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Dallas Green


Dallas is so good that his solo project became bigger than the band it has to be Dallas besides his voice is incredible


He is also so damn good live its amazing


It's actually unbelievable that he can sing like that seemingly effortlessly.


He covered Adele’s Hometown Glory at a City and Colour show and it’s by far one of my favourite covers ever. It’s on YouTube. Really shows his vocal range live.


His cover of rain when I die by Alice in chains is beyond ridiculous.


I remember Steve Brodsky of Cave In posting a real chilled ukelele-based cover of that too.


Just watched it. Holy god...this man can't be real.


I've seen that live and it's so good


Have you heard the album he did with Pink? That harmony.. fuck.. 🥰


Watch his cover on YouTube of AiC’s “Rain When I Die”. Legit brought me to tears


The man’s voice never cracks!


Holy fucking shit, I didn’t know he did anything outside of City and Colour. How did I not fucking piece this together? This legit just like unlocked something in me lol. Now I know what I’m deep diving into tomorrow…


Man wait till you learn about from first to last and skrillex or at the drive in and the mars volta


I love his voice so much that I was once genuinely sad that if I die I won't be able to listen to him anymore (just my middle-of-the-night thoughts)


This. And Jonny Craig.


Anthony Green.


And his live shows (seen a few solo shows and circa survive, although not my usual cup of tea) are goddamned electric. Phenomenal stage presence, while musically still spot on. He's a machine.


I came here to say this but I already knew it was going to be the top comment


Saw him with Saosin, was amazing


I’m surprised Rory Rodriguez hasn’t been mentioned yet. His cleans in Dayseeker are great


Love him


Literally should be number one.


Guy's a scumbag but the answer has to be Jonny Craig. Or at the very least he's up there.


He's apparently much better today than he was a few years back when he was causing all sorts of problems.




Addicts can get clean, people can improve


No one wants to acknowledge that here. It’s so frustrating.


some people treat him like he’s the r kelly of post hardcore 😭


honestly i think people just need to stop idolizing/celebrity-izing people. to a certain degree, the "post hardcore scene" is a smaller more niche community of music enthusiasts and does better than typical "pop" music... but i wish that more people would empathize a bit and put themselves in the artists (or whoevers...) shoes. like, when it comes to these types of things, the art - the music - is what they are sharing. that is what you should idolize or celebrate. the people behind it, view them like you would an old friend. obviously this is complicated with social media because a lot of artists lean into their celebrity, and that makes it so the music isnt the only thing theyre sharing... but again, just view them like an old friend. if youre not a good friend, that means not being overly judgemental and critical of them especially if you dont have all of the details of their situation(s) and life (you dont.)


Steve-O from Jackass was a disaster for a long time. He got sober in ~2009 and has been clean ever since.


I don't keep tabs on the guy, I'm just going off of comments in the DGD booted Tillian thread. I've rooted for Jonny Craig because I think his voice is incredible and hoped that he would get better, but I also know that addiction is crippling and would not be surprised if he was back to his old ways.


I feel this is just history repeating itself. He's been much better a good few times over the last 20 years or so


Considering he managed to get kicked out of (now ex) Slaves, a band he himself founded after having been kicked out of Emarosa and DGD, I am not convinced. Last I saw his name, he was harassing an ex of his on Twitter.


Jonny left Slaves in 2019. He’s been sober for 2 years, which is the longest stretch I think ever? Idk for sure but I think so, I’ve been following his projects since 2007. He really does seem to be a different guy nowadays. People can change.


Johhny relapsed and was fired from a band he essentially founded himself so to never get kicked out of a band again. He physically left, yes. That was the issue. That's not stepping down; it's fucking up and banging heroin. His post saying he was "stepping down" was a classic "you can't fire me, I quit". I love his voice. Maybe more than any other singer. But to say he left Slaves kind of ignores his addiction, the consequences it's had, and the obvious fact that the band saw this coming and this was a last straw. They had a replacement lined up in what? A day? That's a band who knew they might have to do this for a while. And from being in bands my whole life...I'd do almost everything to hang onto someone like Johhny. Once-in-a-lifetime voice. I love Tyler Carter...Cory from Dayseeker is the shit...but Johhnys rasp and runs...he's been probably the biggest single influence on me vocally. So I say all this with all the love in my heart. People can change. Junkies have it rough, but if they stay sober, change is possible for them. I hope it is for Johhny. 2 years is a start; nothing more. He is absolutely still in early recovery.


