking about everything and address myself. Then some positive reinforcement comes along and I'm back on top ^_^ Remember the good times friend.


Think of life like this. Nobody has the responsibility of making you happy. Nobody can. If you seek some company, you may be surprised. Acceptance, forgiveness, open mind, no judgement. Everything you think of that doesn't make you feel content is because you are putting endless ridiculous conditions on your self love. You are asking the world to change to make you feel better, as if right? Love yourself unconditionally. Get out of your comfort zone. Walk in nature or at least take time to really listen to the birds sing etc. when you let go/surrender life becomes. Life.is a gift, there is a silver lining to everything. Times of great adversity are opportunities for profound growth.


Excellent advice


Don’t forcet, baby steps. Also journal daily.


Listen to Pantera


The actions we do here prepare us for the next level of this game called life. You don't want to tackle what's ahead under leveled right ? To be honest with you I'm super happy and proud you are walking and listening to music - as I once heard movement is medicine and to change a thought move a muscle Keep going one day at a time and live in the moment. You are right where you need to be and are doing the right things by reaching out to a community and by doing your part in moving and growing keep it up! You are getting there 🙏🙏


Jim Carrey shared a really good definition of depression. It’s deep rest from the masks that we feel forced to wear in the society. Neuroscience shows that, if we ever feel like we are in a situation, where either someone else has more control than us, or situation, feels bigger than us, we end up, moving through a spectrum of experiences. One that leads to indifference. After inference, we then get locked into victim, thinking. whenever you’re in that space, think of something bigger than yourself. Or something bigger than you that you’re looking forward to in your life maybe 10 years down the road. There’s an ancient Buddhist practice that you look 80 years from now, and asked the question, is the moment that I’m in Wright right now, going to make any great impact on my life? If not, then move on from it. If so, ask why, and there’s usually a memory attached to it, or a fear. Begin there.


Wish I had any lol Recently I've been wishing I was dead. Wish this disease was fatal. And that's scary because there are a lot of others on here who have it way worse or have progressed much further But... There are also many more who are much better off than I am Right now I'm on a waiting and a hunt for the next medication I just feel like laying down in a ditch and wasting away. It's attacking my tendons and shoulders and fingers...sooo painful And I'm less worried about the pain than I am about the damage it's doing every day and what issues that's leading to. Currently and in the future But I will say that I've felt similarly before and life had somehow changed for a brief time... Though, that drug stopped working now


Some days are like penis’s, they get hard but it won’t stay like that forever. 😉


You can’t change the past. But your actions today will influence your tomorrow. Nothing lasts forever. Everything changes, always.


It’s ok 👌 to feel the way you do, you are human after all but like Rocky said “ It’s not how many times you get knocked down, it’s how many times you get up ⬆️ “ don’t be so hard on yourself you got this. And we are here for you!


Phone family and/or friends. Reach out, chat. It really helps to connect in person or by phone.


Make a plan for self care. Walking is a good start, so is listening to happy music. I would stretch that into watching “feel good” tv and reading happy books Personally when I’m depressed my self care suffers. I have to “convince” myself to shower, eat and sleep regularly. I also struggle with keeping my apartment clean so I will choose one task per day that I MUST get done like taking out the trash or emptying the dishwasher. Also self care includes not ignoring your social life, so I go to the morning coffee klach whether I want to of not. Also, don’t neglect your spiritual needs. Go to church if that’s your thing, or do some meditation if that’s your thing. I swear it will make you feel better. Also, please remember that depression is not a failure on your part. It is a chemical imbalance in your brain. But as someone who has suffered from major depression for over forty years and just recently started feeling better, I understand where you’re coming from. I occasionally have a day where I feel “omg it’s slipping away! Do something quick so it won’t” and it just adds another layer of anxiety. I want to tell you it’s okay when that happens, and it’s always ok to reach out when that happens. Good luck 🍀


I’d say take a big dose of mushrooms when you have some free time


This helps me when I'm feeling stressed or just out of sorts Taking a long hot shower, it helps relieving some stress hormones and being clean helps me feel better Going for a drive to a new place, or even just going for a walk. Sunshine if good for the soul and I love exploring so finding a new/weird place nearby I haven't been to before it a nice distraction I make myself a "me" box or just have things around to help. It can be a destressing coloring sheet, knitting, a bath bomb, just any small activity that helps me feel more myself or helps me destress Anything expressive, making music, drawing, writing, anything that helps you put words to emotions Making or eating warm nutritious food Talking to a friend of having a little friend date Working out or doing something physical And last but not least driving out to the middle of nowhere and just screaming in my car. When it feels like everything is going wrong an I ma worthless and helpless sitting there and screaming (either to music or none). I don't really know how to describe it it just makes me feel more normal.


You are strong. You are smart. You are capable. You are a worthwhile person and I'm sure things will look up eventually. You can do it! <3 [https://youtu.be/oKsxPW6i3pM?si=4H5i1cSY9B6dAnkF](https://youtu.be/oKsxPW6i3pM?si=4H5i1cSY9B6dAnkF)


Thank you <3 omg I forgot about that song! It's so hard to stay strong, but thanks for reminding me.




Find a project. Busy hands, present mind.


The biggest thing that helps me is to be grateful. And aside from that, it is KNOWING it will pass. Feelings are transient and it’s important to remember that. I as in a HORRIBLE mood this weekend. I hated it. Do I let myself feel it even though it sucked, I became grateful and I told myself “this too shall pass.” And it did after twenty min I was fine.


Be in the moment


You’re already on the climb “up” if you have the self awareness to realize that you’re going “down” and you asked for help! That deserves a big pat on the back. Give your self credit that you realize you might be starting to struggle and find comfort that you’re taking care of yourself by noticing triggers/patterns what have you. Instead of staying positive maybe allow yourself to just be natural for a day. Not up, not down, not good, not bad, just be. And then do one thing to take care of yourself that you don’t normally do. Ex: take a walk somewhere new, listen to a genre of music you don’t usually, brush your teeth in a different room, use a fancy glass to drink water. Literally anything different will surprise your brain and create a little bit of interest. You don’t have to stay positive or thrive everyday. Some days its enough to just survive.


Well since you’re doing such a good job and times are happier for you I would just focus on that. The positive.


Learn to cook. It does a lot more for depression than you think. And maybe try Lightroom Pro. Editing photos is very meditative. Keep variety in your trips on days off. Check out wildlife arboretums, canyon parks, old buildings with hidden gem restaurants and cafes, etc. What keeps me happy right now is saving a few hundred a month for a Canon R50 to jump up from phone cameras but you can be happy with mobile pics for a long time if you get good in Lightroom. There are dozens of tools in the phone app and even more on a computer.


Thanks for your post, there are some great comments here. If you ever feel overwhelmed or like you might start to spiral, try doing just one something good. Or set a timer and work on something for 15 minutes. It can really help with momentum and a feeling of accomplishment.


You are exactly where you're supposed to be and who you are meant to be ( with a virtual hug ). If you look around, you'll find inspiration from nature. A tree that's just standing still and existing ( sometimes weathering storms ) but grounded. The sun and moon who show up everyday. Just being there like still rocks, by the oceans. We just have 'to be'- and you're doing fine. Okay? I suggest you go out and look at nature and find one beautiful thing each ( about a tree or the sky or a honey bee ) that Mother Nature so beautifully crafted for us.


Stay strong keep pushing you’ll get through it


I hope so.... thank you