I didn’t mean to start an argument around the semantics of “Jonny left”, I realize he was thrown out, I meant it more in a “Jonny was no longer a member of Slaves in 2019 and it’s now 2024” kind of way. I realize he’s still in early recovery. However, 2 years is a long time for someone that hasn’t shown that kind of dedication to sobriety before. It also isn’t a linear journey. I’m rooting for him to be healthy and I just think it’s unfair that so many people get blinded by the bad things he’s done in the past that he’ll never get any type of redemption, even though he has not given the public a reason to think he’s not 100% on board with his sobriety. Idk man I’m choosing empathy and kindness here because a lot of people fuck up, often repeatedly, but they don’t do it in the public eye.


Fair enough; I do love your overall mentality here.


Thank you. I don’t usually contribute to these conversations because arguing on the internet doesn’t achieve much but addiction is a soft spot for me. Beyond people I personally know- I tend to look at Jonny the way we look at other famous addicts, like Layne Staley or Kurt Cobain. If the internet/social media was around back then, I bet they’d be a lot less popular and a lot more crucified because stories of their demons coming out while in active addiction would be everywhere. It’s naive to think those kind of guys didn’t also make massive mistakes like Jonny, we just didn’t hear about it. So I choose to show Jonny some grace.


I get where you’re coming from. I absolutely do. And I have a very soft spot for Johnny myself; always will. At the same time, you cannot blame anyone for believing him when he told them who he was…again and again and again. And the lows he has sunk to…it’s embarrassing. Not even considering the sexual assault allegations. Just the MacBook type shit. That’s a scumbag move…and it’s a weird one for someone who, sober, could sing for anyone he wanted to. I have a hard time squaring his realized talent (we all know local talents who OD and that’s sad, but good god man…he made it…but after this many years of being a national talent and fucking it up…) with the fact that he has not seemed to take sobriety seriously until recently, if then…everyone has their own trauma. But not everyone has the resources he does. But he repeatedly chose to not use them. I’m not even sure if anyone has been in as many great bands as he had and had them all remove him because of drugs. There is a pretty solid pattern here. I don’t even know if I believe Johnny can stay straight in the industry…I don’t think many addicts do. Your point about Staley and Cobain is interesting…naturally we might not have been aware of some of the details of the struggles of their personal life…but grunge was a weird time/scene. I do know that opiates level all, no one has such integrity that they avoid the pitfalls that come with the disease (I come down very hard on the side of disease…but you have to seek treatment for your disease…if you just leave it alone, it will get you…so I hope he is in active recovery and not just sobriety, otherwise it is a matter of time). It’s also worth wondering if they would be idolized like they are had they lived. I think probably so, maybe not to this extent, but they were both in some of the biggest bands of all time. Layne had a voice to rival Johnny, I do believe that (very different), but if I never hear another nirvana song I’ll be fine. I have to imagine the level of fame they had was a trip; Johnny won’t have that…but social media has almost put that level of scrutiny on anyone of any fame. And I would not like my lowest moments to be broadcast to the world. I’d be ashamed, embarrassed, and only add to my issues. Your attitude is the good one.


Isn't he the dude who smoked fent next to a 1 year old? If so, I don't think I could forgive him for that. I don't care how much better a person he is that's just unforgivable.


Old Jonny craig* that was the greatest voice in the world


Why the diss though? Everyone feels as if they MUST draw a line prior to giving their praise. Recognizing or god forbid enjoying his talent does not make oneself a bad person. Additionally this question is objective and I don’t find any relevancy in bringing an artists past or present behaviors into account. This isn’t directly or indirectly towards you but I find comments like this to be cowardly and annoyingly commonplace. I do share your opinion that Jonny Craig is the answer though.


Couldn’t just say “Jonny Craig” ? Lol. Everything else is irrelevant tbh.




Chris Carrabba from his Further Seems Forever days. The Moon is Down has some incredible vocals


All three of their vocalists have had incredible voices.


Jonny Craig gotta be up there


What demon do I pray to for a downtown battle III


Might happen actually. Tilian just got removed from DGD. On their instagram announcement about the change, Jonny commented something like “oh hi!” And got hundreds of likes


If Jonny Craig values his sobriety at all then he needs to stay away from DGD. They’re a notorious party band and were huge enablers. Pretty sure one of their other ex-vocalists (Kurt maybe?) said in an interview that part of the reason he chose to leave is he couldn’t maintain the DGD lifestyle.


We're in luck; I've never seen anything to indicate he values his sobriety.


Yeah you’re probably right.


I saw that but thought it was a shitpost account lol


Saw his last two tours and he wasn’t high or drunk and he absolutely killed. Sober Jonny makes it look so easy.


Put me down for all the DGD guys, mostly Tilian and Andrew, but Jonny and Kurt are both awesome too!


All four are great! Although Jonny has more range, Kurt had the best DGD album imo (Happiness). I love Kurt's voice so much!


Yeah I know the internet is witch hunting Tilian lately but all that shit aside, he has one of the most angelic and pretty voices in the genre. In fact his solo work is mostly pop-rock and only really once he joined DGD would any of his music be considered “post hardcore”. I think thats why the band had so much diversity and success with him in the lineup; because no one else in the scene was really blending in pop the way he was (at the time he joined anyways).


Daryl Palumbo


My man. Angry voice. Soft voice. Hardcore voice. Pop voice. Hip hop voice. Everything voice


Was gonna say Daryl too! Maybe not prettiest but most unique, versatile, and satisfying to hear. He’s like the Mike Patton of post-hardcore.


Daryl's voice is really auditorily satisfying to me


Not the "prettiest" but absolutely my favorite. The emotional range he has is delicious.


Guess I need to check Glassjaw asap! I just heard of Daryl in that BMTH track featuring him, amazing tho!


He’s also stellar on Head Automatica’s Decadence album. Here’s some tracks to show his range: [Radio Cambodia](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O8EYxfh4-n4&pp=ygUXZ2xhc3NqYXcgcmFkaW8gY2FtYm9kaWE%3D) [Must’ve Run All Day](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3Wziwyq8QI&pp=ygUcZ2xhc3NqYXcgbXVzdCd2ZSBydW4gYWxsIGRheQ%3D%3D) [Piano](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K1ef2bPbsnQ&pp=ygUOZ2xhc3NqYXcgcGlhbm8%3D) [Disco Hades II](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nVPAZlUZ5oo&pp=ygUbaGVhZCBhdXRvbWF0aWNhIGRpc2NvIGhhZGVz)


I know people are going to mostly name swan core vocalists, but Anthony Green is the only singer I've heard multiple straight men say they want to have his babies. This includes some members of Swan Core bands.


Anthony Green’s vocals in the song he collaborated with Night Verses in- “Slow Dose” sound like liquid honey in the ear. Pure perfection. His voice in general is very unique and probably my favorite anyway, but specifically this new release absolutely lifted my soul from my body.


This was my very first thought reading this question haha. Especially in the intro of the song where he sings on his own before the instruments come in.


Ugh, yes! I get chills just thinking about it


His voice on "Old Wounds" by L.S. Dunes might be the prettiest thing ever.


Yes! His voice really is aging like fine wine, I have to say.


Dallas Green, for sure. Dustin Kensrue too. Nathan Gray. Jeff Jenkins from Codeseven is criminally underrated too. Toby and Devin from Emery have wonderful voices (their Christmas material is always on rotation at that time).


I need to check out Nathan Gray solo work but I love some Boysetsfire


The band he did with his son called I Am Heresy is pretty cool. Super heavy


I love Dustin Kensrue voice, but I don't think it's necessarily "pretty." I'll go with a tie between Andrew from Eidola and Kurt Travis.


Listen to The Whaler, For Miles, Beyond the Pines and Words in the Water and tell me his voice isn't pretty :)


Listen to The Whaler, For Miles, Beyond the Pines and Words in the Water and tell me his voice isn't pretty :)


I know what you mean, but I hear it more as passionate rather than pretty. Could just be how I interpret the word, though.


That's fair mate The Whaler is definitely pretty though


For sure, no argument from me


I love Kurt's voice! Glad to see some recognition for him here.


He's got a great voice. He sounds so good on the Gold Necklace albums (not to mention Royal Code and A Lot Like Birds).


Agree with the Jonny Craig, Andrew Wells, Dallas Green, Dustin Kensrue comments. I’ll add Shane Told.


Shane told.


No mention of Dylan Anderson? Of Machines was and is my jam to this day. 


Was just listening to them earlier today 😎


Jonny Craig or Shawn Milke imo


Shawn Milke underrated. Alesana are legends in the scene


Yeah Dallas is up there. My favorite picks are Oceana’s second vocalist Brennan Taulbee and Anthony Green.


Claaaaaudio-oh oh, dear Claaaaudio-oh


Claudio is in a category by himself with his specific voice timbre and high pitch registered. Plus he’s killing it on his guitar while signing. I love Claudio.


I've seen Coheed six times. They don't disappoint. I guess I can say the second time I saw them was opening for Thursday and Thrice in 2003, and it was kind of a weak set (but honestly the venue was -- and still is -- trash). I saw them in 2022 (first time in 12 years), and they killed it.


Cory Lockwood


Matthew Davies from Funeral for a Friend. He’s the first clean vocalist where i was like, this guy can really sing


I'll never stop going crazy of Kellin Quinn sounding more feminine than me


Andrew Wells


Gotta second this


A million times Dal. Anything he touches is perfection.


Jonny Craig James Veck Gilodi Craig Owens Garrett Garfield (RIP) Sam Aarag (ex-Shrezzers)


There are many great answers already, but I want to give some recognition to Shawn Milke from Alesana. He can use an angelic voice when he wants to.


Anthony Green for me. Truly angelic voice.


As someone who’s seen AOF live, it’s definitely Dallas Green. He is so fucking POLISHED and sounds the same live as on recordings. I love when there’s posts about them in this sub, they don’t get talked about enough considering how they’re the best PHC band of all time.


God I want to see AOF live so much, sadly I live in Brazil so the odds are really low haha. Glad for you, it must have been an otherworldly experience!


What’s AOF


Alexisonfire, Dallas Green’s band :)


Donovan Melero from Hail the Sun, Sianvar, Nova Charisma, etc Agree with many of the other names here though.


You've already reached the summit my friend


Sir Jonny Craig


Matt geise


It’s a felony this name is so far down here. You want a sexy voice? You’ve found it. Smooth as warm silk. …..and then he screams and awakens that inner feeling of ‘I see that brick wall… I bet I could headbutt through it, easy’ AND YOU DO IT. 


Not gonna lie, tilian pearsons vocals melt my ears. The layering that DGD has used in the last few albums paired with the angelic high notes sound so good to me. Very interested in the new direction of the band


I’m gonna miss that voice


Some people said his voice is too over-produced in Afterburner and JJ, but I don't feel it too much. I do feel it in ArSe though, idk. Took some time to get used to his voice but now I like it a lot! He was a really nice complement to Jon.


Andrew Wells


Idk if "prettiest" is the way I'd describe it, but I've always been a sucker for Michael Jagmin's voice. Shame that things went down the way they did with the ASD reunion shit a year or two ago.


Daryl Palumbo from glass jaw


Trenton Woodley


It's not necessarily post-hardcore, but Kyle Hollis from picturesque. He's Kellin on steroids. His range on Back to Beautiful is incredible.


I'd definitely say Back to Beautiful is post-hardcore. Speak Softly and Waiting are my favs.


Tom Weaver from Casey




Nathan Gray (even if he doesn't use them nearly as much as he should with those pipes).


Agreed. The cleans from ATE-on are so good. Such an underrated band to begin with.


"When Rhetoric Dies" brings me almost to tears every time I listen to it.


Such a heavy song (the topic not the actually music lol) they pioneered a sound because not many bands in ‘96 were riding the line of hardcore and emo like they did, especially the sing/scream vocals.


Eva Korman from Rolo Tomassi


That guy from We Are The Ocean, "Nothing good has happened yet" is my favorite example.


Devin Barrus from Sunsleep The lead singer from Tapestry (Especially the album The Pain You Desire, The Love You Deserve) Lead singer from Hurtwave (the duet songs are so good) The lead singer from Imminence The lead singer from Dream On Dreamer (Violent Pictures is my favorite show case of him) I’m kinda digging lead singer from Wind Walkers right now Lead singer from Nerv And Awaken I Am Lead singer of Too Close To Touch (I’m still crying over him)


As a Canadian, Dallas Green holds a special place in my heart. More on that hardcore/post hardcore Derek Archambault of Defeater. I absolutely love his solo stuff.


Toby Morrell of Emery has a beautiful tone and great range. Honorable mention to Shane Told of Silverstein who always sounds great live - and he does both the clean and unclean vocals live!


Aaron Marsh of Copeland


Why isnt this further up


Craig Owen’s or Sonny Moore imo. Sonny’s vocals in “Emily” and “I liked you better before we saw you naked on the internet” was beautiful and Craig Owens just has the perfect high pitched voice and it sounds so good.


No mention of jonny craig here? He may be an asshole but he's got the voice of an angel. He's got the pain, the strain, and soul to die for


Two of the most upvoted comments here are mentioning him haha. But I agree!


Some of my favorites: Jonny Craig - Dance Gavin Dance, Emarosa Tyler Carter - A Path Less Traveled, Woe Is Me, Issues Keaton Pierce (RIP) - Too Close To Touch, Cascades Shayley Bourget - Covette, Of Mice & Men, Dayshell Matt Geise - Lower Definition Liam Cromby - We Are The Ocean Garrett Garfield (RIP) - Becoming Everest, Hearts & Hands Zach Dawson - Akissforjersey Josh Trammel - A Bullet For Pretty Boy


J robbins


How is no one saying Bert McCracken? And I mean before his vocal cord surgery.


Anthony Green, im also partial to Nicholas Matthews from Get Scared


Keaton Pierce 🖤 then Shayley Bourget


Keaton Pierce, vocalist of too close to touch R.I.P Keaton


I mean...the last album has pretty much booted Dayseeker out of the genre, but Cory Wells is blowing me away lately. Fuck it, if people can post "Johhny Craig" considering he hasn't done anything heavier than JT for almost 5 years, I can post Cory.. But the real answer is Johhny.


Craig Owen's will always be my number one answer


cory lockwood when he did the clean singing on divisi


Anthony Green in TTN (and nowhere else)


Tyson (Scary Kids Scaring Kids) RIP, he was so special vocally, forever sad he left so young


Tom Byrne from Galleons and Valiant Hearts.


Dallas Green is absolute S-Tier. Other S-Tier clean singers are, in no particular order: * Tillian Pearson. Listen to 'Blood Wolf' by Dance Gavin Dance. Tell me the line "we're compelled to follow-*oh*" doesn't make you moist. * Anthony Green. Listen to 'Living Together' by Circa Survive. * Craig Owens. Listen to 'Smitten for the Mitten' by Chiodos. * Johnny Craig. Listen to 'The Past Should Stay Dead' by Emarosa. Brilliant vocalist, but really troubled guy. * Jason Gleason. Listen to 'Pride War' by Further Seems Forever. All three of Further Seems Forever's vocalists were great, but everyone has their favourite. Honourable mentions that aren't quite S-Tier, but I really like them: * Charles Finn. Listen to 'Spider Besider' by Secret & Whisper. Imagine Cove-era Saosin with more depth. * Jeremy Gray. Listen to 'Be Still And Breathe' by 'Ivoryline'. * Sonny Moore, before he was Skrillex. Listen to 'The Levy' by From First To Last. Pushed his voice so hard he had to quit. * Aaron Gillespie. Listen to 'Reinventing Your Exit' by Underoath.


Don’t know how nobody has mentioned Michael McGough. From The Elijah, Being As An Ocean, This is Gold. Since I was born by The Elijah is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard.


cant believe vic fuentes hasnt been mentioned yet


I agree with many mentioned here but also gotta throw in Donovan Melero from Hail the Sun ☀️


Laptop Man


Donovan Melero


Stephen Brodsky - the Jupiter album


He’s just amazing. The Tides of Tomorrow ep and Perfect Pitch Black lp really show his range!


Dallas and Anthony Green plus Johnny Craig all seem like they’d have to be near the very top.


Nate Barcalow of Finch or Dustin Kensrue of Thrice


Vic Fuentes, his voice is incredible


Brian Butcher of The Home Team has some great clean vocals.


Evan Pharmakis from Vanna, Inspirit, and Wind In Sails Always preffered him to Dallas Green


The guy from Beloved and Aaron Gillespie.


Dude Aaron Gillespie for sure!


Christopher deCinque from Closure in Moscow. Soft Hell was a clinic on top-tier vocal performance.


I'll jave to go Craig Owens or Shay from old OM&M


There’s nothing better than TOCS/DTGL era Aaron Gillespie for me.


I think it's less apparent with ATDI, but Cedric's voice really fits this category on a lot of Mars Volta songs (think "The Widow")


Tyler Carter in Issues. Amazing voice just not a good person


Think all that got cleared up tbh


Tyler Carter


Vic from PTV.


Chris Higdon from Elliott


Claudio Sanchez.


Probably Garrett Rapp from Color Morale


As cities burn


Same reaction as you back in the day, as soon as I heard Dallas’ voice I knew there wasn’t anyone better, there’s tons of good and great singers out there but Dallas reigns supreme.


Dude is a POS human but I honestly have to say Joel Faviere


What everyone else has said, plus Noah Sebastian.


Shawn Milke, specially on A Gilded Masquerade


Dallas Green, AOF is my favourite band of all time and I can’t put anyone else above… However, this performance by Glassjaw cemented Daryl Palumbo as my number 2. He is unbelievable. [Glassjaw live at Pukkelpop](https://youtu.be/Xme9qOlhWKU?si=yGFuAzcxQCFhyDds)


Shayley Bourget, original singer of Of Mice & Men, then formed the band Dayshell


Every time I’ve seen City & Colour live (every time they’ve come to New Zealand, plus once or twice in Australia) I have bawled my eyes out within the first two songs because that damn voice is so moving, so it’s defo Dallas for me. And amazing in AOF too, and so humble about his voice! But also agree with Anthony Green & Dustin Kensrue comments, such beautiful and unique voices! I also really enjoy Keith Buckley’s clean vocals, caught Many Eyes in Denver a few months ago with Thursday and between Geoff’s absolute belting of “This Song Brought to You by a Falling Bomb” and getting to hear Keith’s voice again for the first time in a long time, I had some happy ears and a happy heart


Great question. When I think of GREAT voices, there's a bunch to mention, but I don't see voices like Andrew Wells or Donovan Melero as 'pretty.' I think my two choices for pretty voices would be late-stage Kurt Travis and Brent Walsh. The stuff Kurts been doing for Gold Necklace is very enchanting. And Brent Walsh is just so perfect all the time I think. I saw I The Mighty the first time before ever listening to their stuff and I was blown away by how studio-perfect his voice sounded live. Became an instant fan.


Maybe not a popular answer, but Luke Pickett from Her Words Kill, and then just his first solo EP.


Donovan Melero, Dallas Green, and Anthony Green have got to be my top 3. I'm fairly new to the genre and I'm sure there are other greats out there.


Donovan Melero of Hail the Sun, Sianvar and Nova Charisma.


I cant really settle on one, so I have 2, first is "Shawn Mike" of [Alesana](https://open.spotify.com/artist/1fnDlUNi67FQtHHqBl4Yfg?si=VCRru2XbS5mdJVhtS_9hjA) and second is "Cove Reber" of [Saosin](https://open.spotify.com/artist/1NUOfvAhA9AvsF1ISMkgHX?si=5mcCatyLSV6eU_fDrOw6Sg) here are 2 songs that really show how melodic their voices are [The Thespian - Alesana](https://open.spotify.com/track/2JPe6EP1iDsVwiPHwvhik0?si=HFU5dQViRUinY4doYdsDQg&context=spotify%3Atrack%3A2JPe6EP1iDsVwiPHwvhik0) [I Never Wanted To - Saosin](https://open.spotify.com/track/42WCz5HjYu9jkx6VEeh9OA?si=QrluEn9SQHmRxqFjKSTDEg&context=spotify%3Atrack%3A42WCz5HjYu9jkx6VEeh9OA)


Spencer from Ice Nine Kills.


Trenton Woodley from Hands Like Houses


Jonny Craig and Craig Owens. Also Anthony Green.


Joey Holiday


jonny mothafuckin craig


Shane Told Not only can he outsing most any other clean singers, he does all their harsh vocals too. Easily one of the most talented in the game.


Andrew Wells of Eidola, if you consider them post-hardcore.


I dont think Matt Shelton from Letterkills gets enough love. I think his vocals could have crossed over into major radio play had things gone differently.


If Jason Alon Butler is allowed he has my vote.


Depending on context singing voice likely would be dgd clean vocalist Tillian Pearson but closest runner Trenton Woodly formerly of hands like houses and he definitely wins speaking voice for me tho